101 resultados para Gill

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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The effect of natriuretic peptides on forskolin-evoked adenylyl cyclase activity was investigated in dispersed gill cells from the Australian short-finned eel (Anguilla australis). Molecular cloning techniques were employed to identify the putative G-protein-activating motif within the intracellular domain of the eel natriuretic peptide C receptor. Eel ANP, eel CNP and the NPR-C-specific C-ANF inhibited the forskolin-stimulated production of cyclic AMP. This effect was abolished by pretreatment of cells with pertussis toxin. Eel VNP was without effect on adenylyl cyclase activity. PCR and molecular cloning indicated that the intracellular domain of A. australis NPR-C has the same amino acid sequence as Anguilla japonica. Alignment of these sequences with Rattus norvegicus NPR-C indicated conservation of the putative G-protein-activating motif BB...BBXXB (B=basic, X=nonbasic residues). These data suggest that branchially-expressed NPR-C may play a physiological role additional to that of ligand clearance.


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Amoebic gill disease (AGD) is a problem in the farming of Atlantic salmon, and may compromise osmoregulatory, cardiovascular and respiratory functions. We examined the effects of AGD on atrial and C-type natriuretic peptide (ANP and CNP) stimulated branchial cyclic GMP formation, since natriuretic peptides (NPs) are involved in cardiovascular function and osmoregulation. NPs act via guanylyl cyclase receptors (NPR), which stimulate cGMP formation. NPR activity was measured by ANP and CNP stimulation of branchial cGMP formation, and compared between diseased and healthy salmon over an 11 day AGD infection. We also measured plasma osmolality. Osmolality increased in AGD infected salmon from an initial 355 mmol.kg-1 to 411 mmol.kg-1 at 11 days. There was no evidence that branchial cGMP formation changed in response to AGD. In all groups, CNP stimulation of guanylyl cyclase was 190% of basal rate, whereas ANP was 150% of basal. After 11 days, all groups were given a 4 h freshwater bath, the usual treatment for AGD. Another group was given a seawater to seawater transfer, to control for handling. In this group, plasma osmolality at 11 days was the same as in AGD fish. This elevation may be due to these fish experiencing disturbance for the first time in 11 days. ANP and CNP branchial NPR activity at the conclusion of the 4 h transfers was elevated in all groups compared to that at 11 days. The increased cGMP formation in the handling control suggests a NPR response to the transfer/handling stress. AGD fish demonstrated the greatest elevation in ANP and CNP guanylyl cyclase activity immediately following the bath; these values were greater than in the control groups. The AGD infected salmon, therefore, responded more emphatically to the freshwater treatment, suggesting that the NP system is involved in some aspects of AGD.


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Sodium/proton exchangers (NHE) are transmembrane proteins that facilitate the exchange of a Na+ ion for a H+ ion across cellular membranes. The NHE are present in the gills of fishes and are believed to function in acid-base regulation by driving the extrusion of protons across the branchial epithelium in exchange for Na+ in the water. In this study, we have used reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) to detect the presence of a branchial NHE in the gills of the Atlantic hagfish, Myxine glutinosa. The subsequent partial cDNA sequence shares homology with other vertebrate and invertebrate NHE isoforms. In addition, using semi-quantitative, multiplex RT-PCR we demonstrate that mRNA expression of hagfish gill NHE is upregulated following an induced metabolic acidosis. Expression was increased to 4.4 times basal levels at 2-h post-infusion and had decreased to 1.6 times basal by 6 h. Expression had returned to basal levels by 24-h post-infusion. The inference from this study is that a gill NHE which is potentially important in acid-base regulation has been present in the vertebrate lineage since before the divergence of the hagfishes from the main vertebrate line.


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The concentrations of cadmium, copper, mercury, and zinc were determined in muscle (body, claw, and leg), hepatopancreas, and gill tissues of Pseudocarcinus gigas, an exceptionally large, long-lived, and deep-dwelling crab species. The accumulation patterns observed are discussed in terms of both intra- and interspecies variations, with particular attention to the possible consequences of the extreme size and depth range of P. gigas. Metal concentrations did not depend significantly on sex of the crab. Significant differences between tissues were detected for all metals, and the distribution of metal between the tissues was different for each metal. Significant correlations were found between metal concentrations in the various tissues and crab size, and these are discussed and rationalised. The concentrations of mercury and zinc in muscle tissue increased with crab size and were high compared to other crab species. The concentrations of cadmium and copper present in edible tissues were not especially high compared to other crab species, but the concentration of cadmium in the hepatopancreas is of dietary concern.


