140 resultados para 0802 Computation Theory and Mathematics


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For many years now gender differences in average mathematics achievement in Australia and New Zealand have not been significant in large-scale domestic and international studies. However there is some recent evidence, from Australia at least, that gender differences in achievement favouring males may be re-emerging and, despite some positive affective findings and trends with respect to affect and participation leading up to the turn of the century, a pattern of lower interest and declining participation in mathematics among girls is evident. In this paper, trends in gender equity with respect to participation, achievement and affect reported in the literature over the past decade will be presented and analysed. Of particular interest are the factors that may have influenced these trends. Findings from recent research will be discussed. However it would seem that the attempts made by researchers to explain these trends are either limited in their capacity to establish an explanation or imply a deficit view of girls. An alternate position on gender equity and explanation of these trends will be presented in this paper with the purpose of making a contribution to the debate on curriculum and pedagogy in mathematics education.


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In this paper findings from a recent review of Australian research on gender issues in mathematics education (Vale, Forgasz & Horne, 2004) are presented.


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It is widely recognised that many teachers work 'out of field', taking subjects outside their specialities. Studies undertaken by the author and by other researchers shed light on how teachers themselves experience and understand out-of-field teaching. The article discusses the issue in relation to junior secondary science and mathematics. Evidence is drawn from the 2009 Teacher Identity In and Across Subjects (TIIAS) study. The article also includes a table summarising the findings of eight major research reports relevant to this issue. The author draws a range of conclusions. Teachers' experience and understanding of out-of-field teaching is determined not only by their subject content knowledge and their pedagogical content knowledge, but also by their context and by the personal resources available to them. Rural teachers often accept the need to teach across a number of subject areas, as part of their professional identity, despite the fact that they often lack easy access to subject specialists. Teachers tend to be more positive about out-of-field teaching when they themselves have had input into which subjects they will teach, and when they have an interest in or informal knowledge of the subject area. Teachers' interest in professional development to support their out-of-field teaching is influenced by whether they see themselves as simply filling in for someone, making the most of an opportunity, or pursuing an interest. Professional learning should ideally be initiated by or negotiated with the teachers, and should be provided at the point of need. School leaderships should maximise teachers' input into subject allocation and provision of professional learning opportunities. Teacher education courses need to prepare pre-service teachers to cope with out-of-field teaching.


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This paper reviews the work published in JMTP during its first 20 years. It finds extensive global coverage in terms of authors and material, despite a U.S. emphasis. In addition, a diversity of topics is covered and is making a significant contribution, as defined by citations, to broader academic discourse. The works published have a strong applied focus, although this might be expected to have been higher given the journal's applied foundations. The paper also identifies the most prolific individuals and institutions, based on the number of articles published and citations to those articles. The paper concludes that JMTP has made a valuable contribution to marketing academia and its global recognition continues to grow.


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Editorial introducing a range fo papers addressing issue of research methodologies and philosphical frameworks for research in L-1 education.


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This workshop is useful for academic researchers and postgraduate students who wish to explore relational approaches to the examination of the organisation of academic texts.
The first part of the workshop introduces the theory and premises of the framework for the rhetorical analysis of the structure of texts (FARS). FARS provides a functional account of the structure of text in terms of the strategies employed by writers to achieve their communicative purposes. Its coherence relations obtain from the level of text as a whole to the clausal level. The discourse parts at all levels except the bottom level constitute relational schemata. FARS relational taxonomy includes the following relational clusters: Elaboration, List, Causal, Adversative, Facilitation, Assessing and Digression. The second part of the workshopl provides opportunity to practice relational analyses of selected texts within this framework.


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In late 2011, first year university students in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) courses across Australia were invited to participate in the international Interests and Recruitment in Science (IRIS) study. IRIS investigates the influences on young people's decisions to choose university STEM courses and their subsequent experiences of these courses. The study also has a particular focus on the motivations and experiences of young women in courses such as physics, IT and engineering given the low rates of female participation in these fields. Around 3500 students from 30 Australian universities contributed their views on the relative importance of various school and non-school influences on their decisions, as well as insights into their experiences of university STEM courses so far. It is hoped that their contributions will help improve recruitment, retention and gender equity in STEM higher education and careers.