109 resultados para misfit dislocation


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Translators are often recommended to highly observe the natural flow of the target language of the translated texts. The use and order of discoursal aspects of texts such as thematic information, topical elements, left-dislocation, and passive voice, among others, which constitute information structure may sometimes conflict with this viewpoint. It is argued that such discoursal elements are determinant in understanding the flow of the texts in the source language and should not, therefore, be frequently switched around in the translated texts to fit the norm of the target language. The order of these linguistic elements should be maximally maintained when translating a text into a target language. It is after all the employment of such information structure units by the writer of the source text which is significant at any given point in discourse both cognitively, when processing the text, and interactionally, when communicating with the reader.


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The substructure and crystallographic texture characteristics of both the deformed matrix and dynamically recrystallized (DRX) grains were investigated in a Ni-30%Fe austenitic model alloy subjected to hot torsion. Deformation was performed at a temperature of 1000°C using strain rates of 1, 0.1 and 0.01 s-1, which produced a range of DRX grain sizes. Electron back-scattered diffraction and transmission electron microscopy were employed in the investigation. Both the deformed matrix and DRX grains revealed the texture components expected for simple shear deformation by crystallographic slip. The texture of DRX grains was dominated by low Taylor factor components as a result of their lower consumption rate during growth of these grains. There was a marked difference in the substructure characteristics between the deformed matrix and DRX grains regardless of the grain size and orientation. The deformed matrix substructure was largely characterized by organized, banded subgrain arrangements with alternating misorientations. By contrast, the substructure of DRX grains was generally more random in character and displayed complex, more equiaxed subgrain/cell arrangements characterized by local accumulation of misorientations. Based on the experimental observations, a mechanism of the distinct substructure development within DRX grains has been proposed.


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The present work provides a summary of the recent findings obtained from the experimental investigation of the grain structure, crystallographic texture and dislocation substructure evolution in an austenitic Ni-30%Fe model alloy during dynamic recrystallization (DRX) and post-dynamic annealing. It has been found that the DRX texture characteristics become increasingly dominated by the low Taylor factor grains during DRX development, which presumably results from the preferred nucleation and lower consumption rates of these grains. The substructure of DRX grains is “random” in character and displays complex, hierarchical subgrain/cell arrangements characterized by accumulation of misorientations across significant distances. The stored energy within DRX grains appears to be principally consistent with the corresponding Taylor factor values. The changes observed within the fully dynamically recrystallized microstructure during postdynamic annealing have provided a basis to suggest a novel mechanism of metadynamic softening for the current experimental conditions. It is proposed that the initial softening stage involves rapid growth of the dynamically formed nuclei and migration of the mobile boundaries. The subboundaries within DRX grains progressively disintegrate through dislocation climb and dislocation annihilation, which ultimately leads to the formation of dislocation-free grains, and the grain boundary migration gradually becomes slower. As a result, the DRX texture largely remains preserved throughout the annealing process.


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A 0.79C-1.5Si-1.98Mn-0.98Cr-0.24Mo-1.06Al-1.58Co (wt%) steel was isothermally heat treated at 200°C for 10 days to produce a nano-structured bainitic steel. The microstructure consisted of nanobainitic ferrite laths with a high dislocation density and retained austenite films having extensive twins. The crystallographic analysis using TEM and EBSD revealed that the bainitic ferrite laths are close to the Nishiyama-Wassermann orientation relationship with their parent austenite. There was only one type of packet identified in a given transformed austenite grain. Each packet consisted of two different blocks having variants with the same habit plane, but different crystallographic orientations. Atom Probe Tomography (APT) revealed that the carbon content of nanobainitic ferrite laths was much higher than expected from the para-equilibrium level. This was explained due to the long heat treatment time, which led to the formation of fine Fe-C clusters on areas with high dislocation densities in bainitic ferrite laths.


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Practice as research is now an accepted mode whereby artists can obtain a higher degree in our universities. But what conditions pertain for them there? Daily experiences of the misfit between the university, particularly in its current corporate guise, and the embodied practices upon which I draw have helped me, paradoxically, to clarify certain dance values which can perhaps have wider resonance. These values relate to concepts and ideas that can be found articulated by many practising artists and a number of other thinkers and practitioners including Winnicott, Alexander and Arendt. Focusing on here and now practicalities and issues, such as the nature of the studio floor, this article explores and argues for the importance of aesthetic experience and attention to life as we are living it: to experience, paradox, action, and sensation.


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Low cost ferrite and bainite(FB) steels offer the prospect of high ultimate tensile strength combined with high hole expansion ratio. The enhanced strain hardening and formabilityof FB steels were primarily associated with the fine ferrite matrix, the low residual stresses and dislocation densityand compatible deformation between both phases.This overview describes the various techniques to produce FB steels, and comparestheresulting microstructure, tensile propertiesand tretchflangeabilitywith conventional HSLA and DP steels.A new generation of ultrafine ferrite and nano-scalebainiteautomotive steelsisunder development forthe futuredemands of extremely high strength and ductilitythroughthe fabricationtechnologiesinvolvingphase transformationsandplastic deformation.


