62 resultados para Turismo de natureza


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This is a master's degree dissertation that has for main objective analyzes the relationship among the areas of the knowledge, tourism and administration, under the optics of contributions in different instances, establishing analogies and reflections, tends as empiric field, the case of the municipal district of São Luís, in Maranhão State. It approaches the epistemology analysis of the tourist phenomenon discussing the employed speeches, faiths, myths, dependence, virtues and sins in the interpretation of the study. It points subjects related to the context of higher education in tourism, establishing connections with the management in a theoretical atmosphere, demonstrating the roads of evolution of the study, as well as, it permeates on analogies and reflections with tourism. It questions on the current scenery of degree courses in tourism, making connections with beginnings management studies. The proposed study, characterized as descriptive-explanatory of object, it bases on model Tourism Education Quality (TEDQUAL) near from objectives, to involve researches - documental and a field - accomplished in the years of 2005 and 2006. As sample for quotas, accomplished four universities, to presents results the expectations of analyzed subjects (students, profesionals, employers and educators) on the group of hypotheses. That spectrum of results makes possible reflections and proposed based in analysis on perspectives in superior tourism education. The research was limited the studied area and chosen sample it intends to be a tool to show the reality found in those courses, could address academic researches and practical actions developed by the education managers.


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É indiscutível, nos dias atuais, que o turismo deva ser encarado como importante motor de desenvolvimento com base local, contemplando as potencialidades endógenas, já que produz mutações no ambiente fisico e social onde se instala .. O município de Bento Gonçalves - RS, abarca inúmeros fatores que podem ser considerados potencialmente atrativos turísticos, como clima, relevo, gastronomia, cultura, eventos, produção agrícola e industrial, etc. Com base nestes fatores, a presente dissertação - que surgiu da detecção de que o mercado do turismo está em franco crescimento em todo mundo e da possibilidade de encontrar uma forma de impulsionar cada vez mais a economia do município - terá como meta estudar cientificamente o fenômeno turístico (prioritariamente receptivo) desta cidade, tendo em vista detectar ações e atividades que ensejem incremento e que possam contribuir para alavancar economicamente a economia local. Embora a palavra "turismo" tenha surgido no século XIX, algumas de suas formas já existiam desde as mais antigas civilizações e a sua participação, até recentemente, estava restrita a uma elite que dispunha de tempo e dinheiro para realizar suas viagens. Atualmente, porém, a maioria das pessoas dos países desenvolvidos, e um número significativo daquelas dos países subdesenvolvidos, têm realizado viagens turísticas uma ou mais vezes por ano, de modo que o turismo já não é uma prerrogativa de alguns cidadãos privilegiados; sua existência é aceita e constitui parte integrante do estilo de vida para um número crescente de pessoas em todo mundo. Por isso, o planejamento é fundamental e indispensável para o desenvolvimento turístico equilibrado e em harmonia com os recursos fisicos, culturais e sociais das regiões receptoras. Num ramo de negócios como o do turismo, sujeito a rápidas mudanças no comportamento da demanda, a pesquisa caracteriza-se como instrumento valioso que permite posteriores previsões e projeções de tendências sobre a evolução futura do setor. Com base nos dados levantados (que deverão espelhar a maior aproximação possível da realidade), a presente dissertação, intitulada Perspectivas de Incremento Econômico Alavancado Pelo Turúmo no Município de Bento Gonçalves - RS, pretende dimensionar equipamentos e serviços que serão necessários para atender as expectarivas da clientela turística que visitar o município de Bento Gonçalves - RS, nos próximos anos. Por último, as informações obtidas neste trabalho auxiliarão nas escolhas de estratégias que poderão ser utilizadas pelas organizações públicas e privadas, que disputarão os cliente-turistas no mercado.


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This work focuses on the implications of technological-organizational competences for improvement of performance indicators. This relationship is examined during 1984 to 2005 in three small companies that operate in Rio de Janeiro within adventure tourism, more specifically, within tandem flights on hang-gliding. Based on a comparative case study grounded in both qualitative and quantitative empirical evidences collected in a detailed field search, this study is supported by an existing metric available in literature and adapted to adventure tourism segment. The metric to measure competences is based on four techno-organizational function: (i) product; (ii) sales & marketing; (iii) infra-structure & operational process; (iv) managing systems. The examination of performance improvement is based on a set of typical indicators used by this segment to evaluate results. This dissertation contributes to deepening the understanding of how techno-organizational competences affect the competitive performance of companies in this sector of adventure tourism.


