47 resultados para the mitochondrial signaling pathway

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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During the last decade, the striated muscle activator of Rho signaling (STARS), a muscle-specific protein, has been proposed to play an increasingly important role in skeletal muscle growth, metabolism, regeneration and stress adaptation. STARS influences actin dynamics and, as a consequence, regulates the myocardin-related transcription factor A/serum response factor (MRTF-A/SRF) transcriptional program, a well-known pathway controlling skeletal muscle development and function. Muscle-specific stress conditions, such as exercise, positively regulates, while disuse and degenerative muscle diseases are associated with a downregulation of STARS and its downstream partners, suggesting a pivotal role for STARS in skeletal muscle health. This review provides a comprehensive overview of the known role and regulation of STARS and the members of its signaling pathway, RhoA, MRTF-A and SRF, in skeletal muscle.


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The striated muscle activator of Rho signaling (STARS) protein and members of its downstream signaling pathway, including myocardin-related transcription factor-A (MRTF-A) and SRF, are increased in response to prolonged resistance exercise training but also following a single bout of endurance cycling. The aim of the present study was to measure and compare the regulation of STARS, MRTF-A and SRF mRNA and protein following 10 weeks of endurance training (ET) versus resistance training (RT), as well as before and following a single bout of endurance (EE) versus resistance exercise (RE). Following prolonged training, STARS, MRTF-A and SRF mRNA levels were all increased by similar magnitude, irrespective of training type. In the training-habituated state, STARS mRNA increased following a single-bout RE when measured 2.5 and 5 h post-exercise and had returned to resting level by 22 h following exercise. MRTF-A and SRF mRNA levels were decreased by 2.5, 5, and 22 h following a single bout of RE and EE exercise when compared to their respective basal levels, with no significant difference seen between the groups at any of the time points. No changes in protein levels were observed following the two modes of exercise training or a single bout of exercise. This study demonstrates that the stress signals elicited by ET and RT result in a comparable regulation of members of the STARS pathway. In contrast, a single bout of EE and RE, performed in the trained state, elicit different responses. These observations suggest that in the trained state, the acute regulation of the STARS pathway following EE or RE may be responsible for exercise-specific muscle adaptations.


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Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and aging are characterized by insulin resistance and impaired mitochondrial energetics. In lower organisms, remodeling by the protease pcp1 (PARL ortholog) maintains the function and lifecycle of mitochondria. We examined whether variation in PARL protein content is associated with mitochondrial abnormalities and insulin resistance. PARL mRNA and mitochondrial mass were both reduced in elderly subjects and in subjects with T2DM. Muscle knockdown of PARL in mice resulted in malformed mitochondrial cristae, lower mitochondrial content, decreased PGC1α protein levels, and impaired insulin signaling. Suppression of PARL protein in healthy myotubes lowered mitochondrial mass and insulin-stimulated glycogen synthesis and increased reactive oxygen species production. We propose that lower PARL expression may contribute to the mitochondrial abnormalities seen in aging and T2DM.


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Accumulation of diacylglycerol (DG) in muscle is thought to cause insulin resistance. DG is a precursor for phospholipids, thus phospholipid synthesis could be involved in regulating muscle DG. Little is known about the interaction between phospholipid and DG in muscle; therefore, we examined whether disrupting muscle phospholipid synthesis, specifically phosphatidylethanolamine (PtdEtn), would influence muscle DG content and insulin sensitivity. Muscle PtdEtn synthesis was disrupted by deleting CTP:phosphoethanolamine cytidylyltransferase (ECT), the rate-limiting enzyme in the CDP-ethanolamine pathway, a major route for PtdEtn production. While PtdEtn was reduced in muscle-specific ECT knockout mice, intramyocellular and membrane-associated DG was markedly increased. Importantly, however, this was not associated with insulin resistance. Unexpectedly, mitochondrial biogenesis and muscle oxidative capacity were increased in muscle-specific ECT knockout mice and were accompanied by enhanced exercise performance. These findings highlight the importance of the CDP-ethanolamine pathway in regulating muscle DG content and challenge the DG-induced insulin resistance hypothesis.


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Aims/hypothesis This study aimed to identify genes that are expressed in skeletal muscle, encode proteins with functional significance in mitochondria, and are associated with type 2 diabetes.
Methods We screened for differentially expressed genes in skeletal muscle of Psammomys obesus (Israeli sand rats), and prioritised these on the basis of genomic localisation and bioinformatics analysis for proteins with likely mitochondrial functions.
Results We identified a mitochondrial intramembrane protease, known as presenilins-associated rhomboid-like protein (PSARL) that is associated with insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes. Expression of PSARL was reduced in skeletal muscle of diabetic Psammomys obesus, and restored after exercise training to successfully treat the diabetes. PSARL gene expression in human skeletal muscle was correlated with insulin sensitivity as assessed by glucose disposal during a hyperinsulinaemic–euglycaemic clamp. In 1,031 human subjects, an amino acid substitution (Leu262Val) in PSARL was associated with increased plasma insulin concentration, a key risk factor for diabetes. Furthermore, this variant interacted strongly with age to affect insulin levels, accounting for 5% of the variation in plasma insulin in elderly subjects.
Conclusions/interpretation Variation in PSARL sequence and/or expression may be an important new risk factor for type 2 diabetes and other components of the metabolic syndrome.


