34 resultados para Laboratory Experiments.

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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Competitive interactions between Galaxias maculatus, native to southeastern Australia, and Gambusia holbrooki, an exotic pest, were examined in relation to two types of artificial cover and a food source. Experiments were performed in an 800 l tank using photographic techniques. The relative distance of G. maculatus from cover or food source before and after the introduction of G. holbrooki were compared. Also, the proportions of the species were altered to examine the effects of unequal numbers on dominance behaviour. It was found that G. holbrooki was unable to out compete G. maculatus for either cover or food. The distance of G. maculatus from a food source was seen to increase following the introduction of G. holbrooki, when they outnumbered G. maculatus by 3 to 1. Although the distance from the food of G.maculatus increased following the introduction of G. holbrooki, in all cases the mean distance of G.␣maculatus from cover or food was less than that of G. holbrooki. Significant intra-species competition appeared to occur between G. maculatus and it may be that this competition had a greater effect than the competitive pressure G. holbrooki was able to place on the natives. This study revealed that the exotic pest species, G. holbrooki, could not out compete a small native Australian fish species.


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This paper presents laboratory experiments to test a bottom up approach to production control and supply chain management. Built upon the successful traditional kanban (Card) system, the new intelligent system associates a kanban agent to each physical kanban. Instead of relying on demand forecast and planning, kanban agents reason about their own movements to adapt to changing demands. After previous simulations results of the intelligent system showed significant performance improvements over the traditional system, we further use the Auto-ID Laboratory at Cambridge University to test the feasibility of the idea in a realistic manufacturing environment. The results from the experiments demonstrated the superiority on several performance measures of the intelligent system compared to the traditional system used as a benchmark. Moreover, the implementation of the experiments exposed several real world constraints not shown in the simulation study and practical solutions were adopted to address these.


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A series of laboratory experiments were carried out to investigate the response of a bar-blocked, saltwedge estuary to the imposition of both steady freshwater inflows and transient inflows that simulate storm events in the catchment area or the regular water releases from upstream reservoirs. The trapped salt water forms a wedge within the estuary, which migrates downstream under the influence of the freshwater inflow. The experiments show that the wedge migration occurs in two stages, namely (i) an initial phase characterized by intense shear-induced mixing at the nose of the wedge, followed by (ii) a relatively quiescent phase with significantly reduced mixing in which the wedge migrates more slowly downstream.

Provided that the transition time tT between these two regimes satisfies tT>g′h4L/q3α, as was the case for all our experiments and is likely to be the case for most estuaries, then the transition occurs at time tT=1.2(gα3L6/g′3q2)1/6, where g′=gΔρ/ρ0 is the reduced gravity, g the acceleration due to gravity, Δρ the density excess of the saline water over the density ρ0 of the freshwater, q the river inflow rate per unit width, and L and α are the length and bottom slope of the estuary, respectively.

A simple model, based on conversion of the kinetic energy of the freshwater inflow into potential energy to mix the salt layer, was developed to predict the displacement xw over time t of the saltwedge nose from its initial position. For continuous inflows subject to t<tT, the model predicts the saltwedge displacement as xw/h=1.1 (t/τ)1/3, where the normalizing length and time scales are h=(q2/g)1/3 and τ=g′α2h4L/q3, respectively. For continuous inflows subject to t>tT, the model predicts the displacement as xw/h=0.45N1/6(t/τ)1/6/α, where N=q2/g′h2L is a non-dimensional number for the problem. This model shows very good agreement with the experiments. For repeated, pulsed discharges subject to t<tT, the saltwedge displacement is given by (xw/h)3−(x0/h)(xw/h)2=1.3t/τ, where x0 is the initial displacement following one discharge event but prior to the next event. For pulsed discharges subject to t>tT, the displacement is given by (xw/h)6−(x0/h)(xw/h)5=0.008N(t/τ)/α6. This model shows very good agreement with the experiments for the initial discharge event but does systematically underestimate the wedge position for the subsequent pulses. However, the positional error is less than 15%.


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Galvanneal steel is considered to be better for automotive applications than its counterpart, galvanized steel, mainly because of its superior coating and surface properties. Galvanneal steel is produced by hot dipping sheet steel in a bath of molten zinc with small, controlled, levels of aluminium, followed by annealing which creates a Fe-Zn intermetallic layer. This intermetallic layer of the coating improves spot weldability and improves subsequent paint appearance. However, if the microstructure of the coating is not properly controlled and forming parameters are not properly selected, wear of the coating could occur during stamping. Frictional sliding of the sheet between the tool surfaces results in considerable amount of coating loss. An Interstitial Free steel with a Galvanneal coating of nominally 60g/m2 was used for the laboratory experiments. Flat Face Friction (FFF) tests were performed with different forming conditions and lubricants to simulate the frictional sliding in stamping. Glow-Discharge Optical Emission Spectrometry (DG-OES) was used to measure the change in the coating thickness during sliding. Optical microscopy was considered for imaging the surfaces as well as an optical method to compare the changes in the coating thickness during the forming. The change to the Galvanneal coating thickness was found to be a function of forming parameters.


