176 resultados para Fatores
O artigo mostra a influência de fatores demográficos de 1980 na criminalidade de 2000. Usando dados dos municípios de São Paulo apresentaremos evidências que taxa de fecundidade, porcentagem de mães adolescentes, porcentagem de crianças criadas sem o pai são fatores relevantes para explicar a variação de crimes violentos e crimes contra o patrimônio nos municípios paulistas
A evolução da produtividade total de fatores na economia brasileira: uma análise do período pós-real
A presente pesquisa aplica o modelo de fronteira estocástica de produção para as indústrias de transformação e da construção civil, assim como para o comércio e os serviços no Brasil, de forma a identificar as fontes de crescimento dos principais setores de atividade da economia brasileira, quais sejam: acumulação de capital físico, emprego da mão-de-obra, e produtividade total de fatores (PTF). Conforme Kumbhakar (2000), a evolução da PTF é decomposta em progresso técnico, mudanças da eficiência técnica, mudanças da eficiência alocativa e efeitos de escala. O estudo parte de dados de 1996 a 2000 das principais pesquisas anuais do IBGE realizadas com firmas: PAIC, PIA, PAC e PAS.
Descontinuidade administrativa, ou o rompimento de atividades e programas na troca de governos e autoridades federais, estaduais e municipais, tem sido tópico constante de comentário e elemento central da imagem da área pública Brasileira presente na conversa quotidiana. Curiosamente, são poucos os estudos empíricos sobre a questão como também são poucas as reflexões sobre os fatores que podem contribuir para a continuidade. O estudo busca contribuir nos dois eixos a partir da análise de ações governamentais em 89 prefeituras no período de 1995 a 1997.
Esse trabalho busca identificar as principais características assumidas pelas organizações não-governamentais (ONGs) brasileiras e os fatores que têm contribuído para o expressivo crescimento dessas organizações observado nas duas últimas décadas. A tese aqui defendida é de que elas foram legitimadas pela sociedade, à despeito da nebulosidade que envolve suas práticas. Partindo da constatação de que o termo é polissêmico e de que não há um marco legal consolidado para delimitar claramente o que é uma ONG, a pesquisa adotou um universo bem específico: as ONGs filiadas à Associação Brasileira de Organizações Não-Governamentais (ABONG), sediadas no município do Rio de Janeiro. As características assumidas pelas organizações pesquisadas foram levantadas em entrevistas com seus dirigentes, visitas às suas sedes e nos documentos institucionais disponibilizados. Também foram entrevistados formadores de opinião da sociedade carioca. O levantamento de dados contou ainda com uma revisão da literatura disponível. Foi utilizada a Teoria das Representações Sociais para um melhor entendimento da relação que a sociedade estabeleceu com as ONGs. A tese revela que as características assumidas pelas ONGs são bastante diferenciadas. Sobre os fatores que têm induzido o crescimento dessas organizações, verifica-se uma significativa relação com a redução da atuação do Estado. São também apontados a existência de uma legislação inadequada, as facilidades oferecidas pelas parcerias estabelecidas, a imagem predominantemente positiva na sociedade, a falta de fiscalização e as crescentes demandas sociais do país destacam-se como possíveis indutores da expansão dessas organizações.
This academic work identifies Critical Success Factors to the strategic development of a turist destination, proposing the case study of Região Uva e Vinho, and its introduction to the Experience Economy, located at the Brazilian Serra Gaucha, Rio Grande do Sul State. The data used has been obtained from documental research among businessman and travel agents related to the region. The results are represented by factors identified in a tourism only rpoposal.
Este trabalho tem o objetivo de analisar e descrever a importância das características culturais como fatores determinantes na eficácia da equipe de enfermagem do Hospital Universitário Antonio Pedro, concluindo se os recursos de que dispõem influenciam na cultura e clima organizacional deste. O desenvolvimento da dissertação se da com a pesquisa bibliográfica referente ao arcabouço teórico da cultura organizacional e as raízes de enfermagem em quanto a profissão, e de uma pesquisa de campo com questionários e observações. A pesquisa realizada para a elaboração do trabalho é de natureza qualitativa, do tipo descritiva e avaliativa. O modo de investigação é o do estudo de caso histórico organizacional. Os principais fundamentos que compõem o trabalho são extraídos das teorias convencionais de administração, da base teórica da cultura organizacional, e da organização em aprendizagem. A análise e observações estão descritas ao final da dissertação, mais especificamente no IV Capitulo. A bibliografia compõe um quadro de todos os autores e documentos pesquisados que oferecem suporte à dissertação.
