108 resultados para pesquisa brasileira
A distribuição dos rendimentos da população ocupada brasileira sofreu nos últimos anos, alterações consideráveis, a partir dos novos requisitos exigidos para a contratação da mão-de-obra ou para a remuneração de autônomos, tendo em vista os renovados processos produtivos e organizacionais, bem como as políticas econômicas conjunturais voltadas para a estabilização. A pesquisa visa contribuir com subsídios para a análise dos impactos das transformações recentes na composição dos rendimentos médios do trabalhador brasileiro, observando-se as situações nas condições de trabalho com ou sem carteira assinada, segundo o gênero, dentro e fora de empresas. Nas empresas é analisada a composição dos rendimentos segundo a segmentação do mercado de trabalho e a qualificação.
O objetivo da pesquisa é construir a história social de uma empresa familiar brasileira fundada nos anos trinta no estado de São Paulo. A investigação acompanhou o desenvolvimento da organização até os dias atuais e pretendeu abranger diferentes dimensões desse processo: econômico-financeiros, políticos, gerenciais e tecnológicos.
Este relatório apresenta os resultados iniciais de uma pesquisa de longo prazo sobre a presidência Brasileira e os outros poderes da federação. Várias pesquisas realizadas separadamente enfatizam a crescente importância do executivo, legislativo, e judiciário na política Brasileira desde a Constituição de 1988. Este relatório argumenta que, tomadas como um todo, estas pesquisas mostram um processo decisório mais complexo mais contestado, e mais democrático. Uma resenha das bibliografias recentes sobre as relações entre os três poderes no Brasil e nos Estados Unidos mostra a necessidade de mais pesquisa comparada sobre a separação dos poderes nestes dois países. O relatório também comunica os passos iniciais na organização de um banco de dados sobre sobre tendências de gastos entre os poderes da união a partir de dados oficiais sobre o Orçamento federal de 1995-2002.
Neste artigo, é usada análise bibliométrica para entender a influência de autores e instituições na produção acadêmica em Recursos Humanos no Brasil na década de 90, bem como para mapear o comportamento de auto-citações e citações à própria instituição dos autores que produziram no período. O estudo levantou, nos 290 artigos de RH publicados na década de 90 (1991 a 2000) nos anais do Enanpad, a constituição, origem e padrão de interrelação de todas as citações, autores e instituições que publicaram e foram citados na área. No total, analisaram-se os padrões bibliométricos de 5814 citações, que compreendiam 342 autores, advindos de 51 instituições. Os resultados mostram uma área com alto índice de auto-citação e endogenia, e com uma elevada incidência de citação de jornais, revistas e autores estrangeiros e não acadêmicos; revelam também que Maria Tereza Fleury (FEA/USP) foi a acadêmica mais citada; que a USP, UFMG, UFRGS e a FGV-EAESP (nessa ordem) são as instituições com os autores mais citados; que a RAE é o veículo nacional mais referenciado no campo; e que alguns autores e instituições que publicaram no período têm elevada propensão à auto-citação e à consulta predominante a autores de sua própria instituição. O artigo termina oferecendo ao campo sugestões para desenvolvimento e debate, a partir dos seus resultados e sua comparação com trabalhos anteriores analisando a mesma base amostral.
Este projeto de pesquisa propõe a realização de um estudo exploratório de múltiplos casos em organizações brasileiras. O tema a ser explorado será o 'jeitinho brasileiro', e suas múltiplas interpretações e maneiras de operacionalização nestes contextos sociais. Adotar-se-á uma abordagem múltipla ao conceito de cultura, que inclui a ambigüidade cultural, dentro de uma visão interpretativa, que vai além da abordagem de integração comum à maioria dos estudos sobre o tema. Pretende-se com a pesquisa (1) aprofundar as críticas que podem ser feitas aos estudos sobre o tema e (2) avançar o desenvolvimento de nossa compreensão das organizações como sistemas de significados socialmente construídos, por meio de uma abordagem mais ampla e completa ao fenômeno estudado.
