24 resultados para Dairy products.

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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Aim: To assess the effectiveness of specific advice for increasing fruit, vegetable and dairy intake in free-living men participating in a weight loss study.

Methods: Subjects were randomised to one of two 12-week weight loss diets, either the WELL with daily targets of four serves of fruit, four serves of vegetables and three serves of dairy or a low fat diet (LF) with general advice to increase fruit and vegetable intake. Three-day food group diaries and a food frequency questionnaire assessed intake.

Results: Fifty-four overweight/obese male adults completed the study (WELL, n = 27; LF, n = 27; body mass index (mean ± standard deviation), 30.4 ± 2.5 kg/m2; age, 47.7 ± 9.5 years). There was no difference in mean weight change between groups (WELL, −4.8 ± 3.3 kg; LF, −4.6 ± 3.1 kg). Subjects on the WELL diet had greater (mean difference ± standard error) fruit (0.7 ± 0.2 serves/day), vegetable (1.2 ± 0.2 serves/day) and dairy (1.1 ± 0.1 serves/day) intakes than the LF group (measured by the food group diaries) (all P < 0.01). The WELL group reached the daily target for fruit from week 1 (4.7 ± 1.4 serves/day), vegetables by week 6 (4.1 ± 1.5 serves/day) and for dairy by week 8 (3.0 ± 0.8 serves/day).

Providing specific dietary targets to men for weight loss appears to promote greater consumption of fruit, vegetable and dairy foods than providing general dietary advice. Meeting dietary targets appears to require different adjustment periods depending on the food type.


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The emergence of synthetic bovine Somatotropin (bST) is one of the most widely discussed advances in biotechnology. Its potential impacts on milk production around the world could be significant. However, the exact economic impacts of bST in any one region depends on a number of factors, some of which are still highly controversial.

This article sets out to estimate the economic impacts of the adoption of bST in the United States, the single largest milk producer in the Western world. A quarterly econometric model of the U.S. dairy sector is used to forecast the total production, consumption, and excess supply of milk to 1995. The preliminary results indicate that under the assumption of a gradual rate of adoption and a 15 percent milk production response, the United States could be exporting as much milk as New Zealand by 1995. Should the production response rate or the adoption rate be higher, the United States could indeed become a major competitor in the world dairy market by 1995.

Although such a development could adversely impact on other dairy exporters, such as New Zealand, the precise economic impacts on world prices and trade would depend crucially on the position that other major dairy producers, especially the EC, adopt with respect to the use of bST.


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With rising burdens of obesity and chronic disease, the role of diet as a modifiable risk factor is of increasing public health interest. There is a growing body of evidence that low consumption of dairy products is associated with elevated risk of chronic metabolic and cardiovascular disorders. Surveys also suggest that dairy product consumption falls well below recommended targets for much of the population in many countries, including the USA, UK, and Australia. We reviewed the scientific literature on the health effects of dairy product consumption (both positive and negative) and used the best available evidence to estimate the direct healthcare expenditure and burden of disease [disability-adjusted life years (DALY)] attributable to low consumption of dairy products in Australia. We implemented a novel technique for estimating population attributable risk developed for application in nutrition and other areas in which exposure to risk is a continuous variable. We found that in the 2010-2011 financial year, AUD$2.0 billion (USD$2.1 billion, €1.6 billion, or ∼1.7% of direct healthcare expenditure) and the loss of 75,012 DALY were attributable to low dairy product consumption. In sensitivity analyses, varying core assumptions yielded corresponding estimates of AUD$1.1-3.8 billion (0.9-3.3%) and 38,299-151,061 DALY lost. The estimated healthcare cost attributable to low dairy product consumption is comparable with total spending on public health in Australia (AUD$2.0 billion in 2009-2010). These findings justify the development and evaluation of cost-effective interventions that use dairy products as a vector for reducing the costs of diet-related disease.


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New Zealand is one of the world’s largest producers of dairy products and has a climate with high levels of solar radiation; however, the use of solar energy in the dairy processing industry has received limited attention. An examination of historical records found that the annual peak in New Zealand milk production and processing occurs at a time when solar radiation levels are increasing markedly. An F-Chart analysis was used to simulate the performance of large-area arrays of solar collectors and to determine their suitability for heating and cooling in a dairy processing environment. For the study four types of solar collectors were analysed: glazed flat plates, evacuated tubes, evacuated tubes with CPC reflectors and a building-integrated solar collector under development at the University of Waikato (UoW). It was found that of these echnologies, both flat plate and evacuated tubes with CPC reflectors could make useful heating and cooling contributions. Furthermore, the solar fraction was determined mainly by the collector area to storage volume ratio. Finally, it was found that the UoW building-integrated solar collector could make a significant contribution to energy use in dairies and may be an attractive future technology for the industry.


