35 resultados para credible commitments.


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The real effects of an imperfectly credible disinflation depend critically on the extent of price rigidity. Therefore, the study of how policymakers’ credibility affects the outcome of an announced disinflation should not be dissociated from the analysis of the determinants of the frequency of price adjustments. In this paper we examine how credibility affects the outcome of a disinflation in a model with endogenous timedependent pricing rules. Both the initial degree of price ridigity, calculated optimally, and, more notably, the changes in contract length during disinflation play an important role in the explanation of the effects of imperfect credibility. We initially evaluate the costs of disinflation in a setup where credibility is exogenous, and then allow agents to use Bayes rule to update beliefs about the “type” of monetary authority that they face. In both cases, the interaction between the endogeneity of time-dependent rules and imperfect credibility increases the output costs of disinflation, but the pattern of the output path is more realistic in the case with learning.


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I show that when a central bank is financially independent from the treasury and has balance sheet concerns, an increase in the size or a change in the composition of the central bank's balance sheet (quantitative easing) can serve as a commitment device in a liquidity trap scenario. In particular, when the short-term interest rate is up against the zero lower bound, an open market operation by the central bank that involves purchases of long-term bonds can help mitigate the deation and a large negative output gap under a discretionary equilibrium. This is because such an open market operation provides an incentive to the central bank to keep interest rates low in future in order to avoid losses in its balance sheet.


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The real effects of an imperfectly credible disinflation depend critically on the extent of price rigidity. Therefore, the study of how policymakers’ credibility affects the outcome of an announced disinflation should not be dissociated from the analysis of the determinants of the frequency of price adjustments. In this paper we examine how the policymaker’s credibility affects the outcome of an announced disinflation in a model with endogenous time-dependent pricing rules. Both the initial degree of price ridigity, calculated optimally, and, more notably, the changes in contract length during disinflation play an important role in the explanation of the effects of imperfect credibility. We initially evalute the costs of disinflation in a setup where credibility is exogenous, and then allow agents to update beliefs about the “type” of monetary authority that they face. We show that, in both cases, the interaction between the endogeneity of time-dependent rules and imperfect credibility increases the output costs of disinflation.


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We develop a model in which managers choose whether or not to reveal their “vision” for the future of their companies. Visionary managers are valuable because they generate incentives for workers to develop profitable innovations for the firm. However, managerial vision is not necessarily credible. After workers have invested in developing ideas, there is no a priori reason for a manager to keep her earlier promises when new contingencies arise and make it profitable to change the firm’s strategic direction. We show that credible managerial vision will arise in equilibrium when managers have career concerns. In order to credibly implement their visions, managers issue public “mission statements” to motivate workers. Mission statements are not legally binding contracts and their value comes solely from their effects on managerial opportunities outside the firm. Among the new implications of the model, we show that managerial vision is more likely to be credible in industries in which managerial turnover is high and in which the managerial skill premium is high. Differently from the related literature that take managerial biases as exogenous, we show not only that biases increase workers’ incentives, but also that the need to provide incentives to workers increases managers’ incentives to become credible visionaries.


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This descriptive paper examines the prevalence of ‘WTO-plus’ commitments in accession protocols of newly acceded Members, with a focus on commitments on the elimination of export duties. It presents preliminary results of a mapping exercise carried out with respect to these commitments and seeks to answer two questions. First, can any general conclusions be drawn as to the prevalence of these commitments or are they, per definition, country-specific. Second, has the political nature of the WTO accession process allowed for the creation of a two-tier membership. The first question is answered by relying on data gathered as part of the ongoing PhD-research project conducted by the author. The project aims to construct a typology of WTO-plus commitments to allow for a more detailed analysis of the relationship between these commitments and the baseline obligations in the covered agreements. The accession of China to the WTO is commonly considered as the prime example of the inclusion of WTO-plus obligations in accession protocols. The paper tries to answer the question whether this particular accession was truly unique in nature, or whether the inclusion of “Plus” obligations is less exceptional than often assumed. Additionally, the accession protocols of other recently acceded-Members are examined to establish whether the hypothesis holds. In the PhD-research project this comparative methodology will also be applied to map WTO-plus commitments in other areas, such as anti-dumping and transparency. The second question will be answered in two stages. In a preliminary stage, international institutional law will be used to by analyzing the way in which the WTO’s Dispute Settlement Body has dealt with this type of WTO-plus commitment in its jurisprudence. The second stage deals with the question of hierarchy: Accession Protocols are negotiated with the WTO Membership, by each country willing to accede to the WTO. This poses questions as to their exact position in the system of WTO law. To establish whether evidence of a two-tier membership is present, one first has to turn back to the question whether Accession Protocols are a separate (or independent) legal instrument or an “integral part” of the WTO system of covered agreements. If newly acceded Members do not benefit from the general exceptions in order to balance their more stringent, WTO-plus, obligations, this may support the conclusion that the membership of the World Trade Organization is becoming, in fact, two-tiered.