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Na+/H+ exchangers are integral membrane proteins that exchange Na+ and H+ across cell membranes. The Na+/H+ exchangers 2 and 3 are epithelial isoforms in mammals and contribute to acid–base homeostasis. The gills of fishes, including elasmobranchs, are also associated with acid/base balance, and are probably the primary acid/base regulatory organ. This study examines the presence of Na+/H+ exchangers 2 and 3 using immunohistochemistry and immunoblotting in the gills of four species of elasmobranchs, the banjo ray (Trygonorrhina fasciata), southern eagle ray (Myliobatis australis), the gummy shark (Mustelus antarcticus) and the Australian angel shark (Squatina australis) using heterologous antibodies. Na+/H+ exchanger 2-like immunoreactivity was observed in the gills of the banjo ray, eagle ray and angel shark. In the banjo and eagle rays, this Na+/H+ exchanger-like immunoreactivity co-localised with immunoreactivity to Na+/K+-ATPase, a marker for the mitochondrial-rich cells of fishes. Na+/H+ exchanger 3-like immunoreactivity was only observed in the gills of the angel and gummy sharks, some Na+/H+ exchanger 3-like cells also showed Na+/K+-ATPase immunoreactivity. However, immunoblotting of banjo and eagle ray gill membranes demonstrated Na+/H+ exchanger 3-like immunoreactivity, which was not consistent with the immunohistochemical results. These data demonstrate the presence of epithelial Na+/H+ exchangers 2 and 3 in the gills of elasmobranchs and a link with acid/base regulation is suggested.


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A localised aggregation of blue whales. which may be pygmy blue whales (B. m. brevicauda), occurs in southern Australian coastal waters (between I39°45'E-143°E) during summer and autumn (December-May), where they feed on coastal krill (Nyctiphanes australis). a species which often forms surface swarms. While the abundance of blue whales using this area is unknown, up to 32 blue whales have been sighted in individual aerial  surveys. Krill appear to aggregate in response to enhanced productivity  resulting from the summer-autumn wind-forced Bonney Coast upwelling along the continental shelf. During the upwelling's quiescent (winter-spring) period. blue whales appear to be absent from the region. Krill surface  swarms have been associated with 48% of 261 blue whale sightings since 1998, with direct evidence of feeding observed in 36% of all sightings. Mean blue whale group size was 1.55 (SD =0.839), with all size classes represented including calves. This seasonally predictable upwelling system is evidently a regular feeding ground for blue whales, and careful  management of human activities is required there.


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A range of homologous (trout ANP, trout CNP, trout VNP) and heterologous (eel ANP, eel ANP-NH2, rat ANP, porcine CNP) NPs were tested for their effect on guanylyl cyclase in gill and kidney membrane preparations from freshwater and seawater-acclimated rainbow trout and Atlantic salmon. All NPs stimulated guanylyl cyclase at 1 µmol l-1in all preparations. ANP was the most potent stimulator of kidney guanylyl cyclase and CNP the most potent stimulator of guanylyl cyclase in gills. Some differences were apparent between the potencies of homologous and heterologous peptides at 1 µmol l-1: tANP was more potent than rANP in the SW trout kidney and tCNP was more potent than pCNP in FW salmon tissues. While eANP was more potent than tANP in trout gills, it was less potent than tANP in FW salmon gills. However, there was no significant difference between the potencies of eANP and eANP-NH2 in trout or salmon gills. Salinity did not affect guanylyl cyclase activity with the exception that trout ANP at 1 µmol l-1was more potent in SW trout kidneys than in FW trout kidneys. These results suggest a predomination of NPR-A in the kidney and NPR-B in the gill. It appears that salmonid NPR-A and NPR-B are relatively promiscuous in their ligand affinity, with few differences in the potencies of trout and mammalian NPs and only small differences in cGMP production where these differences do occur.


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A new morwong, Cheilodactytus (Goniistius) francisi, is recognized from southwest Pacific Islands (Lord Howe Island, Middleton Reef, Kermadecs, and probably Elizabeth Reef, Norfolk Island, and New Caledonia). Distinguishing features from C. (G.) vittatus (Hawaiian Islands) comprise gill-raker counts, caudal-fin coloration, and notable molecular divergence.


