169 resultados para Good-level real exchange rate


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This paper derives the spectral density function of aggregated long memory processes in light of the aliasing effect. The results are different from previous analyses in the literature and a small simulation exercise provides evidence in our favour. The main result point to that flow aggregates from long memory processes shall be less biased than stock ones, although both retain the degree of long memory. This result is illustrated with the daily US Dollar/ French Franc exchange rate series.


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O fracasso do Consenso de Washington e das políticas macroeconômicas baseadas em altas taxas de juros e taxas de câmbio não competitivas em gerar crescimento econômico levou a América Latina à necessidade de formular estratégias nacionais de desenvolvimento. O novo desenvolvimentismo é uma estratégia alternativa, não apenas à ortodoxia convencional mas também ao antigo nacional-desenvolvimentismo latino-americano. Enquanto o nacional-desenvolvimentismo se baseava na tendência à deterioração dos termos de troca e, adotando uma abordagem microeconômica, propunha planejamento econômico e industrialização, o novo desenvolvimentismo assume que a industrialização foi alcançada, embora em graus diferentes para cada país, e argumenta que, a fim de garantir taxas rápidas de crescimento e alcançar os países desenvolvidos, o que precisa ser neutralizado é a tendência da taxa de câmbio à sobrevalorização. Contrariamente às alegações do pensamento econômico convencional, um Estado capaz continua sendo o instrumento chave para garantir o desenvolvimento econômico, e a política industrial continua a ser necessária; mas o que distingue a nova abordagem é principalmente o crescimento com poupança interna, em lugar do crescimento com poupança externa, uma política macroeconômica baseada em taxas moderadas de juros e uma taxa de câmbio competitiva, em lugar das altas taxas de juros e das moedas sobrevalorizadas preconizadas pela ortodoxia convencional.


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Structuralist development macroeconomics. This paper presents some basic ideas and models of a structuralist development macroeconomics (the tendencies to the overvaluation of the exchange rate and the tendency of wages to grow below productivity, the critique of growth with foreign savings, and a new model of the Dutch disease) that complement and actualize the thought of the Latin-American structuralist school that developed around ECLAC from the late 1940s to the 1960s. On the other hand, it suggests that a new national development strategy based on the experience of fast growing Asian countries is emerging; and argues that only the countries that adopt such strategy based on growth with domestic savings, fiscal and foreign trade responsibility and a competitive exchange rate will be able to catch up.


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The present work aims to study the macroeconomic factors influence in credit risk for installment autoloans operations. The study is based on 4.887 credit operations surveyed in the Credit Risk Information System (SCR) hold by the Brazilian Central Bank. Using Survival Analysis applied to interval censured data, we achieved a model to estimate the hazard function and we propose a method for calculating the probability of default in a twelve month period. Our results indicate a strong time dependence for the hazard function by a polynomial approximation in all estimated models. The model with the best Akaike Information Criteria estimate a positive effect of 0,07% for males over de basic hazard function, and 0,011% for the increasing of ten base points on the operation annual interest rate, toward, for each R$ 1.000,00 on the installment, the hazard function suffer a negative effect of 0,28% , and an estimated elevation of 0,0069% for the same amount added to operation contracted value. For de macroeconomics factors, we find statistically significant effects for the unemployment rate (-0,12%) , for the one lag of the unemployment rate (0,12%), for the first difference of the industrial product index(-0,008%), for one lag of inflation rate (-0,13%) and for the exchange rate (-0,23%). We do not find statistic significant results for all other tested variables.


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This paper presents the main ideas of structuralist development macroeconomics – the theory behind new developmentalism. Its focus is on the exchange rate that is positioned for the first time in the core of development economics. Economic theory usually views the exchange rate as a short term problem to be discussed in open macroeconomics. Structuralist development macroeconomics argues that there is in developing countries a tendency to the cyclical overvaluation of the exchange rate caused by the lack of neutralization of the Dutch disease and by excessive capital inflows. In consequence it views the exchange rate as chronically overvalued, and, for that reason, a major obstacle to economic growth. In the development process, the exchange rate has the role of light switch that connects or disconnects the national business enterprises utilizing technology in the world state of the art from world markets


