24 resultados para Product-specific model

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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Examines current literature on new product development, addresses key issues in the Australian grocery market, evaluates existing processes, identifies success factors and provides the Australian grocery organisations with the optimum new product development model.


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In an attempt to enhance debate focused on an established academic controversy, this study re-investigated selected data from the 1994 AMC survey of Australian and New Zealand manufacturing practices to test the hypothesis that best practice and product innovation may be incompatible generic business strategies. A modification of Robert G. Cooper’s Stage-Gate product development model was used as a theoretical framework to create a measurable construct of ‘product innovation’ as a strategy and compare two groups: firms committed to a best practice strategy (BPs) and firms not utilising best practice (Non-BPs). Eight variables were scrutinised. After logical critique was added to statistical data analysis, four major insights emerged.

(1) Tests yielded several statistically significant but substantively inconclusive results because both studied groups had nearly identical profiles in rating innovation as the factor of lowest importance to commercial success and because the definitional framework which guided construction of the survey instrument treated innovation as a second-order issue. (2) Currently, best practice and product innovation are logically incompatible by definition. (3) Even if the definition of best practice were changed, it is likely that the additional key process of innovation would remain incompatible with the existing key process of benchmarking. (4) However, until the definition of best practice does make an attempt to include innovation as a key process rather than an outcome, testing any hypothesis of strategic compatibility between a best practice focus and an innovation focus will be both empirically difficult and logically unnecessary.


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This paper explores a vertical product differentiation model with a licensing arrangement between a multinational firm with superior technology and a domestic firm with obsolete technology. We find that a subsidy provided by the domestic country's government to the domestic firm to assist with the licensing arrangement is welfare enhancing for the domestic country. Furthermore, both the multinational firm and the domestic country are better off under royalty than under fixed fee licensing. These findings stand in contrast to earlier results in the literature.


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Abstract The purpose of this study was to identify place-specific dimensions of service quality in spectator sport settings and determine if the importance of these dimensions differed across cultures. The study was limited to the soccer industry and involved the collection of responses from identified soccer spectators to a range of items presented in a survey instrument. The survey was distributed to respondents face-to-face on a match day of the club they supported, or mailed to their home address. Responses were obtained from spectators from two clubs from Australia (n=277), one club from the USA (n=199), one club from the Netherlands (n=245) and one federation from Malaysia (n= 100). Based on the findings of a number of authors, six categories of potential place-specific dimensions of service quality in spectator sport settings were created and the research instrument contained a number of items that could be categorised under one of these headings. These categories were Home, Religion, Social facilitation, Sensory, Uncertainty of outcome, and Personal attention. In this thesis it was assumed that place-specific service quality issues are similar for sport spectators of different cultures, although differences in degree of importance of these dimensions (etic approach) were likely to emerge. In other words, although it was expected dimensions per country to be similar, differences in degree of importance of these dimensions were expected. Given the lack of confirmatory statistical evidence pertaining to the specific country samples, it was concluded that differences per country are likely to be more than just differences in degree. Both the overall structure and structures per country could not be confirmed, and hence the conclusion was drawn that differences in nature between the countries were present. In other words, what is a dimension of place-specific service quality in one country is not necessarily a dimension in another country. The results of a content analysis of ‘core component’ structures per country compared with a (full sample) core component structure delivered six components (referred to as place-specific dimensions of service quality) that were defined as Home, Hedonist, Religious follower, Safe atmosphere, Hospitality and Personal Attention. It was found that in most cases the cultural orientation of soccer spectators reflects the cultural orientation of the country as a whole as proposed by Hofstede (1991). However, in line with Huntington (1997), it was also argued that grouping people based on their country of origin as a proxy for their cultural orientation, will increasingly lead to flawed and incomplete research findings. As noted by Yoo etal. (1999), the identification of a person's cultural orientation is likely to deliver more direct results when measured at the individual level In that regard it is concluded that it may seem prudent to view Hofstede's dimensions of culture with increased conceptual scrutiny. Although having been replicated in multiple studies, it becomes increasingly unlikely that Hofstede's dimensions cover the complete spectrum of an individual person's cultural orientation. In conclusion, this study identified that soccer spectators (from a number of clubs) from Australia, the USA, the Netherlands and to a lesser extent Malaysia, perceive a range of place-specific service quality dimensions in spectator spoil settings to be important when visiting a soccer match. Before research into satisfaction with and value of place-specific dimensions of the spectator sport service product is initiated, it is pertinent the identified dimensions are further explored and confirmed in different country (culture) settings. The confusion that still exists about the place of the value concept (in relation to quality and satisfaction), where Holbrook (1994) defines quality as a type of value and Chelladurai and Chang (2000) argue that value is a type of quality, further underpins this necessity. It needs to be clear what are the targets of service quality before this information is integrated in larger holistic research frameworks. In the final section of the thesis a conceptual model for international services marketing research in the sport industry was presented as a first attempt to integrate the findings of this research and other researchers.


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Use of New Product Development (NPD) methods may benefit New Zealand SMEs and entrepreneurial firms in gaining greater market share. In this paper we review the literature on New Product Development, NPD theory and methods for early stage product design and development. Our reading suggests that product design has greater success when the customer is involved in the design effort. It also recommends methods of approach to new markets in the (NPD) life cycle. The literature further elucidates methods for identification of product design criteria based on customer needs identification. In essence, customer-product interaction in the early stages of product development is important to product success in new markets for entrepreneurial firms and SMEs. Of particular interest are early-stage NPD research methods and their influence on the company’s marketing strategy.


