15 resultados para Excursion glycémique

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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In 1931, Canada was the first of the copyright countries to adopt a moral rights provision, closely modeled on Article 6bis of the Berne Convention, into its legislation. But this was not the first step that Canada had taken towards the legislative protection of moral rights. Not only had certain provisions protective of the non-economic interests of authors been included in the federal Criminal Code and in the legislation of Quebec prior to 1920, but during the 1920s a sustained effort had been made to give these interests more explicit and systematic protection under the Copyright Act. The present article focuses on a series of bills put to the Canadian Parliament from 1924 onwards. Not only would they have provided increased protection for the non-economic interests of authors but they would have given a legislative definition to the term "moral right". These bills, framed in the absence of any influence from Article 6bis, provide a glimpse of what "moral rights" might have been. They support the view that Canada was moving towards the express legislative protection of these rights significantly earlier that is commonly thought.


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The adjoining area of western Guizhou and eastern Yunnan Provinces in southwest China is an ideal place to investigate the feasibility of correlating marine and nonmarine Permian–Triassic boundary (PTB) sequences, as it contains outcrop sections of shallow marine, marginal marine (or paralic), and terrestrial PTB sections, all in close geographic proximity. This paper documents for the first time multiple stratigraphic data from several well-preserved terrestrial PTB sections in the area and attempts to use these data to define, locate, and correlate the PTB in the area. A study of the spores and pollen and vegetation types across the terrestrial PTB sections in the study area suggests three distinct evolutionary stages across the boundary: Stage 1 (Xuanwei Formation) is characterised by Late Permian or Paleozoic-type ferns and pteridosperms (85.0%), with a few gymnosperms (15.0%); stage 2 is marked by an abrupt drop of sporopollen elements of Late Permian aspects, coupled with the appearance of fungal spores and limited Early Triassic palynomorphs; stage 3 (top Xuanwei Formation and Kayitou Formation) is dominated by gymnosperm pollen (58.8%) of clearly Early Triassic aspect, although still retaining limited ferns and pteridosperms. The three biotic stages seem to well correspond with the changing trend of the δ13Corg curves from the same sections, which is characterized by a sharp drop just before the PTB, followed by a short term partial recovery across the boundary, and then succeeded by a gradual decline after the PTB in the Early Triassic. Combining evidence from eventostratigraphic (i.e., the succession of boundary clay beds), biostratigraphic (using both macroplants and palynomorphs), and chemostratigraphic (i.e., organic carbon isotope excursion signals), we propose that a high-resolution PTB succession, closely correlatable to its marine counterpart at the Meishan section in eastern China, is recognisable at the terrestrial PTB sections in the western Guizhou–eastern Yunnan area in southwest China.


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As part of the teaching programme within a first year university unit on the earth’s physical systems, a ‘virtual reality’ field trip has been developed to support field studies relating to geological materials and landscape history. This module aims to increase student understanding of the use of geological features in the evaluation of geological / landscape history. The module has various applications in the curriculum. For students attending a weekend excursion, the module is available as an adjunct to actual field studies and can be used by students as either a digital pre-lab or as an excursion review tutorial. For students not attending a weekend excursion (i.e. off campus students), it is used as a digital ‘virtual reality’ substitute for field site inspection. The module has simple linked interactive and dynamic image base digital media that provide a framework in which the geology and landscape history of excursion sites can be explored. This module is delivered as a website via CD, but can also be integrated with the 'online interface' for this unit via a QuickTime reference movie loaded inside a relevant 'Deakin (University) Studies Online’ web page. The latter strategy enables assimilation of large multimedia files into online teaching formats


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Our studies in southern China have revealed a remarkable sulfur and strontium isotope excursion at the end of the Permian, along with a coincident concentration of impact- metamorphosed grains and kaolinite and a significant decrease in manganese, phosphorous, calcium, and microfossils (foraminifera). These data suggest that an asteroid or a comet hit the ocean at the end of Permian time and caused a rapid and massive release of sulfur from the mantle to the ocean-atmosphere system, leading to significant oxygen consumption, acid rain, and the most severe biotic crisis in the history of life on Earth.


