21 resultados para Cw

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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The aim of this study was to determine the effects of starvation and water quality during the purging process on the biometric parameters, fatty acids, and flavor volatiles of Murray cod farmed in a recirculation system. Market size Murray cod, at the end of the grow-out stage, were divided into eight treatments. The treatments were either fed/starved (F or S) and kept in clean water (CW: CWF2, CWS2, CWF4, and CWS4) or fed/starved and kept in recycled water (RW: RWF2, RWS2, RWF4, and RWS4) for either 2 or 4 weeks. Fish were sampled at 0, 2, and 4 week intervals. Food deprivation was responsible for a significant (P < 0.05) weight loss compared to that of fed treatments. The same was observed for the condition factor (K), hepatosomatic index (HSI), and dress-out percentage (DP). No significant changes were, however, observed in the visceral fat index (VFI). Saturated fatty acids (SFA) were highest in RWF4 and lowest in CWS4 (P < 0.05), while monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) were lowest in CWF4 (P < 0.05). Starvation did not affect the flavor volatile compounds, which were mainly affected by changes in water quality. Specifically, total aldehyde (% w/w) content was significantly (P < 0.05) affected by water quality, but the time of purging was not responsible for any noteworthy differences. This study was able to separate the effects of starvation and water quality, in the purging process, on the final eating quality of farmed market size Murray cod. It is concluded that because of the inevitable weight loss during starvation, Murray cod should be fed during the purging stage but kept in clean water and deprived of food only for the time necessary to empty the gastro-intestinal tract.


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The Raman and photoluminescence (PL) spectra of nanocrystalline zinc oxide produced by mechanochemical synthesis were measured using a pulsed nitrogen laser (337.1 nm) and xenon lamp (360 nm) as excitation sources in PL measurements and a cw Nd:YAG laser in Raman measurements. PL was observed in the range 400–800 nm. The Raman spectrum of nanocrystalline (90 nm) ZnO was compared to that of coarsegrained ZnO. The Raman bands of nanocrystalline zinc oxide were found to be shifted to lower frequencies and broadened. Laser radiation was shown to cause local heating of zinc oxide up to 1000 K, resulting in photoinduced formation of zinc nanoclusters. Mixtures of zinc oxide and sodium chloride powders are heated to substantially lower temperatures. Under nitrogen laser excitation, the green PL band (535 nm), characteristic of bulk ZnO, is shifted to longer wavelengths by 85 nm. The results are interpreted in terms of light confinement in zinc oxide microclusters consisting of large number of nanocrystallites. The photoinduced processes in question may be a viable approach to producing metal-insulator structures in globular photonic crystals, opals, filled with zinc oxide.


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A novel approach to producing improved bio-interfaces by combining continuous wave (CW) and pulsed plasma polymerization (PP) modes is reported. This approach has enabled the generation of stable interfaces with a higher density of primary amine functionality on metal, ceramic and semiconductor surfaces. Heptylamine (HA) was used as the amine-precursor. In this new design, a thin CW PPHA layer is introduced to provide strong cross-linking and attachment to the metal or semiconductor surfaces and to provide a good foundation for better bonding a pulsed PPHA layer with high retention of functional groups. The combined mode provides the pulsed mode advantage of a 3-fold higher density of primary amines, while retaining much of the markedly higher stability in aqueous solutions of the continuous mode.


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When using linguistic approaches to solve decision problems, we need the techniques for computing with words (CW). Together with the 2-tuple fuzzy linguistic representation models (i.e., the Herrera and Mart´ınez model and the Wang and Hao model), some computational techniques for CW are also developed. In this paper, we define the concept of numerical scale and extend the 2-tuple fuzzy linguistic representation models under the numerical scale.We find that the key of computational techniques
based on linguistic 2-tuples is to set suitable numerical scale with
the purpose of making transformations between linguistic 2-tuples
and numerical values. By defining the concept of the transitive
calibration matrix and its consistent index, this paper develops an optimization model to compute the numerical scale of the linguistic term set. The desired properties of the optimization model are also presented. Furthermore, we discuss how to construct the transitive calibration matrix for decision problems using linguistic preference relations and analyze the linkage between the consistent index of the transitive calibration matrix and one of the linguistic preference relations. The results in this paper are pretty helpful to complete the fuzzy 2-tuple representation models for CW.


