17 resultados para Lungs.

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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The pharmacokinetics of recombinant human endostatin (rh-Endo) has not been established in the rat, although this species of animal is commonly used in the pharmacological studies of rh-Endo. This study aimed to investigate the pharmacokinetics, tissue distribution, and excretion of rh-Endo in rats. 125I-radiolabeled rh-Endo was administered to healthy rats by intravenous (i.v) bolus injection at 1.5, 4.5 and 13.5 mg/kg. The maximum plasma concentration (Cmax) and area under the plasma concentration versus time curve (AUC) of rh-Endo increased proportionally with the increase of the dosage. There were no significant differences in total body clearance (CL) and elimination half-life (t1/2beta) of rh-Endo among the three dosages used. A 93.5% and 2.2% of the radioactivity was recovered in the urine and feces, respectively, in bile-duct intact rats; whereas only 0.1% of the total radioactivity was excreted into the bile in bile-duct cannulated rats. rh-Endo was rapidly and widely distributed in the liver, kidneys, spleen and lungs. Furthermore, a significant allometric relationship between CL, but not volume of distribution (Vd) and t1/2beta of rh-Endo, and the body weight was observed across mouse, rat and monkey, with the predicted values in humans significantly lower than those observed in cancer patients. rh-Endo exhibited a linear pharmacokinetics in rats and it is mainly excreted through the urine.


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Lung nodule refers to lung tissue abnormalities that may become cancerous. An automated system that detects nodules of common sizes within lung images is developed. It consists of acquisition, pre-processing, background removal, nodule detection, and false positives reduction. The system can assist expert radiologists in their decision making.


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Much of the CD8+ T cell response in H2b mice with influenza pneumonia is directed at the nucleoprotein366-374 (NP366) and acid polymerase224-233 (PA224) peptides presented by the H2Db MHC class I glycoprotein. These DbNP366- and DbPA224-specific T cell populations are readily analyzed by staining with tetrameric complexes of MHC+ peptide (tetramers) or by cytokine production subsequent to in vitro stimulation with the cognate peptides. The DbPA224-specific CD8+ effector T cells make more tumor necrosis factor (TNF) α than the comparable CD8+DbNP366+ set, a difference reflected in the greater sensitivity of the CD8+DbPA224+ population to TNF receptor (TNFR) 2-mediated apoptosis under conditions of in vitro culture. Freshly isolated CD8+DbNP366+ and CD8+DbPA224+ T cells from influenza-infected TNFR2-/- mice produce higher levels of IFN-γ and TNF-α after in vitro stimulation with peptide, although the avidity of the T cell receptor-epitope interaction does not change. Increased numbers of both CD8+DbPA224+ and CD8+DbNP366+ T cells were recovered from the lungs (but not the spleens) of secondarily challenged TNFR2-/- mice, a pattern that correlates with the profiles of TNFR expression in the TNFR2+/+ controls. Thus, it seems that TNFR2-mediated editing of influenza-specific CD8+ T cells functions to limit the numbers of effectors that have localized to the site of pathology in the lung but does not modify the size of the less activated responder T cell populations in the spleen. Therefore, the massive difference in magnitude for the secondary, although not the primary, response to these DbNP366 and DbPA224 epitopes cannot be considered to reflect differential TNFR2-mediated T cell editing.


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Matrine, one of the main components extracted from a traditional Chinese herb, Sophora flavescens Ait, has displayed anti-cancer activity in several types of cancer cells. This study aims to evaluate the therapeutic benefits of matrine on primary and metastatic breast cancer. Matrine inhibited the viability of and induced apoptosis in human MCF-7 and mouse 4T1 breast cancer cells in a dose-dependent manner in vitro as shown by MTT assay, flow cytometry and laser scanning confocal microscopy. Administration of matrine inhibited the growth of primary tumors and their metastases to lungs and livers, in a dose-dependent manner, in a highly metastatic model of 4T1 breast cancer established in syngeneic Balb/c mice. Tumors from matrine-treated mice had a smaller proliferation index, shown by immunostaining with an anti-Ki-67 antibody, a greater apoptosis index, shown by TUNEL-staining, and a less microvessel density, shown by immunostaining with an anti-CD31 A antibody, compared to the controls. Western blot analysis of tumoral homogenates indicated that matrine therapy reduced the ratio of Bcl-2/Bax, downregulated the expressions of VEGF and VEGFR-2, and increased the activation of caspase-3 and caspase-9. This study suggests matrine may be a potent agent, from a natural resource, for treating metastatic breast cancer because of its anti-apoptotic, anti-proliferative and anti-angiogenic activities.