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To quantify the frictional behaviour in sheet forming operations, several laboratory experiments which simulate the real forming conditions are performed. The Bending Under Tension Test is one such experiment which is often used to represent the frictional flow of sheet material around a die or a punch radius. Different mathematical representations are used to determine the coefficient of friction in the Bending Under Tension Test. In general the change in the strip thickness in passing over the die radius is neglected and the radius of curvature to thickness ratio is assumed to be constant in these equations. However, the effect of roller radius, sheet thickness and the surface pressure are also omitted in some of these equations. This work quantitatively determined the effect of roller radius and the tooling pressure on the coefficient of friction. The Bending Under Tension Test was performed using rollers with different radii and also lubricants with different properties. The tool radii were found to have a direct influence in the contact pressure. The effect of roller radius on friction was considerable and it was observed that there is a clear relationship between the contact pressure and the coefficient of friction.


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This study presents an environmental-friendly and cost effective method for the extraction of arsenic from contaminated soils.
Laboratory experiments using inorganic salts, potassium phosphate (KH2PO4), potassium chloride (KCl), potassium nitrate (KNO3), potassium sulfate (K2SO4), and sodium perchlorate (NaClO4) were evaluated as arsenic extractants. An Andosol soil was artificially contaminated with arsenite [As(III)] and arsenate [As(V)]. The soil was washed in a batch process with different salt solutions in the pH range 3–11 for 24 hours at 20◦C. Among the various potassium and sodium salts tested, KH2PO4 was found to be highly effective in extracting arsenic from As(III)-soil attaining more than 80% and 40% from As(V)-soil in neutral pH range. Other salts were particularly ineffective in extraction of arsenic from both soils. More arsenic was extracted more from the As(III)-soil than the As(V)-soil.


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Large scale bushfire (or wildfire) suppression activities are conducted under the control of an Incident Management Team (IMT) comprising four major functions: Command, Operations, Planning, and Logistics. Four methodologies were used to investigate processes determining the effectiveness of IMT decision making activities: (a) laboratory experiments using the Networked Fire Chief computer simulation program; (b) analyses of reports of significant fires; (c) structured interviews with experienced IMT staff; and, (d) cognitive ethnographic studies of IMTs. Three classes of team processes were found to be important determinants of IMT effectiveness: information sharing and management; matching of the four component function goals to overall IMT goals; and monitoring of the overall IMT situation to detect and correct task disruptive processes. Several non-rational processes with the potential for hindering IMT effectiveness were noted. Team metacognition emerged as a key process for understanding effective IMT decision making.


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Coate and Loury (1993) suggest the impact of affirmative action on a negative stereotype is theoretically ambiguous leading to either: a benign equilibrium in which affirmative action eradicates the negative stereotype and leads to equal proportional representation of the two groups; or alternatively a patronising equilibrium in which the stereotype persists. The current paper examines this theoretical ambiguity within the context of a laboratory experiment. Although benign and patronising equilibria are equally plausible in theory, the laboratory experiments easily replicate most features of the benign equilibrium, but diverge from the theoretically predicted patronising equilibrium.


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Passive flow is believed to increase the gains and reduce the costs of active suspension feeding. We used a mixture of field and laboratory experiments to evaluate whether the unstalked intertidal ascidian Pyura stolonifera exploits passive flow. We predicted that its orientation to prevailing currents and the arrangement of its siphons would induce passive flow due to dynamic pressure at the inhalant siphon, as well as by the Bernoulli effect or viscous entrainment associated with different fluid velocities at each siphon, or by both mechanisms. The orientation of P. stolonifera at several locations along the Sydney-Illawarra coast (Australia) covering a wide range of wave exposures was nonrandom and revealed that the ascidians were con- sistently oriented with their inhalant siphons directed into the waves or backwash. Flume experiments using wax mod- els demonstrated that the arrangement of the siphons could induce passive flow and that passive flow was greatest when the inhalant siphon was oriented into the flow. Field exper- iments using transplanted animals confirmed that such an orientation resulted in ascidians gaining food at greater rates, as measured by fecal production, than when oriented perpendicular to the wave direction. We conclude that P. stolonifera enhances suspension feeding by inducing pas- sive flow and is, therefore, a facultatively active suspension feeder. Furthermore, we argue that it is likely that many other active suspension feeders utilize passive flow and, therefore, measurements of their clearance rates should be made under appropriate conditions of flow to gain ecolog- ically relevant results.