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The treatment efficiency of a wetland system requires a balance between pollutant loading rate and hydraulic retention time (HRT), hydraulic loading rate (HLR) and the suitable substrate to be used. The aim of this study was to investigate the treatment efficiency of horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetland planted with phragmites australis and scirpus maritimus containing three different substrates to treat agricultural wastewater under short term operation. Alum sludge and zeolite were used as substrates and gravel was used as a control for a laboratory-scale horizontal flow constructed wetland (CW) units that were made of high-density Polyethylene. The units were operated under 2, 3 and 4 days of HRTs and at different HLR for each substrate. Each beds received 0.012 m3/d to 0.08 m3/d of synthetic wastewater corresponding to a HLR of 0.035 to 0.243 m/d and a COD loading rate of 0.0148 kg COD (m2.d)-1 to 0.026 kg COD (m2.d)-1. The relationships between the substrate, retention time and removal efficiency, especially of organic matter and nutrient removal were investigated. All units showed relatively stable removal for COD during the entire operational period. The COD removal for all units and HRT were in ranged from 67% to 93%. The zeolite unit achieved significantly higher removal of TN, NH4-N and TSS compared to alum sludge and gravel unit at all HRT. The unit with zeolite was highly effective in removing TN (54 to 96%), NH4-N (50 to 99%) and TSS (91 to 96%) respectively, at 2, 3 and 4 days of HRT. Meanwhile, alum sludge was highly effective in removing phosphate. The removal of phosphate from alum sludge unit was ranged from 94 to 97% for all HRT. Compared to gravel CW unit, zeolite and alum sludge CW were proved to be tolerant to high organic loadings and nutrients, suggesting these substrates as viable options for biological treatment of agricultural wastewater.


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The purpose was to investigate the effects of the spectral power distribution (SPD) and illuminance of task lighting on visual function in age-related macular degeneration (ARMD) compared to normal healthy eyes. Twenty-eight subjects with ARMD and 18 age-matched normal subjects were studied. The effects on visual function were determined for four common task light sources: standard pearl coat incandescent (SP), daylight blue incandescent (DL), warm white fluorescent (WW) and cool white fluorescent (CW). Apart from a small, statistically significant improvement in contrast sensitivity with DL compared to SP lighting (0.5 dB, p = 0.01), there were no significant effects of SPD on other visual functions and no differences in the effects for subjects with ARMD and those with normal vision. Thus, for task lighting typically used in low vision rehabilitation, the SPD would seem to be of minimal clinical importance to visual function. However, increasing the task illuminance had a greater effect on visual function, in particular for subjects with ARMD (p < 0.01). For an increase in illuminance from 300 to 3000 lux, the mean increase in contrast sensitivity and near visual acuity was 1.5 dB and 0.13 log MAR, respectively. Although this effect is not large, we suggest that it is clinically relevant and supports the provision of additional task illuminance as an important part of low vision rehabilitation for patients with ARMD.


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Purpose. Little is known about the contact lens prescribing habits of optometrists in North America. The purpose of this survey was to obtain data on the types of lenses and solutions prescribed by Canadian optometrists.

Methods. One thousand Canadian optometrists were surveyed annually over seven consecutive years (2000 to 2006; n = 7000) on their contact lens prescribing preferences. Each survey requested a range of information about the contact lenses prescribed to the first 10 patients after its receipt.

Results. Over this time period, 1008 (14.4%) of the surveys were returned, providing data on 9383 fits. During the seven-year period, the ratio of male:female fits was 1:2 (3123:6217, 43 not reported), with a mean age of 31.3 ± 13.6 years (range 2 to 82 years). The ratio of new fits to refits was 2:3 (3780:5518, 85 not reported), with 91.3% of all fits being soft contact lenses (SCL). Of the SCL fits, 59.5% were spherical, 28.5% toric, 9.7% multifocal, and 2.3% cosmetic tints. Gas permeable (GP) fits were 46.6% spherical, 18.6% toric, 19.5% multifocal, and 6.6% were for orthokeratology (OK). Over the seven-year period, SCL prescribed for continuous wear (CW) increased from 3.2% to 14.3% between 2000 and 2004 and reduced to 8.1% in 2006, for all fits. The use of mid-water content (MWC) materials decreased from 34.6% to 2.7% and the use of silicone hydrogel (SH) lenses increased from 61.4% to 96.2%, for all CW fits. GP lens continuous wear increased from 0.7% to 30.6% of all GP lens fits by 2006. Daily wear (DW) of SH lenses decreased from 49.6% (2000) to 33.7% (2004) and then increased to 86.1% in 2006, for SH fits. MWC SCL fit on a monthly planned replacement (PR) basis reduced in popularity over the seven-year period (75.0% to 39.9%) and in 2006 more patients were fit overall with SH lenses (42.9%). The use of non-PR SCL declined from 20.5% to 4.5% of all fits. Fitting of low-water content lenses also declined (15.1% to 7.0%). High-water content (5.4% to10.2%) and SH lenses (5.4% to 42.9%) both increased. By 2006, the majority of GP lenses fit were with high Dk (HDK) materials (50.3%).

Conclusions. The preferred contact lens modality for Canadian optometrists appears to be DW SCL, which are replaced monthly. The proportion of lenses used for CW peaked in 2004, with SH SCL being the preferred material. The market share for GP lenses remains relatively unchanged, with an increasing proportion used for OK and CW. The launch of DW SH lenses in 2004 resulted in a marked increase in their reported fits, with a similar effect following the launch of a HDK GP lens material for CW.


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Purpose. The Menifocal Z is an alternating vision, concentric, bifocal gas-permeable (GP) contact lens; center distance is connected to near periphery by a smooth transition zone. The lens is produced using tisilfocon A (Menicon Z material), which is approved for up to 30 days of continuous wear (CW). The aim of this study was to evaluate the clinical performance of the Menifocal Z when worn for up to 30 days of CW for 6 months.

