15 resultados para 1973-1986

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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Loxocythere (Novoloxocythere) pelius subgen. et sp. nov. is described from Upper Miocene strata of the Port Phillip and Western Port Basins. Victoria. It has its acme in shallow open marine facies of latest Miocene (Cheltenhamian) age. This species, along with Loxocythere (Novoloxocythere) kerryswansoni Yassini and Jones, 1995, forms a discrete group of rotund Australian Loxocythere species that possess posterior extremities in both valves that are positioned well above mid carapace height (i.e. adjacent to dorsal margin). This feature along with a sub-triangular inner margin outline, defines a carapace shape that is distinct from that of rotund species of Loxocythere (loxocythere) Hornibrook, 1952 and Antarctiloxoconcha Hartmann, 1986. The type species of Antarctiloxoconcha – A.frigida (Neale. 1967), possesses internal carapace features that are very similar to the type species of Loxocythere - L. crassa Hornibrook, 1952. Both have relatively short carapaces and sub-quadrate inner margin outlines with posterior extremities in both valves positioned below mid carapace height. Species of Loxocythere (Novoloxocythere), in particular L. (N.) kerryswansoni, have a carapace shape that is transitional between Loxocythere and Loxoreticulatum Benson, 1964. Species of Loxoreticulatum generally possess a sub-parallelogram shaped carapace/inner margin and arched median hinge element. The latter feature is distinct from the mostly straight median hinge elements of Loxocythere (Loxocythere) and Loxocythere (Novoloxocythere) species. Species of Loxocythere (Novoloxocythere) are also readily distinguishable from relatively elongate species of Loxocythere, such as L. (L.) hornibrooki McKenzie, 1967, as the latter possess long (for genus), sub-rectangular shaped carapaces/inner margin outlines and posterior extremities below mid height.


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The importance of wage structure is frequently interpreted as indirect evidence of the role played by labour market institutions. The current paper follows in this tradition, examining the role of wage structure in explaining the trend in the gender wage gap over the period 1973–91 for both Australia and the UK. The focus is upon whether changes in wage structure (and associated gender wage gap) both across country and over time are compatible with institutional explanations. Combining comparisons both cross‐country and over time yields a more stringent, albeit indirect, test of the role of institutions.


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The development of the insurance industry in Australia in the twentieth century was fundamentally shaped by a collusive code of conduct called the tariff. This arrangement, established to overcome problems of uncertainty, initially benefited both tariff and non-tariff firms by enhancing market stability. It also reduced competition. The collusive agreements gradually broke down, however, as new entrants and products entered the market in the 1950s. Self-regulation gradually gave way as the 'rules of the game' changed. The result was a period of instability before new competitive practices, and more direct and specific regulatory requirements emerged in the 1970s.


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Traditional studies of long-term change in trade union structure have predominantly focused on aggregate trends in union merger activity in constructing explanations of change. Using the Australian trade union movement as an example, this article argues that our understanding of the long-term change in the external structure of trade unions would be better served by a structural events approach (Waddington, 1995) that examines the incidence of union formations, dissolutions, and breakaways, in addition to that of union mergers. In doing so, this article presents new data on structural change in the Australian trade union movement between 1986 and 1996, and explains the additional contribution made by union dissolutions and union formations to the reductionist effects of the merger wave that dominated these years.


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Enforcement of corporate rights and duties may follow either a ‘regulatory’ or ‘enabling’ model. If a regulatory approach is taken, enforcement action will generally be undertaken by regulatory agencies such as, in New Zealand, the Registrar of Companies and Securities Commission, the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) or the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) in the United Kingdom. If an enabling approach is chosen, enforcement action will more often be by private parties such as company shareholders, directors or creditors. When New Zealand's company law was reformed in 1993, a primarily private enforcement regime was adopted, consisting of a list of statutory directors' duties and an enhanced collection of shareholder remedies, based in part upon North American models and including a statutory derivative action. Public enforcement was largely confined to administrative matters and the enforcement of the disclosure requirements of New Zealand's securities law. While the previous enforcement regime was similarly reliant on private action, the law on directors' duties was less accessible, and shareholder action was hindered by the majority rule principle and the rule in Foss v Harbottle. This approach is in contrast with that used in Australia and the United Kingdom, where public agencies have a much more prominent enforcement role despite recent and proposed reforms to directors' duties and shareholder remedies. These reforms are designed to improve the ability of private parties to enforce corporate rights and duties. A survey of enforcement litigation in New Zealand since 1986 indicates that the object of a primarily enabling enforcement regime seems to have been achieved, and may well have been achieved even without the 1993 reform package. Private enforcement has, in fact, been much more prevalent than public enforcement since well before the enactment of the new legislation. Most enforcement action both before and after the reform was commenced by shareholders and shareholder/directors, and most involved closely held companies. Public enforcement was largely undertaken in areas such as securities law, where the wider public interest was affected. Similar surveys of Australian and United Kingdom enforcement litigation reveal a proportionally much greater reliance on public bodies to enforce corporate rights and duties, indicating a more regulatory approach. The ASIC and DTI enforced a wider range of provisions, affecting both closely and widely held companies, than those subject to public enforcement in New Zealand. Publicly enforced provisions in Australia and the United Kingdom include directors' duties and provisions dealing with disqualification from managing companies, as well as securities law requirements.


