155 resultados para PREVIDÊNCIA SOCIAL - BRASIL


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O presente estudo busca quantificar os efeitos dos desembolsos do BNDES sobre os investimentos dos setores da indústria e serviços a partir de bases de dados do IBGE e do BNDES. Os resultados, obtidos de estimações em painéis de efeitos fixos, aleatórios e Arellano-Bond, indicam que o efeito marginal dos empréstimos do BNDES aos investimentos dos setores pode ser positivo, ainda que bastante reduzido. Além disso, os setores apresentam resultados bastante heterogêneos entre si em sua reação ao recebimento de crédito do BNDES. Ao passo que alguns setores apresentam elasticidades consistentemente positivas, outros apresentaram elasticidade negativa do investimento às concessões do BNDES. Tais resultados indicam que pode haver efeito crowding out como resultado de políticas de direcionamento a empresas de maior porte, em detrimento das firmas menores. Ainda, na estimação de funções de risco, em um dos resultados verificou-se que os setores que recebem recursos do BNDES possuem maior probabilidade de acessar o mercado de capitais.


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In this paper we study the e ects of conditional cash transfers in school enrolment and tackling child labour. We develop a dynamic heterogeneous agent general equilibrium model, where households face a set of tradeo s while allocating their children's time in leisure activities, schooling and working. We calibrate the model using data from the Brazilian survey PNAD, before the policy was implemented, in order to quantify the e ects of a conditional transfer. We then evaluate the results of a policy experiment that implements a conditional cash transfer scheme similar to the Brazilian Bolsa Fam lia. Our results suggest that the program, in the long term, is able to substantially increase school registration and reduce child labour and poverty. In addition, we nd out that a progressive conditional cash transfer results is even more e ective in tackling child labour and increasing school enrolment.


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Este trabalho visa analisar as questões jurídicas relevantes referentes a este tipo de contrato, a partir de um caso concreto. O caso analisado, no qual o BNDES é o principal financiador de um projeto de infraestrutura, apresenta certas fragilidade no que se refere à segurança de exequibilidade, que é um dos pontos essenciais para permitir o uso mais frequente deste tipo contrato no mercado. Quer-se, por conseguinte, neste trabalho, propor mudanças para o contrato analisado, de forma a permitir que o seu beneficiário – o financiador – possa ter mecanismo de exigir seus direitos contratuais tais como estipulados pelas partes do negócio jurídico.


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The major objective of this paper is to identify, in the light of economic theory and of recent Brazilian and foreign institutional experiences, the best alternative for the reform of the regulatory framework of the domestic financial system, encompassing capital markets, insurance and private complementary social welfare. This paper is divided into four sections: in the first part, we identify the changes in the international and domestic financial systems, currently in an accelerated process of integration (search for similar rules and standards) and convergence (leveling of operational procedures). Next, we evaluate the potential impact of this new environment upon Brazilian economic development. In the second part, we analyze the concept of financial markets efficiency, where a contractualist view of the relationship involving suppliers and consumers of financial services is exposed. We also identify the major differences of focus among the several trends of regulation of the capital markets, insurance and private complementary social welfare In the third part, we present the concepts and the functions of a typical regulatory agency and alternative models of market regulation. In particular, we explore the differences between a regulatory model in which there are several regulatory agencies, each acting in segmented markets, as opposed to one in which there is single agency that regulates, supervises and oversees ali the indicated markets. In the forth and last part, we analyze the Brazilian case, attempting to identify, in the view of economic theory and recent experiences in other countries of the world, the best alternative for reforming present legislation. The basic recommended conclusion is to undertake studies that lead to the establishment of a single regulatory agency, congregating the functions currently performed by the Brazilian Securities Commission (CVM), the Superintendency of Private Insurance (Susep) and the Secretariai of Complementary Welfare (SPC).