Methods. Thirty-five existing GP lens wearers were enrolled in the study. Subjects were fitted with Menifocal Z lenses and follow-up visits were conducted after 2 weeks of daily wear and 1 day, 1 week, 6 weeks, 3 and 6 months of CW. A range of objective and subjective clinical performance measures were assessed, including distance and near visual acuity, the physiological response to CW, and subjective evaluation of vision and comfort.

Results. Twenty-seven subjects (77%) completed the study and eight (23%) discontinued: five (14%) as a result of lens-related problems (four vision, one comfort) and three (9%) as a result of non-lens related reasons. Average CW time achieved by the subjects was 22 ± 2 days. Mean binocular logarithm of the minimum angle of resolution (logMAR) acuities at 6 months were: high contrast distance 0.03 (20/20-), low contrast distance 0.63 (20/80-), and high contrast near 0.26 (20/25, N4). Adverse responses and lens binding were minimal, and there were no significant increases in corneal staining, corneal vascularization, or superior palpebral conjunctival papillae over time (p > 0.05). Problems with night vision (distance and near) with the lenses were the most common difficulties reported by the subjects.

Conclusions. The Menifocal Z appears to be a promising option for presbyopic vision correction, providing successful correction of distance and near vision in a group of experienced GP lens wearers. The hyper Dk tisilfocon A (Menicon Z) material allowed for safe wear of the lenses on a CW basis.


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Artificial neural networks have a good potential to be employed for fault diagnosis and condition monitoring problems in complex processes. In this paper, the applicability of the fuzzy ARTMAP (FAM) neural network as an intelligent learning system for fault detection and diagnosis in a power generation plant is described. The process under scrutiny is the circulating water (CW) system, with specific attention to the conditions of heat transfer and tube blockage in the CW system. A series of experiments has been conducted systematically to investigate the effectiveness of FAM in fault detection and diagnosis tasks. In addition, a set of domain rules has been extracted from the trained FAM network so that its predictions can be explained and justified. The outcomes demonstrate the benefits of employing FAM as an intelligent fault detection and diagnosis tool with an explanatory capability for monitoring and diagnosing complex processes in power generation plants.


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This paper describes the application of an adaptive neural network, called Fuzzy ARTMAP (FAM), to handle fault prediction and condition monitoring problems in a power generation station. The FAM network, which is supplemented with a pruning algorithm, is used as a classifier to predict different machine conditions, in an off-line learning mode. The process under scrutiny in the power plant is the Circulating Water (CW) system, with prime attention to monitoring the heat transfer efficiency of the condensers. Several phases of experiments were conducted to investigate the `optimum' setting of a set of parameters of the FAM classifier for monitoring heat transfer conditions in the power plant.


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This paper describes a novel adaptive network, which agglomerates a procedure based on the fuzzy min-max clustering method, a supervised ART (Adaptive Resonance Theory) neural network, and a constructive conflict-resolving algorithm, for pattern classification. The proposed classifier is a fusion of the ordering algorithm, Fuzzy ARTMAP (FAM) and the Dynamic Decay Adjustment (DDA) algorithm. The network, called Ordered FAMDDA, inherits the benefits of the trio, viz . an ability to identify a fixed order of training pattern presentation for good generalisation; stable and incrementally learning architecture; and dynamic width adjustment of the weights of hidden nodes of conflicting classes. Classification performance of the Ordered FAMDDA is assessed using two benchmark datasets. The performances are analysed and compared with those from FAM and Ordered FAM. The results indicate that the Ordered FAMDDA classifier performs at least as good as the mentioned networks. The proposed Ordered FAMDDA network is then applied to a condition monitoring problem in a power generation station. The process under scrutiny is the Circulating Water (CW) system, with prime attention to condition monitoring of the heat transfer efficiency of the condensers. The results and their implications are analysed and discussed.


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A hybrid network, based on the integration of Fuzzy ARTMAP (FAM) and the Rectangular Basis Function Network (RecBFN), is proposed for rule learning and extraction problems. The underlying idea for such integration is that FAM operates as a classifier to cluster data samples based on similarity, while the RecBFN acts as a “compressor” to extract and refine knowledge learned by the trained FAM network. The hybrid network is capable of classifying data samples incrementally as well as of acquiring rules directly from data samples for explaining its predictions. To evaluate the effectiveness of the hybrid network, it is applied to a fault detection and diagnosis task by using a set of real sensor data collected from a Circulating Water (CW) system in a power generation plant. The rules extracted from the network are analyzed and discussed, and are found to be in agreement with experts’ opinions used in maintaining the CW system.


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We propose a framework for visual and haptic collaboration in 3D shared virtual spaces. Virtual objects can de declared as shared objects which visual and physical properties are rendered synchronously on each client computer. We introduce virtual tools which are shared objects associated with interactive and haptic devices. We implement the proposed ideas as new pilot versions of BS Collaborate server and BS Contact VRML/X3D viewer. In our collaborative framework, two pipelines-visual and haptic-complement each other to provide a simple and efficient solution to problem requiring collaboration in shared virtual spaces on the Web. We discuss two implementation frameworks based on the strong and thin server concepts.