The major purpose of this thesis is to verify, from a Brazilian perspective, how global and contextual issues influence the management learning in Multinationals. The management learning derived from the interaction of holding and sidiaries/colligates of Multinational corporation is supposed to be subject to convergent and divergent forces, the former related to global and standardized organizational practices, and the latter, is seen as a social practice subject to cultural and organizational singularities. A model was constructed to relate the dichotomy between the universality of the management practices and technologies and the particularity of the contexts where they operate, to the dichotomy between the singularities in organization and national level. This model is composed of the international, global, managerial and inter-organizational dimensions related, respectively, to the cultural and political diversity; to the universal forces of practices and values; to the managerial capabilities and resources in the organization, consolidated as best practices and to the interaction between holding and subsidiaries and the resulted learning. The combined result of these dimensions influences the knowledge flow and the learning derived from it. The field research was constituted of five cases of internationalized Brazilian firms, with a solid experience in their management systems. The main subjects of this study were executives and ofessionals/managers who respond to the management development. The data were first collected in the headquarters and complemented with visits to subsidiaries/joint ventures in other countries, in loco or with expatriated people who return to Brazil. The central supposition was validated. So, the management learning ¿ is driven by the global capitalism practices and by the global culture where they are immersed, reproducing a hegemonic vision and a common language (global dimension); ¿ incorporates the more propagated and dominant managerial values, although there are some variations when they are applied in the subsidiaries/joint ventures; is the product of the assimilation of international recognized and planned managerial practices, with the acculturation power, although not completely; is the result mainly of the managerial practice in work; is impacted not only by cross-cultural and managerial factors, but also by the business environment of the firm; is given according to the capabilities and resources in the organization, guiding the form of assimilation of practices and technologies, with global application or not (managerial dimension); ¿ is affected by the cross-cultural diversity involving the countries of the holding and the subsidiaries/joint ventures where the firm is and is given as a reproduction of the political context of the holding and subsidiaries countries (international dimension); ¿ faces aligned concurrent institutional pressures between corporate or global systems, practices of other subsidiaries/joint ventures and local practices; is more difficult to reach when there is not permeability between organizational cultures and identities of a Multinational firm; is affected by how much the relationship process across these unities is self-referenced; is facilitated by the construction and improvement of the knowledge network (interorganizational dimension). Finally some contributions of this study are exposed, including extensions of the proposed model and suggestions, recommendations for future research.
Um assunto cada vez mais recorrente na literatura sobre administração é a questão dos modismos de gestão. Nos anos 90 se observou a euforia em torno da gestão pela qualidade total (TQM) e a explosão da reengenharia de processos, que veio junto com a terceirização. Em seguida emergiu o conceito de core-competencies ou competências essências que deu origem à revolução da gestão baseada em competências. Surgido nos anos 90, a partir de pesquisas acadêmicas, o Balanced Scorecard (BSC) aparece como uma nova tecnologia de gestão que rapidamente foi difundida e passou a ser utilizada por uma extensa gama de organizações. A recente utilização dessa tecnologia de gestão e o excesso de euforia sobre o tema trazem a tona o questionamento sobre a correta utilização da mesma. Sendo assim, essa pesquisa se dedica a fazer uma análise sobre a utilização do BSC em uma empresa brasileira do setor público frente à metodologia proposta pela literatura. Os resultados da pesquisa demonstraram que os motivos que levaram a empresa em questão a escolher o BSC como tecnologia de gestão e a construção do BSC foram coerentes com a metodologia proposta pela literatura. Por fim a pesquisa também revelou dois resultados inesperados: primeiro um possível fator de sucesso na utilização do BSC não encontrado na literatura; e segundo uma certa peculiaridade quanto a adoção dessa tecnologia de gestão em empresas do setor público.
Este trabalho tem por objetivo examinar o sistema gerencial empregado na Missão Espacial Completa Brasileira-MECB e se, de alguma maneira, contribuiu para a consecução de seus objetivos. É feito um levantamento da política espacial brasileira e estabelecida a posição da Missão nesse contexto. São apresentados modelos gerenciais utilizados em outros países e comparados com o caso brasileiro. O trabalho conclui que existem sistemas gerenciais implantados nas organizações que desenvolvem os projetos do programa, entretanto, inexiste um sistema efetivo de gerenciamento do programa.
