21 resultados para Time-variable gravity

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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Many methods to calculate message latencies for Controller Area Network (CAN) have previously been presented based upon the static worst-case behaviour of the system. With the use of modern simulation tools however, the behaviour of CAN networks can be simulated dynamically in order to find the likely worst-case response times for CAN messages. This paper shows the development of an automotive body control network model to be used as the basis for further simulations. A method to simulate the Worst-Case Response Time of this model is then presented, taking into account random queuing jitter.


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The present study examined the validity and reliability of measuring the expression of various genes in human skeletal muscle using quantitative real-time RT-PCR on a GeneAmp 5700 sequence detection system with SYBR Green 1 chemistry. In addition, the validity of using some of these genes as endogenous controls (i.e., housekeeping genes) when human skeletal muscle was exposed to elevated total creatine levels and exercise was also examined. For all except 28S, linear relationships between the logarithm of the starting RNA concentrations and the cycle threshold (CT) values were established for ß-actin, ß2-microglobulin (ß2M), cyclophilin (CYC), and glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH). We found a linear response between CT values and the logarithm of a given amount of starting cDNA for all the genes tested. The overall intra-assay coefficient of variance for these genes was 1.3% and 21% for raw CT values and the linear value of 2-CT, respectively. Interassay variability was 2.3% for raw CT values and 34% for the linear value of 2-CT. We also examined the expression of various housekeeping genes in human skeletal muscle at days 0, 1, and 5 following oral supplementation with either creatine or a placebo employing a double-blind crossover study design. Treatments were separated by a 5-wk washout period. Immediately following each muscle sampling, subjects performed two 30-s all-out bouts on a cycle ergometer. Creatine supplementation increased (P < 0.05) muscle total creatine content above placebo levels; however, there were no changes (P > 0.05) in CT values across the supplementation periods for any of the genes. Nevertheless, 95% confidence intervals showed that GAPDH was variable, whereas ß-actin, ß2M, and CYC were the least varying genes. Normalization of the data to these housekeeping genes revealed variable behavior for ß2M with more stable expressions for both ß-actin and CYC. We conclude that, using real-time RT-PCR, ß-actin or CYC may be used as housekeeping genes to study gene expression in human muscle in experiments employing short-term creatine supplementation combined with high-intensity exercise.


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The infaunal bivalve Soletellina alba is susceptible to mass mortalities during annual winter flooding in the Hopkins River Estuary, southern Australia. Periods of low salinity (≤1) are the likely cause of these mass mortality events, which can occur in seasonally-closed estuaries when high winter flows are sufficient to flush all salt water from the estuary. Core samples of S. alba were collected from two water depths across four times and at three sites near the mouth of the estuary. Minimal to zero abundances of large S. alba (>1 mm) were expected to be sampled, particularly at the shallower water depth, during a typical winter flood event. However, the present study occurred during a period of drought, which led to the absence of winter flooding. This absence of winter flooding prevented the occurrence of lethal salinities (i.e. ≤1) in the estuary during this period and a greater number of living S. alba adults were sampled. Abundances of juvenile and adult S. alba were still variable, even in the absence of winter flooding, and reflected an interaction between date, site and water depth. However, no mass mortalities of adults were observed during the drought conditions in contrast to what occurs during typical winter flood events and provides support for the hypothesis that winter flooding is responsible for past mass mortalities.


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OBJECTIVE--Total sedentary (absence of whole-body movement) time is associated with obesity, abnormal glucose metabolism, and the metabolic syndrome. In addition to the effects of total sedentary time, the manner in which it is accumulated may also be important. We examined the association of breaks in objectively measured sedentary time with biological markers of metabolic risk.

RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS--Participants (n = 168, mean age 53.4 years) for this cross-sectional study were recruited from the 2004-2005 Australian Diabetes, Obesity and Lifestyle study. Sedentary time was measured by an accelerometer (counts/[minute-1] < 100) worn during waking hours for seven consecutive days. Each interruption in sedentary time (counts/min [greater than or equal to] 100) was considered a break. Fasting plasma glucose, 2-h plasma glucose, serum triglycerides, HDL cholesterol, weight, height, waist circumference, and resting blood pressure were measured. MatLab was used to derive the breaks variable; SPSS was used for the statistical analysis.

RESULTS--Independent of total sedentary time and moderate-to-vigorous intensity activity time, increased breaks in sedentary time were beneficially associated with waist circumference (standardized ß = -0.16, 95% CI -0.31 to -0.02, P = 0.026), BMI (ß = -0.19, -0.35 to -0.02, P = 0.026), triglycerides (ß = -0.18, -0.34 to -0.02, P = 0.029), and 2-h plasma glucose (ß = -0.18, -0.34 to -0.02, P = 0.025).

