95 resultados para very high pressure liquid chromatography (VHPLC)


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It has previously been shown that irradiation with UV light increases the vitamin D content of certain mushroom species, but the effect on other nutrients is unknown, and is difficult to assess due to the complexity of the sample matrix. Here, an offline reversed phase × reversed phase two-dimensional liquid chromatography methodology was developed and applied to Agaricus bisporus mushrooms in order to demonstrate the potential of the technique and assess the effect of UV irradiation on the mushroom’s metabolic profile. The method allowed the detection of 158 peaks in a single analytical run. A total of 51 compounds including sugars, amino acids, organic and fatty acids and phenolic compounds were identified using certified reference standards. After irradiation of the mushrooms with UV for 30 s the number of peaks detected decreased from 158 to 150; 47 compounds increased in concentration while 72 substances decreased. This is the first time that two-dimensional liquid chromatography has been carried out for the metabolomic analysis of mushrooms. The data provide an overview of the gain/loss of nutritional value of the mushrooms following UV irradiation and demonstrate that the increased peak capacity and separation space of two-dimensional liquid chromatography has great potential in metabolomics.


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Nanocellulose from cotton cellulose was prepared by high pressure homogenization (HPH) in ionic liquids (1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride ([Bmim]Cl). The nanocellulose possessed narrow particle size distribution, with diameter range of 10–20 nm. Weight average molecular weight (Mw) of nanocellulose treated by HPH was lower (173.8 kDa) than the one ILs treated cellulose (344.6 kDa). X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), and Solid-state CP/MAS 13C NMR measurements were employed to study the mechanism of structural changes, which suggested that network structure between cellulose chains were destructed by the shearing forces of HPH in combination with ionic liquids. The intermolecular and intra-molecular hydrogen bonds of cellulose were further destroyed, leading to the long cellulose molecular chains being collapsed into short chains. Therefore, the nanocellulose could provide desired properties, such as lower thermal stability and strong water holding capacity. Results indicated that it had great potential in the applications for packaging, medicines, cosmetics and tissue engineering.


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Widely known for its recreational use, the cannabis plant also has the potential to act as an antibacterial agent in the medicinal field. The analysis of cannabis plants/products in both pharmacological and forensic studies often requires the separation of compounds of interest and/or accurate identification of the whole cannabinoid profile. In order to provide a complete separation and detection of cannabinoids, a new two-dimensional liquid chromatography method has been developed using acidic potassium permanganate chemiluminescence detection, which has been shown to be selective for cannabinoids. This was carried out using a Luna 100 Å CN column and a Poroshell 120 EC-C18 column in the first and second dimensions, respectively. The method has utilized a large amount of the available separation space with a spreading angle of 48.4° and a correlation of 0.66 allowing the determination of more than 120 constituents and mass spectral identification of ten cannabinoids in a single analytical run. The method has the potential to improve research involved in the characterization of sensitive, complex matrices.


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A series of norbornane containing amphiphiles was synthesized, their lipophilicity corresponding to neutral and cationic forms was then investigated using reverse phase HPLC (High Performance Liquid Chromatography). This series of amphiphiles incorporated varied lipophilic chain length and also varied distances between the polar/cationic head group from the norbornane scaffold. Our investigation included studying the impact of the stationary phase as a replication of a membrane for both cationic and neutral amphiphiles. The choice of stationary phase was shown to be a very important consideration for this type of measurement. In this connection, C18, Cyano and Polar columns were all investigated, the cyano column was observed to be the optimal stationary phase for the comparison of both charged and neutral amphiphiles.


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 While data processing methods in metabolomic studies often work with 'n' number of dimensions, analytical techniques, with the notable exception of NMR, have mostly stuck only to one. Peak overlap continues to be a problem and there is an ever-present demand to maximize the number of metabolites that can be separated and identified in a single run. One method that might help to overcome these issues is multidimensional liquid chromatography, which uses two columns of different phases. A sequential collection of aliquots is made from the first column and reinjected onto a second, and the resulting data are then plotted in 2D or 3D space. The total peak capacity of such a system is the combined peak capacities of each column. The 'offline' version of this technique, using a fraction collector, was introduced over 30 years ago but with recent advances in instrumentation and software, particularly the 'online' approach using automated switching valves, has led to increasing interest in the technique. Both offline and online methods can be carried out as a comprehensive procedure, or via 'heart-cutting', in which only specific peaks are analysed in the second dimension. Past applications include proteomics, natural product chemistry, forensic science and pharmaceutical analysis. These successes are likely to be built on in the future as new column chemistries and bio-informatic approaches are developed. In this review an overview of the theory of twodimensional liquid chromatography is presented, its potential in the field of metabolomics is assessed and predictions for future research directions are made.