18 resultados para Vendors and purchasers

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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Outsourcing of IT is a popular strategy, argued by proponents to deliver a range of benefits including cost savings, increased service quality, and strategic advantages. However, empirical evidence of the success of outsourcing is limited, and several recent studies have suggested widespread dissatisfaction exists amongst purchasers. This paper analyses one such study to determine predictors of outsourcing satisfaction (and
dissatisfaction). The analysis reveals that, for purchasers, IT outsourcing satisfaction and perceived value (which are highly correlated) depend on whether strategic benefits are obtained, and on the technical service quality provided by vendors. Both in turn depend on whether expected cost savings are obtained. The implications of these findings for both vendors and purchasers are discussed.


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Is the industry in chaos? How do we to meet the future information needs of the international scholarly community?

The one certainty is that forecasting is never easy. Libraries, vendors and publishers are all working in a rapidly changing environment. It is a fair prediction that there will be fewer participants and less competition in the marketplace. The potential for libraries to be locked into one vendor for access to electronic journals is real. Whether this access will be in perpetuity, no one can give an absolute guarantee. Intellectual property rights, commercial viability and communication standards are all of concern.

We've seen the vision, what's happening now? The Australian academic and research library market has an international reputation for being informed, frank and through necessity, pragmatic. When planning information access and delivery for the next two to five years we are told libraries need a reasonable indication of what is real. Vendors, more than ever, are contributing to a shared understanding amongst libraries, publishers and vendors of the priorities and concerns of different sectors of the industry.


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Street food vending is fundamental to daily life in many low and middle income countries where much of the urban population rely on food provided by street vendors. While street vendors are known to be important providers of food; limited research has investigated vendor's hygiene practices and their socioeconomic circumstances in India. The aims of this study were to investigate the hygienic practices of food vendors and the context of their socioeconomic and living circumstances. Structured interviews were conducted with 31 street food vendors in Patna, India. The interviews explored issues around vending, hygiene practices, planning, and financial stability. Findings from this study indicate that food vendors are aware of good basic hygiene practices despite having low levels of literacy, low incomes, and limited job security.


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It has been well documented that lack of trust between commercial entities and purchasers can restrict the potential of e-commerce. This may be because the purchaser is required to provide sensitive information to the commercial entity or because the purchaser may be suspicious that after payment has been processed, the goods purchased will not arrive. The challenge for the researcher is to determine the e-commerce model which maximizes the trust relationship. In this paper, we introduce a measure of the trust based on the information distributed to the parties in the transaction and isolate the instances which maximize trust for the purchaser. This leads us to propose four new models for e-commerce which would improve consumer trust and therefore likely lead to an increase in on-line commerce. We demonstrate that no new technologies are needed in order to implement these new models.


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The thesis proposes a multi-constraint one-to-many bilateral e-Trade negotiation framework. It deploys mobile agents in negotiation, considers trading competition between vendors and search space, efficiently manages the risk of losing top utility offers that expire before the negotiation deadline, accurately evaluates offers, and truly maintains the security of negotiation data.


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The aim of this study was to examine the associations of food store choice with food consumption among urban slum women. A cross-sectional survey was carried out among 188 urban slum women (19-50 years old) in Jakarta, Indonesia. A semiquantitative food frequency questionnaire was used to assess food consumption. Associations between food consumption and food store choice were tested by linear regression. This study found that frequencies of buying food from small shops (warung), street food vendors, and modern food stores were significantly associated with consumption of snacks, mixed dishes, and fruit respectively. In addition, buying food from traditional markets and small cafes (warung makan) was not significantly associated with particular types of food consumption. As modern food stores are rarely utilized by these women, small shops (warung) and street food vendors are likely to be important channels to improve slum dwellers’ diet.


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Post-colonial movements for independence are voices of autonomy and independence before the onslaught of global organizations and cultures. This paper introduces the second set of themed papers in Gender, Place and Culture (see 13.2) which contains some of these voices, emanating from intensely private as well as communal and street kitchens; where women proclaim their visibility, economic value as food producers and transformers. The essays by Christie on the fiesta kitchens of central Mexico, Schroeder on the community kitchens of Bolivia and Peru, Robson on Islamic kitchens in rural Nigeria, Wardrop on the street vendors of south Durban and Pascali on Italian migrant kitchens in North East America, all acknowledge the vital contexts of 'development', urbanization, migration and industrialization to their stories, while also highlighting powerful elements of resistance and autonomy within the kitchen. As such the Western gaze records not so much the impacts of globalization as its cooking and transformation into something new, a hybrid dish, customized for local consumption.


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Despite claims in the trade literature that a number of recommended practices have been proved to lead to IT outsourcing success, few of these practices have been subject to disconfirmatory research. Even fewer have been tested statistically to determine whether they generalize to wider populations, or to determine the magnitude of their effect. In this paper, several recommended outsourcing practices associated with service level agreements (SLAs) and benchmarking are investigated. These practices are recommended extensively on the basis of case study research, yet they do have downsides, and they add substantially to the transaction costs of outsourcing. Based on a large survey of organizations engaged in IT outsourcing, this paper established that developing detailed SLAs did improve cost and service outcome, and that clients who met with vendors more frequently to renegotiate service levels reported greater outsourcing success. The research also established that benchmarking both before outsourcing commences, and once the outsourcing contract is in place, led to improvements in cost and service outcomes. Benchmarking during the outsourcing contract had the greatest effect, accounting for 10% of the variance in a success vector that included strategic, technical, cost-related and service outcomes plus an overall evaluation of satisfaction and value.


