92 resultados para EFL learners

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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In order to test the effect of discourse organization on reading comprehension, two expository texts having an SPSE (situation- problem solution-evaluation) pattern were adminestered to a group of 30 undergraduate EFL students from Shahid Chamran University of Ahwaz who had been screened from among 100 students. These students had scored 60 and over from a language proficiency test having 75 items. The results of the study confirmed that the subjects had relatively more difficulty in recalling the evaluation and the solution sections, and in particular the details of 'solution', than other sections of the expository texts. It is concluded that in addition to language proficiency, other factors such as voice and cognition which contribute to the organization of text and hence to the comprehensibility of it are essential.


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By relying mainly on the accessibility approach to anaphora, this article intends to analyze the types, distributions and retrieval of anaphors in two forms of spoken discourse: casual and controlled talk. For the specific purposes of the study, twenty sophomore Iranian students were randomly selected to conduct the talks. The subjects were divided into two groups of casual and controlled talk. According to the settings and adopted topics, the overall casual talk group was further divided into two groups of dorm and academic talk. In the end, it was observed that as the talk situations vary, types, frequencies, distances, retrieval qualities and thematic structure (patterning) of anaphors undergo dramatic changes too. Further analyses of the obtained data show that the number of pronominal anaphors is by far more than NP anaphors in dorm casual talk whereas in academic casual talk the number of NP anaphors exceeds that of the former talk groups. However, the distribution of anaphors in the performance of controlled talk groups has shown to be more moderate with regard to the types of anaphors used in it. Overall, the distributional patterns of various anaphoric devices in different talk situations are considered to be a function of the speakers’ evaluation of the cognitive states of the listeners/addressees.
Average distances and frequencies of the different types of zero, pronominal, and NP anaphors have also been shown to undergo dramatic changes as talk situations vary.


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Consciousness-raising (CR) task is a new way of teaching grammar developed in communicative contexts although little has been written on the effectiveness of CR tasks in EFL setting. The present study is an attempt to investigate the impact of CR tasks in Iranian EFL setting by comparing them with deductive, grammar lessons common in the Iranian schools. The subjects of this study were 80 EFL pre-university male students who were randomly assigned to an experimental group and a control one. The control group received three ordinary teacher-fronted, deductive lessons, a common way of teaching methodology in Iran, on three grammatical structures (adverb placement, indirect object placement and the use of relative clause). The experimental group, however, was treated with three ‘consciousness-raising’ (CR) tasks dealing with the same target structures. The results showed that in the short-run, CR tasks were as effective as deductive approach in promoting the learners’ grammatical knowledge while in the long-run, the CR group maintained their gains more effectively than the deductive group. The conclusion is that CR tasks can function more effectively than deductive approach if the following conditions are met: (a) performing the consciousness-raising tasks in learners’ L1; (b) providing the learners with feedback whenever they encounter a problem in solving the tasks; (c) grouping the learners in such a way that at least one learner in each group would be more proficient than the other members to help the less proficient ones understand and discover the rules more effectively.


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Foreign language learners encounter difficulties utilizing metaphorical expressions in everyday language, particularly because the use of metaphors in the discourse context is inescapable. In this study, efforts have been made to provide an effective way for the Iranian language learners to acquire and employ conceptual and image metaphors. The instruction took place on 60 junior students studying at the University of Petroleum Engineering at Ahvaz, a southern city in Iran, who were selected on the basis of their high marks on an English proficiency test. Forty metaphors of both types were presented to the participants during 10 sessions of instruction. To collect data on the learners' performance, a 30- item sentence completion test requiring 'word-given' and 'recognition' type responses was prepared and administered. The results of a statistical t-test indicated no significant difference in the rate of acquiring conceptual and image metaphors (P>.05). Therefore, both metaphors can be successfully taught concurrently with little difficulty.


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This article reports on the difference between points of view in narrating a short story. The EFL learners taking part in the control group were required to recount the events from the third person perspective and the subjects in the experimental group from the first person perspective. The methodological frame of the study was based on Koven’s (2002) ‘content analysis’ of codification of various speaker role inhabitances, published in the Journal of Pragmatics. The results demonstrate that the first person narrators’ recall performance and the length of their stories are closer to the original version of the story than those of the other group, which indicates a specific ‘orientation’ towards the sequence of events. This was seen in the patterning of clauses as well as in authorial and interlocutory double voicing speech in the first person narrators, which may be justified by the enhancement of two components essential to literary engagement: namely, ‘aesthetic reading’ and ‘personal response’ as parts of ‘critical focalization’.


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The present study on politeness is an attempt to examine (dis)agreeing strategies utilized by EFL learners while chatting on the internet. Subjects of the study were forty male and thirty-three female Iranian natives whose internet relay chat (IRC) interactions, composed of 400 excerpts, were collected between December 2007 and September 2008. Data analysis was based on the general taxonomy of politeness strategies suggested by Brown and Levinson (1987) which is the baseline of many politeness studies today. The results indicate that IRC is a mode of communication whose characteristics are typically different from face-to-face and real-life conversational settings. Some common face threatening acts (FTAs) like ‘direct disagreements’ are performed widely in chat channels. Furthermore, gender-oriented differences were found not to be statistically significant on the internet.


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This study seeks to determine the possible interactions between listening proficiency and the state of strategic self-awareness; second, and more importantly, to investigate the effects of learned strategies on listening comprehension and recall; and finally to describe the most common real-time listening comprehension problems faced by EFL learners and to compare the differences between learners with different listening abilities. After ten training sessions, an assessment was made to see whether or not well-learned strategies could provide students with ample opportunity to practice the comprehension and recall processes. The analyses of the data revealed the causes of ineffective low-level processing and provided insights to solve the problems of parsing. Moreover, the study reveals that explicit instruction of cognitive and metacognitive strategies is needed if a syllabus wishes to help learners improve their listening comprehension and become more-proficient at directing their own learning and development as L2 listeners.