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Pseudomonas aeruginosa (P. aeruginosa) is an opportunistic pathogen chronically infecting the lungs of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), pneumonia, cystic fibrosis (CF), and bronchiectasis. Cif (PA2934), a bacterial toxin secreted in outer membrane vesicles (OMV) by P. aeruginosa, reduces CFTR-mediated chloride secretion by human airway epithelial cells, a key driving force for mucociliary clearance. The aim of this study was to investigate the mechanism whereby Cif reduces CFTR-mediated chloride secretion. Cif redirected endocytosed CFTR from recycling endosomes to lysosomes by stabilizing an inhibitory effect of G3BP1 on the deubiquitinating enzyme (DUB), USP10, thereby reducing USP10-mediated deubiquitination of CFTR and increasing the degradation of CFTR in lysosomes. This is the first example of a bacterial toxin that regulates the activity of a host DUB. These data suggest that the ability of P. aeruginosa to chronically infect the lungs of patients with COPD, pneumonia, CF, and bronchiectasis is due in part to the secretion of OMV containing Cif, which inhibits CFTR-mediated chloride secretion and thereby reduces the mucociliary clearance of pathogens.


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Enhanced antibiotic resistance of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in the cystic fibrosis (CF) lung is thought to be due to the formation of biofilms. However, there is no information on the antibiotic resistance of P. aeruginosa biofilms grown on human airway epithelial cells or on the effects of airway cells on biofilm formation by P. aeruginosa. Thus we developed a coculture model and report that airway cells increase the resistance of P. aeruginosa to tobramycin (Tb) by >25-fold compared with P. aeruginosa grown on abiotic surfaces. Therefore, the concentration of Tb required to kill P. aeruginosa biofilms on airway cells is 10-fold higher than the concentration achievable in the lungs of CF patients. In addition, CF airway cells expressing ΔF508-CFTR significantly enhanced P. aeruginosa biofilm formation, and ΔF508 rescue with wild-type CFTR reduced biofilm formation. Iron (Fe) content of the airway in CF is elevated, and Fe is known to enhance P. aeruginosa growth. Thus we investigated whether enhanced biofilm formation on ΔF508-CFTR cells was due to increased Fe release by airway cells. We found that airway cells expressing ΔF508-CFTR released more Fe than cells rescued with WT-CFTR. Moreover, Fe chelation reduced biofilm formation on airway cells, whereas Fe supplementation enhanced biofilm formation on airway cells expressing WT-CFTR. These data demonstrate that human airway epithelial cells promote the formation of P. aeruginosa biofilms with a dramatically increased antibiotic resistance. The ΔF508-CFTR mutation enhances biofilm formation, in part, by increasing Fe release into the apical medium.


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A method for measuring the volume of air in the lungs at the time of underwater weighing is described. A low concentration of hydrogen is used as a tracer gas in a closed-circuit rebreathing system. At the end of a normal exhalation the subject is connected to a respiratory bladder containing 2 L of air with a small admixture of hydrogen. After an equilibration period of five breaths the subject submerges completely, together with the bladder, and underwater weight is measured. Lung volume, at the time of weighing, is determined by hydrogen dilution. Using this method, the coefficient of variation for body density in the same individual was 0.23%.


