134 resultados para Art teaching and at the assessment


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A new definition of m-learning has been presented in the first chapter. It was modified from a definition presented by Sharples, Taylor, and Vavoula in 2007. In Chapter 1, Crompton, Muilenburg, and Berge defined m-learning as "learning across multiple contexts, through social and content interactions, using personal electronic devices" (Crompton, 2013, p. 4). This chapter departs from this definition and focuses on mobile applications (apps) and technologies in this context.


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To comprehensively evaluate the performance of the Assessment of Quality of Life (AQoL) instrument for measuring health-related quality of life (HRQOL) in people with hip and knee joint disease (arthritis or osteoarthritis).


Data from 237 individuals were available for analysis from a national cross-sectional, population-based study of hip and knee joint disease in Australia. AQoL-4D data were evaluated using Rasch analysis. A range of measurement properties was explored, including model and item fit, threshold ordering, differential item functioning, and targeting.

Good overall fit of the AQoL with the Rasch model was demonstrated across a range of tests, supporting internal validity. Only 1 item (relating to hearing) showed evidence of misfit. Most AQoL items showed logical sequencing of response option categories, with threshold disordering evident for only 2 of the 12 items (items 4 and 9). Minor issues with potential clinical and research implications include limited options for reporting pain and some evidence of measurement bias between demographic subgroups (including age and sex). Participants' HRQOL was generally better than that represented by the AQoL items (mean ± SD for person abilities −2.15 ± 1.39, mean ± SD for item difficulties 0.00 ± 0.67), indicating ceiling effects that could impact the instrument's ability to detect HRQOL improvement in population-based studies.

The AQoL is a competent tool for assessing HRQOL in people with hip and knee joint disease, although researchers and clinicians should consider the caveats identified when selecting appropriate HRQOL measures for future outcome assessment involving this patient group.


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Dorothy Heathcote understood teaching and learning to take place in a kind of ‘crucible’ in which participants, who are both teachers and learners, contribute to the mix sometimes resulting in a radical transformation. This paper reports the ways Heathcote’s ideas have influenced both research and practice in the Teaching for Diversity workshop - a drama workshop that brings together pre-service teachers, teacher educators and actors from Fusion Theatre, a community-based theatre company for people with intellectual disabilities.

In a reversal of the usual relationship, actors with disabilities are positioned as experts leading student teachers and lecturers in the drama workshop. This paper describes their transformation through a kind of mantle of the expert – the expert in the antechamber. Within this space all participants, as if in Heathcote’s crucible, are stirred into new understandings and pre-service teachers are challenged into new ways of thinking about disability and inclusive education.


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This paper focuses on the assessment of student teachers during practicum. The study is contextualised in an Australian pre-service teacher education program in which practicum has been reconceptualised to help bridge the theory–practice gap commonly associated with “front-end loading” programs. Survey and interview data collected from student teachers and supervising teachers point to what participants perceive as disparate understandings between university and school staff about the nature and role of assessment and suggest that this lack of common understanding adversely affects students’ experiences of assessment.


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This paper focuses on the assessment of student teachers during practicum. The study is contextualised in an Australian pre-service teacher education program in which practicum has been reconceptualised to help bridge the theory-practice gap commonly associated with “front-end loading” programs. Survey and interview data collected from student teachers and supervising teachers point to what participants perceive as disparate understandings between university and school staff about the nature and role of assessment and suggest that this lack of common understanding adversely affects students’ experiences of assessment. While contextualised in teacher education, these findings have applicability to other tertiary programs for the professions. The study’s conclusions are threefold: the importance of establishing and sustaining effective university-school partnerships is paramount; there is a clearly identified need for shared stakeholder understandings about practicum assessment; and disregarding failed or diminished partnerships jeopardises student learning.