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This work aims to identify the impacts brought about by legislation alterations regarding assets allocation by Pension Funds Companies. Focused on that, this work carried on a detailed review on the existing literature concerning Modern Portfolio Theory, Pension Funds Investment Strategies and on Brazilian Legislation for Financial Market and Pension Funds. On a second moment, the work identified asset allocation differences when comparing national financial market players and the data released by the official Social Security Secretary ¿ SPC ¿ regarding the 35 Pension Funds analyzed. In accordance with what the literature indicates, the work also reveals that Pension Funds pursue asset allocation policies different than those adopted by other market players due to the Fund¿s long term investment characteristics. No major impacts were identified on the legislation issued by the National Monetary Council ¿ CMN - in what it concerns asset allocation and impacts were only identified on the legislation regarding ¿CPMF¿ ¿ taxes on financial operations ¿ which led Pension Funds to allocate expressive part of their assets on investment funds


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Este Artigo Compara Dois Documentos de Pontos de Vista Ideológicos Opostos Sobre Gastos Sociais. Ambos Concordam que Existe Regressividade nos Sistemas de Seguridade Social. o Documento Lisboa Conclui que os Gastos Sociais são em Geral Regressivos, em Contraposição ao Documento Porchmann. Demonstra-Se neste Artigo Que, após a Transição para a Democracia em 1985, Enquanto o Crescimento da Renda foi de Apenas 8,5% em 20 Anos, os Gastos Sociais Per Capita Cresceram 43,4%. este Incremento Explica a Significativa Melhora dos Padrões Sociais do Período e Demonstra Que, Contrário À Visão Conservadora, os Gastos Sociais Foram Efetivos em Reduzir a Desigualdade.


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Este trabalho verifica a hipótese de que há economias de escala presentes na administração de planos fechados de previdência privada no Brasil, utilizando três índices para medição do custeio administrativo das Entidades Fechadas de Previdência Privada (EFPPs): despesas administrativas sobre as receitas; despesas administrativas sobre o total de ativos e despesas administrativas por participante. Verifica-se ainda as hipóteses de que o percentual de participantes assistidos sobre o total de participantes, indicando a maturidade do plano, e o número de planos geridos por uma mesma EFPP exercem um efeito importante sobre os índices de custeio. Finalmente, analisa-se o peso das despesas administrativas relativas à gestão dos investimentos no total do custeio de uma EFPP.


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The present work has as its basic purpose observing the principal administrative changes originated from the implementation of the Social Organization Project, inserted in the recent administrative reforms in Brazil, proposed from the Director Plan of the State Reform and approved by the National Congress in November of 1995. In the course of the text will be presented the main factors of the transformation from a bureaucratic public administration to a managerial public administration, specifically focusing the change from a Government Organization to a Social Organization. To reach the proposed objective, a case study of the Brazilian Association of Light Sincrotron Technology - ABTLuS, that represented the first Social Organization installed in Brazil, responsible for the management of the National Laboratory of Light Sincrotron - LNLS, under form of administration contract signed with Nationl Research Council - CNPq and Science and Technology Ministry - MCT. Initially, was developed the theoretical framework, based on the existent literature. Proceeding, field researches were realized in the cities of Campinas - SP, in Brasília - DF and in Rio de Janeiro - RJ. As a consequence of the accomplished work, it was possible to observe that the implementation of the SO administrative model brought more administrative flexibility for the qualified institution. This fact induced to gains of agility and efficiency, with more responsibilities, for the leaders as well as for the employees of ABTLuS. As for the other two important items consisted in the Director Plan, related with the cultural change (from bureaucratic to managerial) and with the social control (larger interaction in the relationship State-society), it is important to stand out the need of a larger time for evaluation, considering that the LNLS presents peculiar characteristics (subject approached in the work). The Social Organization ABTLuS counts with a little more than two years of administration contract, therefore the process is still in course.


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o objetivo da dissertação é compreender a responsabilidade social das organizações, tomando-se como estudo de caso o Banco Central do Brasil. Para tanto, são analisados fatores que têm influenciado mudanças no posicionamento da organização frente a elementos concernentes à referida responsabilidade. O objetivo maior do estudo, desta forma, é aumentar o entendimento acerca do papel do Banco Central, as dimensões de sua responsabilidade social, tendo como referência a visão de seus integrantes.


