133 resultados para haptic grasping


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Currently, the micro-robotic cell injection procedure is performed manually by expert human bio-operators. In order to be proficient at the task, lengthy and expensive dedicated training is required. As such, effective specialized training systems for this procedure can prove highly beneficial. This paper presents a comprehensive review of haptic technology relevant to cell injection training and discusses the feasibility of developing such training systems, providing researchers with an inclusive resource enabling the application of the presented approaches, or extension and advancement of the work. A brief explanation of cell injection and the challenges associated with the procedure are first presented. Important skills, such as accuracy, trajectory, speed and applied force, which need to be mastered by the bio-operator in order to achieve successful injection, are then discussed. Then an overview of various types of haptic feedback, devices and approaches is presented. This is followed by discussion on the approaches to cell modeling. Discussion of the application of haptics to skills training across various fields and haptically-enabled virtual training systems evaluation are then presented. Finally, given the findings of the review, this paper concludes that a haptically-enabled virtual cell injection training system is feasible and recommendations are made to developers of such systems.


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ust-Noticeable-Differences (JND) as a dead-band in perceptual analysis has been widely used for more than a decade. This technique has been employed for data reduction in hap tic data transmission systems by several researchers. In fact, researchers use two different JND coefficients that are JNDV and JNDF for velocity and force data respectively. For position data, they usually rely on the resolution of hap tic display device to omit data that are unperceivable to human. In this paper, pruning undesirable position data that are produced by the vibration of the device or subject and/or noise in transmission line is addressed. It is shown that using inverse JNDV for position data can prune undesirable position data. Comparison of the results of the proposed method in this paper with several well known filters and some available methods proposed by other researchers is performed. It is shown that combination of JNDV could provide lower error with desirable curve smoothness, and as little as possible computation effort and complexity. It also has been shown that this method reduces much more data rather than using forward-JNDV.


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Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) are reported as the number one cause of injury and death for allied troops in the current theater of operation. Current stand-off technologies for Counter IED (CIED) tasks rely on robotic platforms that have not improved in capability over the past decade to combat the ever increasing threat of IEDs. While they provide operational capability, the effectiveness of these platforms is limited. This is because they primarily utilise video and audio feedback, and require extensive training and specialist operators. Recent operational experience has demonstrated the need for robotic systems that are highly capable, yet easily operable for high fidelity manipulation. Force feedback provides an operator with more intuitive control of a robotic system. This sense of touch allows an operator to obtain a sense of feel from a stand-off location of what the robot touches or grasps through a human-robot interface. This paper reports the design and development of a Haptically-Enabled Counter IED robotic system that was funded by the Australian Defence Force. The presented work focuses on the design methodology for the system, and provides the results of the manipulator analysis and trial outcomes.


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This paper presents a new theoretical development and modelling related to the requirement of the minimum number of sensors necessary for slippage prevention in robotic grasping. A fundamental experimental investigation has been conducted to support the newly developed postulate. A series of basic experiments proved that it is possible to evaluate the contributions of various sensors to slippage prevention and control in robotic grasping. The use of three discrete physical sensors, one for each of the three sensing functions (normal, tangential and slippage), has been proven to be the most reliable combination for slippage prevention in robotic grasping. It was also proven that the best performance from a two-sensor combination can be achieved when normal grasp force and tangential force are both monitored in the grasping process.


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Haptically enabled virtual reality systems facilitate rapid and low cost testing for process design, training practices and ergonomic analysis in many manufacturing industries, particularly automotive and aerospace. In this work we design a validation framework to validate the dynamic forces displayed by haptic display devices using a robot arm equipped with a force sensor. The validation framework is completely autonomous to ensure unbiased characterization. Measured force magnitude and the direction of the sensed force vector are the main criteria used in this work.


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This project provides a solution for slippage prevention in industrial robotic grippers for the purpose of safe object manipulation. Slippage sensing is performed using novel friction-based sensors, with customisable slippage sensitivity and complemented by an effective slippage prediction strategy. The outcome is a reliable and affordable slippage prevention technology.


