11 resultados para Treatment of water

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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This study details the removal of common storm water pollutants along with heavy metals by enhanced sand filtration. Three filtration flow rates were trialled: 5, 10 and 20 m/h. The performance of each filter was rated on the ability to remove turbidity, suspended solids, dissolved solids, phosphorus, nitrogen, lead, copper and Zinc. Conventional sand filter was used as a performance benchmark, and compared with four sand filters that are enhanced with a nylon carpet fibre, polypropylene carpet fibre, Syrian carpet fibre-enhanced and alum sludge-enhanced sand filter. Carpet fibre-enhanced sand filtration was highly effective at filtering simulated storm water and in most cases performing well above the conventional sand filters. The carpet fibre-enhanced sand filters had no drop in flow rates over the 4 h filtration period with following removal rates: up to 90% total suspended solids, 70% zinc, 60% turbidity, 25% phosphorus, 15% nitrogen and 10% total dissolved solids. However, results showed that alum sludge-enhanced sand filter performed the highest, with removal rates up to 100% for total suspended solids, 80% zinc, 90% turbidity, up to 80% phosphorus, up to 40% nitrogen and 3% total dissolved solids. But the flow rates dropped approximately two-thirds of the original flow rates within the first hour. © 2014 © 2014 Balaban Desalination Publications. All rights reserved.


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Effluents from the juice and fruit processing industries have high organic matter content. Discharge of these effluents without appropriate treatment would therefore have a negative impact on the environment. High organic contents and low contamination levels make such effluents suitable for biological treatment, especially anaerobic digestion. In the latter process, significant amounts of digester gas can be produced, turning a waste stream into a source of renewable energy that can be used for electricity and heat production, leading to financial benefits.This paper investigates the feasibility of anaerobic digestion and the gas generation potential of five different effluents from the carrot-juice, orange-juice and sultana processing industries. Benefits are assessed in terms of digester gas production and organic matter reduction. The results show that the specific gas production ranges between 665 and 860 m3 per tonne of effluent treated (as organic dry matter). Furthermore, nearly 100% of the organic matter is converted into gas in the case of the carrot- and orange-juice processing residues, while a 84.5% reduction of the organic matter was found to be achievable in the case of the sultana wastes. While these results are promising, further testing will be required to validate them in a larger scale.


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Buruli ulcer disease (BUD), a devastating tropical disease caused by Mycobacterium ulcerans, occurs in more than 80% of the administrative districts of Ghana. To elucidate community perceptions and
understanding of the aetiology of BUD, attitudes towards Buruli patients and treatment-seeking behaviours, we conducted a survey with 504 heads of households and seven focus group discussions in Ga West District, Ghana. Although 67% of participants regarded BUD as a health problem, 53% did not know its cause. Sixteen per cent attributed the cause to drinking non-potable water, 8.1% mentioned poor personal hygiene or dirty surroundings, and 5.5% identified swimming or wading in ponds as a risk factor. About 5.2% thought that witchcraft and curses cause BUD, and 71.8% indicated that BU sufferers first seek treatment from herbalists and only refer to the hospital as a last resort. The main
reasons were prospects of prolonged hospital stay, cost of transport, loss of earnings and opportunity associated with parents attending their children’s hospitalization over extended period, delays in being
attended by medical staff, and not knowing the cause of the disease or required treatment. The level of acceptance of BUD sufferers was high in adults but less so in children. The challenge facing health workers is to break the vicious cycle of poor medical outcomes leading to poor attitudes to hospital treatment in the community. Because herbalists are often the first people consulted by those who contract the disease, they need to be trained in early recognition of the pre-ulcerative stage of Buruli lesions.


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A wool fabric has been subjected to an atmospheric-pressure treatment with a helium plasma for 30 seconds. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry confirmed removal of the covalently-bound fatty acid layer (F-layer) from the surface of the wool fibers, resulting in exposure of the underlying, hydrophilic protein material. Dye uptake experiments were carried out at 50 ºC to evaluate the effects of plasma on the rate of dye uptake by the fiber surface, as well as give an indication of the adsorption characteristics in the early stages of a typical dyeing cycle. The dyes used were typical, sulfonated wool dyes with a range of hydrophobic characteristics, as determined by their partitioning behavior between water and n-butanol. No significant effects of plasma on the rate of dye adsorption were observed with relatively hydrophobic dyes. In contrast, the relatively hydrophilic dyes were adsorbed more rapidly (and uniformly) by the plasma-treated fabric. It was concluded that adsorption of hydrophobic dyes on plasma-treated wool was influenced by hydrophobic interactions, whereas electrostatic effects predominated for dyes of more hydrophilic character. On heating the dyebath to 90 ºC in order to achieve fiber penetration, no significant effect of the plasma treatment on the extent of uptake or levelness of a relatively hydrophilic dye was observed as equilibrium conditions were approached.


