142 resultados para Princípio da Proveniência


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A demora na tramitação dos processos judiciais constitui grave problema da Justiça. Encontra-se em descompasso com o princípio constitucional da razoável duração do processo judicial. As rotinas cartorárias estão ultrapassadas. Baixa qualidade significa altos custos, exigindo mudanças. Este trabalho tem por objetivo tratar da mudança na Justiça, acerca de seus procedimentos, métodos e custos, fazendo surgir uma nova organização, depois da remoção das práticas anacrônicas e da eliminação da demora. O gerenciamento da qualidade fornece métodos operacionais para a organização por inteiro, com ferramentas de fácil utilização. Toda atividade, qualquer trabalho, é parte de um processo (em qualquer estágio haverá produção) e por isto pode ser aperfeiçoado. Para o método PDCA (planejar, executar, verificar e padronizar), um sistema de melhoria, sem itens defeituosos, exige-se planejamento, melhor distribuição de esforços, controle e, principlamente, aprender como mudar. Através dele, aparece a principal causa da falha, que pode ser associada a seus efeitos. Ademais, um sistema de melhoria da qualidade ajuda na redução de custos. Resultados substanciais já foram obtidos.


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No presente paper, nós provamos que qualquer função da escolha social satisfaz o princípio da independência das alternativas irrelevantes (IIA) de Arrow se o comportamento individual é menu-dependente. Portanto, o 'Teorema da Possibilidade Geral' de Arrow não é válido quando as preferências individuais são determinadas por valores irredutíveis. Nesse contexto, qualquer instrumento de agregação que satisfaça os princípios não-ditatoriais e paretianos de unanimidade (maioria simples, por exemplo) também faz IIA. Esse poderia ser um resultado importante para a teoria da escolha social, enquanto um comportamento individual determinado por valores irredutíveis (interesse próprio, ideologia, Ética e normas sociais, por exemplo) podendo validar democracia representativa. A importância relativa de tais valores e da possibilidade de reversão da preferência determina a dinâmica da escolha social, de acordo com os princípios democráticos.


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Em sua tese de doutoramento, a autora descreve uma pesquisa realizada em uma pequena cidade da Franca, onde constatou-se a oposição entre o discurso do planejador preocupado em introduzir uma nova lógica às práticas cotidianas dos moradores de uma vila operária, e o discurso dos aposentados que ali moravam e cuja vivência dos espaços da vizinhança, a havia sido impregnado de sua própria história de vida. Foi a partir desta experiência que a autora passou a argumentar que sem uma fina e aprofundada observação das práticas cotidianas, nenhuma intervenção no espaço urbano deveria ser realizada. Partindo do princípio que a urbanização e crescimento das cidades segue cada vez mais a lógica do planejamento impondo ao seu habitante uma passagem do espaço privado para o público que e quase sempre abrupta e hostil pois trata a circulação como um fluxo inibindo o desenvolvimento de "espaços de transição", e modificando a concepção de sociabilidade nos espaços nos espaços de vizinhança. Esta pesquisa tem por objetivo procurar algumas "localidades" situadas em uma grande metrópole como São Paulo onde a observação da transição entre a vida privada e pública possa ser estudada. Para a autora o estudo das regras e normas da vida social nesses espaços que ora são chamados de intermediários, ora de transição deverão servir para compor o que ela chama de cultura de vizinhança, e que varia muito entre localidades de uma mesma cidade.


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This thesis is about change, discontinuity, instability. The theoretical perspective used to analyses the changing process was Institutional Theory, which argues that institutions has a long-term time. The institutional change has always be seen as a structural process and a incremental one, but this research aimed rescue the dynamic side of institutional change, understanding that as a result of deinstitutionalization and institutionalization processes. In order to understand the deinstitutionalization and institutionalization processes, we try to understand the concepts of interactive and iterative. So, it was possible understand that these process are interdependent and has to be understood as both side of institutional change. Nevertheless, it couldn¿t have an institutional vacuum, but a hybrid order or plural one, where a set of institutional forces would find its legitimacy. The Discourses Analysis supports this research, which was developed in Peru. A group of University professors was interviewed and we noticed that there are a lot of practices that act as micro institutional rules. In that way, we can admit that there is no vacuum, but a plural institutional order.