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Notch signaling is essential for myogenesis and the regenerative potential of skeletal muscle: however, its regulation in human muscle is yet to be fully characterized. Increased expression of Notch3, Jagged1. Hes1, and Hes6 gene transcripts were observed during differentiation of cultured human skeletal muscle cells. Furthermore, significantly lower expressions of Notch1, Jagged1, Numb, and Delta-like 1 were evident in muscle biopsies from older men (60-75 years old) compared to muscle from younger men (18-25 years old). Importantly, with supervised resistance exercise training, expression of Notch1 and Hes6 genes were increased and Delta-like 1 and Numb expression were decreased. The differences in Notch expression between the age groups were no longer evident following training. These results provide further evidence to support the role of Notch in the impaired regulation of muscle mass with age and suggest that some of the benefits provided by resistance training may be mediated through the Notch signaling pathway.


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The mitochondrial permeability transition (MPT) pore is a calcium-sensitive channel in the mitochondrial inner membrane that plays a crucial role in cell death. Here we show that cytochrome bc1 regulates the MPT in isolated rat liver mitochondria and in CEM and HL60 cells by two independent pathways. Glutathione depletion activated the MPT via increased production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) generated by cytochrome bc1. The ROS producing mechanism in cytochrome bc1 involves movement of the "Rieske" iron-sulfur protein subunit of the enzyme complex, because inhibition of cytochrome bc1 by pharmacologically blocking iron-sulfur protein movement completely abolished ROS production, MPT activation, and cell death. The classical inhibitor of the MPT, cyclosporine A, had no protective effect against MPT activation. In contrast, the calcium-activated, cyclosporine A-regulated MPT in rat liver mitochondria was also blocked with inhibitors of cytochrome bc1. These results indicate that electron flux through cytochrome bc1 regulates two distinct pathways to the MPT, one unregulated and involving mitochondrial ROS and the other regulated and activated by calcium.


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This book for the first time comprehensively surveys the research investigating the Jak-Stat pathway and its role in normal blood development as well as its perturbation in disease. It draws on the expertise of world-renowned medical researchers to take the reader from basic biology through to recent therapeutic advances.


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Activation of the transcription factor signal transducers and activators of transcription (STAT) 3 is common to many inflammatory cytokines and growth factors, with recent evidence of involvement in skeletal muscle regeneration. The purpose of this study was to determine whether STAT3 signaling activation is regulated differentially, at rest and following intense resistance exercise, in aged human skeletal muscle. Skeletal muscle biopsies were harvested from healthy younger (n = 11, 20.4 ± 0.8 years) and older men (n = 10, 67.4 ± 1.3 years) under resting conditions and 2 h after the completion of resistance exercise. No differences were evident at rest, whereas the phosphorylation of STAT3 was significantly increased in old (23-fold) compared to young (5-fold) subjects after exercise. This correlated with significantly higher induction of the STAT3 target genes including; interleukin-6 (IL-6), JUNB, c-MYC, and suppressor of cytokine signaling (SOCS) 3 mRNA in older subjects following exercise. Despite increased SOCS3 mRNA, cellular protein abundance was suppressed. SOCS3 protein is an important negative regulator of STAT3 activation and cytokine signaling. Thus, in aged human muscle, elevated responsiveness of the STAT3 signaling pathway and suppressed SOCS3 protein are evident following resistance exercise. These data suggest that enhanced STAT3 signaling responsiveness to proinflammatory factors may impact on mechanisms of muscle repair and regeneration.


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Heterotrimeric G proteinshave been previously linked to plant defense; however a role for the Gbg dimer in defense signaling has not been described to date. Using available Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) mutants lacking functional Ga or Gb subunits, we show that defense against the necrotrophic pathogens Alternaria brassicicola and Fusarium oxysporum is impaired in Gb-deficient mutants while Ga-deficient mutants show slightly increased resistance compared to wild-type Columbia ecotype plants. In contrast, responses to virulent (DC3000) and avirulent (JL1065) strains of Pseudomonas syringae appear to be independent of heterotrimeric G proteins. The induction of a number of defense-related genes in Gb-deficient mutants were severely reduced in response to A. brassicicola infection. In addition, Gb-deficient mutants exhibit decreased sensitivity to a number of methyl jasmonate-induced responses such as induction of the plant defensin gene PDF1.2, inhibition of root elongation, seed germination, and growth of plants in sublethal concentrations of methyl jasmonate. In all cases, the behavior of the Ga-deficient mutants is coherent with the classic heterotrimeric mechanism of action, indicating that jasmonic acid signaling is influenced by the Gbg functional subunit but not by Ga. We hypothesize that Gbg acts as a direct or indirect enhancer of the jasmonate signaling pathway in plants.


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Choline dihydrogen phosphate has previously been shown to be a good ionic conductor as well as an excellent host for acid doping, leading to high proton conductivities required for e.g., electrochemical devices including proton membrane fuel cells and sensors. A combination of variable-temperature 1H solid-state NMR and 2D NMR pulse sequences, including 31P and 13C CODEX and 1H BaBa, show that the proton conduction mechanism primarily involves assisted transport via a restricted three-site motion of the phosphate unit around the P–O bond that is hydrogen bonded to the choline and exchange of protons between these anions. In other words, proton transport at ambient temperatures appears to occur most favorably along the crystallographic b axis, from phosphate dimer to dimer. At elevated temperatures exchange between the protons of the hydroxyl group on the choline cation and the hydrogen-bonded dihydrogen phosphate groups also contributes to the structural diffusion of the protons in this solid state conductor.