80 resultados para Escolha de alternativas
O objetivo deste trabalho é fazer uma decomposição da dinâmica da dívida e verificar quais foram os fatores que mais contribuíram para o crescimento da relação da Dívida/PIB no início dessa década. Primeiramente foi feita uma decomposição básica da dívida de onde se verificou que o pagamento de juros reais sobre a dívida interna foi o grande responsável pela elevação da razão Dívida/PIB. Posteriormente, foi feita uma decomposição mais detalhada da dinâmica da dívida, desagregando a dívida interna por indexador. Observou-se que o pagamento de juros reais sobre a dívida cambial foi o grande responsável pela trajetória crescente da dívida nesse período, principalmente em 2002 quando houve acentuada depreciação do câmbio. A seguir, foram feitos alguns exercícios contrafactuais para analisar qual teria sido a dinâmica da dívida em diferentes cenários.
O principal objetivo desta dissertação foi analisar a trajetória de ex-alunos de escola pública que moravam no bairro de Campo Grande e que se tornaram professores, tentando entender se houve relação entre a origem social e a escolha profissional. Para tanto foi feito um trabalho de campo na escola estadual Dr. Albert Sabin onde os entrevistados cursaram o Ensino Médio e fizeram a promessa de voltarem como professores. As entrevistas somam dez horas de gravação e resultaram numa análise social e cultural das trajetórias dos depoentes a partir de suas próprias percepções. Discorreram sobre suas trajetórias escolares, sobre a rotina familiar e sobre as alternativas que consideram que tiveram e sobre as limitações que foram impostas. Assim, pôde-se tentar avaliar o quanto houve de espaço para suas “escolhas”.
Este estudo exploratório tem como objetivo analisar artigos sobre estratégia organizacional que adotam perspectivas estratégicas alternativas às teorias de posicionamento. Aproximadamente 5500 artigos representaram o ponto de partida do presente estudo. Desse total foram selecionados 630 artigos que formaram o banco de dados textual e foram classificados em categorias analíticas. Estudamos a categoria 'política' composta por 37 artigos. Como resultado obtivemos um quadro não exaustivo sobre artigos em estratégia que são ao mesmo tempo 'alternativos' e versam sobre questões políticas relacionadas aos negócios.
As demandas exigindo a melhoria da produtividade em faculdades e universidades estão surgindo dramática e rapidamente no Brasil. Muitos estudos têm sugerido sistemas de avaliação e critérios externos para controlar a produção universitária em termos quantitativos e qualitativos. Considerando-se que as universidades e faculdades não são organizações com fins lucrativos (excetuando-se, é claro, as caça-níqueis), as variáveis microeconômicas e administrativas tradicionais usadas para medir a eficiência não possuem nenhuma função direta. Nesse sentido, dever-se-ia criar um sistema de controle à la mercado (imitando o mercado) para se avaliar a produção em universidades e faculdades. O orçamento e o mecanismo de alocação de recursos contido no mesmo pode ser usado como um mecanismo de incentivo para melhorar a qualidade e a produtividade. Esse será o principal tema deste artigo.
China and Brazil have got commercial potentials and strategic partnerships are desired from both sides, but in order to guarantee long term, stable relationship these countries must overcome barriers and obtain mutual gains. The objective of this study was to determine how one can overcome obstacles related to value creation, enhance of competitiveness and international deals in terms of Brazil-China commercial negotiation specifically for soy beans. The CEO of one of the biggest and most important international trading-companies has been contacted and mentioned problems faced by his company in terms of brazillian soy beans sale to chinese clients. Problems such as: the break up of legally based contracts, demanding public pressure, insufficient infra-structure in Brazil for production dispatching, cultural differences, lack of trust, power asymmetry were related and has been analyzed on this study. The perspective used on this study refers to elements, processes and forms of negotiation between these two continental giants.
