7 resultados para Medical Advisory Boards.

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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BACKGROUND: Civil and political participation lies at the core of citizenship. Increasingly, people with intellectual disability are members of disability advisory bodies. This study investigated the political orientations of advisory body members with intellectual disability, their participatory experiences, and the types of support they received. METHOD: The 9 people with intellectual disability who in 2005 were members of disability advisory bodies at a state, national, and Victorian local government level were interviewed, together with 12 other members or secretariat staff of these bodies. Observations were also conducted of advisory body meetings. RESULTS: The political perspective of members with intellectual disability varied, but all had a background in self-advocacy. They found the work hard but rewarding and encountered both practical and intangible obstacles to participation. Members received varying types of practical support, but a supportive collegial milieu was characteristic among members who felt most confident about their participation. CONCLUSIONS: The milieu, structures, and processes of advisory bodies must all be adjusted to accommodate people with intellectual disability if they are to participate meaningfully.


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This study focuses on the participation of women in the development of the specialist international accounting history literature. Based on an examination of the three specialist, internationally refereed, accounting history journals in the English language from the time of first publication in each case to the year 2000, the study provides evidence of the involvement of women through publication and also through their membership of editorial boards and editorial advisory boards. In doing so, the study builds on the earlier work of Carnegie and Potter in 2000 and aims to augment our understanding of publishing patterns in the specialist international accounting history literature.


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This study focuses on the participation of women in the development of the specialist international accounting history literature. Specifically, based on data collected from the three specialist, internationally refereed, accounting history journals in the English language from the time of first publication in each case, the study provides evidence of the involvement of women through publication, through membership of editorial boards and editorial advisory boards and also through holding editor, associate editor and guest editor positions. In doing so, the study builds on the earlier work of Carnegie and Potter (2000) and extends an understanding of publishing patterns in the specialist international accounting history literature.


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Government policy in Australia is increasingly encouraging training organisations in the Vocational Education and Training (VET) sector to adopt flexible delivery approaches. This policy shift is supported by key VET stakeholders including Industry Training Advisory Boards. A recurring theme in VET policy documents is an apparent confidence that flexible delivery can meet the diverse needs of individual learners while at the same time providing cost savings. Yet evidence is emerging that Australian VET learners are not typically ready for flexible delivery, and this lack of readiness is reflected in high attrition rates and low pass rates in many flexibly delivered courses. One research project found that over 70% of learners in the Australian VET sector do not have the learning capabilities required to be ready for flexible delivery. A recent review of the module outcomes achieved by VET students nationally found that students studying by external/correspondence and self-paced unscheduled modes had lower module completion rates than students studying by other delivery strategies.

Research on student progress in flexible delivery within the Australian VET sector has largely been quantitative. That research provides useful statistical data on completion and attrition rates for various modes of delivery, but does not explore the reasons underlying the high attrition rates found in flexible delivery. The qualitative research that is available tends to focus on students who successfully complete their courses, not on those who withdraw. As a result, the Australian literature on flexible delivery in the VET sector is lacking in-depth qualitative information about students who enrol in courses but do not complete. In comparison, the broader literature on distance education and flexible delivery in other educational sectors offers some useful insights into student attrition, and can be can be used to inform research into attrition within the Australian VET sector.

This paper reports on aspects of a research project that followed up six adult learners who enrolled in VET courses but who either failed assessment or withdrew. The research project presented the students’ stories in the form of narrative case studies, focussing on the detailed examination of the barriers that each student experienced, and analysing these barriers in relation to issues raised in the literature. This paper reports on two particular themes that emerged from that research project. The literature on distance education and flexible delivery argues that:

· student dropout is often not determined by a single factor, but by the interaction of a number of factors that build up over time;

· students who experience difficulties when studying by flexible delivery can often be reluctant to access the support that is available to them.

This paper uses these themes as a point of reference in presenting the stories of some of the students who participated in the research project.


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Background: MAAGs have, historically, been disparate organisations with a lack of central direction, albeit with the same goal: to develop and support the performance of audit in primary care. This goal has been (and is being) achieved in a number of ways all over the country. In the last two years, MAAGs have witnessed many changes in primary care and are adapting themselves to suit these new arrangements at a local level.

Aim: To formalise our knowledge of where MAAGs are going, how they are getting there and the support they are receiving.

Method: A postal questionnaire to the 104 MAAGs in England and Wales, addressing 6 main issues of relevance to the development of MAAGs and the support they are receiving.

Results: At least two MAAGs have dissolved, leaving a possible total of 102 still in existence. Of these, 76 (74.5%) responded to the survey. The composition of the MAAG committee has changed dramatically since the inception of MAAGs in 1990, and staffing levels appear to have risen substantially. MAAGs appear to be more adequately funded by their health authorities than has previously been reported and many are actively seeking additional sources of funding. There is still large variation in levels of MAAG funding. Furthermore, funding is unrelated to the number of GPs or practices served. Security for MAAG staff appears to have been addressed in many areas, with 84% of MAAGs having at least one member of staff on a permanent employment contract. Many MAAGs are developing rolling programmes in an attempt to eliminate the short-sighted approach to the development of clinical audit that has existed since MAAGs were first set up.

Many MAAGs (with the obvious exception of those that have been dissolved) appear to be thriving without central direction or initiative. It is now evident that we were a little hasty in our concerns for the future of MAAGs beyond April 1996. It would seem that many organisations have taken the situation which arose two years ago as an opportunity to grow and develop in ways that may not have been possible within the confines of the Health Circular.


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There will be a massive increase in the number of medical school graduates over the next 5–10 years — there were 1287 Australian resident graduates in 2004, and there will be more than 3000 by the middle of the next decade.

A workshop held during the 11th National Prevocational Medical Education Forum explored ways to provide the additional prevocational training posts that will be required.

Four possible sites for additional training posts were discussed:
         • expansion of public hospital training posts;
         • general practice;
         • private hospitals; and
         • other sites, including private rooms and community placements.

Current accreditation procedures will need to be amended to accommodate more interns.

There will be limited access to prevocational training posts for non-resident (full-fee-paying) graduates and international medical graduates.

There is an urgent need for postgraduate medical councils, state health departments, the federal government, and medical boards to work together to identify, develop and accredit new training posts.


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The Viewpoint by Drs Block and Roberto on calorie labeling on menus and menu boards summarized the possible benefits of this health promotion policy. We would like to emphasize the importance of expanding current evaluations to understand the effect of calorie labeling across socioeconomic backgrounds.