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Objective: To investigate the proportion of middle-aged Australian women meeting national dietary recommendations and its variation according to selected sociodemographic and behavioural characteristics.

Design: This cross-sectional population-based study used a food-frequency questionnaire to investigate dietary patterns and compliance with 13 commonly promoted dietary guidelines among a cohort of middle-aged women participating in the Australian Longitudinal Study on Women's Health.

Setting: Nation-wide community-based survey.

Subjects: A total of 10 561 women aged 50–55 years at the time of the survey in 2001.

Results: Only about one-third of women complied with more than half of the guidelines, and only two women in the entire sample met all 13 guidelines examined. While guidelines for meat/fish/poultry/eggs/nuts/legumes and ‘extra’ foods (e.g. ice cream, chocolate, cakes, potatoes, pizza, hamburgers and wine) were met well, large percentages of women (68–88%) did not meet guidelines relating to the consumption of breads, cereal-based foods and dairy products, and intakes of total and saturated fat and iron. Women working in lower socio-economic status occupations, and women living alone or with people other than a partner and/or children, were at significantly increased risk of not meeting guidelines.

Conclusions: The present results indicate that a large proportion of middle-aged Australian women are not meeting dietary guidelines. Without substantial changes in their diets, and help in making these changes, current national guidelines appear unachievable for many women.


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Background: Weight loss reduces blood pressure, and the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet has also been shown to lower blood pressure.

Objective: Our goal was to assess the effect on blood pressure of 2 weight-reduction diets: a low-fat diet (LF diet) and a moderate-sodium, high-potassium, high-calcium, low-fat DASH diet (WELL diet).

Design: After baseline measurements, 63 men were randomly assigned to either the WELL or the LF diet for 12 wk, and both diet groups undertook 0.5 h of moderate physical activity on most days of the week.

Results: Fifty-four men completed the study. Their mean (±SD) age was 47.9 ± 9.3 y (WELL diet, n = 27; LF diet, n = 27), and their mean baseline home systolic and diastolic blood pressures were 129.4 ± 11.3 and 80.6 ± 8.6 mm Hg, respectively. Body weight decreased by 4.9 ± 0.6 kg (±SEM) in the WELL group and by 4.6 ± 0.6 kg in the LF group (P < 0.001 for both). There was a greater decrease in blood pressure in the WELL group than in the LF group [between-group difference (week 12 –baseline) in both SBP (5.5 ± 1.9 mm Hg; P = 0.006) and DBP (4.4 ± 1.2 mm Hg; P = 0.001)].

Conclusions: For a comparable 5-kg weight loss, a diet high in low-fat dairy products, vegetables, and fruit (the WELL diet) resulted in a greater decrease in blood pressure than did the LF diet. This dietary approach to achieving weight reduction may confer an additional benefit in reducing blood pressure in those who are overweight.


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The aim of this study was to review the published literature values for the selenium content of Australian foods. A secondary aim was to compare the results for Australian foods with food composition data from international sources to investigate the extent of geographical variation. Published food composition data sources for the selenium content in Australian foods were identified and assessed for data quality using established criteria. The selenium content is available for 148 individual food items. The highest values found are for fish (12.0–63.2 μg/100 g), meats (4.75–37.9 μg/100 g) and eggs (9.00–41.4 μg/100 g), followed by cereals (1.00–20.3 μg/100 g). Moderate levels are seen in dairy products (2.00–7.89 μg/100 g) while most fruits and vegetables have low levels (trace—3.27 μg/100 g). High selenium foods show the greatest level of geographical variation, with foods from the United States generally having higher selenium levels than Australian foods and foods from the United Kingdom and New Zealand having lower levels. This is the first attempt to review the available literature for selenium composition of Australian foods. These data serve as an interim measure for the assessment of selenium intake for use in epidemiological studies of diet–disease relationships.