The proposal of this study is to present an assessment of the performance of the Brazilian Government Chamber of Foreign Trade (Camex), which is a board of the Council of Government responsible for the formulation, implementation and coordination of the Brazilian trade policy. The study begins with a historical approach to the international trade and the Brazilian foreign trade, mentioning its origins, features and interfaces with the economic development of the country. Based on the approach aforementioned, several interviews were made with authorities, who have remarkable knowledge about the subject, in order to obtain their views, experiences and suggestions concerning the performance of Camex since its creation in 1995. The list of interviewees includes authorities that are currently responsibles for the conduct of the policy on foreign trade, representatives of the organized society, and authorities who were in important positions in this segment of the federal public administration, regarding both the Minister of State, as Director of Cacex and the Executive Secretary of Camex. The conclusions of the study indicate that the Camex has not been succeeding in fully exercise its mandate of formulate, implement and coordinate the foreign trade policy of Brazil. A combination of factors contributes to this situation, especially its small strutcure, the fact that some ministries compete in the segment of foreign trade ¿don't understand¿ Chamber¿s real purpose, and, at last, the absence of a political mandate"(words taken from Motta Veiga) that would fortify its existing legal mandate. Finally, the study suggests some changes in the current organizational modeling of Camex, especially in its hierarchical position in the federal public administration."
The changes that have occurred in the Brazilian work market, mainly due to the opening of the economy in the 90th decade, have caused, as a consequence, the unemployment in the formal sector, with the reduction of posts of work in the industry and the precarization of the laborwork. In order to face these questions, it¿s necessary an analysis of the alternative measures, among them, the creation of the cooperative societies, which have increased about 90,8% in the last years. The purpose of this study is to identify and to analyze the functions of the work cooperatives, just in face of the changes of the Brazilian society. The analysis was directed towards a group of eight work cooperatives that work in lots of areas of professionals in the Municipality of Rio de Janeiro. The study reveals the existence of false work cooperatives, whose sole purpose is to intermediate the handiwork with the intention of benefiting enterprises that intend to decrease their own costs of production, just contributing for the precarization of the relations of work. The structure of the Judicial Power offers solutions that protect the workers who are exploited through fraudulent actions, by the false cooperatives, handiworkers. It can be noticed that this structure is enough to answer the challenges presented. It means that it is too bad to apprehend the revival of the work cooperativism and that it must be combated. Of course, it is maniqueist conception that distorts reality and disdains positive aspects of cooperative system. The results of the search have permitted to point out the main characteristics of the work cooperatives analyzed, the profile of the cooperative workers, and also the main obstacles to the development of the cooperative system in Brazil today . A long the analysis of tributary and labor questions and about the participation of the cooperative workers in the management of the cooperative - the most questionable points - it could be observed the development of real cooperative practices, trying to establish the differences between these and the fraudulent ones, also studied in this work. This study represents a contribution to all those who intend to study new relations of work in a critical away and from experiences in development.
The objective of this work is to deeply study of the concept Value of a Country, developed for Simon Anholt who comes to be on-line with what we believe to be the best form to evaluate a Nation, that is, not leading in account only given of per capita product or level of industrial competitiveness, but also given relative to the culture, traditions and tourism and the perception of the people in relation to one determined country, as customers in one satisfaction research. We will work using concepts in the conception of ranking and that they are: Tourism, Exportations, Government, Investments and Immigration, Culture and Population. To the end we wait to have contributed for one better knowledge of the concept and the suggestion for new works. As well as an analyzing the Brazilian position, and what we are making to fortify our image.