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This paper, first, presents some basic ideas and models of a structuralist development macroeconomics that complements and actualizes the thought of structuralist development economics that was dominant between the 1940s and the 1960s including in the World Bank. The new approach focus on the relation between the exchange rate and economic growth, and develops three interrelated models: the tendency to the overvaluation of the exchange, the critique of growth with foreign savings, and a model of the Dutch disease based on the existence of two exchange rate equilibriums: the “current” and the “industrial” equilibrium. Second, it summarizes “new developmentalism” – a sum of growth policies based on these models and on the experience of fast growing Asian countries


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The thesis introduces a system dynamics Taylor rule model of new Keynesian nature for monetary policy feedback in Brazil. The nonlinear Taylor rule for interest rate changes con-siders gaps and dynamics of GDP growth and inflation. The model closely tracks the 2004 to 2011 business cycle and outlines the endogenous feedback between the real interest rate, GDP growth and inflation. The model identifies a high degree of endogenous feedback for monetary policy and inflation, while GDP growth remains highly exposed to exogenous eco-nomic conditions. The results also show that the majority of the monetary policy moves during the sample period was related to GDP growth, despite higher coefficients of inflation parameters in the Taylor rule. This observation challenges the intuition that inflation target-ing leads to a dominance of monetary policy moves with respect to inflation. Furthermore, the results suggest that backward looking price-setting with respect to GDP growth has been the dominant driver of inflation. Moreover, simulation exercises highlight the effects of the new BCB strategy initiated in August 2011 and also consider recession and inflation avoid-ance versions of the Taylor rule. In methodological terms, the Taylor rule model highlights the advantages of system dynamics with respect to nonlinear policies and to the stock-and-flow approach. In total, the strong historical fit and some counterintuitive observations of the Taylor rule model call for an application of the model to other economies.


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O propósito deste trabalho é examinar possíveis ganhos de bem-estar provenientes de arranjos comerciais entre Brasil e China sob a ótica de um modelo de equilíbrio geral computável, o chamado “modelo GTAP” (sigla para Global Trade Analysis Project). Com base em uma descrição extensiva das estruturas econômicas e comerciais dos países e das Vantagens Comparativas de cada um deles, é possível simular acordos preferenciais de comércio e analisar os resultados de bem-estar por meio da medida de Variação Equivalente. Outro aspecto referente ao comércio sino-brasileiro que pode ser avaliado pela medida de bem-estar é o desalinhamento cambial dos dois países e as consequências deste para as transações comerciais entre ambos. Utilizando o mesmo ferramental anteriormente citado, o trabalho busca avaliar o impacto de tal desalinhamento no bem-estar dos países, uma vez que o câmbio seja corrigido via ajuste tarifário.


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Este trabalho contribui a discussão de diversificação internacional no contexto de investidores brasileiros com referência na moeda local (Reais). O trabalho testa as seguintes hipóteses: (1) se a adição de ativos internacionais não aumenta a eficiência (melhora na relação retorno/risco) de carteiras somente com ativos brasileiros, (2) se carteiras de menor risco exigem mais alocações internacionais e, (3) se alocação de ativos é parecida para investidores com referências em dólar ou em reais. Esse trabalho utiliza modelos já conhecidos de fronteiras eficientes com aplicação de técnicas que utilizam rotinas de Monte Carlo para suavizar possíveis erros na estimação dos retornos das classes de ativos, que incorporam ainda incertezas sobre o câmbio. Nas simulações são utilizadas uma cesta de ativos locais e uma cesta de ativos que melhor representa o mercado internacional. Apesar da grande maioria dos investidores brasileiros utilizarem muito pouco ativos internacionais em suas carteiras, seja por motivos de Home Bias, fatores históricos macroeconômicos evidenciados pelas altas taxas de juros ou limitações regulatórias, os resultados empíricos demonstram que existem ganhos de eficiência para as carteiras de investidores brasileiros ao se incluir ativos internacionais na alocação de ativos. Esses ganhos de eficiência são evidenciados para todos os perfis de risco, desde os mais conservadores até os perfis mais agressivos. Os resultados mostram que quanto maior o perfil de risco da carteira, maior é a alocação internacional que maximiza a eficiência da carteira. E por último, a referência da moeda muda significativamente a alocação eficiente de carteiras, carteiras com referência em dólar exigem menos diversificação com ativos em reais do que carteiras com referência em Reais exigem diversificação com ativos internacionais.


