215 resultados para Problem Based Learning (PBL)

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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Abstract Problem Based Learning (PBL) using minimal guided instruction is used as an educational strategy across a broad variety of disciplines in the tertiary sector. This paper includes some of the strengths and weaknesses of PBL, both in general and in relation to the health care setting, encompassing some of its philosophical underpinnings and its methodological approach. In an effort to explore some of the benefits and problems with PBL in the work setting, this account will comprise a realistic rather than idealistic focus and will include a range of perspectives from both a facilitator and student standpoint. We suggest that PBL is a useful strategy across a comprehensive nursing degree programme (as the ideal) provided the learning programme is supported financially and that its ideal creed which supports a small group approach are adhered to. What we find is that reality is often different, with individual facilitators condensing their PBL programmes to incorporate a modified PBL approach with this personalised approach often taking strength away from the original conceptions of PBL. What we suggest here is that these circumstances constitute a conundrum.


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I watched a smoker of 30 years being admitted to the Coronary Care unit following an acute Myocardial Infarction (heart attack). The message from the male clinician was simple, accurate, but somewhat behaviourist: " the death of part of your heart muscle is the result of your smoking, if you don’t stop smoking the damage will continue and you will die." A global, proactive and humanistic consultation demonstrating an understanding of the man’s addiction to a legal and accessible drug and illuminating prevention strategies may have been more appropriate. Maybe the interaction was about competing masculinities, the risk taker and the problem solver. The irony? As I left the hospital that night I observed the same clinician strategically positioned in a secluded hospital doorway drawing heavily on a cigarette. Hypocrite? No, invincible late 20’s male? Maybe. Smoking was someone else’s problem – at least today.

In my 16 years as a clinician such scenarios are common. Clinical practice based predominantly on problem solving potentiates hegemonic masculine approaches to treating men in clinical practice, often justified by limited health resources and increasing patient acuity. Ironically, Problem-based Learning (PBL) curriculums commonly used in health sciences higher education encourages, nurtures and rewards such problem solving approaches. As a teaching academic with current clinical practice it occurs to me that health science education and PBL has an opportunity if not obligation to empower clinicians to establish holistic approaches to male health presentations.

This paper explores the interconnections of Problem-based Learning (PBL) curriculums, health promotion, male nurses’ health-related behaviours and the implications and specificities of masculinity. The pilot study offers an insight into the perceptions of three male nurses that completed undergraduate nursing studies in PBL curriculums. The data obtained introduces some connections that could be illuminated by further research.


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Educational research suggests that Problem-Based Learning (PBL) is a pedagogy that fosters a deeper understanding of the curriculum and provides students with processes and skills for lifelong learning. According to the literature this pedagogy appears to be a suitable one for teaching undergraduate information technology, yet adoption of PBL in information technology tertiary education appears to be slow. This paper discusses characteristics and processes of PBL and describes how the approach will be used in teaching information technology professional practice. The course described will be offered to information technology students in their final year of study and will be delivered wholly online. The course will not only provide best practice aspects of PBL but it will also provide students with the opportunity of undertaking authentic tasks using multimedia resources that simulate the real world.


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Teaching Information Systems (IS) to Australian tertiary students has become increasing problematic with many of them relying on a surface level approach to study. This will surely affect their understanding of IS material and in turn affect their effectiveness in the workplace.

This paper examines the issues behind this trend and considers Problem Based Learning (PBL) asan aid to counteract it.


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The learning experiences of first-year engineering students to a newly implemented engineering problem-based learning (PBL) curriculum is reported here, with an emphasis on student approaches to learning. Ethnographic approaches were used for data collection and analysis. This study found that student learning in a PBL team in this setting was mainly influenced by the attitudes, behaviour and learning approaches of the student members in that team. Three different learning cultures that emerged from the analysis of eight PBL teams are reported here. They are the finishing culture, the performing culture and the collaborative learning culture. It was found that the team that used a collaborative approach to learning benefited the most in this PBL setting. Students in this team approached learning at a deep level. The findings of this study imply that students in a problem-based, or project-based, learning setting may not automatically adopt a collaborative learning culture. Hence, it is important for institutions and teachers to identify and consider the factors that influence student learning in their particular setting, provide students with necessary tools and ongoing coaching to nurture deep learning approaches in PBL teams.


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This chapter explores Problem-Based Learning (PBL) curricula in engineering in Australasian universities, in particular its effects on student approaches to learning in PBL teams. Exploring from the three view points: curriculum design and implementation; institutional support structures assisting the transition to PBL for both students and academics; and student learning experiences in PBL teams this chapter intends to close the loop for institutions and academics using PBL to educate future engineers. In particular, this chapter examines the design of engineering PBL courses or subjects within programs and the ways in which learning experiences are designed for students, the support structures that institutions put in place for both academics and students to transition to PBL, teacher practices and student experiences of learning both individually and as a team in PBL. It is argued that many engineering programs still undermine the need for designing learning experiences to help students achieve the desired learning outcomes; seldom consider the learning cultures adopted by PBL teams and how students engage in learning as individuals and as a team. This chapter argues the need for approaches to PBL that enhance student learning and experiences in engineering and the need for support structures that assist both students and academics in the transition to problem-based learning.