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O objetivo principal deste trabalho é apresentar a importância do conhecimento das informações e indicadores de desempenho de recursos humanos para facilitar a introdução do componente estratégico na gestão de recursos humanos. As práticas tradicionalmente partem do princípio da necessidade de transformar o modelo funcional, com característica reativa, para um modelo mais proativo, que integre com todos os fenômenos e necessidades dos ambientes interno e externo da organização. Para realizar a mudança de modelo, é necessário analisar a modelagem organizacional, para garantir o equilíbrio, coerência e redução das incertezas das ações e das respostas às mudanças. A complexidade dos fatores envolvidos nesta transição provocam uma série de reflexos não perceptíveis, identificados em pesquisa de clima organizacional, decorrente de fatores de insegurança e de ansiedade, provocadas pelo desconhecimento e imprevisibilidade das mudanças. Este trabalho considera que existe um meio mais simples de introdução da gestão estratégica, considerando que a maioria das empresas possui uma administração de recursos humanos tradicional, sustentada pelo departamento de pessoal, cuja ênfase está no respeito às regulamentações e legislações trabalhistas. Neste enfoque, respeitando as técnicas e práticas existentes e, com a finalidade de atender esta maioria sem provocar grandes impactos, propomos que a dimensão estratégica seja implementada por meio da elaboração e divulgação de informações e indicadores estratégicos de recursos humanos. Estas informações possibilitam transformar a tradicional linguagem subjetiva da área para uma nova linguagem de negócios e de resultados, expressa por valores numéricos que quantificam a eficácia da gestão e de sua contribuição para a sociedade.


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A inserção do Princípio Constitucional da Eficiência no art. 37 da Constituição Federal do Brasil, por meio da Emenda Constitucional n. 19/98, representa a busca da maximização do aproveitamento dos recursos públicos na prestação apropriada de serviços públicos e da excelência da qualidade dos mesmos. Observa-se, ainda, que a aplicação deste Princípio na Administração Pública carece de instrumentos normativos que permitam o alcance da melhor efetividade possível. Este trabalho busca elencar indicadores com capacidade de mensurar o grau de eficiência de certos órgãos públicos, seja por intermédio de órgãos (organizações) fiscalizadores ou superiores, ou pelo público atendido, que se beneficia dos serviços disponibilizados. Para isso buscou-se, inicialmente, conceituar termos como princípio, eficiência e outros diretamente ligados à Administração Pública. Em seguida, são abordados os conceitos relativos a indicadores, em especial aos de eficiência. De forma mais específica, são apresentados indicadores usados por alguns órgãos públicos e, a fim de contribuir com a implementação mais efetiva destes, foram feitos acréscimos e adaptações de outros, bem como se sugere uma planilha para avaliar a gestão em seus diversos aspectos, seja por auditoria ou pela mensuração da qualidade e satisfação referentes aos serviços públicos prestados à população. Tenciona-se com este trabalho colaborar para a melhoria da gestão com foco nos resultados na Administração Pública, disponibilizando um rol de indicadores básicos que possam ser utilizados na mensuração da eficiência de um órgão público, destacando-se que é necessário atualizar e aprimorar constantemente a aplicação destes instrumentos.


