15 resultados para Predicate Transformers

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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In Australia, as it is all over the world, finding and acquiring equity capital is one of the major problems facing entrepreneurs who are starting or growing entrepreneurial ventures. The informal venture capital market, made up of high net worth non-institutional private equity investors (or ‘business Angels’) provides risk capital directly to new and growing businesses and has been shown to be considerably more significant than institutional providers as a source of finance for entrepreneurial businesses. Building upon and comporting with Angel research undertaken overseas, this study generated and evaluated data resulting from an investigation of Australian business Angels which focused upon three primary research questions: (i) Who are Australia's Informal Venture Capitalists (Business Angels)? (ii) How do they behave? (iii) What are their investment criteria? Analysis of answers resulting from a survey of 36 carefully screened respondents produced a descriptive profile, depicted in twelve key graphs, of Australian Angels' identifying characteristics, patterns of investment behaviour and investment criteria. The study initiates Australian Angel research into the developing international continuum of formal Angel research and can serve as the generator of empirically sensible hypotheses for future research and theory development.


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Post-colonial movements for independence are voices of autonomy and independence before the onslaught of global organizations and cultures. This paper introduces the second set of themed papers in Gender, Place and Culture (see 13.2) which contains some of these voices, emanating from intensely private as well as communal and street kitchens; where women proclaim their visibility, economic value as food producers and transformers. The essays by Christie on the fiesta kitchens of central Mexico, Schroeder on the community kitchens of Bolivia and Peru, Robson on Islamic kitchens in rural Nigeria, Wardrop on the street vendors of south Durban and Pascali on Italian migrant kitchens in North East America, all acknowledge the vital contexts of 'development', urbanization, migration and industrialization to their stories, while also highlighting powerful elements of resistance and autonomy within the kitchen. As such the Western gaze records not so much the impacts of globalization as its cooking and transformation into something new, a hybrid dish, customized for local consumption.


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The aim of this paper is to identify the challenges that a social marketing campaign, which is predicated on Anzac Day and its commemorations and aimed at developing nationalistic behaviour in Australians, might face in the future. Questions posed for this paper are: Is this a viable campaign to promote nationalistic behaviour in Australia? Are there risks associated with such a campaign? In this discursive and exploratory paper Anzac Day and its commemorations are examined using generic marketing tools available to social marketers, specifically the Product Lifecycle (PLC) and consumer profiling, namely generational research. The results indicate that it is possible to predicate a social marketing campaign on Anzac Day and its commemorations to develop nationalistic behaviour in Australia, but there are some inherent risks associated with such a campaign. Issues are raised with regard to the mono-cultural nature of such a campaign; which generational segment(s) might take ownership of the commemorations in the future; and the surrounding structural and community-based strategies that will enhance such a campaign.


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This article presents a structured, manageable approach to the complex problem of how to choose, from the vast arsenal loosely labeled "qualitative methods," sets of techniques appropriate to advancement of the emerging field of entrepreneurial cognition. Summary consideration is given to four key issues of philosophical context as a necessary predicate to presentation of a "canonical development" approach, stylized in diagrammatic form. The approach is able to accommodate due regard for both methodological controversy and operational complexity without being overwhelmed by either. Three illustrative examples indicate how use of the approach can stimulate a researcher to create productive matches between questions evolved from the entrepreneurial cognition canon and techniques selected from the complex array of qualitative methods.


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Start and Improve Your Business (SIYB) is an entrepreneurial training program created, sponsored and disseminated by the International Labour Organization. SIYB is, arguably, the world’s largest skills enhancement program for entrepreneurs. SIYB has been in operation since the early 1970s and currently operates in almost 80 countries. During the last decade, more than 100,000 entrepreneurs, thousands of trainers and hundreds of small enterprise development organizations around the world have participated in it (Samuelsen 2003). Surprisingly for an education program of this magnitude and potential global importance, there has been relatively little program evaluation performed. What evaluation has been conducted has been unsystematic, qualitative and unsatisfactory (Harper 1985).

Meanwhile, in the nation of Botswana, since the mid seventies, there has been a huge growth in programs devoted to the training of small and medium entrepreneurs. The SIYB program has formed a significant component of this entrepreneurial training effort in Botswana (ILO 1996). SIYB training was initially supported by the United Nations and later by the Botswana government. Since its introduction into Botswana in1983, the SIYB program has been evaluated only once, in 1993 (Samuelsen 2003). The methods used (subjective questionnaire administered to an unsystematic sample of past participants) fails to provide a satisfactory evaluation of the program. So, in Botswana and worldwide, the world’s largest entrepreneurial training program continues to run in the absence of any knowledge concerning its efficacy. This paper describes the various elements of the SIYB program and places it in the context of the data-rich Botswanan environment. The descriptive work is a necessary predicate to creation of a research design capable of providing the detailed, critical program evaluation that has been so conspicuously lacking throughout the history of the SIYB initiative.


