23 resultados para taxonomic revision.

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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Antitropical distribution is a biogeographical pattern characterized by natural occurrences of the same species or members of the same clade in the middle- or middle-to-high-latitudinal habitats of both hemispheres, either on land or in marine environments, without appearing in the intervening tropical environments. For most of the noted examples of Permian antitropical distribution, particularly in marine invertebrates, the causes of disjunctions have been mainly linked to either dispersal or vicariance models. Little attention has been paid to other possible mechanisms. This study investigated the antitropicality of some Permian neospiriferine brachiopods through detailed taxonomic revision, comparison of palaeobiogeographical distribution, and a phylogenetic analysis. Several species, previously assigned to Kaninospirifer, are here reassigned to other genera, especially to Fasciculatia in the northern hemisphere and to Quadrospira in the southern hemisphere during the Permian. Both Kaninospirifer and Fasciculatia appear to have been restricted to north-western Pangea and north-eastern Asia during the Permian, but there is no robust evidence to suggest their presence in the southern hemisphere to which Imperiospira and Quadrospira were confined. In spite of the distributional separation between the two pairs of neospiriferine genera in the Permian palaeobiogeographical regime, they share considerable numbers of morphological characters, such as a large shell, subdued fasciculation, and reduction of ventral adminicula. Notwithstanding these morphological similarities, our phylogenetic reconstruction of the neospiriferines does not support a close relationship between these genera. This therefore must indicate that these similar morphological features were independently acquired, probably with these taxa living in spatially separate but ecologically compatible environmental conditions in the mid-latitudinal area of each hemisphere during the Permian. We regard this as an example of convergent evolution.


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The invasion pathways of pest arthropods can be traced using genetic tools to develop an understanding of the processes that have shaped successful invasions and to inform both pest management and conservation strategies in their non-native and native ranges, respectively. The redlegged earth mite, Halotydeus destructor, is a major economic pest in Australia, successfully establishing and spreading after arrival from South Africa more than 100 years ago. Halotydeus destructor has recently expanded its range and evolved resistance to numerous pesticides in Australia, raising questions around its origin and spread. Location: South Africa and Australia. Methods: We sampled H. destructor populations in South Africa and Australia and developed a microsatellite marker library. We then examined genetic variation using mtDNA and microsatellite markers across both native and invasive ranges to determine endemic genetic diversity within South Africa, identify the likely origin of invasive populations and test genetic divergence across Australia. Results: The data show that H. destructor comprises a cryptic species complex in South Africa, with putative climatic/host plant associations that may correspond to regional variation. A lineage similar to that found near Cape Town has spread throughout Western and eastern Australia, where populations remain genetically similar. Main conclusions: Tracing the invasion pathway of this economically important pest revealed cryptic lineages in South Africa which points to the need for a taxonomic revision. The absence of significant genetic structure across the wide invasive range of H. destructor within Australia has implications for the development (and spread) of pesticide resistance and also points to recent local adaptation in physiological traits.


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The diagnosis and composition of the brachiopod Tribe Levipustulini Lazarev, 1985 is reviewed, leading to a detailed revision of the genera Levipustula Maxwell, 1951 and Lanipustula Klets, 1983, as well as a review of previous records of the species Levipustula levis Maxwell from Australia and Argentina. The presence of Lanipustula patagoniensis Simanauskas in Patagonia is confirmed with additional topotypic material described and illustrated. Based on this review, we reassign Levipustula levis from New South Wales, Australia to Lanipustula. Two new species, Lanipustula kletsi from the middle Pennsylvanian of Patagonia and the Absenticostinin Absenticosta bruntoneileenae from the latest Viséan of western Argentina, are proposed. Abstenticosta bruntoneileenae is suggested as a possible ancestral stock of the Patagonian Levipustulini through the lineage Lanipustula-Verchojania-Jakutoproductus-Piatnitzkya (Serpukhovian-middle Artinskian). The development of similar phylogenetic lineages of Levipustulini in high latitude regions of both northern and southern hemispheres (such as Siberia in Northeast Asia and Patagonia in southwestern Gondwana) is here interpreted as a consequence of parallel evolution. The progressive palaeobiogeographic isolation of Patagonia from mainland South America, coupled with its southward drift under cold palaeoclimatic conditions during middle Carboniferous-earliest Permian times, is proposed to have triggered the Levipustulini vicariance.


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The subgenus Anaskopora Wass, 1975 is raised to generic rank, separated from the genus Corbulipora, and redefined. The type species, Cribrilina elevata MacGillivray, 1895, is a Tertiary fossil from Victoria with small globular colonies formed principally by a special kind of interzooidal frontal budding. Other Tertiary fossil species with a similar colony structure, here assigned to Anaskopora, are Cribrilma cornuta MacGIllIvray, 1895 and Lepralia rotundata MacGillivray, 1895. Two further new Tertiary species, A. simplex and A. mesa, from Victoria and South Australia have small encrusting colonies. A key to species is given.