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Este estudo, diante do ritmo acelerado da globalização, aprende, caracteriza, discute e descreve experiências concretas de diferentes tipos de organizações, relacionadas a realidade multicultural desse novo contexto mundial, quando a comunicação e relacionamento humano assumem novas dimensões, para enfrentar desafios da competitividade. Iniciativas de treinamento e/ou desenvolvimento intercultural, foram buscadas com base em referencial teórico relacionado, métodos e técnicas qualitativos de pesquisas e uma abordagem fenomenológica complementar, cobrindo três diferentes casos empresarias e duas distintas organizações acadêmicas, iniciando com uma fase exploratória, seguida de validação de instrumentos de pesquisas, principalmente os de situações-problema a serem discutidas com os sujeitos. Esses procedimentos para definição do problema, o planejamento dos rumos do projeto e para a postura assumida nos âmbitos escolhidos, trouxeram maior precisão a formulação desses três pontos chave. No caso da companhia de transporte aéreo VARIG, um Projeto de Treinamento e Desenvolvimento/ Intercultural foi compreendido como possibilidade de competitividade nos serviços. No caso da fusão empresarial que resultou na criação da ELETRONUCLEAR, um programa de antecipação á referida mudança buscou a combinação cultural de duas empresas com expectativas agregadoras, visando minimizar o impacto do processo sobre a produtividade e a integridade das pessoas. No BANCO do BRASIL, os objetivos de T&D referiam-se a uma possível missão de atualização profissional no exterior, exigindo habilidades interculturais, a partir do mesmo princípio do auto conhecimento cultural, praticado nos casos anteriormente citados. Na academia, os cursos de comércio internacional ma UFRJ e na FGV, foram os ambientes escolhidos para pesquisas o lado humano intercultural dos negócios internacionais e dos processo de expatriamento, estimulando o aprendizado com a troca de experiências entre colegas, professores, palestrantes e pesquisadores. Os resultados do estudo revelam receptividade crescente sobre a proposta de T&D transcultural em todos os âmbitos pesquisados; um nível mais elevado de auto-estima dos sujeitos devido á oportunidade de discutir suas vivências na expectativa de aproximar pessoas e organizações, mesmo no caso da fusão; a postura fenomenológica de inserção na dinâmica dos próprios sujeitos, favorece a constatação de que momentos de convívio intersubjetivo são possíveis e valiosos para a construção transcultural e que, nesses termos, T&D Intercultural podem contribuir ainda, para classificar o sentido fenomenológico que circula nas ambiências compartilhadas, indicando uma orientação comum nos casos e situações investigados e que aparece no emprego de T&D intercultural como um recurso para humanizar a globalização.


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Governmental acquisitions, in Brazil, must be proceeded, as a rule, by means of licitation. Though this principle became constitutional rule only from 1988's Constitution, its existence in Brazilian legal system retraces century XV: by that time, the Filipinas Ordinations ruled it in one only law article. Since then, several rules of law had been incorporated to the Brazilian governmental acquirement system, especially during century XX, hardening the procedures and restricting public manager's discritionarity. Current governmental acquirement system was instituted by the Law nº 8,666/1993, which, however, did not disrupt previous system: with few innovations and more restrictions, it only copied the instruments in the system of the Decree nº 2,300/1986 and previous ones. In its original text, Law nº 8,666/1993 had three licitation procedures for acquisitions - concorrência, tomada de preços, convite - and the exceptional procedures - dispensa and inexigibilidade. Once revealed itself a rigid system, several measures were implemented in order to make it more flexible, having for objectives celerity and price reduction, from discrete alterations of articles of laws to the creation of pregão as a new licitation procedure - initially, there was only the pregão presencial, proceeded face to face - and no longer, the pregão eletrônico, proceeded through web. This research focuses the analysis of the impact of the rigidity / flexibility on Government acquirement system. Despite specialized literature, studies carried through for governmental agencies and state publicity praises the results reached with the use of the pregão eletrônico, the analyses that lead to such conclusion are based on questionable premises. The studies on the efficiency of the pregão eletrônico restrict this concept to its economic dimension, interpreting it as costs reduction. Beyond, the methodology of analysis of this cost reduction has for reference hypothetical values which are also defined by random standards. Here it is, therefore, the objective of this study: to analyze, from the perception of the public managers, the relation between flexibility or rigidity of a procedure and its efficiency, under a multidimensional perspective - taking into consideration, beyond the prices gotten for objects, the time of transaction, the quality of objects and the security of the procedure. From the answers to the questionnaires applied to licitation managers and to members of licitations permanent commissions it was raisen three kinds of information: descriptive data concerning to the ordinal or nominal variables, extracted from the analysis of the objective fields of the questionnaire; not-structuralized, extracted directly from the subjective fields of the questionnaire; e, finally, treated data, extracted from the hypotheses formulated in the research and statistically analyzed. The reflections on the information allowed concluding that the acquirement governmental procedures flexibility extends its efficiency. Restricted the analysis to the pregão eletrônico, it is concluded that it is more efficient under the economic and time perspectives, in relation to the classic procedures; however, under the perspective of the security it does not significantly differs from those; under the qualitative perspective, it is less efficient than the classic procedures, implying in the reduction of the quality of acquired or contracted objects.