The objective of this dissertation is to discover and to analyze the way how the consumer uses his/her perception to decide contracting a health plan, to supply elements that can serve to subsidize the State, the market and the consumers, in relation to the knowledge on the process of choice of the consumer and the decisions of purchase and contracting services of private health. The estimated one is to evidence that the brand of health plan is an important variable and decisive to the consumer contracting the service of a company that operates in these sector, because mean for the consumer security about the product, through the symbolism that the same one represents, despite the consumer not knowing to the certainty what is contracting in quality and amount. The theoretical construction is carried through using literature of anthropology of the consumption, theory of modernity, theory of the regulation, economic utilitarism, and marketing. Moreover, referential specific theoretician on the regulation of the market of health plans in Brazil. The health plan market in Brazil is anti-symmetrical and the consumer doesn¿t have knowledge technician who makes possible it to form judgment and to carry through rationality choices. Than the consumer uses to his/her decision symbolic elements that are available to his/her and supply to his/her the security that is look likes in the consumption of this kind of good. These symbolic elements related the confidence and security and are into the strong brands of the companies and are transmitted to the consumer through the mass media. In this dissertation are used as sources of data some information of the regulatory agency of the sector ¿ ANS -, a research of public opinion with health plans users and the results of the application of proper questionnaires for this research.
The subject of the current work was to analyze the subject of the adequacy of Brazilian's agricultural activity financing model, as an alternative for the traditional agriculture credit. The main basis for this research is the evidence that the official resources for new loans, wherein it is analyzed a period within 30 years, had their highest peak in the final 70's decade and beginning of the80¿s had experimented a consistent trajectory of decline, returning to the initial levels of the final decades of the 60¿s. In parallel with the situation above, it is evidenced the increase of the Brazilian agriculture production by the official data, mainly grain plowing, followed by diverse problems like high levels of default in and continuously debt roll over, indicating depauperation from the traditional model which was institutionalized in 1965, under the Law n. 4829. A survey of official data regarding those loans, their default and field research with banks that deal with agriculture loans, from a broad Bibliographical research, ,was made in order to verify their managing strategy and willingness to use new financing mechanisms. The main proposed alternatives were: a) Cédula de Produto Rural (Rural Product Bill) b) Cédula de Produto Rural, financial modality c) Bolsa de Mercadorias e de Futuro¿s proposal d) Agricultural Receivable on Security e) Model based on Local Credit Agencies The best instrument for leveling resources were the first four alternatives, analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of each proposal. The creation of a system based on local branches for credit had not shown to be viable as for the difficulties for implementation and functioning. The work also points out a need to review the segmentation concerning rural clients. The traditional format for segmentation distinguishes 2 groups of producers: commercial agriculture and familiar agriculture. A third group is in eminence, which is the survival agriculture, with needs and distinct characteristics, indicating that the requirements for their needs must not have to be made by credit forms, but as aid programs, education and social welfare.
The general objective of this research is to verify which attributes are most relevant to a stock photography agency that represent the purchaser's standards of choice. For this objective to be accomplished, qualitative interviews with the customers of stock photography agencies had been made in order to raise the attributes considered with relevance in the process of choice for the Brazilian stock photography agency market. The levels of each attribute to be tested had arisen through the mapping of the products and services offered by the competition and the relative weight assigned to each one of the attributes related to the research in the choices for a stock photography agency. A transversal study was made with a sample of stock photography agencies customers from Brazil¿s Southeastern region. For the analysis of this data, a survey method was used, that, according to MALHOTRA (2006: 182), involves a structuralized questionnaire to be answered by an interview that elucidates specific information, in which the questions had a predetermined order. This questionnaire was presented through interviews on the Internet. The method adopted for this analysis was a joint analysis. A sampling of 1000 customer stock photography agencies were selected, which were represented by a didactic book editor, advertising agencies, editorial companies, etc., in the states of Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Espírito Santo and Minas Gerais. They had been obtained by 16 stimulations, or cards, for the application of the companies. Of the sample of 1000 customers of stock photography agencies, 7,8% responded to the research. The attribute most relevant in accordance with the presented results is the availability of images in high resolution for layout. Its relative importance was 40,78%. At the end of the study, the management implications were propitiated to the stock photography agencies managers inabling them to be more competitive.
