372 resultados para Brasil. [Código brasileiro de telecomunicações (1962)] , análise
Roteiro para análise de atos de concentração: uma proposta para o quadro institucional brasileiro
O objetivo deste projeto é elaborar uma proposta de roteiro para a análise de concentrações econômicas horizontais aplicável à jurisdição brasileira. O estudo será dividido em três partes: i. avaliação do atual estágio de orientação para o agente econômico no tocante ao roteiro de análise de atos de concentração ao amparo da Lei 8884/94 (Lei antitruste); ii. resenha da experiência internacional em roteiros de análise de atos de concentração; iii. proposta de roteiro aplicável ao caso brasileiro com duas variantes: a) supondo o atual marco legal que faculta o controle estrutural ex post; b) admitindo alteração legal que introduz o controle estrutural ex ante.
Este trabalho verifica a hipótese de que há economias de escala presentes na administração de planos fechados de previdência privada no Brasil, utilizando três Ãndices para medição do custeio administrativo das Entidades Fechadas de Previdência Privada (EFPPs): despesas administrativas sobre as receitas; despesas administrativas sobre o total de ativos e despesas administrativas por participante. Verifica-se ainda as hipóteses de que o percentual de participantes assistidos sobre o total de participantes, indicando a maturidade do plano, e o número de planos geridos por uma mesma EFPP exercem um efeito importante sobre os Ãndices de custeio. Finalmente, analisa-se o peso das despesas administrativas relativas à gestão dos investimentos no total do custeio de uma EFPP.
The text relates an empirical investigation on Brazilian information systems and services outsourcing context, revealing some important characteristics about formerly unclear matter. The research analyses the reasoning for outsourcing, the implementation process, the partners selection criteria, the destination of internal technical personnel, the agreement writing process, the start prices and further revisions, the plans for the future, segments transferred to external partners, effective benefits and difficulties and major concerns about outsourcing.
In this thesis, the basic research of Chase and Simon (1973) is questioned, and we seek new results by analyzing the errors of experts and beginners chess players in experiments to reproduce chess positions. Chess players with different levels of expertise participated in the study. The results were analyzed by a Brazilian grandmaster, and quantitative analysis was performed with the use of statistical methods data mining. The results challenge significantly, the current theories of expertise, memory and decision making in this area, because the present theory predicts piece on square encoding, in which players can recognize the strategic situation reproducing it faithfully, but commit several errors that the theory can¿t explain. The current theory can¿t fully explain the encoding used by players to register a board. The errors of intermediary players preserved fragments of the strategic situation, although they have committed a series of errors in the reconstruction of the positions. The encoding of chunks therefore includes more information than that predicted by current theories. Currently, research on perception, trial and decision is heavily concentrated on the idea of 'pattern recognition'. Based on the results of this research, we explore a change of perspective. The idea of 'pattern recognition' presupposes that the processing of relevant information is on 'patterns' (or data) that exist independently of any interpretation. We propose that the theory suggests the vision of decision-making via the recognition of experience.
This work aims to identify the impacts brought about by legislation alterations regarding assets allocation by Pension Funds Companies. Focused on that, this work carried on a detailed review on the existing literature concerning Modern Portfolio Theory, Pension Funds Investment Strategies and on Brazilian Legislation for Financial Market and Pension Funds. On a second moment, the work identified asset allocation differences when comparing national financial market players and the data released by the official Social Security Secretary - SPC - regarding the 35 Pension Funds analyzed. In accordance with what the literature indicates, the work also reveals that Pension Funds pursue asset allocation policies different than those adopted by other market players due to the Fund¿s long term investment characteristics. No major impacts were identified on the legislation issued by the National Monetary Council ¿ CMN - in what it concerns asset allocation and impacts were only identified on the legislation regarding - CPMF - taxes on financial operations - which led Pension Funds to allocate expressive part of their assets on investment funds.
The Brazilian energetic sector is passing through deep transformations. The restructure is mainly characterized by the passage from a vertical and centrally coordinated system, in hands of the State, to a more horizontal one, with characteristics of a network, in which organizations, such as the National Agency of Electric Energy (ANEEL), the new regulator entity, the Wholesaler Market of Electric Energy (MAE), the National Operator of Electric System (ONS), Eletrobrás and the National Bank of Economic and Social Development (BNDES) are designated as the principals integrators of the system. The objective of the present work was to analyze the influence of the privatization and restructuring processes in the integration of the Brazilian system of electric energy. The analysis was based on the instruments offered by the network approach. The results of the research show that the Brazilian sector of electric energy cannot be considered as a highly integrated network. In this new horizontal configuration, the social actors are affirming its roles, functions and objectives, while the key-organization like ANEEL, ONS, MAE, Eletrobrás, and BNDES are being structured to strengthen its integrative role.