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The quality of drinking water generally degrades when it is delivered through a distribution system due to the decay of disinfectant, which subsequently allows the re-growth of microorganisms in the distribution system. A model that describes the changes that occur in the water quality in distribution system is needed to determine whether to enhance the treatment processes or to improve the distribution system so that microbiological criteria are met. This paper describes how chlorine decay kinetics are modeled and the model output is used in finding the elements that are contributing to the consumption of chlorine at the treatment plant other than the water itself; this allows better control of chlorine dosing at the treatment plant, which in tum will reduce the formation of disinfectant by-products. In addition, the model will accurately predict the decay due to the organic/inorganic and nitrogenous compounds that are remaining in the water at any point in the distribution system, which will indicate the status of the distribution system with respect to its chlorine consumption. Further, if re-chlorination is introduced in the distribution system downstream of the treatment plant, the model will predict the chlorine decay due to the slow reacting organic and nitrogenous compounds accurately.


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In many Asian countries, rapid industrialization and urbanization has led to an increased number of cars, making wastewater from gas stations an important issue of concern in urban environment. This wastewater is characterized by high concentration of oil-water emulsion, which cannot be effectively removed by a conventional gravity separator. An experimental investigation on the treatability of oily wastewater from gas stations using a membrane bioreactor (MBR) system revealed that MBR system could achieve good removal efficiency with stability against shock loading. Optimum operating conditions were found to be at a hydraulic retention time of 4 h and an oil-loading rate of 1.8 kg oil m^sup -3^.d^sup -1^. It was anticipated that adding powdered activated carbon (PAC) in the MBR could help to adsorb the oils. However, operating the MBR with only microbial flocs has an advantage over adding PAC particles into the MBR, since the former condition could provide a prolonged cycle of filtration with a relatively lesser increase in transmembrane pressure.


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Two emergent macrophytes, Arundo donax and Phragmites australis, were established in experimental horizontal subsurface flow (HSSF), gravel-based constructed wetlands (CWs) and challenged by treated dairy processing factory wastewater with a median electrical conductivity of 8.9 mS cm−1. The hydraulic loading rate was tested at 3.75 cm day−1. In general, the plants grew well during the 7-month study period, with no obvious signs of salt stress. The major water quality parameters monitored (biological oxygen demand (BOD), suspended solids (SS) and total nitrogen (TN) but not total phosphorus) were generally improved after the effluent had passed through the CWs. There was no significance different in removal efficiencies between the planted beds and unplanted gravel beds (p > 0.007), nor was there any significant difference in removal efficiencies between the A. donax and P. australis beds for most parameters. BOD, SS and TN removal in the A. donax and P. australis CWs was 69, 95 and 26 % and 62, 97 and 26 %, respectively. Bacterial removal was observed but only to levels that would allow reuse of the effluent for use on non-food crops under Victorian state regulations. As expected, the A. donax CWs produced considerably more biomass (37 ± 7.2 kg wet weight) than the P. australis CWs (11 ± 1.4 kg wet weight). This standing crop equates to approximately 179 and 68 tonnes ha−1 year−1 biomass (dry weight) for A. donax and P. australis, respectively (assuming a 250-day growing season and single-cut harvest). The performance similarity of the A. donax and P. australis planted CWs indicates that either may be used in HSSF wetlands treating dairy factory wastewater, although the planting of A. donax provides additional opportunities for secondary income streams through utilisation of the biomass produced.


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Colour removal and the flux behaviour of nanofiltration (NF-DOW FILMTEC-NF245) and forward osmosis (FO-a flat sheet cellulose triacetate membrane with a woven embedded backing support) membranes were investigated in this study. The NF membrane was employed to perform dye removal experiments with aqueous solutions containing 15 g/L of NaCl and different concentrations of Acid Green 25, Remazol Brilliant Orange FR and Remazol Blue BR dyes. The increase in dye concentration resulted in a decline in water permeability and an increase in colour removal. When the concentrations of dye solutions varied from 250 to 1000 mg/L, at 0.8 bar of trans-membrane pressure, the NF system exhibited a steady permeate flux of more 30 L/m2h and a colour removal of more than 99%; salt rejection was more than 20.0%. Furthermore, the FO system possessed high dye rejection efficiency (almost 100%), with low permeate flux of around 2.0 L/m2h, when using dye solutions as feed streams and seawater as draw stream. The mode of operation (either FO or pressure retarded osmosis (PRO) did not change the flux significantly but PRO mode always produced higher fluxes than FO mode under the operating conditions used in this study. While both NF and FO can be used to reduce the volume of effluent containing dyes from textile industries, the energy spent in NF on applied pressure can be substituted by the osmotic pressure of draw solution in FO when concentrated draw solutions such as sea water or reverse osmosis concentrate are readily available.