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A longstanding, successful and frequently controversial career spanning more than four decades establishes David Bowie as charged with individual agency. The notion of ‘agency’ here refers particularly to the ‘ability of people, individually and collectively to influence their own lives and the society in which they live’ (Germov and Poole, 2007: 7). That Bowie has influenced many lives is undeniable to his fans. He has long demonstrated an avid curiosity for the enduring patterns of social life which is reflected in his art. Bowie’s opus contains the elements of ideological narratives around sexual (mis)adventure, expressivity, and; resistance to ‘normative’ behaviour. He requisitions his audiences, through frequently indirect lyrics and images, to critically question sanity, identity and essentially what it means to be ‘us’ and why we are here. Here, in this context, ‘dancing with madness’ assumes an intimate relationship, even if brief, where ideas and emotions come passionately together for the purpose of creative expression much like the intertwining and energetic performance of the partner dance Tango. As such, ‘dancing’ is argued here to be an appropriate descriptor for how Bowie has engaged with creative cultural forms but not meant to be self-conscious nor indicate superficiality or ignorance. The idea of madness for its part is a theme in many of his compositions, for example the original album cover for The Man Who Sold the World (1971)  depicts an asylum and includes the song ‘All The Madmen’ and Aladdin Sane (1973)—a lad insane--are but two examples. This paper argues that Bowie’s frequently astute contemplations, manifest through his art over a period now spanning more than forty years, continues to draw fans of like mind to his work with the result that he has a legitimate claim to influence and affect.


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Educators have been quick to spot the enormous potential afforded by virtual worlds for situated and authentic learning, practising tasks with potentially serious consequences in the real world and for bringing geographically dispersed faculty and students together in the same space (Gee, 2007; Johnson and Levine, 2008). Though this potential has largely been realised, it generally isn't without cost in terms of lack of institutional buy-in, steep learning curves for all participants, and lack of a sound theoretical framework to support learning activities (Campbell, 2009; Cheal, 2007; Kluge & Riley, 2008). This symposium will explore the affordances and issues associated with teaching and learning in virtual worlds, all the time considering the question: is it worth the effort?. © 2010 Helen Farley, Sue Gregory, Allan Ellis, Geoffrey Crisp, Jenny Grenfell, Angela Thomas & Mathew Campbell.


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 The incidence of insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes (T2D) is increasing at alarming rates. In the quest to understand the underlying causes of and to identify novel therapeutic targets to treat T2D, scientists have become increasingly reliant on the use of rodent models. Here, we provide a discussion on the regulation of rodent glucose metabolism, highlighting key differences and similarities that exist between rodents and humans. In addition, some of the issues and considerations associated with assessing glucose homeostasis and insulin action are outlined. We also discuss the role of the liver vs. skeletal muscle in regulating whole body glucose metabolism in rodents, emphasizing the importance of defective hepatic glucose metabolism in the development of impaired glucose tolerance, insulin resistance, and T2D. © 2014 the American Physiological Society.


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Almost all tertiary educators make assessment choices, for example, when they create an assessment task, design a rubric, or write multiple-choice items. Educators potentially have access to a variety of evidence and materials regarding good assessment practice but may not choose to consult them or be successful in translating these into practice. In this article, we propose a new challenge for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning: the need to study the disjunction between proposals for assessment “best practice” and assessment in practice by examining the assessment decision-making of teachers. We suggest that assessment decision-making involves almost all university teachers, occurs at multiple levels, and is influenced by expertise, trust, culture, and policy. Assessment may dictate the curriculum from the student’s perspective, and we argue that assessment decision-making dictates assessment.


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Much time and effort has gone into trying to demonstrate an empirical link between research activity and teaching performance. In general, the correlations between these factors have been shown to be low. This paper argues that the attempt to find such a link will always be confounded by different conceptions of the two enterprises. The debate about the relationships between teaching and research as presently conceived is not fruitful. It there is a link between the two it operates through that which teaching and research have in common; both are concerned with the act of learning, though in different contexts. Greater emphasis needs to be placed on the ways in which knowledge is generated and communicated. Those aspects of teaching which lead to learning and the learning which occurs through research provide the vital link. This is important if the debate is to progress beyond a political defence of the status quo and be of practical use to considerations of whether, in higher education, teaching without research is to be encouraged.


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Seagrasses are among the planet's most effective natural ecosystems for sequestering (capturing and storing) carbon (C); but if degraded, they could leak stored C into the atmosphere and accelerate global warming. Quantifying and modelling the C sequestration capacity is therefore critical for successfully managing seagrass ecosystems to maintain their substantial abatement potential. At present, there is no mechanism to support carbon financing linked to seagrass. For seagrasses to be recognised by the IPCC and the voluntary C market, standard stock assessment methodologies and inventories of seagrass C stocks are required. Developing accurate C budgets for seagrass meadows is indeed complex; we discuss these complexities, and, in addition, we review techniques and methodologies that will aid development of C budgets. We also consider a simple process-based data assimilation model for predicting how seagrasses will respond to future change, accompanied by a practical list of research priorities.