This study has the purpose to analyze some of the programs and measures adopted by the Brazilian Army, as well as eventual contributions, for the modernization of its Logistics. Thus, focus one of the main devices of logistic support of the Forces, the Quartermaster, approaching some roles performed by this Service that comprises the current conception of the Army Logistics. This modernization process is mainly developed through a excellence program implemented for the whole Army aiming, amongst other factors, the adoption of managerial practices leading to a better operational performance and to the improvement of the Institution' services and products quality: the Managerial Excellence Program of the Brazilian Army (PEG-EB). Here, the Logistics is deemed as key part for the organizational success and one of the main factors of competitive differential of companies, directly related to costs reduction and increase in the level of services provided for the customers. For the Army, the improvement and update of logistic doctrine emerge as priority for achieving the goals, especially focusing the need to integrated the logistics activities, in order to optimize the resources available, reduce costs and prioritize its actions. While searching for an integrated approach for its logistics, the Army created a central body with the responsibility to coordinate all the supply chain of its Units: the Logistic Department (D Log). This body centrally coordinates a major segment of logistics functions in the Forces. The conclusion states that the development of this mentality about the internal integration of activities will allow a rationalization of the management process, increasing the indexes of availability of material from military organizations, and consequently a serviceability gain for the Brazilian Army.
After having done an accurate analysis of the Registry Office in Brazil it was found out that there are some distortions, as the one which makes possible the existence of significant contingent of population - 'the registeredless' ('os sem-registros' ) - people who live on the margins of society. This system is based on private patterns coming from the extrajudicial registry offices performance and through a government official concession, the registry offices have obtained the legal right to take over registration services.The maintenance of this model has been put in question and debates have been taking place all over Brazil. This process, on the other hand, produces data which are collected, processed and disseminated by IBGE (Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e EstatÃstica) and could be the source of very important statistical information if there were not blanks created by the 'subregistration' caused by offical records evasion and/ or by late offical records. The main purpose of this work is to show how deficient is the current system in Brazil, not only by pointing out the problems which still happen nowadays but also by thinking carefully about the difficulties to search for process improvement. In conclusion, there is a latent need to rethink the way the Registry Office system is structured in Brazil. Discussions can act as a stimulus to find out more suitable and definitive solutions for all the Brazilian citizens who are interested in consolidate democracy in Brazil.
This dissertation tried to study qualitatively the performance of the exportation¿s consortiums in the segment of beach fashion in Brazil in the perspective of the marketing. Making use of the method of Grounded Theory, this study aimed to identify the categories that compose and make influence on the exporting performance of four consortiums in Brazil , based on the segment of beach fashion. This study becomes relevant because it classifies the categories found on the field research and exposes their relations. These categories have been characterized as big categories, intermediate categories and initial categories, having it¿s aim respectively: (a) to identify the characteristics found only on the studied consortiums; to identify (b) the promotional composition based on the (c) characteristics found in the segment of beach fashion. The study presents theoretical and managemental implications when shows two important categories that are relevant on the actuation of the exportation¿s consortiums on the external market, which are: knowledge of marketing in the external market and characteristics of the consortiums.
Este estudo apresenta uma análise comparativa dos modelos de regulação dos setores nucleares da Argentina - a cargo da Autoridad Regulatoria Nuclear (ARN), e do Brasil- sob a responsabilidade da Comissão Nacional de Energia Nuclear (CNEN), que procura identificar, por meio de critérios de análise selecionados a partir do referencial teórico, qual modelo é o mais adequado objetivando o uso seguro da energia nuclear. O CapÃtulo I apresenta uma breve descrição dos modelos de regulação dos setores nucleares do Brasil e da Argentina, bem como os objetivos, a delimitação do estudo e a relevância da pesquisa. O referencial teórico, CapÃtulo 2, contém tópicos sobre a reforma do Estado, os tipos de regulação, a regulação no Brasil e as caracterÃsticas do setor nuclear internacional e brasileiro. A seguir, foram selecionados critérios de análise que correspondem à s caracterÃsticas das agências reguladoras brasileiras criadas para outros setores da economia, no bojo da reforma de Estado implementada no Brasil a partir de meados dos anos 90. Posteriormente, estes critérios de análise foram utilizados como parâmetros de comparação entre os modelos de regulação dos setores nucleares da Argentina e do Brasil. A metodologia de pesquisa é descrita no CapÃtulo 3, definindo-se o tipo de pesquisa, o universo e a amostra, a forma de coleta e tratamento dos dados e as limitações do método empregado. No CapÃtulo 4 é descrito o modelo de regulação do setor nuclear argentino, apresentando-se também um breve histórico sobre a criação da ARN. O CapÃtulo 5 apresenta a descrição do modelo de regulação do setor nuclear brasileiro, os estudos e recomendações existentes sobre a regulação do setor e os resultados da pesquisa empÃrica realizada junto aos servidores da CNEN. Com base na análise comparativa, CapÃtulo 6, pode-se concluir, CapÃtulo 7, que a estrutura regulatória e fiscalizadora do setor nuclear argentino, sob responsabilidade da ARN, mostra-se mais adequada no que tange ao uso seguro da energia nuclear, do que o modelo adotado no Brasil pela CNEN, pois incorpora os critérios de independência funcional, institucional e financeira, definição de competências, excelência técnica e transparência, necessários ao desempenho de suas funções de forma autônoma, ética, isenta e ágil.
