190 resultados para Literacy in mathematics

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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The notion of mathematical literacy advocated by PISA (OECD, 2006) offers a broader conception for assessing mathematical competences and processes with the main focus on the relevant use of mathematics in life. This notion of mathematical literacy is closely connected to the notion of mathematical modelling whereby mathematics is put to solving real world problems. Indonesia has participated as a partner country in PISA since 2000. The PISA trends in mathematics from 2003 to 2009 revealed unsatisfactory mathematical literacy among 15-year-old students from Indonesia who lagged behind the average of OCED countries. In this paper, exemplary cases will be discussed to examine and promote mathematical literacy at teacher education level. Lesson ideas and instruments were adapted from PISA 2006 released items. The potential of such tasks will be discussed based on case studies of implementing these instruments with samples of pre-service teachers in Yogyakarta. 


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This article presents an examination of the use of Rasch modelling in a major research project, 'Improving Middle Years Mathematics and Science' (IMYMS). It is unarguable that it is important to take students' perceptions, or views, into account when planning learning and teaching for them. The IMYMS student perceptions survey is an attempt to make visible these student viewpoints, and report them in a way that is accessible to teachers and researchers involved in the project. The project involves four clusters of schools from urban and regions of Victoria to investigate the role of mathematics and science knowledge and subject cultures in mediating change processes in the middle years of schooling. There are five secondary and twenty-eight primary schools. The project has generated both qualitative and quantitative data, with much of the qualitative data being ordinal in nature. Reporting the results of analyses for a range of audiences necessitates careful, well-designed report formats. Some useful new report formats based on Rasch modeling -the Modified Variable Map, the Ordinal Map, the Threshold Map, and the Annotated Ordinal Map - are illustrated using data from the IMYMS project. The Rasch analysis and the derived reporting formats avoid the pitfalls that exist when working with ordinal data and provide insights into the respondents' views about their experiences in schools unavailable by other approaches.


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This paper uses data from two mathematics lessons to explore the nature of progressive discourse and examine critical features of teacher actions that contribute to mathematics classrooms functioning as communities of inquiry. Features found to promote progressive discourse include a focus on the conceptual elements of the curriculum and the use of complex, challenging tasks that problematised the curriculum; the orchestration of student reporting to allow all students to contribute to progress towards the community's solution to the problem; and a focus on seeking, recognizing, and drawing attention to mathematical reasoning and justification, and using this as a basis for learning.


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In New Times (Hall, 1996), there has been much rhetoric about school’s role in equipping students for the future. Multiliteracies pedagogy allows individual teachers to reconceptualise pedagogy and curriculum thereby addressing adolescents’ complex and demanding literacy needs (New London Group, 1996). As a result of the advent of widespread computer use and Internet Communication Technologies (ICTs), this paper presents new and emerging virtual contexts and environments for adolescent literacy instruction. The paper highlights one teacher’s curricular initiatives/interruptions where Multiliteracies pedagogies and the incorporation of multimodal digital and multimedia design, replaced the progressive monomodal reading and writing workshop. In conclusion, new perspectives on research related to the education of teachers in the 21st century are presented to contribute to the public knowledge base of teacher education in post-typographic societies.


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The article presents strategies for communicating the concept of square roots to limited English-proficient students. Instead of using mathematical terminology, mathematics teachers could communicate the concept of square roots by integrating the literal concept of square to the actual meaning of a square root. Such approach addresses the learning difficulty experienced by limited English proficient students who tend to associate square roots to geometric concepts. Several strategies for illustrating the concept of a square root using square figures are presented.


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The article explores the conceptual complexity and apparent contradictions in the language of mathematics and suggests ways to handle these problems. Mathematics, as described the author, is a formal, artificially constructed language. One problem arises from the changes of gradient and rates of change of gradient, continuous functions. Conceptual conflicts also arise when least upperbounds and greatest lower-bounds in discussing sequences and series, convergence and limits are considered.


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In many tertiary institutions, mathematics education staff teach courses from early childhood education through to professional development courses at Masters level. Similarly, research into teacher education processes spans these contexts. Common principles that underpin this work include staff willingness to be responsive to students’ needs. This symposium focuses on the importance of listening to students’ voices in mathematics teaching and research – no matter how old students are.


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Much of the current discourse of adolescence is best described as emblematic of modernity, as colonial, as gendered, and as administrative (Lesko, 2001) working to maintain “progressive” school literacy practices that ignore adolescents’ new “cyber-techno subjectivity” (Luke & Luke, 2001) and creativity in the “new media age” (Kress, 2003). School curricula often do not acknowledge the range of skills adolescents acquire outside formal education. Youths’ new multimodal social and cultural practices—as they fashion themselves creatively in multiple modes as different kinds of people in “New Times” (Luke, 1998)— oints to the liberating power of new technologies that embrace their imagination and creativity. In two middle years classes, adolescents’ creativity was recognised and validated when they were encouraged to re-represent curricular knowledge through multimodal design (New London Group, 1996). The results suggest the changed classroom habitus (Bourdieu, 1980) produced new and emergent discursive and material practices where creativity, through imaginative collaboration, emerges as capital in an economy of practice (Bourdieu, 1996). The findings suggest schools should recognize adolescents’ creativity—that often manifests itself through their cultural and social capital resources—as they integrate and adapt to the new affordances acquired through their out-of-school literacy practices.


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This paper explores an aspect of mathematics that has been overlooked often - student explanation, or communication. The data used is derived from a large-scale project in Victoria. Australia, the Improving Middle Years Mathematics and Science (IMYMS) project. Primary student explanations on two open-response items are examined to illustrate the bene tits of incorporating this type of item in mathematical assessments. Techniques for analysing the data and displaying the results of the analysis are presented. The analysis shows clearly how more sophisticated thinking and explanations develop - information of benefit to teachers of these students.


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Many students are unsuccessful in the study of school mathematics, not because of some innate ability, but because of pedagogical practices. Bernstein (1996) has argued that pedagogy serves as a mechanism for cultural reproduction, so that for those students whose cultures are different from that represented in and through pedagogy, the task of constructing school mathematics is made more difficult. The paper explores the ways in which a teacher changes the pedagogic relay in order to be more inclusive of her students. Her practice is informed by understanding the ways in which pedagogy is a subtle tool for marginalization in mathematics.


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Features a range of activities that will help teachers use pretend play in the classroom.


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This article discusses the Middle Years Literacy Research Project and its design. The authors report on key findings and recommendations from the research. In particular the authors look at what is distinctive about teaching adolescent learners in middle years and what does the research show that is distinctive about teaching, the ways that literacy is understood and talked about, its various positioning in the middle years and, connections between effective literacy and effective learning. The article describes a Four Resources model as a framework for literacy teaching and learning for middle year education; literacy leadership, coordination, professional development and collaborative partnerships; and, what school strategies have the most potential to bring about long-term change and improvement in students' literacy and learning outcomes.