69 resultados para Cuidadores formais - Formal caregivers

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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The market for insurance has become increasingly competitive in recent years. However, it has not always been so. At the end of the nineteenth century, it was characterized by a highly concentrated and tightly controlled oligopolistic market structure. As such, the history of the fire insurance industry provides an interesting case study in the development of collusive behaviour amongst firms. Up to 1897, pricing agreements among firms were generally short-lived, and were followed by periods of intense competition. After this point, an agreement was forged, which proved very resilient to market pressures and formed the basis of premium rate setting until the 1970s. This paper investigates the difference between this agreement and previous efforts to set premium rates, and points to some of the common features of the later compact, which explain its longevity.


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The quality of life of caregivers of patients with cancer is an important construct given the substantial impact of caring on the physical, psychological, social, and financial well-being of caregivers. Moreover, caring for patients with cancer also affects family functioning and places burdens on caregivers. The reliability and validity of instruments used to assess the quality of life of caregivers of patients with cancer were reviewed to aid in the selection of the most appropriate measures For research and practice. MEDLINE (1980-2000) and c/NAHL (1982-2000) searches located relevant quality of life instruments using the keywords "cancer and quality of Iife" and "caregiver or spouse or partner." The search identified the following instruments: the Caregiver Quality of life Index-Cancer Scale, the 'Caregiver Quality of Life Index, the Quality of Life Tool, and the Quality of life Index-Cancer Version. Quality of life instruments developed specifically to measure the quality of life of caregivers of patients with cancer had the best psychometric properties. The Caregiver Quality of Life Index-Cancer Scale, in particular, met or exceeded minimum psychometric criteria for reliability and validity. The development of reliable and valid caregiver quality of life measures is an important factor in developing interventions to enhance quality of life of caregivers of patients with cancer.


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Stroke is a major cause of chronic illness in Australia, where it is estimated that between 200,000 and 250,000 people live with disabilities due to stroke. Given stroke's effect on survivors and the accompanying burden on caregivers, attention should be given to addressing the needs of caregivers of stroke survivors because they are central to supporting survivors living in the community. Research has shown that the information needs of caregivers are not being met across healthcare settings. Thus, some attention must be given to the development of educational materials that address caregiver needs. In this study we interviewed caregivers to determine their perspectives on support and educational needs at two different stages in the recovery of the stroke survivor: the acute hospital and the community. Despite a high level of uncertainty among caregivers in the acute and community settings, limited information was provided to assist them in their new role. A multifaceted approach would involve the development and implementation of specifically designed educational materials for caregivers, the use of a tool such as a patient-held record to assist in and improve the continuity and communication of care, and the provision of ongoing support from a stroke nurse practitioner who would follow stroke survivors from the acute setting to the community. This approach should be evaluated so that the important issue of addressing caregiver needs is given its due attention.


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This paper provides a brief overview of the literature on the impact of caring on the mental health of informal caregivers in the areas of aged care, disability and mental health. Factors discussed that may impact on caregivers' mental health include the relationship between the caregiver and care recipient, the nature of the care recipient's disability and the stage of the caregiving process. Several moderators of the impact of caring on mental health are described, including socio-economic factors, social support and coping strategies. This information provides a context within which to examine the type of interventions appropriate to assist caregivers in various situations.


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This article presents the findings from an empirical study examining the relationship between total quality management (TQM) practices and quality performance in Australian organizations. A comparison is made between organizations that have adopted formal TQM programs and organizations without a formal program in place. It was recognized that the lack of a formal program did not necessarily mean TQM principles were not being practiced. The findings show that the firms adopting formal TQM programs implement several TQM practices at a higher level than those that do not have TQM programs. This difference, however, is not apparent in the case of quality performance. Furthermore, the findings show the strong links between TQM practices and quality performance, and there is no significant difference between organizations implementing formal TQM programs and those organizations simply adopting TQM practices. This suggests that it is the adoption of quality practices that matters rather than formal programs per se.


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Background: This paper proposes that the adequacy of service delivery and caregiving to people who are disabled should be assessed using two criteria. One is the objective circumstance of living, which should be at a standard acceptable to the community at large. The other is a level of subjective wellbeing (SWB) within the normal range. Method: This latter criterion is a novel conception based on an understanding that SWB is homeostatically managed to lie normally within a narrow range of values. Results: People who have a disability are more likely than usual to have a fragile homeostatic system because of the additional life challenges imposed by their disability. Conclusions: The role of a caregiver is to provide resources and protection against strong threats to homeostasis, thereby ensuring that the person in their care has a normal-range level of SWB.


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The assessment of children in their years before school and their first years of school has been, traditionally, informal. Further, assessment of children's mathematical skills at this level has been infrequent compared to social, emotional and physical assessments. However, there are contexts where reliable, valid, standardised data from assessment in mathematics are required. This paper outlines the development of two assessment tools for mathematics that were originally developed for such contexts. Item Response Theory (IRT) analyses enabled the construction of assessment forms that address the range of abilities of 4- to 8-year-old children, and provided the scales used for constructing formative and summative reports of achievement. A description of the development of the assessment tools and the IRT analysis that provides the reporting formats are presented together with some research uses of the tools.