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The present work aims to identify emerging organizational changes in the Court of Accounts of the State of Rio de Janeiro - TCE/RJ that are happening in the contemporary scenery known as the Age of Information. The search for the comprehension of the institutional dynamics is oriented by concepts originated from the theory of complexity, which believe that the public services external control system can be understood in a political, technical and legal environment with growing levels of learning and innovation. While chasing the possible causes of these changes, we try to prove the hypothesis that the TCE/RJ is turning into a more transparent organization. For this purpose, we define the outlines and reaches of the principle of transparency, based in bibliographical and documental researches, and analyze the phenomenon perceived in a explanation research through semi-structured interviews performed with two groups: a sample representing the universe under jurisdiction entities top level directors and the other obtained in the universe of formal and informal leaderships existing in the educational body of the institution. The conclusion of the present work confirms the initial questions, indicating that the organization is really becoming more and more transparent. The social-technical changes that are happening today at the TCE/RJ are caused by the growing social pressure for more effective results in the control of public expenditures. Under the systemic point of view, we observe cracks in the protective bell-glass that evolves the institution - previously hermetic to the external contingencies and that works today as a SAC - Adaptive Complex System. Aspects such as organization structural changes, the introduction of strategic planning and the growing democratization of the decision process are producing a new organizational culture. The seniority of the Technical Headcount contributes to establish the pre-conditions for the development of a administration where the participation of the TCE/RJ technical employees adds importance to its development as an institution that generates republican effects in the society from its less hermetic decision process.


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The acts of public administration personnel are of great importance and various laws have been passed in attempt to limit the related expenses. The management of Public administration personnel is based on the principle of efficiency. The TCE/RJ (State of Rio de Janeiro/Audit Court) digital communication system is expected through telework to facilitate its auditing duties in compliance with the terms of the Federal and State constitutions. The TCE/RJ, the superior judicial body of auditing, has done more than just reduce costs and use flextime; it applies telework as an instrument to optimize public service through SICODI digital certification to maximize the resources applied to this constitutional act with greater efficiency for effective auditing. The focus of the first part of this study is to evaluate the tasks of positions that forward the TCE/RJ objectives and the profile characteristics of employees of the inspection area on personnel performance beginning with defined concepts and purposes. Questionnaires for auditors and technicians of the area were approved for this specific purpose to analyze the duties of positions and employee profiles. The second part of this study evaluates the TCE/RJ digital communication system according to theoretical reference and ISO/IEC Standard No. 9126-1, observing three dimensions: the content, usability and functionality. The results obtained, with the use of qualitative methods complemented by quantitative analysis, were positive for the implementation of telework in the inspection of personnel performance in relation to the analysts and technicians involved in this type of auditing as well as in relation to the TCE/RJ digital communication system.


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In spite of the environmental consumerism in Brazil not to meet in levels as advanced as in Europe and in the United States, some sectors are emerging as precursors of environmental relationships with their markets. Cosmetic's sector is one of them. This study discusses the subject of the ethical consumerism, especially the environmental one. It is focused in the consumer-citizen's context, more specifically in the consumer of a company of cosmetic's sector in Rio de Janeiro. To carry out this study, we chose a company that clearly assumed its commitment with the investment in the preservation of the environment: O Boticário. Initially, we investigated the relevance attributed by the customers of O Boticário to the investment accomplished in the search by the preservation of the environment by companies of this sector, comparing these results with the importance that has been imputed by the customers to traditional attributes of the Marketing. Later, we have analyzed these customers' perception in respect of the investment accomplished by the company in the search for the preservation of the environment. In the preliminary phase of the research, fourteen customers of O Boticário were interviewed. A structured questionnaire was applied to 90 respondents that have declared themselves customers of the mentioned company. The information were treated with descriptive statistics. The software employed has been the SPSS 10.0. Although the field research has indicated the characteristics of the product as priority for the consumer, the relevance attributed to the investment of the company in the search for the preservation of the environment was considered significant, with more prominence than some attributes traditionally judged as attributes-key of the Marketing. However, this apparent sensibility for the environmental subject doesn't seem to influence in search of information on environmental conduct of cosmetics' companies. In fact, a great deal of customers of O Boticário has declared that they have been unknowing about the conduct in favor of the environment on the part of the company, and a number, even larger, was not aware of the existence of the Fundação O Boticário de Proteção à Natureza.