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This study examined the factors affecting the distribution and abundance of epifaunal caridean shrimps in seagrass meadows of the Hopkins River estuary in south-western Victoria, Australia, and investigated the life history patterns of the freshwater Parana australiensis, found for the first time in estuaries. Adult and sub-adult shrimps were surveyed in seagrass meadows along the estuary over two years, and their planktonic larvae were surveyed in adjacent waters. Three species were collected. The marine Palaemon serenus occurred only near the mouth, summer to autumn, in high salinities. The marine/estuarine Macrobrachium intermedium occurred throughout the estuary. Adults were most abundant in late autumn, and least abundant in summer (unlike trends reported in marine meadows). Densities were higher and less variable in downstream meadows. P. australiensis occurred in the upper estuary all year, most abundantly in spring, due to migration from the river after peak discharge. Ovigerous females dominated, while males, showing less migration into the estuary, dominated above estuarine influence. Adults disappeared from the estuary in summer as salinity rose. Breeding period for P. australiensis was briefer in the estuary (September-December) than upstream (July-April). M. intermedium began breeding later in the upper estuary (November/December-March) than in the lower estuary (October-March), probably reflecting a physiological response to lower salinity, rather than an interaction with P. australiensis. No ovigerous P. serenus were found in the estuary. Larvae of P. australiensis and M intermedium occurred abundantly throughout the estuary, but P. serenus larvae did not. P. australiensis was an early coloniser to the plankton after peak discharge (November-December). Larvae concentrated in the deep saline layer at the head of the intruding salt wedge, thus probably maintaining longitudinal position. Diurnal vertical migrations were evident within the salt wedge, and in a deep pool above tidal influence. M. intermedium larvae occurred October-May in the lower estuary and November-April in the upper estuary, peaking in abundance one to two months after P. australiensis. They were associated with low surface flows and surface salinities greater than 10, over an anoxic deeper layer. All three species exhibited extended development of euryhaline larvae in the laboratory. Tolerances and optimal salinities of larvae of the three species reflected their distributions. M. intermedium was the most euryhaline species. P. australiensis larvae were tolerant of higher salinities than juveniles of adults: capable of developing in salinity of at least 15. Most P. australiensis juveniles recruited to the estuary November-December, after which numbers declined dramatically. After settlement, most recruits probably migrated upstream out of the estuary. Two cohorts of M. intermedium recruited to the estuary from larvae in summer (December and February), but some juveniles also migrated from adjacent coastal waters. Post-larval migration was at least as important a determinant of abundance as direct recruitment from estuarine, planktonic larvae in all three species. Distributions among seagrass meadows along the estuary were determined primarily by physico-chemical patterns driven by hydrological changes. Seasonal variations in salinity and temperature were strongly associated with seasonal variations in shrimp abundance. Salinity tolerances of adults of the three species reflected their distribution patterns. Biotic interactions were more important in determining distributions within meadows. P. australiensis, when abundant, were associated with seagrass biomass. M. intermedium were also, but when seagrass was sparsest and least extensive. The two species apparently partitioned the seagrass meadow according to depth in early summer. Laboratory experiments suggested P. australiensis was displaced from deeper water by M. intermedium. Preference for vegetative complexity and competition for position within meadows suggest the underlying importance of predation in regulating shrimp populations. A survey of south-eastern Australian estuaries found P. australiensis larvae abundant in all stable, open, well-developed, salt-wedge estuaries where adults were abundant. Adults were most abundant in low salinities among submerged leafy macrophytes. Reproductive traits of P. australiensis were compared in estuarine and fresh reaches of three rivers. Early in the breeding season, egg size was smaller, and (size-specific) egg number larger in estuaries than upstream. A trade-off between egg size and egg number resulted in no difference in total (size-specific) reproductive investment between locations. Reproductive investment tended to decrease at some locations over the breeding season, and this decrease was a result of decreased egg size in most cases. The decrease in reproductive investment probably reflected reduced food availability for the adult, while the reduced egg size was probably a response to improved conditions for larval development. In the Hopkins River, larger egg size at upstream sites was reflected in larger early stage larvae. Later stage larvae were larger in the estuary, suggesting more favourable conditions for larval development. Allozyme electrophoresis showed the P. australiensis populations in each of the three rivers to be distinct. Allozyme frequencies were not different within the Hopkins River, but upstream and estuarine locations in the Curdies and Gellibrand were different. Although some variation in reproductive traits within catchments may have been due to genotypic differences, trade-offs between egg size and number, and decreases in egg size over summer were probably due to plastic responses to environmental cues. It is proposed P. australiensis inhabits and reproduces in both estuarine and freshwater environments by plastic response to environmental conditions. Recruitment to estuaries is dependent on the presence of suitable adult, littoral habitat, and a stable salt wedge for larval retention. Estuaries are important recruitment sites for P. australiensis, potentially allowing an extra brood each year before riverine recruitment. Estuarine broods could constitute a large part of the total fecundity of P. australiensis females. Euryhaline larvae and estuarine recruitment of P. australiensis suggest marine transport of larvae between estuaries as a possible dispersal mechanism for Paratya species.