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Outsourcing is generally framed in terms of benefits and cost savings, rather than risks. One important risk is “data theft”. This paper draws upon a longitudinal study into IT and business process outsourcing to present a theoretical model incorporating risk. Sources include qualitative interviews with purchasers, non purchasers, and vendors of outsourced business process services. It concludes that data theft is an under-acknowledged risk in all business process outsourcing (BPO), but is higher for offshore outsourcing. This risk may be mitigated, but when factored into the business case can invalidate typically small cost savings. In acknowledging and adequately costing this risk, decision-makers may find BPO, particularly where offshore vendors are involved, less attractive.


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Developing countries have recently experienced a burgeoning of small-scale individual entrepreneurs (SIEs) – who range from petty traders to personal service workers like small street vendors, barbers and owners of small shops – as a result of market-based reforms, rapid urbanisation, unemployment, landlessness and poverty. While SIEs form a major part of the informal workforce in developing countries and contribute significantly to economic growth, their potential is being undermined when they engage in irresponsible and deceptive business practices such as overpricing, sale of underweight or substandard products, or attempts to hoard goods, to name a few. Despite the growing interest in corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives of small businesses in developing countries, the SIEs have received almost no attention. To address this void in the literature, we explore the reasons for the less than optimal level of social responsibility demonstrated by some SIEs in developing countries. We do so by drawing upon the existing literature to develop a comprehensive framework of social responsibility of SIEs highlighting their unique characteristics and the different contextual factors that they encounter in developing countries. Based on this framework, we then present a set of propositions specifying the influence of these contextual factors such as business environment, cultural traditions, socio-economic conditions, and both international and domestic pressures on the business practices of SIEs. The framework offers an explanation for the lack of responsible entrepreneurship of SIEs and has important implications for promoting sustainable business practices in developing countries where businesses are striving hard to survive and compete.


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The aim of this study was to explore the utility of strategic implementation theory as a guide for dealing with issues marketers face when implementing multichannel marketing. Although marketers attempt to harness the potential of emerging marketing channels, implementation is proving difficult. This is because the complexity of multichannel marketing has implications for existing organisational structures, people and processes. Further, the reliance on external suppliers and vendors in implementing new channels is causing organisational conflict and the development of new management processes. A qualitative research approach using insights from senior marketers of 'Bluechip' organisations was used to identify multichannel marketing implementation difficulties. The major contribution of this article was to show the areas for which strategic implementation theory provides practical implementation guidelines and future research directions.


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This thesis explores interwar town planning in Australia, focusing on the period of large-scale urban expansion in the 1920’s. It problematises aspects of Australia’s urban planning history, particularly the 1920s ‘garden suburb. It also investigates the question of the use of international planning ideas in Australia, and the assertion or creation of authority by the Australian planning movement. The thesis additionally investigates the use of authoritative planning rhetoric for commercial or creative advantage. The thesis argues that the majority of innovative planning projects in the interwar years took place in the formation and foundation of the garden suburb. It shows that the garden suburb – assumed in much planning history to be an inferior form of Ebenezer Howard’s ‘garden city’ ideal – has, in fact, a number of precedents in 19th century Australian suburbia, some of which were retained in 20th century commercial estate design. Much of the Australian town planner’s authority at this time required recognition and awareness of the interests and needs of the general public, as negotiated through land vendors. As Australians looked to the future, and to the US for guidance, they were invited to invest in speculative real estate development modelled on this vision. The thesis concentrates primarily on the lives, careers and work of the British-Australian architect-planner Sir John Sulman; the Chicagoan architect-planners Marion Mahony and Walter Burley Griffin; and the Australian surveyor-planner Saxil Tuxen. These individuals were among the most prominent planners in Australia in the interwar years. All designed Australian garden suburbs, and combined advocacy with practice in private and public spheres. The thesis examines images and personas, both generic and individual, of the planner and the vendor. It shows that the formulation of the garden suburb and design practices, and the incorporation of international elements into Australian planning, are important in the creation of planning practice and forms. It also outlines the way these continue to have significant impact, in diverse and important ways, on both the contemporary built environment and planning history itself.


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While the IT outsourcing market is growing, outsourcing vendors are being replaced more frequently by firms. Since replacing vendors can affect the stability and quality of the IT services a firm receives, it is important to understand the drivers behind the decision to replace/retain vendors. This paper examines the impact of switching costs on this decision. We classify the various examples of switching costs into three categories (relational, financial and procedural) and develop a model to explain their role in the decision to replace or retain a vendor. The model also includes possible moderators of the relationship between switching costs and the vendor replacement decision. This model will be evaluated through a series of case studies of firms who have made this decision, and the refined model will be tested with a survey of IT outsourcing managers.


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Since its establishment, the Android applications market has been infected by a proliferation of malicious applications. Recent studies show that rogue developers are injecting malware into legitimate market applications which are then installed on open source sites for consumer uptake. Often, applications are infected several times. In this paper, we investigate the behavior of malicious Android applications, we present a simple and effective way to safely execute and analyze them. As part of this analysis, we use the Android application sandbox Droidbox to generate behavioral graphs for each sample and these provide the basis of the development of patterns to aid in identifying it. As a result, we are able to determine if family names have been correctly assigned by current anti-virus vendors. Our results indicate that the traditional anti-virus mechanisms are not able to correctly identify malicious Android applications.