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The acts of public administration personnel are of great importance and various laws have been passed in attempt to limit the related expenses. The management of Public administration personnel is based on the principle of efficiency. The TCE/RJ (State of Rio de Janeiro/Audit Court) digital communication system is expected through telework to facilitate its auditing duties in compliance with the terms of the Federal and State constitutions. The TCE/RJ, the superior judicial body of auditing, has done more than just reduce costs and use flextime; it applies telework as an instrument to optimize public service through SICODI digital certification to maximize the resources applied to this constitutional act with greater efficiency for effective auditing. The focus of the first part of this study is to evaluate the tasks of positions that forward the TCE/RJ objectives and the profile characteristics of employees of the inspection area on personnel performance beginning with defined concepts and purposes. Questionnaires for auditors and technicians of the area were approved for this specific purpose to analyze the duties of positions and employee profiles. The second part of this study evaluates the TCE/RJ digital communication system according to theoretical reference and ISO/IEC Standard No. 9126-1, observing three dimensions: the content, usability and functionality. The results obtained, with the use of qualitative methods complemented by quantitative analysis, were positive for the implementation of telework in the inspection of personnel performance in relation to the analysts and technicians involved in this type of auditing as well as in relation to the TCE/RJ digital communication system.


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This study shows how the Industrial Cluster of garments in Valença, RJ ¿ comprised of micro and small enterprises ¿ contributes to overcome the problems left by the declining period of the textile industry. At first, the city took advantage of its talent for textile work and turned to the clothing sector, which now relies on garment factories, subcontractors, cooperatives and laundries in order to create jobs. There is institutional support, but the analysis of the situation identified the need for higher involvement of cluster players, as well as a higher interaction among them to help their own development. In regard to public and private institutions, there is room for steps to guide informal companies that find it difficult to afford labor, financial, and environmental costs towards formalization, the offer of management and labor skill programs, as well as entrepreneurs¿ awareness about the acquisition of modern-technology machinery. It is important to encourage higher participation of Valença firms in the national fashion events, since this draws attention to the name of the city, discloses the work that is carried out there, and attracts new businesses. The entry of Valença companies in the fashion arena of the southern region of Rio de Janeiro state is beneficial, especially to make them better prepared for the Fashion Rio/Fashion Business event. Informality as a way out of the unemployment problem is a growing trend in Valença, as well as in most of Brazilian cities. In this sense, the entrepreneurs need to find favorable steps to make them feel motivated to formalize their businesses.


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In the last years, a number of enterprises ¿ each time greater ¿ have perceived the importance of the strategic management of the intellectual capital in its strategic planning. Factors like globalization of the economy and consequent awareness of specialized work value enclosed in organizational processes and routines, awareness of knowledge as factor of distinct production and low cost of data processing nets, point to a growing replacement of physical force for cerebral in our organizations and in our social lives. This work has the objective to analyze how the information technology, in its present stage, may contribute to creation and development of knowledge, or intellectual capital, in the organization of business. We will use for this purpose the methodology proposed by Nonaka and Takeuchi for creation of knowledge in the organizations. The model is based in two basic points: 1) the existence of two types of knowledge, the tacit and the explicit and its several processes of interaction wich generate operational knowledge (internalization), systematic knowledge (combination), shared knowledge (socialization) and conceptual knowledge (externalization); 2) the view that knowledge in principle is individual, belongs to each member of the organization and must be enlarged 'in an organization way'. Considering the characteristics of the methodology used, the proposal is the construction of a knowledge portal in the organization of business, so that it may be used as a tool for helping to create and develop organizational knowledge.


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This study is an analysis of the nature of conflicts in highly qualified teams, searching for its causes and potential consequences for the teams¿ performance. The hypothesis is that establishing a power principle is of utmost importance to provide the team members with parameters for action as well as with an effective coordination, which may lead to the desired outcome. The problem under analysis herein is centered on teamwork, having in mind the growing complexity of the competences necessary for the organizations¿ success, in such a way that, if the human activities in these organizations are not cooperatively developed, the desired outcomes may be threatened. In this context it is perceived that many knowledge organizations lack adequate strategies and tools to promote adequate coordination of highly qualified workers, involved cooperatively in tasks of large intrinsic complexity. ABC Consulting is a particular instance of such problem, that may add to the understanding of the general problem of team work. This study takes into account the more general background of the Brazilian culture, which, in spite of broadening aspects such as social cordiality and the living in others (Holanda, 1995), does not lead naturally to quality teamwork. The research development is anchored in a methodology that combines both field and bibliographical work, with a qualitative approach in the scope of case study.