22 resultados para GONZALEZ, LUISA, 1904-1999
This paper was developed as part of a broader research program on the political economy of exchange rate policies in Latin America and the Caribbean. We are grateful for helpful comments and suggestions from Jeff Frieden, Ernesto Stein, Jorge Streb, Marcelo Neri and seminar participants at Getulio Vargas Foundation, PUC-Rio, IDB workshop on The Political Economy of Exchange Rate Policies in Latin America and the Caribbean, and LACEA meeting in Buenos Aires. We thank René Garcia for providing us with a Fortran program for estimating the Markov Switching Model, Ilan Goldfajn for sending us updated estimates of the real exchange rate series of Goldfajn and Valdés (1996), Altamir Lopes and Ricardo Markwald for kindly furnishing data on Brazilian external accounts, and Carla Bernardes, Gabriela Domingues, Juliana Pessoa de Araújo, and, specially, Marcelo Pinheiro for excellent research assistant. Both authors thank CNPq for a research fellowship.
On March 4, 1999, the newly appointed President of the Brazilian Central Bank, Mr Armínio Fraga, raised interest rates to a staggering 45% per annum. The objective of that decision was to keep foreign investors assets in Brazil, and prevent the country from default. At the time, Brazil suffered frem an enormously intense crisis of confidence, and fears of such default were widespread. Mr Fraga was walking a very fine line when making that decision, for it could bring forth unintended effects: the market, already concerned about Brazil's sustainability, could perceive the increased rate as an irreversible step towards the abyss inevitable default. Economic theory postulates the rational actor model as the driving force behind economic decision-making. The objective of this thesis is to present and discuss the hypothesis that this particular decision, and by extension many others, are better explained threugh the recognition-primed decision mode!.
O objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar o impacto dos programas de atenção básica à saúde no Brasil sobre alguns indicadores de qualidade do serviço de saúde, incluindo uma avaliação preliminar dessa política com relação à eficiência econômica. Outros pesquisadores já realizaram estudos semelhantes, como Peixoto e Rocha (2009) e Rocha e Soares (2008 e 2010). Este estudo difere dos anteriores em pelo menos alguns aspectos como o período de análise, a cobertura geográfica, as variáveis utilizadas e a abordagem metodológica, porém aproxima-se mais ao primeiro estudo do ponto de vista metodológico. O período da análise compreende os anos entre 1999 e 2005 e considera todos os municípios do Brasil. Os resultados corroboram em grande parte aqueles obtidos por Peixoto e Rocha (2009) para a região Sudeste e as hipóteses levantadas por estes autores, pois foram encontrados impactos significativos do Programa Saúde da Família (PSF) em termos de redução da mortalidade infantil, não acontecendo o mesmo com relação às taxas de mortalidade em outras faixas etárias. Além disso, foi encontrado um efeito positivo e significativo da cobertura do PSF sobre a taxa de acesso da população ao sistema de saúde, reforçando a idéia de que o PSF teve o efeito de estruturar a rede de atenção básica, aumentando o alcance dessa rede de serviços e aproximando-a da população. Também foram encontradas algumas evidências de que os efeitos benéficos da cobertura do PSF não ocorreram somente via aumento de gastos, mas também via aumento da eficiência dos serviços.
Este trabalho, com base na literatura teórica e empírica que trata da taxa de câmbio real, tem como objetivo investigar, por meio da estimação de um modelo de correção de erros, as principais variáveis que afetaram a taxa de câmbio real no período 1999/2010. A amostra utilizada começa com a implementação do regime de metas de inflação pelo Banco Central do Brasil (BCB) e pela adoção do câmbio flexível. O modelo de correção dos erros (VECM) foi estimado para duas taxas de câmbio reais efetivas, uma deflacionada pelo IPCA (Índice de Preço ao Consumidor Amplo) e outra pelo IPA (Índice de Preço no Atacado). Os resultados apontam que as principais variáveis que afetaram a taxa de câmbio real de equilíbrio no longo prazo foram: diferencial de juros, gastos do governo, produtividade, termos de troca, transações correntes e dívida externa total.
This paper examines the structure of agenda power in the Brazilian Câmara dos Deputados (Chamber of Deputies). Our main question concerns when consistent agenda control by a single majority coalition, as opposed to agenda control by shifting majorities, has emerged in the post-1988 Câmara. Consistent agenda control emerges routinely in parliamentary regimes: the government commands a majority in the assembly; the legislative agenda is negotiated among the governing parties, typically with each able to “veto” the placement of bills on the agenda. However, the Câmara faces an external executive, the president, with substantial formal powers to set its agenda. Consistent agenda control thus can emerge only if the president chooses to ally with a majority coalition in the assembly. If the president always chose to form such an alliance—a presidentially-led agenda cartel—then one would expect some consistently parliamentary patterns in Brazil: the appointment of legislative party leaders to the cabinet; the use of statutes rather than decrees to achieve policy goals; the avoidance of bills that would pass and split the governing coalition. We find that only the Cardoso presidency displays consistent evidence of such a presidentiallyled agenda cartel. In this sense, our argument differs from that of Figueiredo and Limongi (1999; 2000), who argue that presidents have consistently pursued a parliamentary mode of governance in Brazil. Yet it also differs from those who argue that presidents have consistently pursued a shifting-coalitions strategy. Our results suggest that presidents make a strategic choice, with much hinging on that choice.
There are four different hypotheses analyzed in the literature that explain deunionization, namely: the decrease in the demand for union representation by the workers; the impaet of globalization over unionization rates; teehnieal ehange and ehanges in the legal and politieal systems against unions. This paper aims to test alI ofthem. We estimate a logistie regression using panel data proeedure with 35 industries from 1973 to 1999 and eonclude that the four hypotheses ean not be rejeeted by the data. We also use a varianee analysis deeomposition to study the impaet of these variables over the drop in unionization rates. In the model with no demographic variables the results show that these economic (tested) variables can account from 10% to 12% of the drop in unionization. However, when we include demographic variables these tested variables can account from 10% to 35% in the total variation of unionization rates. In this case the four hypotheses tested can explain up to 50% ofthe total drop in unionization rates explained by the model.