Since some years ago, the penitentiany systen of Rio de Janeiro is going through the nuest sendus administrative crisis,leading more and more to chaotic situations, over imagined before by homan being. Nowadays all the factors and components of the existing models are still medievaIs, and even distant fron the human needs. The daily life ofthe condemned is a sway betuen lack of hygiene, disrespect to homan rigts, lack of modem corrective practices and also, lack of psychological support. How, then can me demand from the state ( Govemment) the rehabilitation of the imprisoned and their preparation to face society if they are treated manny times as victins of this same society? This society impose a life style enjoyed only by a privileged social class which forget about then when sent to the darkness. Many of then, join the penitentary systen because of minor crimes, and when they serve their tem, um for funately they go back to prison accused for move violent crimes. The penitentian models haven't developed the same way the society where they worked at has. There, the present brazilian penitentiary model has showed obsolete and inefficient alone its principal mission ofrehabilitation and re - education ofthe imprisoned. Our main objetive will be the construction and analysis of the penitential administrative model, as being able to fullfill the necesity of the penitentiary administrator (Manager). Analy zing on a specific reasoning which focus showld not be that of the theories and isolated projects of the topic, we will develop a progran far form religions, judiciary on political technics by building na administrtive penitentiary model strictly professional where we coul a have a deep analysis of the topic. We will try to approach the aspects of organization existing to day inorder to understand them and criate, a model wich will adjust betten to the necesitives of this thesis.
Os escândalos envolvendo corrupção na administração pública brasileira parecem continuar recrudescendo. Os aparatos de controle não tem respondido satisfatoriamente a essa questão, não obstante os esforços efetuado pelos legisladores na elaboração da Constituição de 1988, particularmente no caso da ampliação do escopo do Controle Interno de cada poder da república, no sentido de um melhor controle da burocracia. Utilizamos a Teoria do Agente-Principal para explicar os conflitos surgidos entre os atores envolvidos, no exercício desse controle específico, em função dos diversos papéis assumidos, concomitantemente por esses mesmos atores nessas relações tipo Agente-Principal. Para identificar os fatores, oriundos dessas relações conflituosas, que condicionam a consecução dos objetivos constitucionais previstos para o Controle Interno, especificamente nos municípios da baixada fluminense, entrevistamos os responsáveis pelo Controle Interno de municípios dessa região, escolhendo uma amostra de 6 prefeituras. Entrevistamos ainda 3 técnicos do Tribunal de Contas do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, a fim de fazer o contra-ponto das visões entre Controle Interno e Controle Externo. Os dados obtidos das entrevistas foram tratados pelo método de Análise de Conteudo, agrupando-se o material obtido por categoria, que foram definidas na grade mista, utilizada para as análises respectivas.
This dissertation proposes to analyze how a consumer evaluates the available alternatives on a choosing process of Telecommunication Services in Brazil, specifically, among long distance services. The data were collected from a survey with 140 interviewee and they were analyzed through the Conjoint Analysis. The results from the referred survey give evidences that the relative importance of the attributes price, billing facilities and customer service have got considerably higher values than brand and financial benefits attributes. The fact that the brand is not the main point regarding the chosen process among long distance services can be justified by the almost non existence of barriers to change suppliers, due to the Telecommunication Services¿ pattern established in Brazil. This dissertation¿s limitations are presented, as well as suggestions for future research in the light of Marketing Theory
Nowadays, the free software has been presented as an alternative to the acquisition structure of proprietors¿ software licenses, being adopted by a large number of companies. This study presents the analysis, through a case study, of a project of proprietors¿ software migration for free platforms. The main purpose was to identify decisive factors of success in the adoption of free softwares for private companies. For this, was used the single case methodology of study, presented by Yin (2005). The theoretical referential approaches issues related to the definitions and the historic of the free software, the resistance to information systems and the change resistance. The idea is to look for the fundamentals to support the researchers understanding of the situations observed in the field. The data found at this research was analyzed using a meta-frame, which has as the main point the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Information Technology, developed by Venkatesh et al. (2003). Also, to complete this meta-frame, were used the Technology Acceptance Model, proposed by Davis (1989), and Interaction¿s Model of system and context of Use, developed by Markus (1983). The researche¿s result has been gotten by the analysis of documentation, interviews, questionnaires, direct observation and participant observation, that made possible the obtaining of valuable group of data on the researched subject. The result of this research allow the establishment of subsidies for the planning and development of project of proprietors¿ softwares migration for free softwares.