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Bacteria from the genus Mycoplasma are common inhabitants of the respiratory, gastrointestinal, and genital tracts of mammals. The understanding of the pathological significance of mycoplasmas in seals is poor, as few studies have utilized the specific culture techniques required to isolate these bacteria. The current study surveyed for the Mycoplasma species present in Australian fur seals (Arctocephalus pusillus doriferus) and investigated the association between infection and pathology. Mycoplasmas were found in the nasal cavities of 55/80 (69%) of apparently healthy individuals. Isolates from 18 individuals were investigated through 16S ribosomal RNA sequencing, and 3 species were identified: M. zalophi, M. phocae, and Mycoplasma sp. (GenBank no. EU714238.1), all of which had previously been isolated from Northern Hemisphere pinnipeds. In addition, mycoplasmas were isolated from the lungs of 4 out of 16 juveniles and 1 out of 5 adults sampled at necropsy. Isolates obtained were M. zalophi, Mycoplasma sp. EU714238.1, and M. phocicerebrale, but infection was not associated with lung pathology in these age classes. Inflammatory disease processes of the heart and/or lungs were present in 12 out of 32 (38%) aborted fetuses on microscopic examination. Predominant findings were interstitial pneumonia, pericarditis, and myocarditis. Mycoplasma phocicerebrale was isolated from the thymus of an aborted fetus, and 3 out of 11 (27%) fetuses with inflammatory heart or lung lesions were PCR-positive for Mycoplasma. In conclusion, several species of Mycoplasma are part of the normal flora of the nasal cavity of Australian fur seals, and some mycoplasmas may be associated with abortion in this species of seal.


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We present four case studies of the literature discussing the effects of physical forces on biological function. While the field of biomechanics has existed for many decades, it may be considered by some a poor cousin to biochemistry and other traditional fields of medical research. In these case studies, including cardiovascular and respiratory systems, we demonstrate that, in fact, many systems historically believed to be controlled by biochemistry are dominated by biomechanics. We discuss both the previous paradigms that have advanced research in these fields and the changing paradigms that will define the progressions of these fields for decades to come. In the case of biomechanical effects of flowing blood on the endothelium, this has been well understood for decades. In the cases of platelet activation and liquid clearance from the lungs during birth, these discoveries are far more recent and perhaps not as universally accepted. While only a few specific examples are examined here, it is clear that not enough attention is paid to the possible mechanical links to biological function. The continued development of these research areas, with the inclusion of physical effects, will hopefully provide new insight into disease development, progression, diagnosis and effective therapies.


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Oxidative stress caused by excessive reactive oxygen species production is implicated in influenza A virus–induced lung disease. Glutathione peroxidase (GPx)-1 is an antioxidant enzyme that may protect lungs from  such damage. The objective of this study was to determine if GPx-1 protects the lung against influenza A virus–induced lung inflammation in vivo.


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Individuals infected with mycobacteria are likely to experience episodes of concurrent infections with unrelated respiratory pathogens, including the seasonal or pandemic circulating influenza A virus strains. We analyzed the impact of influenza A virus and mycobacterial respiratory coinfection on the development of CD8 T cell responses to each pathogen. Coinfected mice exhibited reduced frequency and numbers of CD8 T cells specific to Mycobacterium bovis bacille Calmette-Guérin (BCG) in the lungs, and the IFN-γ CD8 T cell response to BCG-encoded OVA was decreased in the lungs of coinfected mice, when compared with mice infected with BCG alone. Moreover, after 2 wk of infection, mice coinfected with both pathogens showed a significant increase in the number of mycobacteria present in the lung compared with mice infected with BCG only. Following adoptive transfer into coinfected mice, transgenic CD8 T cells specific for OVA257–264 failed to proliferate as extensively in the mediastinal lymph nodes as in mice infected only with BCG-OVA. Also noted was a reduction in the proliferation of BCG-specific CD4 transgenic T cells in mice coinfected with influenza compared with mice infected with BCG alone. Furthermore, phenotypic analysis of CD11c+ dendritic cells from mediastinal lymph nodes of the infected mice showed that coinfection was associated with decreased surface expression of MHC class II and class I. Thus, concurrent pulmonary infection with influenza A virus is associated with decreased MHC expression on dendritic cells, reduced activation of BCG-specific CD4 and CD8 T cells, and impaired clearance of mycobacteria.


