116 resultados para Salts.


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The addition of diluents to ionic liquids (ILs) has recently been shown to enhance the transport properties of ILs. In the context of electrolyte design, this enhancement allows the realisation of IL-based electrolytes for metal-air batteries and other storage devices. It is likely that diluent addition not only impacts the viscosity of the IL, but also the ion-ion interactions and structure. Here, we investigate the nano-structured 1-methyl-3-octylimidazolium chloride (OMImCl) with varying water concentrations in the presence of two metal salts, zinc chloride and magnesium chloride. We find that the choice of metal salt has a significant impact on the structure and transport properties of the system; this is explained by the water structuring and destructing properties of the metal salt.


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The application of organic ionic plastic crystals (OIPCs) as a new class of solid electrolyte for energy storage devices such as lithium batteries and, more recently, sodium batteries is attracting increasing attention. Key to this is achieving sufficient target ion transport through the material. This requires fundamental understanding of the structure and dynamics of OIPCs that have been doped with the necessary lithium or sodium salts. Here we report, for the first time, the atomic level structure and transport of both lithium and sodium ions in the plastic crystalline phases of an OIPC diethyl(methyl)(isobutyl)phosphonium hexafluorophosphate. These molecular dynamics simulations reveal two types of coordination geometries of the alkali metal ion first solvation shells, which cooperate closely with the metal ion hopping motion. The significantly different ion migration rates between two metal ion doped systems could also be related to the differences in solvation structures.


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We report on the thermal, structural and conductivity properties of the organic ionic plastic crystal (OIPC) N-methyl-N-methyl-pyrrolidinium dicyanamide [C1mpyr][N(CN)2] mixed with the sodium salt Na[N(CN)2]. The DSC thermal traces indicate that an isothermal transition, which may be a eutectic melting, occurs at ~ 89 °C, below which all compositions are entirely in the solid phase. At 20 mol% Na[N(CN)2], this transition is the final melt for this mixture, and a new liquidus peak grows beyond 20 mol% Na[N(CN)2]. The III- > II solid-solid phase transition continues to be evident at ~- 2 °C. The microstructure for all the mixtures indicated a phase separated morphology where precipitates can be clearly observed. Most likely, these precipitates consist of a Na-rich second phase. This was also suggested from the vibrational spectroscopy and the 23Na NMR spectra. The lower concentrations of Na[N(CN)2] present complex 23Na MAS spectra, suggesting more than one sodium ion environment is present in these mixtures consistent with complex phase behavior. Unlike other OIPCs where the ionic conductivity usually increases upon doping or mixing in a second component, the conductivity of these mixtures remains relatively constant and above 10- 4 S cm- 1 at ∼ 80 °C, even in the solid state. Such high conductivities suggest these materials may be promising to be used for all solid-state electrochemical devices.


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Owing to the unique properties of certain Ionic liquids (ILs) as safe and green solvents, as well as the potential of sodium as an alternative to lithium as charge carriers, we investigate gel sodium electrolytes as safe, low cost and high performance materials with sufficient mechanical properties for application in sodium battery technologies. We investigate the effect of formation of two types of gel electrolytes on the properties of IL electrolytes known to support Na/Na+ electrochemistry. The ionic conductivity is only slightly decreased by 0.0005 and 0.0002 S cm-1 in the case of 0.3 and 0.5 M NaNTf2 systems respectively as the physical properties transition from liquid to gel. We observed facile plating and stripping of Na metal around 0 V vs. Na/Na+ through the cyclic voltammetry. A wide-temperature range of the gelled IL state, of more than 100 K around room temperature, is achieved in the case of 0.3 and 0.5 M NaNTf2. We conclude that the formation of a gel does not significantly affect the liquid-like ion dynamics in these materials, as further evidenced by DSC and FTIR analysis.


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Recent advances in thermoelectrochemical cells, which are being developed for harvesting low grade waste heat, have shown the promise of cobalt bipyridyl salts as the active redox couple. The Seebeck coefficient, Se, of a redox couple determines the open circuit voltage achievable, for a given temperature gradient, across the thermoelectrochemical cell. Thus, the accurate determination of this thermodynamic parameter is key to the development and study of new redox electrolytes. Further, techniques for accurate determination of Se using only one half of the redox couple reduces the synthetic requirements. Here, we compare three different experimental techniques for measuring Se of a cobalt tris(bipyridyl) redox couple in ionic liquid electrolytes. The use of temperature dependent cyclic voltammetry (CV) in isothermal and non-isothermal cells was investigated in depth, and the Se values compared to those from thermo-electromotive force measurements. Within experimental error, the Se values derived from CV methods were found to be in accordance with those obtained from electromotive force (emf) measurements. The applicability of cyclic voltammetry techniques for determining Se when employing only one part of the redox couple was demonstrated.


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Three useful developments in the preparation of guanidines are presented herein. A collection of bis(Boc)aminoalkylguanidines (n=2, 3, 4 and 6; Boc=tert-butoxycarbonyl), known to be prone to cyclisation, have been synthesised and isolated without chromatography as shelf-stable sulfonate salts in good yield (up to 94%). Secondly, a selection of guanidines tethered to a range of other functional groups, including alkyne, alkene, alcohol, and azide, have been prepared in good yields with no requirement for a purification step, and thirdly an inexpensive, high-yielding (93%), and facile synthesis of N,N'-bis(Boc)guanidine, a key precursor for N,N'-bis(Boc)-N'-triflylguanidine, is described in which the need for chromatographic purification is again obviated.