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This paper provides a fonnal ranking of the popularity of financial ratios in modeling corporate collapse. The analysis identified 48 financial ratios and ranked them according to their usefulness as portrayed in 53 studies that have utilized such ratios in modeling corporate collapse. The methodologies adopted in those studies are predominantly of the "multivariate" type. The 53 studies extend from 1966 to 2002, inclusive.


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This paper examines the influence of the level of interpersonal trust between superior and subordinate managers on the control behaviour of the former. On the basis of a questionnaire survey and interviews of senior managers from business organisations in Sri Lanka, and a survey of managers in Beijing-China the study explores the control behaviour of superior managers when their trust in a subordinate is high or low. Sri Lanka and China, societies in which the dependence on interpersonal trust is believed to be high, were chosen for the study to maximise the effect of interpersonal trust.

The findings of this study indicate that a superior’s high (low) trust in a subordinate is associated with a low (high) level of monitoring and a high (low) level of social interactions. The hypothesis that a superior’s high (low) level of trust is associated with a low (high) level of reliance on formal control was supported only in the Sri Lankan sample. These findings are at least indicative of control behaviour of superior managers in Sri Lanka and China and possibly of other countries in Asia. An understanding of the trust-sensitive control behaviour of managers in this region is particularly important for designing and implementing effective control systems for international organizations operating in the region.


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In line with the current global trend of economic and social restructuring, it has become essential to address the issue of poverty and social protection for the poorer segment of the population who are not covered by formal social protection mechanisms. Micro finance institutions (MFIs) in developing countries have been working towards poverty alleviation and enhancing social protection for the last few decades. MFI’s provision of financial assistance to the poor has been instrumental in improving the overall quality of the impoverished. Based on an in-depth qualitative study conducted across three different types of NGOs (Non Governmental Organization) in the Philippines, this study found a relationship between micro finance programs and improved social protection. The study reveals that MFIs have the ability to make a positive impact on areas such as entrepreneurship, education, housing, job security and income generation.


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This paper builds on existing literature on the notion of emotional labour by investigating work in a child protective service environment. Notable characteristics of formal organisations, such as child protective services, are that they operate within a legal framework and that workers' professional duties have great influence on clients. This paper examines the intricacies of the worker-client relationship and the emotional dynamics of the service interactions by interviewing a group of workers in a public hospital in Victoria, Australia. This research extricates the complexities in the client-worker relationship by examining a range of work characteristics including their roles as professional caregivers, the emotional bonds and boundaries in the workers-client relationship, the intensity and magnitude of felt and displayed emotions, as well as the self-management of emotions and clients' emotions. This study adds to existing knowledge on the emotional expressions, experiences and regulation of emotions of the professional work lives in a child protective service work environment.
This paper is divided into the following sections. The first section details protective service work within the larger framework of human service work, and how the worker-client interface is different from other front-line service work. This is followed the need to examine the emotional dynamics of work in a child protective service organisation. Next, a study of these emotional dynamics in a child protective service organisation is reported. The paper concludes with a consideration of the wider implications for the sociology of protective service work, and how affective issues differ other service work roles.


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Background. Progressive neurological illnesses alter the health and well-being of people who experience them, and frequently lead to changes in the activities of both patients and their carers.

Purpose. The current study investigated changes in work and recreational activities among people with four of these illnesses.

Method. In total, the following numbers of people with neurological illnesses and their carers participated in the study: 28 with multiple sclerosis; 27 with motor neurone disease; 31 with Parkinson's; and 24 with Huntingtons disease. In addition, 28 professionals who worked with these populations participated in the study. Individual interviews were conducted with each of the above respondents to determine the impact of the neurological illness.

Results. The results demonstrated a high level of agreement from each of the participants. Most of the people with the illnesses and many of the carers had reduced their level of paid work. Generally, all groups of respondents perceived these changes as being negative. Changes in recreational activities were also seen to be primarily negative.

Conclusions. These results are discussed in terms of proposed prevention and intervention programmes to prepare patients and their carers for the changes that result from the neurological illness, strategies to stay at work longer and to help them develop alternative strategies to assist them in filling the gap left in their lives that was previously occupied by paid work.


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The current study investigated the relationship between career-related mentoring, psychosocial mentoring, business success, and self-esteem in participants of a program that was designed to assist in the establishment of a new business. Seventy-seven protégés and their matched mentors were included in the study. A comparison of mentor and protégé perceptions revealed that mentors considered themselves to provide higher levels of psychosocial support than did the protégés. Protégé perceptions of business success were predicted by the frequency of mentor contact and the level of career-related support provided by their mentor.