The aim of this study is to investigate, under the perspective of the investor, the determinant factors for the success of the stock brokerage process over the Web, through financial portals in the Brazilian Internet. This study is based on a theoretical framework which shows the evolution of the electronic commerce all over the world, and, specially, in Brazil; analyses the role of intermediation, desintermediation and reintermediation in the electronic commerce; stresses the differences between the traditional stocks brokerage process and the one made possible by the Internet; and, finally, describes the profile of the investors which operates their investments in the financial markets over the Web.The conclusions of this study are obtained based on a field study, conducted with Brazilian investors that operate using Internet based financial portals for the intermediation of their stock operations. The findings obtained where analyzed under the perspective brought by the theoretical reference framework, and, based on this approach, the critical aspects for the success of stock brokerage over the Internet, under the vision of the investor, could be deducted and discussed.
China emerges in the world as a potential economic leader and it is poised as the one of the strongest commercial partners of Brazil. China is already the third largest importer of Brazilian products and services and the prediction is to even increase that participation in the Brazilian export volume in the near future. As a consequence, there is a significant increase in commercial alliances between Brazilians and Chinese, which shows the need for the Brazilians to better understand the cultural differences when negotiating with the Chinese. The purpose of this research is to bring, from a Chinese point of view, the cultural difference in the negotiation process between Brazilians and Chinese. A better understanding of those differences will allow the Brazilians to adopt a better negotiation strategy with the Chinese in order to bring a better result. The research was developed by conducting 5 interviews with Chinese executives highly experienced in negotiation with the Brazilians. The results of this research show commons points indicated by the interviewers that have a direct impact on the negotiation process between Chinese and Brazilians.
This work has as main objective the development of a key factors¿ model for the quality of Home Broker systems. An explanatory research was performed, based on a quantitative approach. To achieve this goal, some theoretical models of technology acceptance (TAM, TRA, TPB and IDT), reliability and quality of service were reviewed. It was proposed an extended key factors¿ model and developed a questionnaire, which was the research instrument used in this study. The questionnaire was applied over the Internet, from which was obtained a participation of 113 valid respondents, all of them users of Home Broker system. Once performed the data collection, statistical tests were used for the Factorial Analysis in order to achieve a definitive model. The key factors found were Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease of Use, Subjective Norms, Compatibility, Reliability and Relative Advantage. Some hypotheses from the model were also tested to investigate the relationship between the importance given to the factors and the resulting degree of satisfaction about quality of service. As a result of the study, a key factors¿ model for the quality of Home Broker systems was established, and identified that the factor Compatibility" has more explanatory power than the others."
The main purpose of this study is identify and select the assessment indicators for Brand Equity (BE), in the fuels segment. Within this perspective, we have chosen to assess the influences based on the following attributes: Brand Loyalty (Lealdade à Marca ( LM), Brand Recognition (Conhecimento da Marca ( CM), Perceived Quality (Qualidade Percebida ( QP) and Brand Associations (Associações à Marca ( AM), through perception of consumers in Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo States. Based on deep interviews in the qualitative phase and in surveys, in the quantitative phase, we began the data analysis through Multiple Linear Regression, according to Atilgan et al. (2005) model and Ha (1996). In the first model, the (CM) was considered non-explanatory to (BE¿, and we¿ve chosen to remove it from the following study model. In the final model, besides remaining variables, demographic variables were included, such as: Family Income (Renda Familiar ( RF) and Federation State (Estado da Federação ( EF), as independent variables. The main relevant findings, through perception of consumers, indicated that the (BE) of company analyzed was better ranked in Rio de Janeiro than in São Paulo and, as for the income, higher level classes tend to have less understanding on the value of (BE) of Petrobras BR. The study finish with mentions the contribution of the research and management implication, as well as limitations and suggestions to further researchers.