CONCLUSIONS--This study provides evidence of the importance of avoiding prolonged uninterrupted periods of sedentary (primarily sitting) time. These findings suggest new public health recommendations regarding breaking up sedentary time that are complementary to those for physical activity.


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An improved robust variable step-size least mean square (LMS) algorithm is developed in this paper. Unlike many existing approaches, we adjust the variable step-size using a quotient form of filtered versions of the quadratic error. The filtered estimates of the error are based on exponential windows, applying different decaying factors for the estimations in the numerator and denominator. The new algorithm, called more robust variable step-size (MRVSS), is able to reduce the sensitivity to the power of the measurement noise, and improve the steady-state performance for comparable transient behavior, with negligible increase in the computational cost. The mean convergence, the steady-state performance and the mean step-size behavior of the MRVSS algorithm are studied under a slow time-varying system model, which can be served as guidelines for the design of MRVSS algorithm in practical applications. Simulation results are demonstrated to corroborate the analytic results, and to compare MRVSS with the existing representative approaches. Superior properties of the MRVSS algorithm are indicated.


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Australia’s waterbirds are mostly nomadic, capitalising on highly variable aquatic resources in the arid interior (70% of the continent) for feeding and breeding. Waterbirds, unlike most aquatic organisms, can move between catchments, exploiting habitat wherever it occurs. In Australia, patterns of resource availability for waterbirds are mostly pulsed with peaks of productivity, coinciding with flooding and differing in time and space, affecting individuals, species and functional groups of waterbirds. Australian waterbirds are no different from waterbirds elsewhere, with their behaviour reflecting broad-scale resource availability. They respond to changing patterns of resource distribution, with rapid movements at spatial and temporal scales commensurate with the dynamics of the resource. The most serious conservation threat to waterbirds is a bottleneck in resource availability, leading to population declines, increasingly forced by anthropogenic impacts. River regulation and other threats (e.g. draining) reduce the availability of wetland habitat and decrease the probability of viable resource patches. It is axiomatic that waterbirds need water and such population bottlenecks may occur when the availability of water across the continent is limited. The rehabilitation of regulated rivers with environmental flows and protection of naturally flowing rivers in the arid region are essential for long-term sustainability of Australia’s waterbird populations.


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A new concept of counting time at fatigue processes is proposed, aimed to reach fractographic compatibility in cases of different loading sequences. Values of cycle effectivity are summarized to give the new reference time. The improvement is shown in application - textural fractography of three specimens loaded by constant cycle, constant cycle with periodic overloading, and a random block, respectively. In contrast to the conventional crack growth rate, the reference crack growth rate is related to common morphologic features of all fracture surfaces.


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Background: Risk prediction for CVD events has been shown to vary according to current smoking status, pack-years smoked over a lifetime, time since quitting and age at quitting. The latter two are closely and inversely related. It is not known whether the age at which one quits smoking is an additional important predictor of CVD events. The aim of this study was to determine whether the risk of CVD events varied according to age at quitting after taking into account current smoking status, lifetime pack-years smoked and time since quitting.
We used the Cox proportional hazards model to evaluate the risk of developing a first CVD event for a cohort of participants in the Framingham Offspring Heart Study who attended the fourth examination between ages 30 and 74 years and were free of CVD. Those who quit before the median age of 37 years had a risk of CVD incidence similar to those who were never smokers. The incorporation of age at quitting in the smoking variable resulted in better prediction than the model which had a simple current smoker/non-smoker measure and the one that incorporated both time since quitting and pack-years. These models demonstrated good discrimination, calibration and global fit. The risk among those quitting more than 5 years prior to the baseline exam and those whose age at quitting was prior to 44 years was similar to the risk among never smokers. However, the risk among those quitting less than 5 years prior to the baseline exam and those who continued to smoke until 44 years of age (or beyond) was two and a half times higher than that of never smokers.
Age at quitting improves the prediction of risk of CVD incidence even after other smoking measures are taken into account. The clinical benefit of adding age at quitting to the model with other smoking measures may be greater than the associated costs. Thus, age at quitting should be considered in addition to smoking status, time since quitting and pack-years when counselling individuals about their cardiovascular risk.


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This study has formulated a behavioral model of individual activity time allocation on weekends, and has extended it to incorporate the latent determinants of time use decisions during weekdays by using a latent variable model. The ultimate goals in developing this model are to improve the individual weekend activity time allocation model by introducing latent variables, and to estimate the value of activity time of different activity types. We conducted a pilot empirical investigation using a small data set regarding time use and expenditure both for weekdays and weekends, and a few indicators of the latent variables collected from individuals in Yokohama, Japan. The empirical findings suggest that the proposed model is valuable not only for modeling activity time allocation, but also in calculating the value of activity time.