REPETRO, the special tax regime for importing and exporting goods for the exploration and drilling of oil and gas, aims at bringing foreign assets to Brazil enjoying a suspension or even an exemption of taxes, so that Brazilian industry may profit from about 8 billion American dollars in investments. The creation of normative devices as well as the management of the REPETRO model are under the exclusive responsibility of the Brazilian Internal Revenue Services. REPETRO was created in 1999 and is composed of the following customs treatments: importation of goods with suspension of taxes by use of the drawback special regime, suspension mode for national exporting industry; exportation with fictitious exit for the national industry; temporary admission of goods or assets used in oil exploration and production, attending to the needs of both the national and foreign market. Considering the inability of the Brazilian government in restructuring its foreign trade model so that a strong investment in technology could provide for the sector¿s needs, we must ask how we can change REPETRO to help the various companies in the oil business? The issue is very important for one of our main economic activities, though not enough studied. The energy sector has a strategic importance for the development and the economic independence of any country. The winds of globalization lead Brazil to open its economy in the last decade and the national policy for exploration and drilling (E&D) was altered. The government created a new agency dedicated to market control and energy policies, the National Agency for Oil and Biofuels (ANP). With the opening of the market, Petróleo Brasileiro S.A. - Petrobras, the Brazilian giant, lost the monopoly of the oil business. The P-50 Platform, with a capacity for 180,000 barrels per day, was imported based on REPETRO. When it began operating on April 21st, 2006, Brazil achieved self-sufficiency in oil production. The present work intends to estimate the main variables affecting the importation and exportation of goods and assets for E&D, showing how REPETRO works. We also intend to look at the results yielded by the REPETRO model for the development of the production of oil and gas in Brazil, as well as show proposals for its modernization. It has been established that even though since its implementation the REPETRO model has brought fiscal advantages through the reduction of tax costs relating to foreign commerce operations and the incentive of investments in the E&D area with the increase in the national oil production there remain the following limitations: lack of preparation and of knowledge of the model; lack of adjustement of the model to the reality of actitity of E&D of oil and gas; taxes over the pre-operational stage or investment in oil production stage; non-allowance of full access by the national industry to the supply of goods and products relating to the industrialization of goods allowed by REPETRO; other fiscal and administrative difficulties. We conclude that the REPETRO model is important for the development of the area of E&D of oil and gas, but not completely effective. It is necessary to change it or create a new model based on a new perspective of the customs treatment of the activities of exploration and production, minimizing administrative procedures relating to the operations of exportation and importation.
With the globalization of the economy and the growing participation of several world investors in financial markets, combining the political, economical and social differences of each country, the varying Accounting Statements based on principles, standards, procedures or idiosyncratic accounting patterns become inadequate to provide comprehensible and useful financial information to the users at international level. Considering a country¿s conditions, peculiarities and the stage of development, the need to promote the convergence of the effective accounting practices in the public sector with the emerging international accounting standards is imperative as the public entities endeavor to provide transparent and comparable accounting information that can be understood by financial analysts, investors, auditors and other users, independent of their origin and location. Consequently, the objective of this research was described through the following questions: Which are the main differences between the international and local accounting norms applicable to the public sector in Brazil? Which are the main differences between the applicable international accounting norms and the practices adopted by the Brazilian public sector? And, which are the main differences between the practices adopted by the entities of the Brazilian public sector and the practices adopted by entities of the public sector of countries that formally follow the international accounting norms? The methodology adopted in this research was the one of comparative analysis between standards and practices. To provide a basis for the comparative analysis, the Brazilian standards were used for the public sector and the international standards were identified by consulting with the main international accounting committees. In the comparative analyses of norms adopted in national accounting statements the financial accounting statements of the Municipal districts of Rio de Janeiro and of São Paulo were used, and compared with the international accounting statements of New Zealand. The results of these comparative analyses provide important conclusions about the convergence and harmonization processes in accounting norms and practices for the public sector mainly as they demonstrate some of the conflicts among the recent efforts to base and harmonize accounting practices in the near future, but today significant differences remain between the norms and practices. It was also noticed that, in practice, the divergence in Brazilian accounting practices from the international standards are accentuated by the recognition of the registrations of the budgetary execution in the patrimonial accounting; and, the comparison with the practices adopted by New Zealand demonstrated that the foreign country¿s advances towards harmonizing its standards to the international norms and practices in such an important way that New Zealand independently overcomes the minimum exigencies of harmonization, which in practice, is more complete than the practices currently adopted in Brazil.
Trata da influência do processo de formação social no Brasil no consumo de alimentos no ano 2000. Abordao processo de decisão do consumidor, o conceito antropológico de cultura, a visão da cultura' brasileira sob a ótica de Gilberto Freyree da alimentação no Brasil. Realiza uma pesquisa quantítatlva com 448 mulheres da cidade de Curitiba. Aponta os reflexos; da formação social brasileira nos pratos feijão e arroz.