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Balance training is commonly used in the rehabilitation process of ankle injuries; however, the exercise prescription guidelines for prescribing balance training are poorly understood. The aim of the present study was to determine if high or low volume balance training is more effective in improving postural sway after an 8 week balance training program utilising the same exercises. Seventeen subjects (14 male, 3 female) with a mean age of 24.06 ± 5.6 years were randomly allocated into a control group (CG), low volume training (LVT) or high volume training (HVT). All subjects had sustained at least two inversion ankle injuries within the last 18 months. Subjects completed 8 weeks of balance training of up to 30 mins duration, 3 times per week. LVT consisted of 40 repetitions for week 1, progressing to 90 repetitions by week 8. HVT consisted of 60 repetitions for week 1, progressing to 130 repetitions by week 8. The maximum centre of pressure (COP) excursion was obtained from the porce plate in the medial-lateral (ML) direction and subsequently used for pre-test and post-test analysis. After the 8 week training intervention, there was a significant (P<0.001) difference in postural sway between pre and post testing for both the LVT (pre = 88.69mm ± 25.08mm, post = 72.17mm ± 27.53mm) and HVT (pre = 77.47mm ±10.57mm, post = 58.54mm ± 7.01mm) groups. There was no significant (P>0.01) difference detected for improvements between the LVT and HVT, however reported effect sizes (ES) showed large effect size chances in the high volume training (ES = 1.7) whereas low volume training showed medium effect sizes changes (ES = 0.6). This preliminary study demonstrates the importance of training volume in the rehabilitation of ankle injuries, with the HVT being superior to LVT.


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This study characterized exposure-monitoring activities and findings under the Occupational Safety and Health Administration's (OSHA's) 1984 ethylene oxide (EtO) standard. In-depth mail and telephone surveys were followed by on-site interviews at all EtO-using hospitals in Massachusetts (n = 92, 96% participation rate). By 1993, most hospitals had performed personal exposure monitoring for OSHA's 8-hour action level (95%) and the excursion limit (87%), although most did not meet the 1985 implementation deadline. In 1993, 66% of hospitals reported the installation of EtO alarms to fulfill the standard's "alert" requirement. Alarm installation also lagged behind the 1985 deadline and peaked following a series of EtO citations by OSHA. From 1990 through 1992, 23% of hospitals reported having exceeded the action level once or more; 24% reported having exceeded the excursion limit; and 33% reported that workers were accidentally exposed to EtO in the absence of personal monitoring. Almost a decade after passage of the EtO standard, exposure-monitoring requirements were widely, but not completely, implemented. Work-shift exposures had markedly decreased since the mid-1980s, but overexposures continued to occur widely. OSHA enforcement appears to have stimulated implementation.


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This study sought to identify determinants of workplace exposures to ethylene oxide to assess the effect of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration's (OSHA's) 1984 ethylene oxide standard. An in-depth survey of all hospitals in Massachusetts that used ethylene oxide from 1990 through 1992 (96% participation, N = 90) was conducted. Three types of exposure events were modeled with logistic regression: exceeding the 8-hour action level, exceeding the 15-minute excursion limit, and worker exposures during unmeasured accidental releases. Covariates were drawn from data representing an ecologic framework including direct and indirect potential exposure determinants. After adjustment for frequencies of ethylene oxide use and exposure monitoring, a significant inverse relation was observed between exceeding the action level and the use of combined sterilizer-aerators, an engineering control technology developed after the passage of the OSHA standard. Conversely, the use of positive-pressure sterilizers that employ ethylene oxide gas mixtures was strongly related to both exceeding the excursion limit and the occurrence of accidental releases. These findings provide evidence of a positive effect of OSHA's ethylene oxide standard and specific targets for future prevention and control efforts.


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We assessed long-term trends in ethylene oxide (EtO) worker exposures for the purposes of exposure surveillance and evaluation of the impacts of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) 1984 and 1988 EtO standards. We obtained exposure data from a large commercial vendor and processor of EtO passive dosimeters. Personal samples (87 582 workshift [8-hr] and 46 097 short-term [15-min] samples) from 2265 US hospitals were analyzed for time trends from 1984 through 2001 and compared with OSHA enforcement data. Exposures declined steadily for the first several years after the OSHA standards were set. Workshift exposures continued to taper off and have remained low and constant through 2001. However, since 1996, the probability of exceeding the short-term excursion limit has increased. This trend coincides with a decline in enforcement of the EtO standard. Results indicate the need for renewed intervention efforts to preserve gains made following the passage and implementation of the 1984 and 1988 EtO standards.