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Endogenous survivin expression has been related with cancer survival, drug resistance, and metastasis. Therapies targeting survivin have been shown to significantly inhibit tumor growth and recurrence. We found out that a cell-permeable dominant negative survivin (SurR9-C84A, referred to as SR9) competitively inhibited endogenous survivin and blocked the cell cycle at the G1/S phase. Nanoencapsulation in mucoadhesive chitosan nanoparticles (CHNP) substantially increased the bioavailability and serum stability of SR9. The mechanism of nanoparticle uptake was studied extensively in vitro and in ex vivo models. Our results confirmed that CHNP-SR9 protected primary cells from autophagy and successfully induced tumor-specific apoptosis via both extrinsic and intrinsic apoptotic pathways. CHNP-SR9 significantly reduced the tumor spheroid size (three-dimensional model) by nearly 7-fold. Effects of SR9 and CHNP-SR9 were studied on 35 key molecules involved in the apoptotic pathway. Highly significant (4.26-fold, P≤0.005) reduction in tumor volume was observed using an in vivo mouse xenograft colon cancer model. It was also observed that net apoptotic (6.25-fold, P≤0.005) and necrotic indexes (3.5-fold, P≤0.05) were comparatively higher in CHNP-SR9 when compared to void CHNP and CHNP-SR9 internalized more in cancer stem cells (4.5-fold, P≤0.005). We concluded that nanoformulation of SR9 did not reduce its therapeutic potential; however, nanoformulation provided SR9 with enhanced stability and better bioavailability. Our study presents a highly tumor-specific protein-based cancer therapy that has several advantages over the normally used chemotherapeutics.


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Data is becoming the world’s new natural resourceand big data use grows quickly. The trend of computingtechnology is that everything is merged into the Internet and‘big data’ are integrated to comprise completeinformation for collective intelligence. With the increasingsize of big data, refining big data themselves to reduce data sizewhile keeping critical data (or useful information) is a newapproach direction. In this paper, we provide a novel dataconsumption model, which separates the consumption of datafrom the raw data, and thus enable cloud computing for bigdata applications. We define a new Data-as-a-Product (DaaP)concept; a data product is a small sized summary of theoriginal data and can directly answer users’ queries. Thus, weseparate the mining of big data into two classes of processingmodules: the refine modules to change raw big data into smallsizeddata products, and application-oriented mining modulesto discover desired knowledge further for applications fromwell-defined data products. Our practices of mining big streamdata, including medical sensor stream data, streams of textdata and trajectory data, demonstrated the efficiency andprecision of our DaaP model for answering users’ queries


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This chapter is aimed at student teachers and practising middle-years teachers in the primary school who are interested in developing their students' subject-specific literacies in preparation for their transition to secondary school. A number of texts and activities from a popular secondary textbook are analysed and mapped against the four resources model. Given that learning tasks that develop students as code breakers, text participants, text users and
text analysts are suggested, it is important to recognise that focus does not infer separation. The activity foci rely on the take-up of each of the other resources.


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Cultured human breast carcinoma cell lines are important models for investigating the pathogenesis of breast cancer. Their use, however, is limited because of loss of expression of breast-specific markers and the development of a dedifferentiated phenotype after continuous culture. PMC42 is a unique human breast carcinoma line, previously shown to express secretory and myoepithelial markers. We have induced PMC42 cells to form hollow organoids in culture, similar to in vivo breast structures, using a combination of hormones including estrogen, progesterone, dexamethasone, insulin, and prolactin in combination with a permeable extracellular matrix. The organoids comprised polarized cells located around a central lumen. Expression of β-casein was demonstrated in cells within organoids using reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction, Western blot analysis, and confocal immunofluorescence. In this in vitro system, milk-specific gene expression was induced through hormone and matrix interactions which may be similar to those operating in vivo. PMC42 is a novel model for investigations into the molecular mechanisms of carcinogenesis and differentiation in the human breast.


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This paper reports on the results of a study aimed at identifying the relative influence of generic and job-specific stressors experienced by a cohort of Australian managers. The results of a regression analysis revealed that both the generic components of the job strain model (JSM) and job-specific stressors were predictive of the strain experienced by participants. However, when looking at the total amount of variance that is explained by the predictor variables, the combined influence of job demand, job control and social support contributed 98 per cent of the explained variance in job satisfaction and 90 per cent of the variance in psychological health. The large amount of variance explained by the JSM suggests that this model provides an accurate account of the work characteristics that contribute to the strain experienced by managers and no augmentation is needed.


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Austenitic steels with a carbon content of 0.0037 to 0.79 wt% C are torsion tested and modeled using a physically based constitutive model and an Integrated Phenomenological and Artificial neural Network (IPANN) model. The prediction of both the constitutive and IPANN models on steel 0.017 wt% C is then evaluated using a finite element (FEM) code ABAQUS with different reduction in the thickness after rolling through one roll stand. It is found that during the rolling process, the prediction accuracy of the reaction force from FEM simulation for both constitutive and IPANN models depends on the strain achieved (average reduction in thickness). By integrating FEM into IPANN model and introducing the product of strain and stress as an input of the ANN model, the accuracy of this integrated FEM and IPANN model is higher than either the constitutive or IPANN model.