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Tourism as an example of alternative for sustainable development in the Lençóis Maranhenses. The objective of this work is to analyze the prospects for sustainable development in tourism in the aforementioned region. An attempt is made to evaluate the five dimensions of sustainable - ecological, economic, social, space and cultural. The base for discussion is the information gathered from the people who actually live in the region. A type of the case study was built up. The research involved speaking with the people about the viability of tourism projects, not only with an eye on economic success, job creation and income for the region. There was also an attempt to tackle the issue of social and environment impact. Data was collected through verbal contact. A variety of people were interviewed, locals, businessmen, authorities, civil representatives and they spoke about the advantages and disadvantages of tourism as the saw it and as it affected them. Their answers and comments constitute the knowledge gleaned. The development of possible new strategies is the result of this work. Strategies that should be investigated by the local government/public administration. One such strategy would involve strengthening ties whit society and hoping that the improved dialogue would encourage sustainability. Another would mean improving interdepartmental contact to streamline the performance of public bodies so that development can be better planned and non-destructive.


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This study evaluates how the interaction among organizations located in Vila do Abraão, in Ilha Grande, Rio de Janeiro State, has contributed to the sustainability of this locality. An analysis of the island¿s local problems showed that firms informality and solid waste management practices were bringing damaging consequences to the island, and that this local productive arrangement (APL) has been able to collectively find solutions to such issues. These solutions basically encompassed: a) choosing estrategies the lead to a self-sustained model and not traditional way dependent on tax benefits; b) recognizing that the solutions to these problems involved the common action of public and private sectors and the civil society, and that various artifices should be used to establish such cooperation; c) the presence of actors outside the APL who played an important role in overcoming the problems of the cluster; d) using transparent legal instruments that defined the rights and obligations of each party and e) tripartite social entrepreneurship actions through NGOs to help solve problems common to the whole island.


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The Internet has taken the world by storm. It has eliminated the barriers of technology, and unlocked the doors to electronic commerce and the 'Virtual Economy'. It has given us a glimpse into the future of 'Business' itself, and it has created a bewildering variety of choices in our personal and professional lives. It has taken on a life of its own, and we are all frantically trying to keep up. Many overwhelmed companies are asking questions like: 'What should our Internet Strategy be?' Or 'How do we put our business on the Internet like everybody else is doing?' or 'How do we use this thing to make money without spending any?'. These questions may seem reasonable on the surface, but they miss the point because they focus on the technologies rather than the core issues of conducting day-to-day business. The Internet can indeed offer fast returns in marketing reach, speed, director consumer sales and so on, and many companies are using it to good advantage, but the highest and best use of any such technology is to support, enhance and even re-invent the fundamentals of general business practice. When the initial excitement is over, and companies gain experience and confidence with the new business models, this larger view will begin to assert itself. Companies will then start to position their 'Internet Strategies' in context of where the business world itself is going over time, and how they can prepare for what is to come. Until now, the business world has been very fragmented, its collective progress limited (in part) by the inability to communicate within and between companies. Now that the technical remedy seems to be at hand and standards are beginning to emerge, we are starting to see a trend toward consolidation, cooperation, and economic synergy. Companies are improving their internal business processes with Intranets, and Electronic Commerce initiatives have sprung up using EDI, the World Wide Web, E-Mail, secure credit card payments and other tools. Companies are using the Internet to talk to each other and to sell their goods and services to the end consumer. Like Berlin, the walls are coming down because they have to. Electronic 'Communities of Common Interest' are beginning to surface, with the goal of supporting and aligning similar industries (such as Government, Insurance, Transportation and Health care) or similar business functions (such as Purchasing, Payments, and Human Resources). As these communities grow and mature, their initial scope will broaden and their spheres of influence will expand. They will begin to overlap into other communities, creating a synergistic effect and reshaping the conduct of business. The business world will undergo a gradual evolution toward globalization, driven by economic imperatives and natural selection in the marketplace, and facilitated by Electronic Commerce and Internet technologies. The business world 'beyond 2000' will have a substantially different look and feel than that which we see today.


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How strategical decisions are taken? The present work consists of a psychological experiment that it aims to search the knowledge about the subcognitive structure of strategical vision of deeper form, investigating its interaction with the cognitives processes of human beings ¿ perception, memory, and learning. We also argue the nature of chunks (pieces or units), that, in opposition to the current theories, we consider to be provided with essence or meanings in detriment of the appearance or superficial features. In this way, we choose as domain for our experiment the chess game, because its dealing with lesser complexity of the one that decisions in the politics or industry. Thus, we shows the importance that the perception of the abstract roles playing in specific chess position, leading to a strategical vision of this. Moreover, after the experiment, was verified that the expert chess players are capable to perceive distinct positions in the appearance as being similar strategically", while that the beginners had gotten greater difficulty. Finally, we present part of an emergent theory that claims that the human being cognition is nothing more than the abstract perception, as well as the replication of this theory in other domains, for example in the management and the real world."