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Oceanic anoxia has long been considered as one of the main causes for the end-Permian mass extinction. However, the results obtained by different researchers are rather divergent from different sections, or even on the same section using the same redox proxy. This study aims to examine the causes for some of these divergent results using high-resolution pyrite framboid sampling at the Meishan GSSP section in South China. Detailed microfacies analysis shows that the uppermost Late Permian strata comprises two significantly different sedimentary facies: one characterized by silicious muddy limestone and recognized as representing autochthonous background sediments; the other distinguished by bioclastic grainstone, interpreted to be allochthonous in origin and have been transported from the nearby platform margin. These two different sedimentary facies represent two distinctly different redox conditions. Together with the facies analysis, a statistical analysis of pyrite framboids was carried out to evaluate the redox evolution across the Permian-Triassic boundary. Abundant framboids with average diameters of about 6μm are found in background sediments beneath the extinction boundary, indicating generally anoxic bottom water conditions. But this condition was punctuated by transient intervals of rapid oxygenation interpreted to have been caused by intrusion of intermittent turbidity flows. Our study also showed that anoxic conditions persisted into the immediate aftermath of the mass extinction, thereafter it was quickly followed by a relatively long period of oxic conditions (with rare framboids). However, the redox conditions returned to anoxia (with abundant pyrite framboids averaging about 5μm in diameter), accompanied by a rapid global transgression. The oxygenation manifested near the Permian-Triassic boundary coincides with the negative excursion of carbon isotope. This would imply that, contrary to previous interpretations, this great δ13C negative excursion was probably not caused by the upwelling of anoxic deep ocean waters.


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Because balance is not fully developed in children and studies have shown functional improvements with balance only training studies, a combination of plyometric and balance activities might enhance static balance, dynamic balance, and power. The objective of this study was to compare the effectiveness of plyometric only (PLYO) with balance and plyometric (COMBINED) training on balance and power measures in children. Before and after an 8-week training period, testing assessed lower-body strength (1 repetition maximum leg press), power (horizontal and vertical jumps, triple hop for distance, reactive strength, and leg stiffness), running speed (10-m and 30-m sprint), static and dynamic balance (Standing Stork Test and Star Excursion Balance Test), and agility (shuttle run). Subjects were randomly divided into 2 training groups (PLYO [n = 14] and COMBINED [n = 14]) and a control group (n = 12). Results based on magnitude-based inferences and precision of estimation indicated that the COMBINED training group was considered likely to be superior to the PLYO group in leg stiffness (d = 0.69, 91% likely), 10-m sprint (d = 0.57, 84% likely), and shuttle run (d = 0.52, 80% likely). The difference between the groups was unclear in 8 of the 11 dependent variables. COMBINED training enhanced activities such as 10-m sprints and shuttle runs to a greater degree. COMBINED training could be an important consideration for reducing the high velocity impacts of PLYO training. This reduction in stretch-shortening cycle stress on neuromuscular system with the replacement of balance and landing exercises might help to alleviate the overtraining effects of excessive repetitive high load activities.


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Excursion from safe cathodic protection (CP) potentials occurs on buried steel pipelines due to various forms of electrical interferences such as stray currents. Variations in pH can also occur over some pipeline sections such as seashore and river crossing pipes. Currently, the exact effects of potential excursion and the pH on CP efficiency have not been sufficiently quantified preliminary due to difficulties in measuring these effects. In this work, these effects have been investigated using electrochemical cells designed to mimic the high resistivity and pH conditions observable over underground steel pipes, including a new electrochemical cell that has been designed to facilitate the effective simulation and control of pH, potential excursion and other CP testing parameters. The pH has been shown to be a key factor affecting the patterns of corrosion and CP efficiency. Localised corrosion has been found to be the dominating form of corrosion under potential excursions conditions.


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Excursion of cathodic protection (CP) potential from the designed "safe" CP level resulting from various forms of electrical interference signals are observed rather frequently in industrial applications, in particular in the pipeline industry; however, the influence of such potential fluctuations on the corrosion behavior of steel under CP conditions does not yet appear to be fully understood. In this work, the effects of anodic transients that periodically shift the potential of a CP protected steel electrode from-1,200 mVAg/AgCl to-750 mVAg/AgCl on the corrosion of a steel electrode in aqueous media was investigated using square wave polarization. Anodic currents were measured that lasted for significant periods of time upon stepping the CP potential up to a less cathodic potential at various frequencies (1 h, 30 s, 10 s, 5 s, and 1 s). Part of such anodic currents is found to cause steel corrosion, and this is explained on the basis of understanding the Fe/H2O equilibrium.