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This article reports the preliminary findings on the morphology, chemical structure, antimicrobial and UV-screening properties of bamboo fibres. Bamboo fibres provide a very promising alternative to other natural fibres by virtue of their distinctive characteristics such as eco-friendly farming, inherent antimicrobial, UV-protective and highly· breathable properties. However, these novel properties are moslly claimed by fibre manufacturers, with little scientific evidence.  Moreover, those properties may largely depend on the manufacturing process, which is not widely disclosed by the manufacturers, Common manufacturing processes may require the use of a large amount of chemicals which would not make the product truly eco-friendly. Therefore, there is a strong need for unbiased laboratory experiments being conducted in a rigorous manner to elucidate the origin of those unique properties of bamboo fibres and to develop new processing methods to effectively utilise the properties in the final products. This research is aimed to prove the unique characteristics of bamboo fibres scientifically and to develop an efficient manufacturing process, in order to establish the place of bamboo fibres as a novel green material.


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The thesis outlines effective methods of designing and constructing chiral nano-porous materials. These materials may facilitate cheaper and large-scale production of chiral molecules, such as pharmaceuticals and bioactives. Computer models of target materials correlated well with laboratory experiments and effective synthetic strategies for manufacture were developed.


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Fucoid algae often dominate intertidal rocky shores, providing habitat and modifying ecosystem resources for other species, but are susceptible to discharge of sewage effluent. In this study we assessed the potential for competition from coralline turfs to inhibit restoration of the intertidal fucoid macroalga Hormosira banksii at sites associated with an ocean outfall a scenario of improving following water quality in the nearshore coastal environment. The percentage cover and number of individuals of H. banksii were negatively correlated with both the percentage cover and turf height of Corallina officinalis. In contrast, H. banksii was positively associated with rocky substrata and recruited well to rock-surface substrata. Importantly, there appears to be a threshold abundance where the percentage cover of H. banksii rarely reaches above 20% cover amongst coralline turfs with >40% cover. These data support a model of alternative community states: H. banksii dominated canopy on rocky substrata versus C. officinalis turf. In field and laboratory experiments, extensive coralline turfs (up to 4 cm thick) were shown to inhibit recruitment of H. banksii. This study shows competitive exclusion by coralline turfs may limit the successful restoration of habitat provided by H. banksii to shores that have been affected by sustained discharge of secondarily treated sewage effluent. We suggest potential strategies for management authorities to consider when seeking ways of restoring fucoid communities affected by anthropogenic disturbances such as wastewater disposal.


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During periods of high energy demand an animal may be constrained by a physiological maximum to its energy intake rate. Predictions by allometric equations describing this maximum for endotherms were significantly surpassed during a few recent laboratory experiments on birds and mammals, being given access to food 24 h day-1. How relevant this is in the field remains to be assessed. We predicted that Bewick’s swans Cygnus columbianus bewickii might surpass this maximum during stopover on their migration. We determined intake rate by measuring initial and final biomass density, and dividing the biomass difference by the feeding time required to reach this difference. This feeding time was given by the functional response. After conversion to daily energy intake rates, these exceeded the previously assumed maximum on two of the three stopover sites studied. The exception was a stopover site where daily foraging time was limited by the tidal cycle. Our study confirms that intake rates may exceed the formerly generally supposed maximum under natural conditions when foraging is possible day and night.


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Wetlands are among the most important ecosystems on Earth both in terms of productivity and biodiversity, but also as a source of the greenhouse gas CH4. Microbial processes catalyzing nutrient recycling and CH4 production are controlled by sediment physico-chemistry, which is in turn affected by plant activity and the foraging behaviour of herbivores. We performed field and laboratory experiments to evaluate the direct effect of herbivores on soil microbial activity and their indirect effects as the consequence of reduced macrophyte density, using migratory Bewick’s swans (Cygnus columbianus bewickii Yarrell) feeding on fennel pondweed (Potamogeton pectinatus L.) tubers as a model system. A controlled foraging experiment using field enclosures indicated that swan bioturbation decreases CH4 production, through a decrease in the activity of methanogenic Archaea and an increased rate of CH4 oxidation in the bioturbated sediment. We also found a positive correlation between tuber density (a surrogate of plant density during the previous growth season) and CH4 production activity. A laboratory experiment showed that sediment sterilization enhances pondweed growth, probably due to elimination of the negative effects of microbial activity on plant growth. In summary, the bioturbation caused by swan grazing modulates CH4 cycling by means of both direct and indirect (i.e. plant-mediated) effects with potential consequences for CH4 emission from wetland systems.