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The study reported in this paper explores issues of motivation and learners’ identity in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) writing classroom in Vietnam from the perspectives of the learners. It was conducted with thirty English-major students at a university in central Vietnam. While relevant literature appears to place much emphasis on students’ extrinsic motivations related to institutional needs, their linguistic needs, and social needs in learning EFL writing, students are not only concerned with these but more significantly, with their intrinsic motivations such as their interest, passion and inspiration, which are linked to their personal and cultural needs in writing. Students in this study show their potential to write independently, creatively and passionately if they are really motivated. This reflects an image of students who are able and ready to write with a sense of authorship in a foreign language, which is different from how they appear to be in the routine described with writing as imitating the model and developing some preconceived ideas. The research also suggests that decisions about appropriate methods and materials for teaching writing in the study context need to be based on a comprehensive interpretation of not only the visible signs or visible needs mainly shaped by institutional requirements and social expectations but also what is deep inside students’ act of writing in a foreign language involving their own cognitive and affective process embedded in their unrecognised needs.


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Transfer is crucial during the learning and acquisition of a Second Language (L2) and can affect learners' production and reception at all stages of learning. The ·process of transfer can be explained as the use of structures or lexical items which are concurrent with or deviant from the target language, but which are in fact copies of structures or lexical items from the learner's First Language (L1) (Larranaga, Treffers-Daller, Tidball & Ortega, 2011). Transfer is a common occurrence and as such, it' is crucial to acknowledge its use and utility by learners during the process of second language learning and acquisition. Transfer is not always negative; structures and lexical items from a learner's L1 may transfer into their L2 with accuracy and naturalness. This may be particularly the case where a learner is acquiring a language which is cognate with their L1 and as such has a high degree of reciprocity or overlap. However, even cognate languages contain distinctive structures and words which L2 learners must identify as reciprocal or non-reciprocal in order to improve their writing by avoiding negative transfer. Transfer often occurs via translation, particularly for lexical items. Adult L2 learners rely on L1 translation particularly for lexical processing and production; learners' knowledge of L1 informs their use of L2 vocabulary to varying degrees depending on their proficiency (Jiang, 2004).


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This study was intended to determine whether or not the genre of a reading text affects the incidental vocabulary acquisition of L2 learners while reading. To this aim, 40 Iranian EFL students whose vocabulary knowledge was within a limited range (already determined by Nation’s Vocabulary Levels Test) were divided into two groups of 20 each for the reading sections. The Narrative Group comprised the participants who read the narratives, and the Expository Group were those who read the expository texts. Three types of vocabulary tests (i.e., Form recognition, Meaning translation and Multiple-choice items) were administered after the reading sessions to assess the incidental vocabulary gains of the participants. Overall, this study demonstrated the relative superiority of expository texts over narratives in terms of enhancing readers' incidental acquisition of unknown words. It is argued that depending on the genre of a text, readers will invest processing resources with different depths and varying degrees of cognitive elaboration for the task of comprehension.


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Despite their apparent straightforwardness, certain features of language seem almost less teachable. The learners’ writing is often full of minor errors on surface features that make it hard for the reader to make sense of it, let alone appreciate its content. These language features are taught to students of English during their first two years of education at university. However, whether these courses accomplish that goal to an acceptable point is questionable.

The present study focuses on two such aspects of writing, punctuation and spelling, in the writing of advanced level students at an Iranian University. For this purpose, three different subject groups are chosen from among those who have passed Grammar and Writing I, Grammar and Writing II, and Advanced Writing. Using a recognition-production (henceforth R-P) and a composition task, the performance of these groups is compared in various aspects of punctuation. For the measurement of spelling, a descriptive approach is taken based on the misspellings observed in the students' compositions. These errors are classified according to their assumed causes, and frequency counts are performed for the words of each category. The results of the punctuation and spelling tasks are compared across test items, subject groups and task types, using various statistical means. Overall, it was found that the courses mentioned above did not make much contribution to the development of the students’writing in terms of spelling and punctuation.


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Focuses on flexible training and its implementation in the workplace; examines the barriers for those learners on vocational programmes involved in self-directed independent learning. Discusses ways to develop learners self-direction and to improve learners ability to use and access a wide range of learning media. Highlights the need to establish structures to support learning through flexible training. Puts forward a two-dimensional diagram describing business vocational learner preferences, and outlines three sets of strategies to develop effective enterprise support for flexible training.


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Although the flexible delivery of training in the workplace has become a favoured policy position for training authorities in both Britain and Australia, this article reviews research that indicates neither learners nor their workplaces are well prepared. Drawing on the author's own research and that from the broader literature, the article develops a model for the preparation of learners and workplaces for flexible delivery of training. Deriving from the proposed model, the article suggests a wide range of strategies that may be used in preparing learners and workplaces for successful engagement with the flexible delivery of training.


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This paper draws on two studies which researched the use of online small group environments where collaborative learning is a central structure for learning. The establishment of social presence is facilitated through the socio-affective aspect of small group interaction which contributed to the effectiveness of learning online. Social presence, the ability of online learners to project themselves into a textual environment which has few visual or contextual cues, will be explored as an important element in facilitating effective online learning. The teacher's role in helping students project their online social presence and in establishing an environment for learning within the larger group computer conference will also be discussed.