Deunionization in the US: a panel data analysis from 1973 to 1999

Autoria(s): Barbosa Filho, Fernando de Holanda





There are four different hypotheses analyzed in the literature that explain deunionization, namely: the decrease in the demand for union representation by the workers; the impaet of globalization over unionization rates; teehnieal ehange and ehanges in the legal and politieal systems against unions. This paper aims to test alI ofthem. We estimate a logistie regression using panel data proeedure with 35 industries from 1973 to 1999 and eonclude that the four hypotheses ean not be rejeeted by the data. We also use a varianee analysis deeomposition to study the impaet of these variables over the drop in unionization rates. In the model with no demographic variables the results show that these economic (tested) variables can account from 10% to 12% of the drop in unionization. However, when we include demographic variables these tested variables can account from 10% to 35% in the total variation of unionization rates. In this case the four hypotheses tested can explain up to 50% ofthe total drop in unionization rates explained by the model.





Fundação Getulio Vargas. Escola de Pós-graduação em Economia


Seminários de Almoço da EPGE


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Palavras-Chave #Sindicalismo - Estados Unidos - 1973-1999

Working Paper