100 resultados para História História em quadrinhos
Este ensaio bibliogrfico tem por objeto quatro obras coletivas de história oral publicadas no Brasil nos ltimos trs anos. Em ordem cronolgica so elas: Entrevistas: abordagens e usos da história oral, lanada durante o II Encontro Nacional de História Oral, no Centro de Pesquisa e Documentao de História Contempornea do Brasil (CPDOC) da Fundao Getulio Vargas, em abril de 1994; História oral e multidisciplinaridade, que rene quatro palestras proferidas por ocasio daquele encontro, tambm publicada em 1994; (Re)introduzindo a história oral no Brasil, lanada durante o III Encontro Nacional de História Oral, no Centro de Memria da UNICAMP em maio de 1996, e Usos e abusos da história oral, tambm publicada em 1996.
This paper discusses the oral history vocation to totality taking as example the formation of the CPDOCs (Centro de Pesquisa e Documentao de História Contempornea do Brasil da Fundao Getulio Vargas) oral history archive. As vocation to totality we consider specially the construction of senses and syntheses of the past and the hermeneutical perspective in which oral history is inserted.
A proposta deste texto discutir as relaes entre História Oral e identidade, tendo como eixo central de articulao o tema da comemorao e da tica.
The work with oral history consists of recording interviews which have historical and documental proprieties, with actors/actresses or witnesses of events, conjunctures, movements, institutions and ways of living along the contemporary history. One of its basic foundations is the narrative. An event or a situation lived by the interviewee can not be transmitted to any other person without being narrated. That means that it frames itself (meaning that it does become something) at the very moment of the interview. By telling his/her life experiences, the interviewee transforms what has been lived into language, selecting and organizing facts according to some determined meanings. This work of language in crystallising images (images which refer to, and mean again, life experience) is common in all narratives - and we do know that sometimes it is much more successful than others (just the way some oral history interviews are certainly more successful than others). However, perhaps we have not given yet all the attention needed to this work of language in the oral sources.