91 resultados para Project 2002-043-B : Smart Building For Healthy and Sustainable Workplaces – Scoping Study

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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<b>Objective</b> To articulate a healthy and sustainable (H&amp;S) diet; outline key health and environmental sustainability principles that can be applied in the selection of foods for inclusion in such a diet; and describe a methodology with which to assess the availability and affordability of a H&amp;S food basket.<br /><br /><b>Design </b>We synthesized publically available evidence on the environmental impact of different foods from academic, government, industry and non-government sources and constructed a hypothetical H&amp;S equivalent of the typical Australian diet. Based on this, we constructed a weekly H&amp;S food basket for a household of two adults and two children.<br /><br /><b>Setting </b>Australia.<br /><br /><b>Subjects</b> Australian populations.<br /><br /><b>Results </b>The H&amp;S diet is based on three overarching principles: (i) any food that is consumed above a person's energy requirement represents an avoidable environmental burden in the form of greenhouse gas emissions, use of natural resources and pressure on biodiversity; (ii) reducing the consumption of discretionary food choices, which are energy-dense and highly processed and packaged, reduces both the risk of dietary imbalances and the use of environmental resources; and (iii) a diet comprising less animal- and more plant-derived foods delivers both health and ecological benefits.<br /><br /><b>Conclusions</b> We have focused on the articulation of a H&amp;S diet not to facilitate &lsquo;policy drift&rsquo; to focus on individual dietary choice, but rather to provide evidence to extend dietary guideline recommendations so as to integrate environmental considerations within the scope of food and health policy advice in Australia and elsewhere.


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OBJECTIVE: To develop a policy formulation tool for strategically informing food and nutrition policy activities to promote healthy and sustainable diets (HSD). DESIGN: A policy formulation tool consisting of two complementary components was developed. First, a conceptual framework of the environment-public health nutrition relationship was constructed to characterise and conceptualise the food system problem. Second, an 'Orders of Food Systems Change' schema drawing on systems dynamics thinking was developed to identify, assess and propose policy options to redesign food systems. SETTING: Food and nutrition policy activities to promote HSD have been politicised, fragmented and lacking a coherent conceptual and strategic focus to tackle complex food system challenges. RESULTS: The tool's conceptual framework component comprises three integrated dimensions: (i) a structure built around the environment and public health nutrition relationship that is mediated via the food system; (ii) internal mechanisms that operate through system dynamics; and (iii) external interactions that frame its nature and a scope within ecological parameters. The accompanying schema is structured around three orders of change distinguished by contrasting ideological perspectives on the type and extent of change needed to 'solve' the HSD problem. CONCLUSIONS: The conceptual framework's systems analysis of the environment-public health nutrition relationship sets out the food system challenges for HSD. The schema helps account for political realities in policy making and is a key link to operationalise the framework's concepts to actions aimed at redesigning food systems. In combination they provide a policy formulation tool to strategically inform policy activities to redesign food systems and promote HSD.


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Post-war cities epitomise both a disjuncture and resonance between the end of the nation-state, on the one hand, and a preoccupation with reinventing the city through building, on the other. Programs of 'reconstruction' and 'remaking a city' are preceded by destruction: a destructive force has altered the face of the city, buildings have been destroyed and damaged, their ordered and ordering materiality is eroded, and the city is no longer an image of an idealized symbol of unity and identity. Belying the mythical power of architecture as a material and symbolic force, is also its fragility. Architecture can be monumentally erected and can have a presence and persistence that inspires awe and wonder, but it can also, just as easily be de-erected, demolished, destroyed. It can be de-constructed in a way that the literal sense of the term signals its symbolic frailty. Perceiving the symbolic as intrinsically tied to the physical articulation and presence of the architectural edifice, both reveals and conceals that the symbolic is also tied to fantasy, memory and fiction. Drawings that precede construction are projections of an idealized image of something that does not yet exist, and photographs that remain after a building is demolished are representations of a past realist that is now fictional.<br />