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Corbulipora MacGillivray is redefined to include only species which occur in successive growth phases. The fossil type species, Corbulipora ornata MacGillivray, occurs in an encrusting ancestrulate phase, an erect quadriserial, ovicellate phase, and a frontally-budded partially kenozooidal phase. The encrusting ancestrulate phase of the Recent species, C tubulifera (Hincks), is the type species of the genus Acanthocella Canu and Bassler, which is a junior synonym of Corbulipora. The succeeding, ovicellate, flustrine phase, known as Watersia militaris (Waters), is the type species of Watersia, another junior synonym of Corbulipora. It produces a third bilaminar phase known as C. oriparma, a synonym of C. tubulifera. This has rhizoids and develops further flustrine phases. Fossil specimens assigned to Acanthocella tubulifera in the past are here considered to be the primary encrusting phase of a bilaminar phase, known as Corbuhpora suggerens (Waters). from which it has become separated. A thinly calcified intervening erect phase similar to the flustrine phase of C. tubulifera IS inferred to have existed but not to have been preserved as a fossil. Some species previously referred to Watersia are assigned to Klugeflustra Moyano which, like Neoflustra Lopez Gappa, has flustrine colomes with large, hyperstomial ovicells, unlike those of the family Flustridae sensu stricto. A key to species of Corbulipora and their various phases is given.


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The freshwater shrimp Macrobrachium australiense is distributed throughout the majority of inland, north-west, north-east and eastern drainages. Owing to the large amount of morphological divergence, both between and within catchments, this species has proven to be taxonomically difficult and, until recently, consisted of three separate species, each with subsequent subspecies. This study uses nucleotide sequences from the 16S rRNA mitochondrial gene region to investigate the genetic relationships between populations and confirm the taxonomic status of M. australiense. The results from sequencing an approximately 450-bp fragment from this gene region from M. australiense sampled from 12 locations across inland, eastern and northern Australia identified very little variation. The variation found between 16S M. australiense haplotypes is much less than that found between Macrobrachium species, indicating that it is in fact a single species. The results are concordant with a recent morphological revision of Australian species in which nominal taxa of the M. australiense complex were synonymised.


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Methods are presented for calculating minimum sample sizes necessary to obtain precise estimates of fungal spore dimensions. Using previously published spore-length data sets for Peronospora species, we demonstrate that 41—71 spores need to be measured to estimate the mean length with a reasonable level of statistical precision and resolution. This is further progressed with examples for calculating the minimum number of spore lengths to measure when matching an undetermined specimen to a known species. Although applied only to spore-length data, all described methods can be applied to any morphometric data that satisfy certain statistical assumptions.


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This paper will develop a specific reading of Julia Kristeva’s analysis of the Mother in psychoanalytic contexts and artistic production. I want to suggest a particular connection between the Mother and a second figure closely associated with her: the Midwife. Such a move opens up the possibility for a new understanding of Kristeva’s correlation of the Mother with the psychoanalytic concept of “abjection”. I wish to identify the Midwife as the crucial intersection of a masculine and feminine subjectivity. I will undertake this project via a historical study of Midwifery, which will include an exploration of the Midwife’s relationship to masculine ideologies of medical thought, as well as an account of the problematic rise of the “Man-Midwife”. My strategy will be to extend the submerged historical and material content of Kristeva’s own theories, with particular reference to Powers of Horror: An Essay on Abjection.


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This study analyses the impact of the global financial crisis using Centro Properties Group's earnings revision and refinancing announcements on December 17th 2007 as the event date to investigate the change in risk profile for A-REITs that were included in the S&P/ASX 300. The study finds that nine of the 25 A-REIT constituents on the S&P/ASX 300 recorded statistically significant negative abnormal returns on 17th December 2007 and that the systematic risk for many A-REITs moved significantly higher after this date. This increased systematic risk has major implications for the cost of capital to the sector.


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The UNCITRAL Rules Revision process began in September 2006 - the first revision in 30 years. The revision process has been a complicated and difficult one. It is a process that cannot be rushed as one might reasonably expect the new edition of the UNCITRAL Rules needs to serve another 30 years. This article provides an insight into the conduct of the 50th session of Working Group II, the Working Group within UNCITRAL that has been charged with preparing draft rules for the Commission to consider and approve. It was a very interesting session in which a number of significant and controversial issues were considered. Our report focuses on three specific issues - the treatment of set-off; witnesses; and interim measures.