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The commitments and working requirements of abstract, applied, and art of, economics are assessed within an analogy with the fields of inert matter and life. Abstract economics is the pure logic of the phenomenon. Applied positive economics presupposes many distinct abstract sciences. Art presupposes applied economics and direct knowledge of the specificities which characterize the time-space individuality of the phenomenon. This is an indetermination clearly formulated by Senior and Mill; its connection with institutionalism is discussed. The Ricardian Vice is the habit of ignoring the indetermination; its prevalence in mainstream economics is exemplified, and its causes analyzed.


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The general commitments and working requirements of abstract, applied, and art of science, including economics, are assessed. Pure economics deals with the logic of the phenomenon. Positive socio-economics presupposes pure economics and many distinct sciences. Art presupposes socio-economics and direct knowledge of the specificities which characterize the time-space individuality of the phenomenon. This indetermination was partially formulated by Senior and Mill; graduate education in economics is considered in its light. The habit of ignoring it is the Ricardian Vice, as named by Schumpeter; the prevalence of the vice is exemplified, and its causes analyzed.


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Uma parcela importante do crescimento econômico é devida a inovações. Esta dissertação revisa a literatura recente em propriedade intelectual. Esta revisão discute os seguintes artigos: Kremer (1998), Boldrin e Levine (2001), Kremer (2001), Shavell e Ypersele (2001), Lerner (2002) e DiMasi, Hansen e Grabowski (2003). Estes contém tanto artigos empíricos quanto teóricos. Na primeira categoria está um artigo sobre efeitos na inovação de mudanças na força das patentes e outro sobre custo de desenvolver novos medicamentos. Os estudos teóricos propõem melhorias e alternativas ao sistema de patentes, por exemplo, recompensas opcionais, compras de patentes, eliminação de patentes em alguns setores e compromisso de compra prévio.


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Effective macroeconomic stability and sustained economic growth will only be achieved in Brazil when the country settles the distributive inconsistency that arose in the 1970s. Since then the state and the nation started to incur respectively in high domestic and foreign debt. Wages grew at much slower rate than productivity, and income concentrated in the hands of business entrepreneurs and particularly of rentiers. Sheer populist practices, or disguised combination of neo-liberal and neopopulist policies were unable to address the problem. Budget deficits and high inflation, or exchange rate overvaluation and financial crises were the typical outcome. To settle distributive inconsistency by compensating in the short term workers for their income losses is not realistic. Only a consistent growth strategy and a credible commitment to share future growth benefits, combined with active social policies oriented to the poor, will do the job.