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This present work has the objective to analyze the perspective of the sustainable development from the promotion of the tourism in Vila do Abraão, Ilha Grande. For this, was available the five dimensions of sustainable ¿ ecological, economic, social, space and cultural ¿ from the own words of the actors involved with the reality of the studied place. The research was applied as a study of case and had as objective to discuss the tourist¿s projects from Vila do Abraão, considered the viability of its sustainable. The discussion wasn¿t restricted to the economical aspects, but also the social-cultural and environment implications caused by tourism. The dialect method was used. Natives, residents, businesspeople, tourist, authorities, association representatives and others, were interviewed. They were questioned about negative and positive aspects from the local tourism, getting the chance to opinion. The segmented arguments of these actors made the base for new knowledge. This present dissertation arrived at some significant conclusions to the problems that represent barriers to the sustainable mentioned above. In conclusion, were set problems related to government body, whose political interest and insufficient recourses compromise the performance.


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Este estudo se propõe a analisar o efeito que as novas Tecnologias da Informação têm sobre a distribuição de produtos turísticos, mais especificamente, sobre a operação, atual e futura, das agências de viagem, enquanto parte importante, até o presente momento, do canal de distribuição. A revisão bibliográfica desenvolve-se para turismo, marketing turístico, marketing de serviços, distribuição e tecnologia, procurando assim sistematizar os conceitos dos diversos autores. Definem-se objetivos, principalmente direcionados para a identificação do conceito de marketing em turismo, e da distribuição de serviços. Através de uma pesquisa exploratória buscamos identificar a forma como as agências de viagem operam, atualmente, e qual a postura que têm em relação às novas tecnologias da informação e ao futuro do próprio negócio. A importância desta investigação é dada pela compreensão, mais profunda e detalhada, do papel das agências de viagem, dentro do sistema de distribuição dos produtos turísticos. Os resultados apontam para um cenário em mudança, onde a permanência das agências de viagem no mercado, não se vê afetada, apenas, pelas novas tecnologias, mas, também, pela habilidade que tenham para desenhar estratégias competitivas que lhes permitam enfrentar as novas forças do mercado, assim como identificar os segmentos de mercado para os quais têm vocação.


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Trata da questão da gerência em saúde e um dos seus pilares as concepções da natureza humana na organização. Aponta várias dimensões reveladoras como envolvimento no trabalho, conceitos sobre a organização e poder. Caracteriza as principais atitudes inter-humanas


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Examina a utilização de tributos como instrumento de políticas de proteção ambiental. Aponta as possibilidades de utilização dos tributos existentes no país, segundo o conceito de "imposto verde", como forma de intemalização dos custos sociais decorrentes de extemalidades negativas, em especial a poluição.


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Analisa o atual estágio das práticas turísticas, no Brasil, do ponto de vista ético, considerando as características dos serviços turísticos e a questão da qualidade percebida. Examina aspectos da evolução sócio-política brasileira, com vistas a compreender as dificuldades de propagação das práticas éticas no turismo, no país. Mostra que está em curso um processo de alteração do patamar ético no plano da sociedade brasileira e prevê que estas modificações no macro-ambiente devem de alguma maneira, estar ocorrendo no plano dos serviços turísticos. Adicionalmente, reflete sobre a possibilidade de incluir a disciplina Ética no curriculum das Universidades de Turismo.


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Este trabalho trata das possibilidades de desenvolvimento do turismo sustentável em Áreas de Proteção Ambiental (APA), utilizando como estudo de caso a APA do Capivari-Monos. Aborda o conceito de desenvolvimento sustentável, sua aplicação no turismo e os. instrumentos de planejamento utilizados para a implementação da atividade de forma sustentável. Expõe o processo de implementação da atividade turística na APA do Capivari-Monos, apontando suas relações com a preservação do meio ambiente, as condições econômicas e os conflitos sociais existentes na região, propondo-se a verificar em que medida.os instrumentos gerenciais possibilitam a compatibilização do desenvolvimento do turismo com as necessidades específicas da Área.


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A inovação, que não se pode determinar como resultado de uma mera intervenção racional, pode apresentar-se sob diversas formas; das mais óbvias e tradicionalmente consideradas e estudadas (novos processos e novos produtos), às novas soluções organizativas, ao uso de novos sistemas informativos e de apoio a decisões e às novas formas de distribuição comercial. O conceito de inovação estende-se também à adoção diferenciada de novos métodos na logística da relação técnico-comercial entre fornecedor e empresa, e à adoção de programas e processos como planejamento estratégico, reengenharia, qualidade total e novas técnicas de treinamento, avaliação de desempenho, e administração participativa. A inovação se realiza com diferentes tipos de tecnologia, tem caráter multidimensional, e não está ligada somente a tecnologia da produção industrial, no seu sentido tradicional, mas a qualquer tipo de atividade que se desenvolva em uma empresa produtora ou utilizadora de bens ou de serviços


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Investiga o perfil do consumidor de turismo de aventura, destacando suas principais características. Efetua revisão bibliográfica contemplando a indústria do turismo, o comportamento do consumidor, turismo de aventura e perfil do consumidor americano deste segmento. Apresenta pesquisa empírica de caráter exploratório realizada com turistas brasileiros.