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We extend the standard price discovery analysis to estimate the information share of dual-class shares across domestic and foreign markets. By examining both common and preferred shares, we aim to extract information not only about the fundamental value of the rm, but also about the dual-class premium. In particular, our interest lies on the price discovery mechanism regulating the prices of common and preferred shares in the BM&FBovespa as well as the prices of their ADR counterparts in the NYSE and in the Arca platform. However, in the presence of contemporaneous correlation between the innovations, the standard information share measure depends heavily on the ordering we attribute to prices in the system. To remain agnostic about which are the leading share class and market, one could for instance compute some weighted average information share across all possible orderings. This is extremely inconvenient given that we are dealing with 2 share prices in Brazil, 4 share prices in the US, plus the exchange rate (and hence over 5,000 permutations!). We thus develop a novel methodology to carry out price discovery analyses that does not impose any ex-ante assumption about which share class or trading platform conveys more information about shocks in the fundamental price. As such, our procedure yields a single measure of information share, which is invariant to the ordering of the variables in the system. Simulations of a simple market microstructure model show that our information share estimator works pretty well in practice. We then employ transactions data to study price discovery in two dual-class Brazilian stocks and their ADRs. We uncover two interesting ndings. First, the foreign market is at least as informative as the home market. Second, shocks in the dual-class premium entail a permanent e ect in normal times, but transitory in periods of nancial distress. We argue that the latter is consistent with the expropriation of preferred shareholders as a class.


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Duas classes de modelos buscam explicar o padrão de ajustamento de preço das firmas: modelos tempo-dependente e estado-dependente. O objetivo deste trabalho é levantar algumas evidencias empíricas de modo a distinguir os modelos, ou seja, identificar de que maneira as firmas realmente precificam. Para isso, escolheu-se a grande desvalorização cambial de 1999 como principal ferramenta e ambiente de análise. A hipótese fundamental é que o choque cambial impacta significativamente o custo de algumas indústrias, em alguns casos induzindo-as a alterarem seus preço após o choque. A partir de uma imensa base de micro dados formada por preços que compõem o CPI, algumas estimações importantes como a probabilidade e a magnitude média das trocas foram levantadas. A magnitude é dada por uma média simples, enquanto a probabilidade é estimada pelo método da máxima verossimilhança. Os resultados indicam um comportamento de precificação similar ao proposto por modelos estado-dependente.


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In this paper I argue that, in developing countries, sufficient aggregate demand is not enough to motivate investment and achieve full employment. Besides, according to the Keynesian developmental macroeconomics under construction, competent business enterprises must have access to that demand –access which is denied to most of them because developing countries face the tendency to the cyclical and chronic overvaluation of the exchange rate


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Este trabalho analisa a variação da taxa de aluguel e do custo de moradia nas cidades de São Paulo e Rio de Janeiro para o período de Janeiro de 2008 a Janeiro de 2014 utilizando uma abordagem quantitativa com base na expectativa de longo prazo da taxa de juros reais, na expectativa de inflação e na valorização do preço dos imóveis em uma janela de 1 ano. Os resultados indicam que a expectativa de longo prazo da taxa de juros reais tem um impacto relevante na variação da taxa de aluguel durante o período abordado, bem como a expectativa de inflação, mas em magnitude menor, enquanto a valorização passada de 1 ano não tem poder explicativo sobre a taxa de aluguel.


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The Brazilian economy is quasi-stagnant since 1980, with exception of the short 2006-2010 boom, caused by the high prices of the commodities. Up to 1994, the causes were the major financial crisis of the 1980s and the ensuing high inertial inflation. Since these two causes were overcome, the Brazilian economy should have resumed growth, but didn’t. According to new developmental macroeconomics, the new fact that explains this low growth is the 1990-91 trade liberalization, which had as non-predicted consequence the suspension of the neutralization of the Dutch disease. This fact made the Brazilian manufacturing industry to have since then a competitive disadvantage of 20 to 25%, which is causing premature deindustrialization and quasi-stagnation. There is a solution for this stalemate today, but liberal as well as developmental Brazilian economists are not being able to consider the new macroeconomic models that justify it


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This paper presents optimal rules for monetary policy in Brazil derived from a backward looking expectation model consisting of a Keynesian IS function and an Augmented Phillips Curve (ISAS). The IS function displays'a high sensitivity of aggregate demand to the real interest rate and the Phillips Curve is accelerationist. The optimal monetary rules show low interest rate volatility with reaction coefficients lower than the ones suggested by Taylor (1993a,b). Reaction functions estimated through ADL and SUR models suggest that monetary policy has not been optimal and has aimed to product rather than inflation stabilization.