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To reduce weight and improve passenger safety there is an increased need in the automotive industry to use Ultra High Strength Steel (UHSS) for structural and crash components. However, the application of UHSS is restricted by their limited formability and the difficulty of forming them in conventional stamping. An alternative method of manufacturing structural auto body parts from UHSS is the flexible roll forming process, which allows the manufacture of metal sheet with high strength and limited ductility into complex and weight-optimized components. One major problem in the flexible roll forming of UHSS is the web-warping defect, which is the deviation in height of the web area over the length of the profile. It has been shown that web-warping is strongly dependant to the permanent longitudinal strain formed in the flange of the part. Flexible roll forming is a continuous process with many roll stands, which makes numerical analysis extremely time intensive and computationally expensive. An analytical model of web-warping is therefore critical to improve design efficiency during the early process design stage before FEA is applied. This paper establishes for the first time an analytical model for the prediction of web-warping for the flexible roll forming of a section with variable width. The model is based on evaluating longitudinal edge strain in the flange of the part. This information is then used in combination with a simple geometrical model to investigate the relationship between web-warping and longitudinal strain with respect to process parameters.


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Cuckoo search (CS) is a relatively new meta-heuristic that has proven its strength in solving continuous optimization problems. This papers applies cuckoo search to the class of sequencing problems by hybridizing it with a variable neighborhood descent local search for enhancing the quality of the obtained solutions. The Lévy flight operator proposed in the original CS is modified to address the discrete nature of scheduling problems. Two well-known problems are used to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed hybrid CS approach. The first is the NP-hard single objective problem of minimizing the weighted total tardiness time (Formula presented.) and the second is the multiobjective problem of minimizing the flowtime ¯ and the maximum tardiness Tmaxfor single machine (Formula presented.). For the first problem, computational results show that the hybrid CS is able to find the optimal solutions for all benchmark test instances with 40, 50, and 100 jobs and for most instances with 150, 200, 250, and 300 jobs. For the second problem, the hybrid CS generated solutions on and very close to the exact Pareto fronts of test instances with 10, 20, 30, and 40 jobs. In general, the results reveal that the hybrid CS is an adequate and robust method for tackling single and multiobjective scheduling problems.


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Monitoring the abundance and distribution of taxa is essential to assess their contribution to ecosystem processes. For marine taxa that are difficult to study or have long been perceived of little ecological importance, quantitative information is often lacking. This is the case for jellyfish (medusae and other gelatinous plankton). In the present work, 4 years of scyphomedusae by-catch data from the 2007-2010 Irish Sea juvenile gadoid fish survey were analysed with three main objectives: (1) to provide quantitative and spatially-explicit species-specific biomass data, for a region known to have an increasing trend in jellyfish abundance; (2) to investigate whether year-to-year changes in catch-biomass are due to changes in the numbers or in the size of medusa (assessed as the mean mass per individual), and (3) to determine whether inter-annual variation patterns are consistent between species and water masses. Scyphomedusae were present in 97% of samples (N=306). Their overall annual median catch-biomass ranged from 0.19 to 0.92gm-3 (or 8.6 to 42.4gm-2). Aurelia aurita and Cyanea spp. (Cyanea lamarckii and Cyanea capillata) made up 77.7% and 21.5% of the total catch-biomass respectively, but species contributions varied greatly between sub-regions and years. No consistent pattern was detected between the distribution and inter-annual variations of the two genera, and contrasting inter-annual patterns emerged when considering abundance either as biomass or as density. Significantly, A.aurita medusae were heavier in stratified than in mixed waters, which we hypothesize may be linked to differences in timing and yield of primary and secondary productions between water masses. These results show the vulnerability of time-series from bycatch datasets to phenological changes and highlight the importance of taking species- and population-specific distribution patterns into account when integrating jellyfish into ecosystem models.


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The least-mean-square-type (LMS-type) algorithms are known as simple and effective adaptation algorithms. However, the LMS-type algorithms have a trade-off between the convergence rate and steady-state performance. In this paper, we investigate a new variable step-size approach to achieve fast convergence rate and low steady-state misadjustment. By approximating the optimal step-size that minimizes the mean-square deviation, we derive variable step-sizes for both the time-domain normalized LMS (NLMS) algorithm and the transform-domain LMS (TDLMS) algorithm. The proposed variable step-sizes are simple quotient forms of the filtered versions of the quadratic error and very effective for the NLMS and TDLMS algorithms. The computer simulations are demonstrated in the framework of adaptive system modeling. Superior performance is obtained compared to the existing popular variable step-size approaches of the NLMS and TDLMS algorithms. © 2014 Springer Science+Business Media New York.