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Obesity as a major public health and economic problem has risen to the top of policy and programme agendas in many countries, with prevention of childhood obesity providing a particularly compelling mandate for action. There is widespread agreement that action is needed urgently, that it should be comprehensive and sustained, and that it should be evidence-based. While policy and programme funding decisions are inevitably subject to a variety of historical, social, and political influences, a framework for defining their evidence base is needed. This paper describes the development of an evidence-based, decision-making framework that is particularly relevant to obesity prevention. Building upon existing work within the fields of public health and health promotion, the Prevention Group of the International Obesity Task Force (IOTF) developed a set of key issues and evidence requirements for obesity prevention. These were presented and discussed at an IOTF workshop in April 2004 and were then further developed into a practical framework. The framework is defined by five key policy and
programme issues that form the basis of the framework. These are: (i) building a case for action on obesity; (ii) identifying contributing factors and points of intervention; (iii) defining the opportunities for action; (iv)evaluating potential interventions; and (v) selecting a portfolio of specific policies, programmes, and actions. Each issue has a different set of evidence requirements and analytical outputs to support policy and programme decision-making. Issue 4 was identified as currently the most problematic because of the relative lack of efficacy and effectiveness studies. Compared with clinical decision-making where the evidence base is dominated by randomized controlled trials with high internal validity, the evidence base for obesity prevention needs many different types of evidence and often needs the informed opinions of stakeholders to ensure external validity and contextual relevance.


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The late historian Robin Evans, takes up the debate symbolised between Wblfflin, proposing that meaning is directly accessible through the form of a building, and Wittkower, arguing that meaning lies behind the form of architecture, in other texts and ideas. The focus of their argument is the centralised church of the Renaissance, which holds a special place in the history of architecture for all three historians. Evans' argument makes detours into the histories of theology, geometry and mathematics attempting to find how architecture participates with these fields. He concludes that architecture, in its singular artistic physicality "suspends our disbelief in the ideal", offering a world that does not reflect culture, in all its fullness, but rather supplements culture's incompleteness. Architecture, like art is able to resolve that which in society and in other fields remains a contradiction, giving a picture (albeit fictional) of a harmonious and unified order. Does architecture aspire towards transcendence, if so, what is transcendental value in architecture? In this essay I want to turn to Hagia Sofia (Istanbul, 532-537), a church that marks the beginning of a Christian empire relocated to the East of Rome, in Constantinople, built one thousand years before the Renaissance churches; and a building that symbolises the shift towards a domed centralised form, away from a basilica form. Hagia Sofia is an architecture, observed and described in an almost devotional manner, as though addressing the architecture of the church is equivalent to a pious person addressing the church itself, and more significantly, addressing the Divine figure of God, through the architecture of the church. What role does Hagia Sofia play in the kind of artistic mastery that Evans is proposing?


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A WHO expert consultation addressed the debate about interpretation of recommended body-mass index (BMI) cut-off points for determining overweight and obesity in Asian populations, and considered whether population-specific cut-off points for BMI are necessary. They reviewed scientific evidence that suggests that Asian populations have different associations between BMI, percentage of body fat, and health risks than do European populations. The consultation concluded that the proportion of Asian people with a high risk of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease is substantial at BMIs lower than the existing WHO cut-off point for overweight (25 kg/m2). However, available data do not necessarily indicate a clear BMI cut-off point for all Asians for overweight or obesity. The cut-off point for observed risk varies from 22kg/m2 to 25kg/m2 in different Asian populations; for high risk it varies from 26kg/m2 to 31kg/m2. No attempt was made, therefore, to redefine cut-off points for each population separately. The consultation also agreed that the WHO BMI cut-off points should be retained as international classifications. The consultation identified further potential public health action points (23·0, 27·5, 32·5, and 37·5 kg/m2) along the continuum of BMI, and proposed methods by which countries could make decisions about the definitions of increased risk for their population.


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Sewage effluent is a powerful agent of ecological change in estuaries. While the effects of sewage pollution on water quality are usually well documented, biological responses of exposed organisms are not. We quantified health impacts in the form of pathological tissue changes across multiple organs in estuarine fish exposed to elevated levels of treated wastewater. Structural pathologies were compared in wild populations of four fish species from two subtropical estuaries on the east coast of Australia that differ substantially in the amount of direct wastewater loadings. Uptake of sewage-derived  nitrogen by fish was traced with stable nitrogen isotopes. Pathologies were common in the liver, spleen, gill, kidney and muscle tissues, and included granulomas, melanomacrophage aggregates, and multiple deformities of the gill epithelia. Tissue deformities were more frequent in fish exposed directly to wastewater discharges. Mullet (Valamugil georgii) were most affected, with only a single specimen free of pathologies in the sewage-impacted estuary. Similarly, in those fish that had structural abnormalities, more deformities were generally found in individuals from sites receiving sewage. These spatial contrasts in impaired fish health correspond to significantly enriched δ15N values in fish muscle as a consequence of fish assimilating sewage-N. Overall, the pattern of lower health and enriched δ15N values in fish from sewage-impacted areas suggests that organism health is lowered by sewage inputs to estuaries. Measurements of organism health are required to understand the effects of sewage on estuarine ecosystems, and histopathology of fishes is a powerful tool to achieve this.