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This investigation provides the predicate for an intended series of studies in the field of Venture Capital deal screening. At issue is the use of theory-based standards for systematic creation and assessment of entrepreneurial business plans. A systems based approach guided synthesis of research-based principles contained in the literature. Results culminated in the formal articulation and operationalization of 10 principles in the form of a questionnaire (entitled EBPAR, for ‘entrepreneurial business plan evaluation regime’). The instrument can serve dual duty as a guide for writing and a regime for rating Entrepreneurial Business Plans. Discussion focused on utility of the assessment regime and future research directions.


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Attribute-Based Signatures (ABS) is a versatile primitive which allows an entity to sign a message with fine-grained control over identifying information. A valid ABS only attests to the fact that “A single user, whose attributes satisfy the predicate, has endorsed the message”. While ABS has been well investigated since its introduction, it is unfortunate that key exposure–an inherent weakness of digital signatures–has never been formally studied in the scenario of ABS. We fill this gap by proposing a new notion called forward secure ABS, its formal security models and a generic (also the first) design based on well established crypto primitives.


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Recently, Wang et al. presented a new construction of attribute-based signature with policy-and-endorsement mechanism. The existential unforgeability of their scheme was claimed to be based on the strong Diffie-Hellman assumption in the random oracle model. Unfortunately, by carefully revisiting the design and security proof of Wang et al.’s scheme, we show that their scheme cannot provide unforgeability, namely, a forger, whose attributes do not satisfy a given signing predicate, can also generate valid signatures. We also point out the flaws in Wang et al.’s proof.


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Attribute-based signature (ABS) enables users to sign messages over attributes without revealing any information other than the fact that they have attested to the messages. However, heavy computational cost is required during signing in existing work of ABS, which grows linearly with the size of the predicate formula. As a result, this presents a significant challenge for resource-constrained devices (such as mobile devices or RFID tags) to perform such heavy computations independently. Aiming at tackling the challenge above, we first propose and formalize a new paradigm called Outsourced ABS, i.e., OABS, in which the computational overhead at user side is greatly reduced through outsourcing intensive computations to an untrusted signing-cloud service provider (S-CSP). Furthermore, we apply this novel paradigm to existing ABS schemes to reduce the complexity. As a result, we present two concrete OABS schemes: i) in the first OABS scheme, the number of exponentiations involving in signing is reduced from O(d) to O(1) (nearly three), where d is the upper bound of threshold value defined in the predicate; ii) our second scheme is built on Herranz et al.'s construction with constant-size signatures. The number of exponentiations in signing is reduced from O(d2) to O(d) and the communication overhead is O(1). Security analysis demonstrates that both OABS schemes are secure in terms of the unforgeability and attribute-signer privacy definitions specified in the proposed security model. Finally, to allow for high efficiency and flexibility, we discuss extensions of OABS and show how to achieve accountability as well.


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Attribute-based signature (ABS) is a novel cryptographic primitive, which can make the signing party sign a message with fine-grained control over identifying information. ABS only reveals the fact that the verified message must be signed by a user with a set of attributes satisfying a predicate. Thus, ABS can hide any identifying information and make fine-grained control on signing. Presently, many attribute-based signature schemes have been proposed, but most of them are not very efficient. Maji et al. recently presented a complete definition and construction about ABS for monotone predicates and showed three instantiations under their framework for ABS. Although the most practical one of their instantiations is efficient, the instantiation is constructed in the generic group model and has been proved to be insecure. Then, Okamoto et al. proposed an attribute-based signature scheme in the standard model, which can support generalized non-monotone predicates over access structure. However, their scheme is not efficient in practice. In this paper, we present a framework for ABS and show a detailed security model for ABS. Under our framework, we present an attribute-based signature scheme for monotone predicates in the standard model, where we choose the Waters’ signature scheme as the prototype of our attribute-based signature scheme. Compared with the Maji’s scheme in the generic group model, the proposed scheme is constructed in the standard model. Furthermore, compared with the Okamoto’s scheme, the proposed scheme is more efficient by decreasing the computation cost.