The export of information technology software services, also known as ¿offshore outsourcing¿, has raised debates in the media as well as in the academy. A lot has been written about the success of India, Ireland and Israel, the ¿3Is¿, but empirical data about Brazil is still hard to find. This dissertation proposes to identify success factors for Brazil to be chosen as a preferred location for offshore outsourcing based on a case study of an American multinational corporation, with branches in Brazil, that is systematically choosing Brazil as a preferred location for its offshore outsourcing operations. Concepts of economic globalization, internationalization of services and success factors for offshore outsourcing will be presented in the literature review and based on available literature focused on Brazil, a model of eight success factors is proposed. The empirical research was grounded on multiple data sources but the analysis was focused on a database of 219 deals that were conducted from September 2005 to May 2006, out of which Brazil was selected 57 times. The results confirm the proposed model of eight success factors. The final conclusions suggest that the process of identifying a country to perform the offshore activities is complex and that not all factors will be present at the same time, and more than that, in some cases intangible factors, such as relationship networks and emotional links with the country, have a higher weight in the decision. The results can be used in the future for in depth researches that differentiate Brazil from other countries in the offshore outsourcing market.
o conceito de confiança como antecedente à decisão de compra tem sido introduzido em estudos empíricos sobre marketing no Brasil a partir do referencial teórico adotado principalmente nos Estados Unidos e Europa. A presente dissertação examina a confiança, tanto no vendedor como na sua empresa, como fator que influencia a decisão de compra em relacionamentos business to business. O estudo se baseia no artigo de Doney e Cannon (1997) sobre a confiança no relacionamento entre empresas e seus vendedores. O estudo empírico trata de um levantamento de corte transversal, no qual foram testadas hipóteses específicas para examinar as relações entre as variáveis, em um processo de pesquisa formal e estruturado, com uma amostra de 170 lojas e revendas de materiais de construção no estado do Rio de Janeiro. Os dados foram coletados a partir da base de clientes de uma indústria siderúrgica sediada no interior do estado do Rio de Janeiro com forte atuação nas regiões sul e sudeste do país. A análise dos dados foi feita com base no Modelo de Equações Estruturais (SEM), através do software Lisrel 8.30. Os resultados não são idênticos aos obtidos no estudo original, mas apontam para a importância de se estabelecerem relacionamentos com os clientes. A pesquisa conclui que as características da empresa fornecedora como também seu relacionamento e o do vendedor, influenciam a decisão de compra de seus clientes. No entanto, as características do vendedor não têm impacto sobre a confiança no mesmo. Este estudo fornece subsídios a futuras pesquisas sobre a confiança como antecedente à decisão de compra. São discutidas as limitações da pesquisa e as implicações de seus resultados para a gestão de marketing no Brasil.
The electronic commerce has become a channel of advertising, commercialization and distribution of products and services, continuously increasing it¿s importance in terms of both physical and financial volumes, but still exist many gaps in the knowledge about the choice process of sales channels in the electronic commerce. The objective of this work is to raise and quantify the relevant factors in the choice of these channels in Brazil. The identification of the relevant factors was made through depth interviews with consumers, users of electronic commerce, as well as through the existing theoretical referential on the subject. The quantification of these factors was carried out with book purchasers by electronic commerce, through quantitative research, using the methodology of conjoint analysis, where the price was the most important factor, followed by delivery time, positive experience on previous purchase, usability of the site, positive recommendation of friends and the site brand. These results indicate as important attributes: price, confidence, usability and brand.
