101 resultados para Fc proteins

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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Two leukaemia inhibitory factor (LIF) mutants, designated MH35-BD and LIF05, have been shown to have a capacity to inhibit the biological activities of not only human LIF (hLIF) but also other interleukin-6 (IL-6) subfamily cytokines such as human oncostatin M (hOSM). These cytokines share the same receptor complex in which the glycoprotein 130 (gp130) subunit is a common constituent. However, at low concentrations and in their monomeric forms, such molecules have a relatively short plasma half-life due to rapid clearance from the kidneys. Here, to prolong their serum half-lives, we have used a multi-step polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to fuse each of the LIF05 and MH35-BD cDNA fragments to a sequence encoding the Fc portion, and the hinge region, of the human immunoglobulin G (hIgG) heavy chain. The linking was achieved through an oligomer encoding a thrombin-sensitive peptide linker thus generating MH35-BD:Fc and LIF05:Fc, respectively. Both Fc fusion constructs were expressed in insect cell Sf21 and the proteins were purified by two successive affinity chromatography steps using nickel–nitrilotriacetic acid (Ni–NTA) agarose and protein A beads. The Ba/F3 cell-based proliferation assay was used to confirm that the proteins were biologically active. In addition, preliminary pharmacokinetics indicates that the Fc fusion constructs have a longer serum half-life compared to their non-fusion counterparts.


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HIV-1 infection impairs a number of macrophage effector functions, thereby contributing to development of opportunistic infections and the pathogenesis of AIDS. FcγR-mediated phagocytosis by human monocyte-derived macrophages (MDM) is inhibited by HIV-1 infection in vitro, and the underlying mechanism was investigated in this study. Inhibition of phagocytosis directly correlated with the multiplicity of HIV-1 infection. Expression of surface FcγRs was unaffected by HIV-1 infection, suggesting that inhibition of phagocytosis occurred during or after receptor binding. HIV-1 infection of MDM markedly inhibited tyrosine phosphorylation of the cellular proteins, which occurs following engagement of FcγRs, suggesting a defect downstream of initial receptor activation. FcγR-mediated phagocytosis in HIV-infected MDM was associated with inhibition of phosphorylation of tyrosine kinases from two different families, Hck and Syk, defective formation of Syk complexes with other tyrosine-phosphorylated proteins, and inhibition of paxillin activation. Down-modulation of protein expression but not mRNA of the γ signaling subunit of FcγR (a docking site for Syk) was observed in HIV-infected MDM. Infection of MDM with a construct of HIV-1 in which nef was replaced with the gene for the γ signaling subunit augmented FcγR-mediated phagocytosis, suggesting that down-modulation of γ-chain protein expression in HIV-infected MDM caused the defective FcγR-mediated signaling and impairment of phagocytosis. This study is the first to demonstrate a specific alteration in phagocytosis signal transduction pathway, which provides a mechanism for the observed impaired FcγR-mediated phagocytosis in HIV-infected macrophages and contributes to the understanding of how HIV-1 impairs cell-mediated immunity leading to HIV-1 disease progression.


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Clipping of recombinant proteins is a major issue in animal cell cultures. A recombinant Fc-fusion protein, VEGFR1(D1-D3)-Fc expressed in CHOK1SV GS-KO cells was observed to be undergoing clippings in lab scale cultures. Partial cleaving of expressed protein initiated early on in cell culture and was observed to increase over time in culture and also on storage. In this study, a few parameters were explored in a bid to inhibit clipping in the fusion protein The effects of culture temperature, duration of culture, the addition of an anti-clumping agent, ferric citrate and use of protease inhibitor cocktail on inhibition of proteolysis of the Fc fusion were studied. Lowering of culture temperature from 37 to 30 °C alone appears to be the best solution for reducing protein degradation from the quality, cost and regulatory points of view. The obtained Fc protein was characterized and found to be in its stable folded state, exhibiting a high affinity for its ligand and also biological and functional activities.


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Eukaryotic cells prevent copper-induced, free radical damage to cell components by employing copper-binding proteins and transporters that minimize the likelihood of free copper ions existing in the cell. In the cell, copper is actively transported from the cytoplasm during the biosynthesis of secreted coppercontaining proteins and, as a protective measure, when there is an excess of copper. In humans, this is accomplished by two related copper-transporting ATPases (ATP7A and ATP7B), which are the affected genes in two distinct human genetic disorders of copper transport, Menkes disease (copper deficiency) and Wilson disease (copper toxicosis). The study of these ATPases has revealed their molecular mechanisms of copper transport and their roles in physiological copper homeostasis. Both ATP7A and ATP7B are expressed in specific brain regions and neurological abnormalities are important clinical features in Menkes and Wilson disease.