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The aim of this study was to investigate the dietary, physical activity and sedentary behaviours of adolescents from four secondary schools in Warrnambool, regional Victoria. In 2004, a random sample of students (n=712), stratified by school year level, was generated from school enrolment databases and 443 students completed a lifestyle questionnaire. Twenty per cent of students were physically active for 60 minutes or more per day; 28 per cent used electronic media in free time for a maximum of two hours per day. Only seven per cent of students met these two Australian physical activity recommendations. Fruit, vegetables and dairy products were consumed every day by 39 per cent, 40 per cent and 71 per cent of students respectively; three serves per day of each of these foods are recommended for Australian adolescents. Compared with boys, girls were less physically active (p<0.001), consumed more fruit (p=0.011) and vegetables (p<0.001), but fewer dairy products (p<0.024). Seventeen per cent of students were overweight or obese; these students were less physically active than normal weight peers (p<0.018). The dietary, physical and sedentary behaviours of regional Victorian secondary school students in this study were inadequate when compared with Australian recommendations. Dietary and physical activity habits are still evolving in adolescence and unhealthy habits can still be changed.


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Manipulation of the composition of milkfat has the potential to improve the nutritional properties and physical functionality of milkfat and its acceptability in the market. The modifications that have been targeted from a nutritional perspective have included:
(a) reducing the ratio of saturated to unsaturated fatty acids;
(b) increasing the level of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids; and
(c) increasing the content of conjugated linoleic acid.
From a physical functionality viewpoint, the outcome targeted has been an improvement in the spreadability of butter by altering milkfat composition to reduce the hardness of milkfat. Both on-farm strategies and the application of appropriate post-farm processing technologies may be used to alter the milkfat composition to enhance its nutritional image and its physical functionality for a range of product applications. However, changes in milkfat composition that are desirable for a specific nutritional purpose or for one type of milk-based product may not meet all the desirable requirements of another milkfat or dairy product. Furthermore, modification of the milkfat composition can also have an influence on the processing characteristics of milk and the quality of finished dairy products. It is essential to substantiate the benefits of specific target nutritional or physical functionality outcomes before the introduction of breeding goals, altered milk production systems or post-farm processing operations to manipulate milkfat composition. This paper reviews the variation in milkfat characteristics and the strategies that have been used to modify milkfat composition to achieve milkfat with altered nutritional and physical functional properties.


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Objective: To describe characteristics of the Victorian out of school hours care (OSHC) sector to assess its potential role in promoting healthy lifestyles to children and their families.

Design: Written questionnaires were sent to 1100 Victorian OSHC programs to collect information about the services, foods and activities offered to children, the training and resources utilised by staff and the type of information sent home to parents/guardians.

Subjects: A total of 426 Victorian OSHC coordinators completed questionnaires in the present descriptive study (39% response rate).

Setting: Out of school hours care provides care for 5–12 years olds before school, after school and/or during school holidays.

Results: Over 80% of coordinators reported offering fruit, breads, cereals, and milk and dairy products. One-third offer vegetables as part of meals or snacks. One-third reported offering cakes, biscuits and/or slices, and chips and/or pastries. About 17% reported offering water, whereas 24% reported offering cordial/soft drinks and fruit juice. Cooking was offered as an after-school activity by about half of those surveyed. Active games were common (62%) as were indoor active games and sports (36%). Sedentary activities were also commonplace (37–51%). Only about 30% of OSHC coordinators had participated in nutrition and/or physical activity training in the previous two years. Few OSHC programs sent home health information to parents/guardians.

Conclusion and application: Opportunities exist to help Victorian OSHC programs with nutrition and physical activity information, resources and training. Although the findings of the present study are specific to Victoria, they highlight the potential role of the growing OSHC sector to help improve the health of Australian children.


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Background – The DASH type dietary pattern which consists of high fruit, vegetable and dairy products and low saturated fat, is “base-producing” but restricts red meat with no clear justification.
Objective – To compare the BP-lowering effect of Vitality diet (VD), a moderately low sodium, “base” producing modified DASH diet, containing 6 serves/week of lean red meat to a “ high carbohydrate, low fat diet (HCLF diet), with a higher dietary acid load in post-menopausal women.
Design – Ninety-five hypertensive post-menopausal women (46 VD and 49 HCLF) completed a 14-wk randomised parallel study. Home BP was measured daily. Repeat 24-h dietary records and 24-h urine samples were collected fortnightly. Dietary acid load, expressed as potential renal acid load (PRAL), was calculated from nutrient intakes.
Outcomes – During the intervention, the VD group had an average daily consumption of 85 g cooked red meat. They had a mean (± SEM) reduction of 38 ± 7 mmol/d in urinary sodium excretion (P <0.0001), and a 7 ± 4 mmol/d increase in urinary potassium (P = 0.0681), with an estimated 23.1± 2.3 mEq/d lower PRAL than the HCLF group (P <0.0001). The fall in systolic pressure in the VD group tended to be greater by 3 ± 2 mmHg (P = 0.08) than the fall in systolic pressure seen with the HCLF diet. A greater BP-lowering effect of VD was observed among those taking anti-hypertensive medication (n = 17) with a greater 5.5 ± 2.7 mm Hg (P = 0.0518) reduction of systolic BP and greater reduction in diastolic BP by 3.6 ± 1.7 mm Hg (P = 0.0388) compared to the HCLF diet. However, no relationship between BP and PRAL was observed.
Conclusions – A low sodium DASH type dietary pattern with the inclusion of lean red meat was effective in reducing BP in post-menopausal women, particularly in those taking anti-hypertensive medication. This dietary pattern could be recommended for this group who are at increased risk of cardiovascular disease.
This study was funded by Meat & Livestock Australia.