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In the last decades of the 21st century, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has become one of the most widely debated issues in business management, concerning researchers, politicians, managers and society at large. With multilateral implications in economic and social life, CSR refers, essentially, to the discussion about the boundaries of business intervention in society and the ethical limits that should regulate that intervention. It questions the impact of business practices in social well-being, the role left for corporations and for the State in attending to community needs, and which are, at last, the responsibilities that tie enterprises to society. In this research, CSR is approached from the perspective of its ethical foundations, based on the moral reasoning of the business manager, as a key organizational leader with relevant decision power. Specifically, the research aims to understand how the personal human value system and the ethical orientation of managers influence their attitude towards CSR, considering this attitude as an indicator of managerial behavior that translates into corporate performance. Theoretically, CSR concept is discussed and presented as a set of social commitments, based on a strict interpretation of its meaning. As to human values, its philosophical roots are briefly analyzed and Schwartz modern motivational theory is addressed as main reference for studying the personal value system of managers in this research. Concerning ethics, based on classical theory from moral philosophy, references are seek in John Stuart Mill¿s utilitarianism, Immanuel Kant¿s deontological absolutism, John Rawls¿s theory of justice and the ethics of virtue inspired by Aristotle¿s moral thoughts. Based on an extended literature review, research hypothesis are proposed as part of a theoretical model of analysis named Individual Attitude Towards Social Responsibility Model. In order to test the theory¿s empirical validity, it was conducted a field study with 252 Brazilian managers, mainly from the metropolitan areas of São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. Results show that managerial attitude aligned with CSR principles is favored by conservative personal values, protectors of stability and centered on collective will, and by an ethical orientation based on egalitarianism as postulated by distributive justice principles. However, results also show that the influence of values and personal ethics on managerial attitude towards CSR only occur in managers younger than 30 years old. Findings and their meanings are discussed, as well as summarized in the Axiological and Ethical Determinants of Managers¿ Social Commitment Model. Finally, methodological limitations are evaluated and clues for further research are suggested.


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A competitividade e a responsabilidade social têm sido temas de constante discussão nos meios acadêmicos e econômicos. De um lado, as empresas buscam a competitividade através da eficiência, da excelência e da melhora constante de desempenho. Este desempenho, conforme já colocado por Bateman e Strasser (1984), encontra entre suas bases o comprometimento dos empregados com a sua organização. De outro lado, a sociedade, e todos os grupos nela atuantes, cobram de maneira cada vez mais forte e ampla que as empresas ajam de forma socialmente responsável. Neste sentido, o presente trabalho buscou analisar um modelo de comprometimento organizacional e um de responsabilidade social corporativa que fornecessem as bases para a compreensão desses dois construtos e as possíveis relações entre eles. A partir dos modelos estudados, obtiveram-se quatro grupos de interesse para os quais as atividades de responsabilidade social corporativa podem ser direcionadas – stakeholders sociais e não sociais, empregados, consumidores e governo – e três dimensões do comprometimento organizacional – afetiva, normativa e instrumental. Através de análises de correlação e de regressão linear simples e algumas ponderações teóricas, concluiu-se que, para a amostra obtida, as atividades de responsabilidade social corporativa voltadas aos empregados e aos consumidores possuem relação positiva com os comprometimentos afetivo e normativo, enquanto que as ações de responsabilidade social corporativa voltadas a stakeholders sociais e não sociais e ao governo possuem relação direta apenas com o comprometimento afetivo. As demais relações entre a variável dependente e independente se mostraram inexistentes. Desta forma, este trabalho propõe que os gestores das organizações, conhecedores dos possíveis efeitos benéficos sobre o comprometimento organizacional de seus empregados e, conseqüentemente, seus resultados e desempenho, atuem no sentido de esclarecer e melhorar a percepção de seus empregados sobre as atividades de responsabilidade social corporativa. Além de aprofundar o conhecimento sobre as causas e antecedentes do comprometimento organizacional, acredita-se que os resultados demonstrados possam direcionar as organizações em suas ações de conscientização sobre responsabilidade social corporativa de forma mais efetiva.


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I examine a situation where a firm has to choose to locate a new factory in one of several jurisdictions and it depends on the private information held by each jurisdiction. Jurisdiction compete for the location of the new factory. This competition may take the form of expenditures already incurred on infraestructure, commitments to spend on infraestructure, tax incentives or even cash payments. The model combines two elements that are usually considered separately; competition is desirable because we want the factory to be located in the jurisdiction that values it the most, but competition in itself is wasteful. I show that expected total amount paid to the firm under a large family of arrangements. Moreover, I show that the ex-ante optimal mechanism that guarantees that the firm chooses the jurisdiction with the highest value for the factory, minimizes the total expected payment to the firm, and balances the budget in an ex-ante sense - can be implemented by running a standard auction and subsidizing participation.