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Among air-breathing divers, control of buoyancy through lung volume regulation may be most highly developed in marine turtles. In short, the turtle lung may serve a dual role as both an oxygen store and in buoyancy control. A simple model is developed to show that, for turtles diving up to the maximum depth at which they can still use their lungs to attain neutral buoyancy, the total oxygen store will increase greatly with dive depth, and hence a corresponding increase in dive duration is predicted. Time–depth recorders attached to free-living green turtles (Chelonia mydas) at Ascension Island confirmed a marked increase in dive duration with depth, with the gradient of this relationship being >10 times that seen in diving birds and mammals. Consistent with the prediction that the lungs serve a dual role, we found that, when lead weights were added to some turtles to increase their specific gravity, the mean depth of dives decreased, but for dives to the same depth, weighted animals dived for longer. The depth distribution of green turtles seems to be generally constrained by the maximum depth at which they can still attain close to neutral buoyancy.


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The use of copper radioisotopes in cancer diagnosis and radionuclide therapy is possible using chelators that are capable of binding Cu(II) with sufficient stability in vivo to provide high tumour-to-background contrast. Here we report the design and synthesis of a new bifunctional chelator, 5-(8-methyl-3,6,10,13,16,19-hexaaza-bicyclo[6.6.6]icosan-1-ylamino)-5-oxopentanoic acid (MeCOSar), that forms copper complexes of exceptional stability by virtue of a cage amine (sarcophagine) ligand and a new conjugate referred to as SarTATE, obtained by the conjugation of MeCOSar to the tumour-targeting peptide Tyr(3)-octreotate. Radiolabeling of SarTATE with (64)Cu(II), a radioisotope suitable for positron emission tomography (PET), was fast (~20 min), easily performed at room temperature and consistently resulted in high radiochemical purity (>99%). In vitro and in vivo evaluation of (64)CuSarTATE demonstrated its high selectivity for tumour cells expressing somatostatin receptor 2 (sstr2). Biodistribution and PET imaging comparisons were made between (64)CuSarTATE and (64)Cu-labeled DOTA-Tyr(3)-octreotate ((64)CuDOTATATE). Both radiopharmaceuticals showed excellent uptake in sstr2-positive tumours at 2 h post-injection. While tumour uptake of (64)CuDOTATATE decreased significantly at 24 h, (64)CuSarTATE activity was retained, improving contrast at later time points. (64)CuSarTATE accumulated less than (64)CuDOTATATE in the non-target organs, liver and lungs. The uptake of (64)CuSarTATE in the kidneys was high at 2 h but showed significant clearance by 24 h. The new chemistry and pre-clinical evaluation presented here demonstrates that MeCOSar is a promising bifunctional chelator for Tyr(3)-octreotate that could be applied to a combined imaging and therapeutic regimen using a combination of (64)Cu- and (67)CuSarTATE complexes, owing to improved tumour-to-non-target organ ratios compared to (64)CuDOTATATE at longer time points.


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Energy harvesting for wireless sensors and consumer electronic devices can significantly improve reliability and environmental sustainability of the devices. This is achieved by eliminating the dependency of these devices on rechargeable batteries, using clean and/or renewable energy sources. Energy harvesting from various energy sources is widely discussed among researchers and entrepreneurs, including harvesting energy from microscale phenomena. This topic is receiving increasing attention due to the rising numbers of low-power consumer electronic devices and wireless sensors, but also the increasing demand for more convenient and available devices. This article presents a feasibility study for an energy harvesting system based on a human's breathing motion. The system is based on a modified pants belt that is integrated with an array of piezoelectric films and a harvesting circuit. The proposed energy harvester generates electricity from reciprocal abdominal motions of the human subject. In comparison with existing breathing-based energy harvesters, the proposed system allows for safe and convenient energy harvesting with no influence on the natural movement of the lungs. Stomach pressure analysis and measurement, as well as the design and simulations of the proposed harvester, are presented. © 2013 The Author(s).