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To explore the relation between preeclampsia risk and maternal intake of dietary fiber, potassium, magnesium and calcium. STUDY DESIGN: We conducted a case-control study of 172 preeclamptics and 339 normotensive controls. Maternal dietary intake was assessed using a food frequency questionnaire. Logistic regression procedures were used to estimate the association between each dietary factor and preeclampsia risk. RESULTS: Fiber intake was inversely associated with the risk of preeclampsia. When extreme quartiles of total fiber intake were compared, the odds ratio (OR) for preeclampsia was 0.46 (95% confidence interval [CI] 0.23-0.92). The multivariate OR for preeclampsia for women in the top quartile of potassium intake (>4.1 g/d) versus the lowest quartile (<2.4 g/d) was 0.49 (95% CI 0.24-0.99). There was some evidence of a reduced risk of preeclampsia with a high intake of magnesium and calcium, though these results were not statistically significant. Intake of fruits and vegetables, low-fat dairy products, total cereal and dark bread were each associated with a reduced risk of preeclampsia. CONCLUSION: Our results support previous reports that suggest that diets high in fiber and potassium are associated with a reduced risk of hypertension. Maternal intake of recommended amounts of foods rich in fiber, potassium and other nutrients may reduce the risk of preeclampsia.


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There is much interest in the nature and quality of the diet consumed by adolescents. To determine whether there are significant associations between diet and gain in height and weight in this age group, the present study analysed data on food intake and weight and height obtained on three occasions over a 30-month period from a total of 326 adolescents aged between 12 and 15 years. Information on sociodemographic and other lifestyle factors, including an indicator of physical activity, was also obtained. Energy intake was found to be a significant positive predictor of both height and weight gain. In addition intake of fat, calcium and riboflavin were found to be significant positive predicators of height gain and intake of carbohydrate and starch significant positive predictors of weight gain. After controlling for energy intake only riboflavin approached significance as a positive predictor of height gain. A food group analysis identified intake of dairy foods as a significant predictor of height gain. Although statistically significant the dietary predictors explained only a small proportion of the variability in height and weight (≤3.5%). Given the difficulties in obtaining complete dietary records from this age group and the generally adequate nature of the diet in the study group, the small proportion of height and weight gain explained by diet is not unexpected. Nevertheless the nutrient predictors identified are consistent with nutrient requirements for growth during adolescence and highlight the importance, for this age group, of an adequate intake of nutrients specifically provided by dairy foods. Few significant associations were found between growth rates and the sociodemographic and the lifestyle factors measured in this study. The ethnic diversity of the study sample may have contributed to this outcome.


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PURPOSE: To compare the views of general practitioners, cardiologists and dietitians about the relevance of the Heart Foundation of Australia's dietary recommendations for adult cardiac patients.

Quantitative-cross sectional study. Postal questionnaires were self-completed by 248 Victorian general practitioners (30% response), 189 Australia-wide cardiologists (47% response) and 180 Victorian dietitians (45% response). Responses were represented as percentages and analyses of variance were conducted to explore the impact of the independent variables: age, work status and gender on the dependent variable: dietary recommendation.

Approximately half of the recommendations were viewed as strongly important to implement; these related to lean meats, limiting takeaways and cakes/biscuits, and adjusting energy intake. Others of importance were eating fruits, vegetables and fish. However, most of these goals were seen as difficult to achieve. Dietitians appeared to share responses of doctors, except for greater importance of eating fruit and vegetables and a greater difficulty in limiting cakes and biscuits. There was a high level of agreement among the three groups (mean 87%) about patients having difficulty implementing adjusting energy intake.

CONCLUSIONS: There is agreement amongst these professionals that many of the recommendations lack importance, specifically those pertaining to unsaturated oils, low fat dairy products, cholesterol rich foods, intake of legumes and grains and the restriction of salt. This may reflect a need for further nutrition education.