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S-Benzylisothiouronium halides are used as shelf-stable, odorless thiol equivalents. The method developed is used to access 2-(benzylthio)-4-(trifluoromethyl)thiazole carboxyl building blocks. Using the latent trifluoromethyl substituent the reactions could be monitored using 19F NMR spectroscopy.


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The incorporation of polyvinylidene difluoride (PVDF) electrospun nanofibres within N-ethyl-N-methylpyrrolidinium tetrafluoroborate, [C2mpyr][BF4] was investigated with a view to fabricating self-standing membranes for various electrochemical device applications, in particular lithium metal batteries. Significant improvement in mechanical properties and ionic conduction was demonstrated in a previous study, which also demonstrated the remarkably high performance of the lithium-doped composite material in a device. We now seek a fundamental understanding of the role of fibres within the matrix of the plastic crystal, which is essential for optimizing device performance through fine-tuning of the composite material properties. The focus of the current study is therefore a thorough investigation of the phase behaviour and conduction behaviour of the pure and the lithium-doped (as LiBF4) plastic crystal, with and without incorporation of polymer nanofibres. Analysis of the structure of the plastic crystal, including the effects of lithium ions and the incorporation of PVDF fibres, was conducted by means of synchrotron XRD. Ion dynamics were evaluated using VT solid-state NMR spectroscopy. ATR-FTIR spectroscopy was employed to gain insights into the molecular interactions of doped lithium ions and/or the PVDF nanofibres in the matrix of the [C2mpyr][BF4] composites. Preliminary measurements using PALS were conducted to probe structural defects within the pure materials. It was found that ion transport within the plastic crystal was significantly altered by doping with lithium ions due to the precipitation of a second phase in the structure. The incorporation of the fibres activated more mobile sites in the systems, but restricted ion mobility with different trends being observed for each ion species in each crystalline phase. In the presence of the fibres a strong interaction observed between the Li ion and the pyrrolidinium ring disappeared and formation of the second phase was prevented. As a result, an increased number of mobile lithium ions are released into the solid solution structure of the matrix, simultaneously removing the blocking effect of the second phase. Thus, ion conduction was remarkably improved within the Li-doped composite compared to the neat Li-doped plastic crystal.


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Solid state phases of organic salts, whose chemistry is closely related to that of ionic liquids, often show interesting phase behavior and dynamics resulting in solid-state conductors that have potential application in electrochemical devices such as solid state batteries. The mechanism of conduction in these solid-state plastic crystal phases is still not entirely understood. We have recently shown using molecular dynamics (MD) simulations that the introduction of defects, such as vacancies, leads to heterogeneous dynamics in the OIPC arising from amorphous and mobile domains in these materials. Advanced magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) analysis indicates that these domains can exhibit distinct orientations, leading to anisotropic ionic conductivity with enhanced values in a particular direction. This paper will review this new understanding, drawing links between the molecular and macroscopic-level information provided by these two techniques.


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Novel imidazoline-based sulfonate copolymers (noted PAMDSCM and PAMPSCM) were successfully prepared by copolymerization of acrylamide (AM), acrylic acid (AA), 1-acrylamido ethyl-2-oleic imidazoline (ACEIM) with the sodium salts of 3-(diallyl-amino)-2-hydroxypropyl (NDS) or 2-acrylamido-2-methylpropane sulfonic acid (AMPS), respectively. The copolymers were characterized by infrared (IR) spectroscopy, 1H nuclear magnetic resonance (1H NMR) spectroscopy, pyrene fluorescence probe spectroscopy, viscosimetry and thermogravimetry (TG). Both PAMDSCM and PAMPSCM copolymers had excellent high-temperature tolerance in comparison with the same concentration of HPAM, and the residual viscosities were 32.0 mPa s and 31.3 mPa s (viscosity retention rates were 38.8% and 37.1%) at 140 °C, respectively. The copolymers possessed superior long-term thermal stability and their residual viscosity rates were up to 81.8% and 63.8% (52.9 mPa s and 47.1 mPa s) lasting 1.5 hours at 100 °C and 170 s-1, respectively.


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Effect of calcium and magnesium ions was studied in detail in batch mode in shake flask cultures of two fast growing strains of thraustochytrids (Aurantiochytrium sp. DBTIOC-18 and Schizochytrium sp. DBTIOC-1) for biomass and lipid production. These strains were previously isolated from Indian marine biodiversity. Screening of these two strains on different carbon and nitrogen sources revealed the suitability of glycerol over glucose and sodium nitrate over yeast extract for the cultivation of these strains. The presence of higher concentration of glycerol in the medium inhibited the glycerol utilization by the cell thus resulting in lower biomass and lipid production in both the strains. Supplementing media with calcium and magnesium ions promoted glycerol utilization thus resulted in a substantial rise in volumetric production of biomass (55.12 g L-1, 48.12 g L-1), fatty acid for biodiesel (27.14 g L-1, 22.15 g L-1) and docosahexaenoic acid (14.57 g L-1, 10.12 g L-1) with both strains Aurantiochytrium sp. DBTIOC-18 and Schizochytrium sp. DBTIOC-1, respectively. Growth profile study of these two strains showed further improvement in production of biomass, fatty acid for biodiesel and docosahexaenoic acid when cultures were extended up to 7 days. Finding of this work underlines the importance of calcium and magnesium salts in designing new fermentation strategies to prevent substrate inhibition and achieve high cell density culture under high nutrient concentration especially carbon sources.