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Digital media, corporate database applications and intranets provide efficient ways to create, store and deliver information and educational services. However some academics perceive new workload and other constraints eroding the potency of these technologies. Proposed corporate level information management systems for digital objects and their metadata are new complexities entering academicsÕ thoughts about using online multimedia.

Few staff understand digital multimedia concepts and fewer still, the systems designed to deal with IP management, copyright law compliance and the tracking of digital resource creation processes. Faltering staff enthusiasm warns of their need to experience working models and tangible benefits from these new directions. A project in Deakin's Faculty of Education provides a case study showing how QuickTime is helping academics understand, and increase their use of, multimedia in e-learning environments with an integrated library of digital resources with metadata.

We also report our experience of QuickTime in creating interactive learning objects using multi-tracks. We discuss our idea of theatricks as a performance drawcard - people will come! There is orchestration of multimedia and QuickTime conducts the events, its flexible functionalities providing a safer development environment for solving problems and grasping opportunities.

While difficult for some academics to comprehend, scripting automation and database connectivity through intelligent interfaces might facilitate QuickTime's use in building integrated learning environments with academics. These ideas are considered in relation to staff development, central to the case study project.


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Currere reconceptualises curriculum as understanding learning experiences. This paper outlines potentials for pictures in re-envisioning currere for a world growing in complexity.
Vision, as the privileged sense for acquiring knowledge, is often regarded deterministically - seeing is believing. But, as sophisticated technology becomes more significant in the control of knowledge systems - as 'reality' becomes more virtual - personal visual experiences are becoming harder to generate, interpret and authenticate. Knowledge technology is increasing exposure to 'mediated messages' and diminishing the ability to validate them. I see this as problematic for the authenticity of learning within a world that is intensifying in its complexity.
My work reaches beyond determinist/technological views of learning to explore envisioning-experiences within learning. I am particularly interested in ways that enacting with pictures embodies individuals, communities, and the world within understandings of complexity and authenticity. In practical terms, this involves interactively and reflexively 'doing pictures' as a personal process in learning for deeper understanding.
The paper explores three issues:
* Text and pictures: learning, thinking, and knowing, as textual dominions that marginalise pictures.
* Enactivism and learning: an approach to learning for complex communities that embodies mindful thinking within haptic experiences.
* Enactive picturing: laying a personal processual path with learning that complexifies understandings for authenticating experiences - doing-walking-talking - with pictures.


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A highly programmable electro-mechanical surface is developed using an effective array of individual pins arranged in a gridform. Each pin can be independently raised or lowered to create a wide range of contoured surfaces. It was found that as the number of elements increased. high levels of accuracy could still be achieved. however the required processing power increased logarithmically. This finding was attributed to the large amounts of data being passed. and subsequently led to a second focus; various methods of data management and flow control techniques within large-scale multi elemental systems. Results indicated a large potential for highly programmable surfaces within industry to provide a computer controlled surface for rapid prototyping. The research also revealed the potential for such a device to be used as a HID within Haptic applications.


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Education provides unique opportunities for individuals to develop their full character as Australian citizens who can play a part in the shaping of the future. All educational settings have an important role to play in bridging differences and promoting mutual respect, tolerance and understanding between people of different races, cultures, and religions. The curriculum is one component of the wider educational milieu that should be 'an enabling mechanism that nurtures adjustment to change, and simultaneously provides a roadmap of expectation' (Bruniges, 2005, p.15). As the rate and diversity of both local and global change accelerates, education continues to be faced with a multiplicity of challenges. The ways in which we respond to this will influence both the society and the curriculum that we design, implement and evaluate. Currently music educators implementing the Victorian Essential Learning Standards (VELS) are faced with the challenge of developing multicultural practices that align with both curriculum initiatives and create authentic experiences for students. As in the well-known story of the blind men and the elephant, teachers are faced with resources that offer only a shallow introduction to what is a multifaceted field. The question we pose is: 'How do educators embrace a vast range of cultural and social dimensions in our school music programmes without being like a blind man, grasping only one perspective of an extensive and complex whole?'