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Na+/H+ exchangers are integral membrane proteins that exchange Na+ and H+ across cell membranes. The Na+/H+ exchangers 2 and 3 are epithelial isoforms in mammals and contribute to acid–base homeostasis. The gills of fishes, including elasmobranchs, are also associated with acid/base balance, and are probably the primary acid/base regulatory organ. This study examines the presence of Na+/H+ exchangers 2 and 3 using immunohistochemistry and immunoblotting in the gills of four species of elasmobranchs, the banjo ray (Trygonorrhina fasciata), southern eagle ray (Myliobatis australis), the gummy shark (Mustelus antarcticus) and the Australian angel shark (Squatina australis) using heterologous antibodies. Na+/H+ exchanger 2-like immunoreactivity was observed in the gills of the banjo ray, eagle ray and angel shark. In the banjo and eagle rays, this Na+/H+ exchanger-like immunoreactivity co-localised with immunoreactivity to Na+/K+-ATPase, a marker for the mitochondrial-rich cells of fishes. Na+/H+ exchanger 3-like immunoreactivity was only observed in the gills of the angel and gummy sharks, some Na+/H+ exchanger 3-like cells also showed Na+/K+-ATPase immunoreactivity. However, immunoblotting of banjo and eagle ray gill membranes demonstrated Na+/H+ exchanger 3-like immunoreactivity, which was not consistent with the immunohistochemical results. These data demonstrate the presence of epithelial Na+/H+ exchangers 2 and 3 in the gills of elasmobranchs and a link with acid/base regulation is suggested.


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The subcellular localization of insulin signaling proteins is altered by various stimuli such as insulin, insulin-like growth factor I, and oxidative stress and is thought to be an important mechanism that can influence intracellular signal transduction and cellular function. This study examined the possibility that exercise may also alter the subcellular localization of insulin signaling proteins in human skeletal muscle. Nine untrained males performed 60 min of cycling exercise (~67% peak pulmonary O2 uptake). Muscle biopsies were sampled at rest, immediately after exercise, and 3 h postexercise. Muscle was fractionated by centrifugation into the following crude fractions: cytosolic, nuclear, and a high-speed pellet containing membrane and cytoskeletal components. Fractions were analyzed for protein content of insulin receptor, insulin receptor substrate (IRS)-1 and -2, p85 subunit of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase, Akt, and glycogen synthase kinase-3 (GSK-3). There was no significant change in the protein content of the insulin signaling proteins in any of the crude fractions after exercise or 3 h postexercise. Exercise had no significant effect on the phosphorylation of IRS-1 Tyr612 in any of the fractions. In contrast, exercise increased (P < 0.05) the phosphorylation of Akt Ser473 and GSK-3α/ß Ser9/21 in the cytosolic fraction only. In conclusion, exercise can increase phosphorylation of downstream insulin signaling proteins specifically in the cytosolic fraction but does not result in changes in the subcellular localization of insulin signaling proteins in human skeletal muscle. Change in the subcellular protein localization is therefore an unlikely mechanism to influence signal transduction pathways and cellular function in skeletal muscle after exercise.


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The Cu-ATPase ATP7A (MNK) is localized in the trans-Golgi network (TGN) and relocalizes in the plasma membrane via vesicle-mediated traffic following exposure of the cells to high concentrations of copper. Rab proteins are organelle-specific GTPases, markers of different endosomal compartments; their role has been recently reviewed (Trends Cell Biol. 11(2001) 487). In this article we analyze the endosomal pathway of trafficking of the MNK protein in stably transfected clones of CHO cells, expressing chimeric Rab5-myc or Rab7-myc proteins, markers of early or late endosome compartments, respectively. We demonstrate by immunofluorescence and confocal and electron microscopy techniques that the increase in the concentration of copper in the medium (189 μM) rapidly induces a redistribution of the MNK protein from early sorting endosomes, positive for Rab5-myc protein, to late endosomes, containing the Rab7-myc protein. Cell fractionation experiments confirm these results; i.e., the MNK protein is recruited to the endosomal fraction on copper stimulation and colocalizes with Rab5 and Rab7 proteins. These findings allow the first characterization of the vesicles involved in the intracellular routing of the MNK protein from the TGN to the plasma membrane, a key mechanism allowing appropriate efflux of copper in cells grown in high concentrations of the metal.


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Integral proteins in the outer membrane of mitochondria control all aspects of organelle biogenesis, being required for protein import, mitochondrial fission, and, in metazoans, mitochondrial aspects of programmed cell death. How these integral proteins are assembled in the outer membrane had been unclear. In bacteria, Omp85 is an essential component of the protein insertion machinery, and we show that members of the Omp85 protein family are also found in eukaryotes ranging from plants to humans. In eukaryotes, Omp85 is present in the mitochondrial outer membrane. The gene encoding Omp85 is essential for cell viability in yeast, and conditional omp85 mutants have defects that arise from compromised insertion of integral proteins like voltage-dependent anion channel (VDAC) and components of the translocase in the outer membrane of mitochondria (TOM) complex into the mitochondrial outer membrane.