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This paper summarises initiatives in the area of capacity building between communities, governments and universities since Rio 1992.<br /><br />First the global advances through the UN and associated agencies are described with lessons learned and challenges remaining being highlighted. This is followed by a similar approach for first regionally based initiatives and finally some of the better examples of nationally based approaches.<br /><br />Among the key findings from the review were: trying to keep the initial message simple, asking the &ldquo;user&rdquo; what they want and what they need from capacity building, the use of local experts in capacity building where ever possible, universities extending themselves to engage in genuine partnerships as well as offering new courses, subjects, etc., attempting to match the strengths and weaknesses of partners in capacity building, concentrating on improving regional partnerships across national boundaries, deriving methods to sustain capacity building programs over the long term, questioning the absence of the private sector from capacity building partnerships, questioning whether capacity building is receiving the attention, funding and centrality to ICM promotion that it warrants, a proposal to build a global ICM capacity building network, the need for greater critical analysis of capacity building programs, integrating capacity building into ICM practices and recognising that effective capacity building practice may require some time and effort to build up, i.e. there are no universal &ldquo;quick-fixes&rdquo;.<br />


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It is generally assumed that education will be good for a country and its inhabitants. But if the educational experience does not support those aspects of a culture the inhabitants believe to be most important, it does not contribute to social cohesion. Societies adjusting to 'modern' forces, question the 'benefits' of education, when they have poorly-funded, centralised education systems, uneven access to schooling, and where student progress is determined by academic exams and post-school employment options are few. In such circumstances, citizens are uncertain how to use education to cohere their culture and society. <br /><br />This World Bank funded consultancy project sought the views of citizens of the Solomon Islands and Vanuatu on the role of schools in maintaining culture and in promoting social tolerance and harmony. Researchers also developed an educational framework for promoting social cohesion and democratic participation in schools in the Pacific region.<br /><br />This presentation will consider :<br /><br />* The context of the study in the Pacific region <br />* Research and the World bank <br />* Issues associated with case study research <br />* Case study findings <br />* The educational framework developed.<br />


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In recent years, building demolition has been challenging urban developers due to the increased incidence of demolition projects and the elevation of demolition requirements. The importance of building demolition is also recognised by researchers and, given its environmental impacts, it is anticipated to achieve the same attention as conventional planning, design,<br />construction and maintenance in the near future. In this article, the authors aim to develop a series of strategies for promoting building demolition practice. Environmentally-friendly demolition procedures are introduced through a waste minimisation decision that makes the approach on alternatives to demolition and an integrated demolition planning and design approach focus on a just-in-time (JIT) philosophy. A conceptual management framework is also presented for the implementation of demolition projects.


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This paper uses audience research data to examine the positioning of Indigenous theatre in the Australian theatre environment. Kooemba Jdarra is an Aboriginal theatre company in Brisbane, Australia, with a distinguished history of developing Aboriginal artists, writers and directors. However, it has struggled to maintain its positioning because of the perceived risks of participation by audiences who prefer to see Indigenous theatre within the program of the mainstream state theatre company. The paper concludes with strategies for decreasing risk for audiences and for greater advocacy by the company in positioning itself in the mainstream Australia theatre environment.<br /><br />


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The lack of attention to quality control by house builders has been a contentious issue for more than three decades. In an attempt to improve the quality of housing, various mechanisms have been adopted and discarded by industry-based organizations and government legislation. Now that registration of builders has been achieved (since 1995) the regulating authority, the Building Commission have placed the maintenance of standards from registered builders at the forefront of their priorities. The provision of suitable training and continuing professional development programs is likely to receive greater attention over the next few years. However, a key factor that is often overlooked in the debate on quality of house construction is the use of subcontract labour by both, registered builders and owner builders. The repetitive nature of some activities ensures that tacit knowledge within the subcontract system becomes an integral part of house construction. Research by the authors into defects in housing has provided some interesting analyses from the statistic collected. This paper analyses the incidence of defects over a number of years in a range of functional elements within the house envelope and presents the results. Particular attention is paid to the incidence of defects where the licensed trades are involved compared to the non-licensed trades and elements. This work suggests where housing defects are likely to occur and the authors suggest that appropriate educational resources may be directed to areas where it will be most effective and beneficial. The authors propose a more integrated and inclusive approach.<br />


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Unlike other technology, lCT has the tremendous capacity to eliminate various social and economic barriers impeding the poor, helping them discover their potential. Wider access and use of lCT can improve social networks and increase civic engagement, thereby improving social fabric and developing social capital. Thus, scholars now have realized lCT plays a primary role in the formation and maintenance of social network. This paper identifies microfinance programs as an agent with unparalleled capacity to facilitate access to lCT and thus the formation of social capital and socio-economic development of the poor. In this paper, we also discuss the role of MFls in developing social capital in<br />South Asia and present an analytical model of how the intervention of microfinance can facilitate access to lCT by the poor with the result of an improved both socio-economic situation and social capital.<br />