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This paper presents a system of systems approach to threat detection through integration of heterogeneous independently operable systems. The approach is presented on a realistic situation where a human-controlled base robot, swarm robot(s), and sensors work together to obtain a decision about a possible threat in the environment. The base robot is remotely operated by a human using a haptic control system. The swarm robot(s) are autonomous and can accept directives from the base robot. Finally, sensors directly communicate with (report to) the base robot. In this scenario, heterogeneous systems and human interact in a system of systems architecture. With the inclusion of human expert and sensor verification of swarm robots, the system can successfully perform the threat detection and reduce the false alarms. Finally, a system of systems simulation framework including a base robot, a swarm robot, and two sensors is presented in addition to an experimental evaluation of the proposed SoS architecture


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Traditionally, the control system of a modern teleoperated mobile robot consists of one or more two-dimensional joysticks placed on a control interface. While this simplistic interface allows an operator to remotely drive the platform, feedback is limited to visual information supplied by on-board cameras. Significant advances in the field of haptics have the potential to meaningfully enhance situational awareness of a remote robot. The focus of this research is the augmentation of Deakin University's OzBot trade MkIV mobile platform to include haptic control methodologies. Utilising the platform's inertial measurement unit, a remote operator has the ability to gain knowledge of the vehicle's operating performance and terrain while supplying a finer level of control to the drive motors. Our development of a generic multi-platform ActiveX allows the easy implementation of haptic force feedback to many computer based robot controllers. Furthermore, development of communication protocols has progressed with Joint Architecture for Unmanned Systems (JAUS) compliance in mind. The haptic force control algorithms are presented along with results highlighting the benefits of haptic operator feedback on the MklV OzBot trade chassis.


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The human hand provides proof that the anthropomorphic configuration, properly controlled, is successful and gives a target to aim at for artificial hand/robot hand researchers. In this paper we discuss the human hand physiology and grasp capabilities. We then provide design on a double thumb, two finger robotic hand. Architecture of the hand, fingers and their dynamic modelling is discussed. Finally, results are reported on the performance of a finger in the hand.


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There is growing awareness of the benefits of rehabilitation both in Australia and overseas. While the provision of rehabilitation services is not new, recognition of this type of health service as an integral part of health care has been linked to changes in the provision of acute care services, advances in medical technology, improvements in the management of trauma and an ageing population. Despite this, little attention has been paid to nursing's contribution to patient rehabilitation in Australia. The aim of this grounded theory study, therefore, was to collect and analyse nurses' reports of their contributions to patient rehabilitation and to describe and analyse contextual factors influencing that contribution. Data were collected during interviews with registered and enrolled nurses working in five inpatient rehabilitation units in New South Wales and during observation of the nurses' everyday practice. A total of 53 nurses participated in the study, 35 registered nurses and 18 enrolled nurses. Grounded theory, informed by the theoretical perspective of symbolic interactionism, was used to guide data analysis, the ongoing collection of data and the generation of a substantive theory. The findings revealed six major categories. One was an everyday problem labelled incongruence between nurses' and patients' understandings and expectations of rehabilitation. Another category, labelled coaching patients to self-care, described how nurses independently negotiated the everyday problem of incongruence. The remaining four categories captured conditions in the inpatient context which influenced how nurses could contribute to patient rehabilitation. Two categories, labelled segregation: divided and dividing work practices between nursing and allied health and role ambiguity, were powerful in shaping nursing's contribution as they acted individually and synergistically to constrain nursing's contribution to patient rehabilitation. The other two categories, labelled distancing to manage systemic constraints and grasping the nettle to realise nursing's potential, represent the mutually exclusive strategies nurses used in response to segregation and role ambiguity. From exploration of the relationship between the six categories, the core category and an interactive grounded theory called opting in and opting out emerged. In turn, this grounded theory reveals nursing's contribution to inpatient rehabilitation as well as contextual conditions constraining that contribution. The significance of these findings is made manifest through their contribution to the advancement of nursing knowledge and through implications for nursing practice and education, rehabilitation service delivery and research.