This work aims to identify the impacts brought about by legislation alterations regarding assets allocation by Pension Funds Companies. Focused on that, this work carried on a detailed review on the existing literature concerning Modern Portfolio Theory, Pension Funds Investment Strategies and on Brazilian Legislation for Financial Market and Pension Funds. On a second moment, the work identified asset allocation differences when comparing national financial market players and the data released by the official Social Security Secretary ¿ SPC ¿ regarding the 35 Pension Funds analyzed. In accordance with what the literature indicates, the work also reveals that Pension Funds pursue asset allocation policies different than those adopted by other market players due to the Fund¿s long term investment characteristics. No major impacts were identified on the legislation issued by the National Monetary Council ¿ CMN - in what it concerns asset allocation and impacts were only identified on the legislation regarding ¿CPMF¿ ¿ taxes on financial operations ¿ which led Pension Funds to allocate expressive part of their assets on investment funds
There is no information whatsoever of a society in which there are no demands among private people and companies, among individuals and institutions, varying only the tenor and the intensity of the issues. It would be ideal if conflicts could be solved in common aggreement. The selfcomposition, yet, does not often occurr; leaving the remaining issues for a third part, i.e., the State. Up to the English and French Revolutions, political power was exercised by limitless governors and the State did not submit to the law. After those revolutions, rules are agregated to curb Absolutism and organize the State, which starts to acccomplish its duties under the law, i.e., a Law State. As a result, today, the individual can sue the State to make the State perform or not any undesirable action. In this dissertation, one traces back from the very beginning the role of the institutions in charge of defending the State in courts of law. The judicial defense of the Brazilian State in a court of law, since 1608 to the 1988 Constitution, was a role of the Public Ministry, along with other institutional functions, including prosecution. As a consequence of this ambivalence, the results of the State defense came even to be contradictory. The promulgation of the 1988 Federal Constitution adjusted this historical dualism. The 1988 Constituent embodied significant change to the concept and operationalization of a State Advocacy, confering to a new institution , which was called 'Advocacia Geral da União' or 'General Advocacy of the Union' (article 131), the judicial and extrajudicial representation of the Union. The final object of the reflections of this study is centred on the analysis of the activities of the 'General Advocacy of the Union', in its first years of functioning, in other words, from 1993 to 1999
In the last years, there has been a strong tendency of transferring typical business management concepts and practices to the public administration, such as: efficiency, efficacy, effectiveness, economy, operational excellence, results and transparency. The limited offer of resources, as well as the growing demand for accountability, justifies that movement. In order to put the aforementioned concepts into operation, the public administration uses some mechanisms, among them cost management. This dissertation focuses on the use of cost management systems, based on an activity-based costing (ABC) method, by Brazilian public entities. The present analysis is conducted from the ABC system implemented in the Brazilian Central Bank (BACEN) - an indirect public administration autarchy - the main goal of this study is to examine its outcomes since the implementation of the system. The investigation went through three main questions: if the system is being used, if it is fulfilling the objectives sought and, finally, if it is providing the expected benefits. Semi-structured interviews were made with members of the institution; and, according to the assumptions and tools tailored for this study, the collected data were analysed qualitatively. Evidences indicate that information, when not manipulated in a systematic way, hinder not only the incorporation of the cost system to the routine, but also the achievement of the goals and benefits aimed with such implementation.
Na presente dissertação procura-se medir os impactos dos programas de ajuste macroeconômicos acordados entre o Brasil e o FMI no perÃodo 1990-2001. Após uma breve exposição sobre o histórico da dÃvida, discute-se o sigilo das operações com o Fundo ao mesmo tempo em que é verificado se o Brasil cumpriu ou não as metas acordadas. Procede-se, por fim, à análise de impactos com a utilização do modelo de contas nacionais. Tendo em vista não se dispor de documentos relativos ao perÃodo 1990-1998, a construção de séries históricas visando a um tratamento estatÃstico adequado fica comprometida. Assim, tal análise é empÃrica, calcada em tabelas e gráficos construÃdos a partir dos dados disponibilizados pelo governo brasileiro e pelo FMI.