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Since the early 1970s, Problem based Learning (PBL) in small groups is a prominent and innovative didactic approach with multiple facets, good practices and demonstrated effectiveness in many countries, for many different subjects and education/training programs, and in various settings (primary, secondary and higher tertiary education) (see e. g. Edens, 2000, Savery, 2006; Ertmer, Hmelo-Silver, 2015). However, this concept is not so much perceived in distance learning programs even though new technologies allow for better real-time collaboration in virtual classrooms and workspaces, mobile access to electronic learning resources via smart phones, and digital learning content like videos, podcasts or simulation tools. One reason for this might be the lack of conceptual frameworks and appropriate models for PBL in distance education. In this article, one prominent concept for designing PBL learning settings will be presented and its application in practice discussed: the 3C3R-Model of Hung (2006) defines a framework for Content, Context, and Connection (3C), which are interlinked through learner activities such as Researching, Reasoning and Reflecting (3R).Practical implications and examples for the design of appropriate distance learning designs based on this model will be presented and discussed with the audience.


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 Problem based learning has been implemented as a pedagogical tool world-wide across a range of health professions since its inception at McMaster University, Canada, in 1969 (Neville & Norman, 2007). In addition to enhancing knowledge and understanding it is also claimed that PBL develops communication skills, encourages teamwork, sharing of information and respect for others, furthers problem solving skills, and allows students to assume responsibility for their own learning (Wood, 2003). However, the cognitive outcomes of PBL and traditional pedagogy (based on didactic teaching) are similar and hence widespread adoption of PBL has been questioned (see Colliver, 2000). Criticisms of PBL include its resource hungry nature, requiring, as it does, experienced tutors to facilitate .learning across several clusters of students dealing with the same problem. Given the actual and anticipated increase in numbers of medical students in Australia other strategies that retain the advantages of PBL, while minimising the demands on faculty, should now be explored. This paper reports our experience with a modification of the traditional PBL approach, termed PBLplus. This innovation was trialled in a regional clinical school, attached to a hospital, with a group of 19 graduate entry students, who had completed an integrated Year 1 / 2 of the MBBS. PBLplus involved allocating students from the whole class to three task directed groups. Groups had specified assignments to complete to facilitate learning across the whole class. A tutor listened to student presentations and provided an interactive presentation. Hence use of tutors was made more efficient, and faculty input was more specialised.


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This study describes the investigation of postgraduate students of mixed age and gender distributed across several Australian states as well as off shore who were juggling study with workplace demands. As face to face meeting was impossible because of the geographical distribution of the group members and because the course communication was centred on an online conference space, a small group space was established for each group for the purpose of completing the problem-based learning task. This paper provides a detailed description of the group dynamics and interactive processes required to negotiate an online problem-based learning task. It will also suggest ways to improve the collaborative learning potential of the online environment through well structured and meaningful activities.


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This case study looks at how bank sites with interactive calculators can be used to enhance directed investigations of students in a Mathematics Studies course. In the course of these investigations, students access simulated contexts which enabled them to have a feel of how they would spend money in the real world. This case study reveals the confidence of students in carrying out searches and transferring data, learning about bank calculators and their role in real life, how hidden costs are incorporated into loans and being able to validate what is presented in these calculators with their own calculations. This case study also highlights the perceptions of the teacher regarding this strategy in teaching this topic and the areas that need improvement. This paper analyses what has happened in the teaching and learning process and endeavours to shed some light into how the Internet can be used to promote a quality mathematics education.


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This paper takes issue with the 'disabling' of students enrolled in teacher education courses, perpetrated by definitions of students' learning disorders and by the structures and pedagogies engaged by teacher educators. Focusing on one case, but with relevance for similarly affected systems, the paper begins by outlining the changed student entry credentials of Australian universities and their faculties of education. These are seen as induced by a shift from elite to mass provision of higher education and the particular effect on teacher education providers (especially those located in regional institutions) of the politics of government funding and the continuing demand for teachers by education systems. While these changed conditions are often used to argue an increased university population of students with learning disorders, the paper suggests that such arguments often have more to do with how student problems are defined by institutions and how these definitions serve to secure additional government funding. More pertinently, the paper argues that such definition tends to locate the problem in individual students, deferring considerations of teacher educators' pedagogy and the learning arrangements of their institutions. The paper concludes that the place to begin addressing these issues of difficulty would seem to be with a different conception of knowledge production.