As relações entre os atributos presentes em uma oferta e o desempenho das empresas são de considerável interesse para os pesquisadores de marketing. Esta dissertação investiga os atributos motivadores de uma escolha no mercado de telefonia celular, cujas ofertas pressupõem a aquisição simultânea de um bem (aparelho celular) com a contratação de um serviço. Dados foram coletados a partir de um survey com 302 entrevistados na cidade do Rio de Janeiro e foram analisados à luz da análise conjunta. Objetivou-se responder qual a relevância dos atributos na escolha do consumidor e evidenciar, a partir destes pesos relativos, a importância do bem (aparelho celular) e do serviço em uma situação de compra conjunta. Resultados demonstraram que as importâncias relativas dos atributos referentes ao componente aparelho (marca do fabricante, preço e funcionalidades) obtiveram valores significamente maiores do que as importâncias relativas do componente serviço (marca da prestadora, preço e funcionalidades) Ao constituir-se o ranking dos atributos para cada um dos componentes constataram-se também diferenças quanto as suas colocações. Os resultados indicam também a forte influência do preço do aparelho celular sobre a escolha do consumidor, tendo este atributo o maior peso relativo absoluto. O autor desta dissertação sugere que o resultado é justificado pela compra do aparelho representar um desembolso imediato enquanto o preço do serviço, embora sistemático, não ocorra no momento da efetivação da compra.
The objective of this work is to search a real case of capital budgeting, relating the practical technical aspects of the elaboration of project, with theoretical referential and following secondary objectives: (i) to analyze the relations established between the bibliographical material and the found practical technical problems of capital budgeting in the enterprise; (ii) to search and to describe the necessary pacing to the economic and financial elaboration of an project, from the prospecting of the demand, the projection of revenues and expenditures and the evaluation of the necessary investments to its development; (iii) to relate and to exemplify the influences of the restrictions presented for the methods of capital budgeting, correlating the practical theoretical referential with the enterprise; (iv) to analyze the yield of the investment project, (v) to verify the influence of the financing, on the yield of the project; and, finally, (vi) to demonstrate the choice process among some alternatives of supply, when used as tools of aid to the purchase decision, the methods of the Internal Tax of Return and the Net Present Value. To the end of the study one concluded that the methods of the Internal Tax of Return and the Net Present Value are powerful tools in the yield evaluation and viability of investments projects. However, to only understand the methods through what they teach in books is not enough for the daily practical of capital budgeting. Literature starts from two basic points: (i) the investments analyst dominates all the countable revenues, expenditures, and investments concepts.(ii) the numerical examples are simple and easy to understand, to infer its practical applications is a contouring question to be raised and passed by the analyst. This study intends to show the conjunction of the bibliography with the practical one, therefore, from the instant that demonstrates the countable concept of the prescription, it also explains as it was constituted from the calculation of the demand, until its inclusion in the project. Thus, searching concepts of revenues, expenditures, depreciation and capital assets, disclosing its constitution and, over all, the application inside of the project, it all takes the analyst to the final part of the process, that consists in the determination of the numerical calculations, allowing to dedicate more time to the difficult task to interpret the data. Finally, understood the analysis of the economic viability of the project, the study guides the purchase of the equipment under the economic-financial point of view.
A abordagem adotada para o desenvolvimento do tema preocupa-se principalmente com o processo de atribuição de um valor simbólico ao calçado como bem de consumo, e como fatores psicológicos e sociais influenciam os critérios utilizados por mães e crianças na escolha do calçado e na percepção da imagem das marcas existentes. Obriga o mercadólogo a estar pronto para empreender uma excursão pelo mundo encantado dos super-heróis das estórias infantis.
O estudo faz uma reconstituição histórica da homeopatia no Brasil desde sua implantação no país, mostrando as implicações desse ato dentro do universo médico, até a sua atual inclusão dentro dos serviços públicos. Mostra a pesquisa toda polêmica que essa terapêutica tem criado em torno de si, as consequências de sua luta pela legitimação enquanto doutrina médica