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Milk protein composition was investigated throughout the lactation periods of the Australian fur seal (Arctocephalus pusillus doriferus) and Antarctic fur seal (Arctocephalus gazella). The mean protein content of the milk was found to be 10.9% and 10.6% respectively. The concentration of total protein did not change during lactation, although a decline in casein content of the milk in late lactation was apparent. Milk protein concentration during a foraging/suckling cycle of the Antarctic fur seal analysed at the time of arrival on shore, and 24 h and 72 h after arrival was 12.8%, 11.4% and 12.5% respectively. Re-feeding animals at 72 h resulted in a significant increase in milk protein content to 14.9%. Characterisation of milk protein by SDS-PAGE analysis revealed 5 casein and 10 major whey protein bands. Amino-terminal sequencing indicated that the majority of the whey fraction of the milk is β-lactoglobulin (β-LG). The limited amino acid sequence indicated 3 different β-LGs were secreted in the milk. Subsequently, RT-PCR was used to extend the sequence of one of the β-LGs and translation of the 464 bp fragment indicated that it shared 79% sequence identity with feline β-LG II.


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It is well established that mammalian skeletal muscles exhibit a considerable degree of plasticity and one of the main determining factors of this plasticity is the activity pattern and duration of motoneurone discharge. Lesions to the right substantia nigra pars compacta (SNpc) of six adult rats were made to determine whether altered output from the SNpc ultimately leads to a change in the expression of proteins in contralateral skeletal muscles. After 4 months, altered motor performance was identified by the administration of amphetamine. After 7 months, 30–70% of dopaminergic cells in the SNpc had been destroyed. The protein content of muscles was then quantified from densitometric scans of gels, and expressed as a % of the amount of actin (the protein used as a reference in this study). The lesion affected the expression of different protein isoforms in the fast- and slow-twitch muscles. In slow-twitch soleus muscles, the lesion decreased the proportion of α-tropomyosin and increased the proportion of β-tropomyosin. In the fast-twitch extensor digitorum longus muscles, the lesion increased the proportion of the fast isoform of troponin-T1f, and decreased the proportions of the two isoforms of myosin light chain. This study establishes a connection between the chronic effects of a lesion to the SNpc, with a loss of dopaminergic neurones, impaired motor performance, and altered expression of proteins in skeletal muscle. The implication of these results is that the altered motor function observed in Parkinson’s disease may be associated with alterations to the expression of skeletal muscle proteins.


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By the use of the yeast two-hybrid screen we have identified two proteins that interacted with UCH37: S14, which is a subunit of PA700 and a novel protein, UIP1 (UCH37 interacting protein 1). The interaction of UCH37 with S14 or UIP1 was confirmed by in vitro binding assay and in vivo co-immunoprecipitation analysis. The C-terminal extension of UCH37 is essential for interaction with S14 or UIP1 as shown by the yeast two-hybrid assay and the in vitro binding assay. Furthermore, UIP1 blocked the interaction between UCH37 and S14 in vitro.


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A number of therapeutic drugs with different structures and mechanisms of action have been reported to undergo metabolic activation by Phase I or Phase II drug-metabolizing enzymes. The bioactivation gives rise to reactive metabolites/intermediates, which readily confer covalent binding to various target proteins by nucleophilic substitution and/or Schiff's base mechanism. These drugs include analgesics (e.g., acetaminophen), antibacterial agents (e.g., sulfonamides and macrolide antibiotics), anticancer drugs (e.g., irinotecan), antiepileptic drugs (e.g., carbamazepine), anti-HIV agents (e.g., ritonavir), antipsychotics (e.g., clozapine), cardiovascular drugs (e.g., procainamide and hydralazine), immunosupressants (e.g., cyclosporine A), inhalational anesthetics (e.g., halothane), nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDSs) (e.g., diclofenac), and steroids and their receptor modulators (e.g., estrogens and tamoxifen). Some herbal and dietary constituents are also bioactivated to reactive metabolites capable of binding covalently and inactivating cytochrome P450s (CYPs). A number of important target proteins of drugs have been identified by mass spectrometric techniques and proteomic approaches. The covalent binding and formation of drug-protein adducts are generally considered to be related to drug toxicity, and selective protein covalent binding by drug metabolites may lead to selective organ toxicity. However, the mechanisms involved in the protein adduct-induced toxicity are largely undefined, although it has been suggested that drug-protein adducts may cause toxicity either through impairing physiological functions of the modified proteins or through immune-mediated mechanisms. In addition, mechanism-based inhibition of CYPs may result in toxic drug-drug interactions. The clinical consequences of drug bioactivation and covalent binding to proteins are unpredictable, depending on many factors that are associated with the administered drugs and patients. Further studies using proteomic and genomic approaches with high throughput capacity are needed to identify the protein targetsof reactive drug metabolites, and to elucidate the structure-activity relationships of drug's covalent binding to proteins and their clinical outcomes.