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Nos países democráticos a elaboração do orçamento público é uma das mais relevantes atribuições do Poder Legislativo. É através dele que se pode analisar o papel que desempenha como instrumento de transformação social e política, pois os números ali expressos mostram a radiografia do Estado e seu compromisso com a sociedade. No Brasil, a Constituição Federal de 1988 inaugurou um novo pacto federativo pela descentralização político-administrativa-fmanceira que restabeleceu prerrogativas aos estados e municípios tomando-os mais independentes e autônomos, desse modo, viabilizando o aumento das políticas públicas e sua maior inserção na vida social local. Este contexto possibilita o surgimento de novas formas de gerir as fmanças públicas pela participação da população local na definição dos investimentos governamentais através do chamado Orçamento Participativo - OP. A partir de 1988 uma experiência de participação popular na Prefeitura Municipal de Porto Alegre, RS, tomou possível discutir a alocação dos recursos públicos priorizando as necessidades apontadas pela população. A excelência dos resultados alcançados fez com que a Organização das Nações Unidas - ONU, recomendasse o OP como um instrumento de democratização das relações entre o Estado e a sociedade. Em 1995 é criado no município do Rio de Janeiro o Fórum do Popular do Orçamento com o objetivo de divulgar informações e aprofundar as discussões a respeito do orçamento público municipal. Em 2001 é sancionada a lei que dispõe sobre a utilização do OP pelo governo municipal. Sem regulamentação adequada, a lei não vem sendo aplicada. O presente trabalho procurou conhecer a opinião dos diversos atores envolvidos no processo de implantação do OP no Rio de Janeiro. Pode-se comprovar a impossibilidade da aplicação do instrumento de gestão pela falta de vontade política do Poder Executivo e pela insuficiente mobilização da sociedade.


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Este trabalho explora a realização de default soberano em função da estrutura de spreads de CDS (Credit Default Swap). Pode-se dizer que os spreads revelam a probabilidade de default de um país. Aplicamos a metodologia proposta neste trabalho para Argentina, Coreia, Equador, Indonésia, México, Peru, Turquia, Ucrânia, Venezuela e Rússia. Nós mostramos que um modelo de um único fator seguindo um processo lognormal captura a probabilidade de default. Também mostramos que as variáveis macro econômicas inflação, desemprego e crescimento não explicam a variável dependente do estudo (probabilidade de default). Cada país reage de maneira diferente a crise econômica que a leva a não honrar seus compromissos com as dívidas contraídas.


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Esta tese investiga se a composição do endividamento dos bancos afeta sua política de dividendos. Identificou-se que investidores sensíveis a informações (investidores institucionais) são alvos de sinalização através de dividendos por parte dos bancos. Utilizando uma base de dados exclusiva de bancos brasileiros, foi possível identificar vários tipos de credores, especificamente, investidores institucionais, empresas não financeiras e pessoas físicas, que são alvos potenciais de sinalização por dividendos. Adicionalmente, a existência de vários bancos de capital fechado, controlados e geridos por um pequeno grupo de acionistas, em que a sinalização direcionada a acionistas é implausível, permite inferir que bancos que utilizam mais fundos de investidores sensíveis a informações (institucionais) pagam mais dividendos, controlando por diversas características. Durante a crise financeira, este comportamento foi ainda mais pronunciado. Esta relação reforça o papel dos dividendos como uma forma custosa e crível de comunicar sobre a qualidade dos ativos dos bancos. A hipótese de que os dividendos podem ser utilizados como uma forma de expropriação dos depositantes por parte dos acionistas é refutada, uma vez que, se fosse esse o caso, observar-se-ia esse maiores dividendos em bancos com depositantes menos sensíveis a informação. Além disso, foi verificada uma relação negativa entre o pagamento de dividendos e o custo de captação (juros pagos em certificados de depósito bancário) e uma relação positiva de dividendos com o tamanho e com os lucros passados, e que os bancos de capital fechado pagam mais dividendos do que os de capital aberto, uma descoberta que também se alinha com a ideia de que os depositantes seriam os alvos da sinalização por dividendos. Finalmente, encontrou-se também uma relação negativa entre dividendos e adequação de capital do bancos, o que indica que pressões regulatórias podem induzir os bancos a pagar menos dividendos e que o pagamento de dividendos é negativamente relacionado com o crescimento da carteira de crédito, o que é consistente com a ideia de que os bancos com maiores oportunidades de investimento retêm seus lucros para aumentar seu patrimônio líquido e sua capacidade de conceder crédito.