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This study examines the corporate social responsibility (CSR) theme in Central Bank of Brazil (Bacen). The CSR movement is growing worldwide and it is related to values such as sustainability, ethics and transparency to the stakeholders. The study was performed in two parts. The first part consists of a bibliography research on the origins, the concept and the practice relating to CSR in the contemporary organizational environment. In the second part - field research - the Central Bank's Board of Directors and representatives of Ibase and Ethos Institute were interviewed and the content analysis method - a qualitative research method - was used in the interpretation of information obtained. The analysis of the interviews shows that the Board is receptive to the CSR development and that they consider the accomplishment of Central Bank's institutional mission fundamental in this process. The participation of the Bank's personnel and the incorporation of the CSR principles into the day-to-day practice are also considered necessary. Finally, one hundred indicators - based on the Ethos CSR Indicators - are proposed to evaluate the stage of development of social responsibility in Bacen on the following subjects: Values, Transparency and Governance; Internal Public; Natural Environment, Suppliers and Society. In summary, this study aims to contribute to the improvement of the knowledge of corporate social responsibility and the best practices in the public sector, particularly in Central Bank of Brazil.


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This research has verified by which way the representations of the social world can influence choices, referring to political systems models, specially on the power division and organization among central and undernational governments. We studied the history of these choices during the period between 1822-1889, when the question of federalism was closely articulated with problem solutions that were decisive to the construction of the Brazilian State and Nation. Theoretical reference was the approach of social relations developed by French sociologists, historians and psychologists which privilege the articulation between the agents and the social structures. The study has allowed the conclusion that the practices of federalism, during the analyzed period just make sense if they are examined from a network of representations shared by the politic leading circles in reference to de State, the Society and the relations that must exist between them.


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The aim of this study is to look into the benefits provided to social inclusion by cultural activities carried out in a cultural place with great seriousness at Rio de Janeiro. To accomplish that, the author attempt to deepen into the social exclusion/inclusion in brazilian urban context, spotlighting the historic reality of the urban process of the city. Afterwards, by means of a quality research, document files from the cultural spot were consulted and looked into the view of customers, trustees and managers. For customers were applied questionnaires with open and close questions, with trustees and managers were made interviews, and also a documentary research with opinions available in mass media. This study fits into public politics, cultural and institutional marketing, for presenting examples of how cultural activities are essential tools for completely social inclusion of people in community, demonstrating that often marketing enterprises in culture area can result in benefits for society, even no being these their main purposes.


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Esta dissertação tem o objetivo de estudar, sob a ótica sócio-construtivista, o processo de determinação do padrão de televisão digital no Brasil. Com base no referencial teórico conhecido como The Social Shaping of Technology, foi possível realizar a descrição detalhada do processo de construção social desta tecnologia enfatizando os principais conceitos e como eles se articularam durante a interação dos grupos sociais envolvidos no processo até o fechamento de seu desenvolvimento. O processo de determinação do padrão de televisão digital foi reconstruído com base em documentos de domínio público, baseado em uma abordagem interpretativa.


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Analisa a consistência teórica do modelo de desarticulação social proposto por de Janvry e Sadoulet (1983) e as contribuições recentes de outros autores. Interpreta, também, os resultados obtidos a partir dos dados da economia brasileira para a década de 70 e avalia as transformações estruturais ocorridas posteriormente que modificam as conclusões obtidas


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O estudo busca investigar a atuação das grandes empresas varejista brasileiras com relação à Responsabilidade Social Empresarial (RSE), procurando levantar o estágio em que estas se encontram, e se são aproveitadas as características do varejo de capilaridade geográfica, contato direto com a comunidade, forte vinculo com os clientes, interação entre funcionários e clientes e proximidade física de Organizações Não Governamentais e instituições públicas. Para tanto, foram utilizados conceitos relacionados à gestão, como comprometimento da cúpula, incorporação de valores de RSE na administração e no planejamento estratégico, autonomia e gestão de RSE nas lojas. A gestão foi avaliada pela ótica do contínuo de colaboração de Austin, e as práticas de RSE por meio da teoria dos stakeholders (públicos interessados), utilizando como base as dimensões dos Indicadores Ethos de Responsabilidade Social. A teoria de Kotler e Lee, para a classificação das iniciativas conforme os conceitos do marketing, também foi empregada. Conduziu-se uma pesquisa exploratória com cinco grandes empresas do setor varejista. Os resultados encontrados apontam que na maioria das empresas a incorporação dessas práticas é recente. Constata-se que as empresas diferem quanto ao estágio de RSE e que as características próprias do varejo não são aproveitadas em sua totalidade. Hipóteses são levantadas para que estas aproveitem a estrutura das lojas para atender às necessidades da comunidade local.