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This thesis focuses on the distribution of income across income units, as defined by the Australian Bureau of Statistics, in Australia in 1986. An examination of the conceptual issues involved in analysing income distribution is followed by a description of the various statistical and normative inequality measures that may be used to determine the level of inequality. Previous Australian studies is reported on before analysing the 1986 Income Distribution Survey. The analysis focuses on the summary statistical measures of the Gini coefficient the coefficient of variation and the percentile shares. In addition, the contribution of income of various population sub-groups to overall inequality is examined to provide insight into the sources of inequality. To this end, the Gini coefficient is decomposed using a method developed by Fodder (1991), whereby the population is divided into a number of subgroups based on one socio-demographic characteristic at a time. The exact effects of a percentage change in income for a particular sub-group to overall inequality, as well as the elasticity of the Gini coefficient with respect to a sub-group can be computed. The decomposition is undertaken using both the unadjusted and the equivalent gross weekly income. Policy considerations and conclusions regarding the level of inequality as existed in 1986 are suggested in the final chapter.


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Species originally assigned to the pterygocytherine genus Alataleberis by McKenzie & Warne, 1986 are placed here in two genera—Alataleberis sensu stricto and Alatapacifica gen. nov. Alataleberis species possess poorly defined dorsal ridges marked by a few spines in adult specimens and lack a subcentral tubercle. Alatapacifica species possess well-developed and buttressed dorsal ridges and a well-developed subcentral tubercle. Pterygocytherine genera/species groups recognized here from the southwest Pacific region are Alataleberis, Alatapacifica (septarca and robusta species groups), Alatahermanites Whatley & Titterton, 1981 and the velivola species group of Pterygocythereis Blake, 1933.


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There is debate over the casual factors for the rise in body weight in the UK. The present study investigates whether increases between 1986 and 2000 for men and women were a result of increases in mean total energy intake, decreases in mean physical activity levels or both. Estimates of mean total energy intake in 1986 and 2000 were derived from food availability data adjusted for wastage. Estimates of mean body weight for adults aged 19–64 years were derived from nationally representative dietary surveys conducted in 1986–7 and 2000–1. Predicted body weight in 1986 and 2000 was calculated using an equation relating body weight to total energy intake and sex. Differences in predicted mean body weight and actual mean body weight between the two time points were compared. Monte Carlo simulation methods were used to assess the stability of the estimates. The predicted increase in mean body weight due to changes in total energy intake between 1986 and 2000 was 4·7 (95 % credible interval 4·2, 5·3) kg for men and 6·4 (95 % credible interval 5·9, 7·1) kg for women. Actual mean body weight increased by 7·7 kg for men and 5·4 kg for women between the two time points. We conclude that increases in mean total energy intake are sufficient to explain the increase in mean body weight for women between 1986 and 2000, but for men, the increase in mean body weight is likely to be due to a combination of increased total energy intake and reduced physical activity levels.


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Museums and Migration explores the ways in which museum spaces - local, regional, national - have engaged with the history of migration, including internal migration, emigration and immigration.


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The so-called narrative test provides the means by which injured persons who satisfy the statutory and common law definition of serious injury may bring proceedings for common law damages under s 93 of the Transport Accident Act 1986 (Vic) and s 134AB of the Accident Compensation Act 1985 (Vic) (or, for injuries after 1 July 2014, under ss 324-347 of the Workplace Injury Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 2013 (Vic)). These are among the most litigated provisions in Australia. This article outlines the legislative and political background to these provisions, the provisions themselves, and an account of the statutory and common law requirements needed to satisfy the provisions.