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First results are presented for a uniaxial tensile stage designed to operate on a scanning micro X-ray diffraction synchrotron beamline. The new tensile stage allows experiments at typical loading cycles used in standard engineering stress–strain tests. Several key features have been implemented to support in situ loading experiments at the intragranular length scale. The physical size and weight of the load cell were minimized to maintain the correct working distance for the X-ray focusing optics and to avoid overloading the high-resolution raster scan translation stages. A high-magnification optical microscope and image correlation code were implemented to enable automated online tracking capabilities during macroscopic elongation of the sample. Preliminary in situ tensile loading experiments conducted on beamline 12.3.2 at the Advanced Light Source using a polycrystalline commercial-purity Ti test piece showed that the elastic–plastic response of individual grains could be measured with submicrometre spatial resolution. The experiments highlight the unique instrumentation capabilities of the tensile stage for direct measurement of deviatoric strain and observation of dislocation patterning on an intragranular length scale as a function of applied load.


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A tensonometer for stretching metal foils has been constructed for the study of strain broadening in X-ray diffraction line profiles. This device, which is designed for use on powder diffractometers and was tested on Station 2.3 at Daresbury Laboratory, allows in situ measurements to be performed on samples under stress. It can be used for data collection in either transmission or reflection modes using either symmetric or asymmetric diffraction geometries. As a test case, measurements were carried out on an 18 µm-thick copper foil experiencing strain levels of up to 5% using both symmetric reflection and symmetric transmission diffraction. All the diffraction profiles displayed peak broadening and asymmetry which increased with strain. The measured profiles were analysed by the fundamental-parameters approach using the TOPAS peak-fitting software. All the observed broadened profiles were modelled by convoluting a refineable diffraction profile, representing the dislocation and crystallite size broadening, with a fixed instrumental profile predetermined using high-quality LaB6 reference powder. The deconvolution process yielded `pure' sample integral breadths and asymmetry results which displayed a strong dependence on applied strain and increased almost linearly with applied strain. Assuming crystallite size broadening in combination with dislocation broadening arising from f.c.c. a/2〈110〉{111} dislocations, the variation of mechanical property with strain has been extracted. The observation of both peak asymmetry and broadening has been interpreted as a manifestation of a cellular structure with cell walls and cell interiors possessing high and low dislocation densities.


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Scanning white beam X-ray microdiffraction has been used to study the heterogeneous grain deformation in a polycrystalline Mg alloy (MgAZ31). The high spatial resolution achieved on beamline 7.3.3 at the Advanced Light Source provides a unique method to measure the elastic strain and orientation of single grains as a function of applied load. To carry out in-situ measurements a light weight (~0.5kg) tensile stage, capable of providing uniaxial loads of up to 600kg, was designed to collect diffraction data on the loading and unloading cycle. In-situ observation of the deformation process provides insight about the crystallographic deformation mode via twinning and dislocation slip.


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The development of an in-situ tensometer is described along with preliminary results of x-ray line profiles from copper foils under tensile stress. The tensometer was designed and constructed on the high resolution diffraction instrument, Station 2.3 at the synchrotron radiation source (SRS) Daresbury Laboratory, and is capable of collecting data in either symmetric or asymmetric geometry including transmission and reflection modes. Experiments were carried out using 18 J..Lm thick copper foil up to strain levels of 5 % using both symmetric reflection and symmetric transmission diffraction. All profiles displayed diffraction broadening and asymmetry which increased with strain. In addition, the asymmetry observed in symmetric transmission was associated with extended tails on the low angle side of the profiles, but in symmetric reflection data the opposite asymmetry was observed. In the analysis, the measured profiles were fitted using the software TOPAS, a fundamental parameters approach to profile fitting. The instrumental profile function was characterised and modelled using annealed LaB6 powder. The diffraction broadening was then determined by refining the convolution of a Voigt function, an asymmetric exponential function and a fixed instrument function to reproduce the observed broadened profiles. The integral breadth and asymmetry results display a strong order dependence and increase almost linearly with strain. The results were interpreted by assuming crystallite size broadening in combination with dislocation broadening arising from fcc a/2( 110) {Ill } dislocations.


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The aging behavior of a thermomechanically processed Mo-Al-Nb transformation-induced plasticity steel with ultrafine microstructure was investigated using transmission electron microscopy and atom probe tomography (APT). Strain aging at 73 K (200 °C) for 1800 seconds led to a significant bake-hardening response (up to 222 MPa). Moreover, aging for 1800 seconds at room temperature after 4 pct pre-strain also revealed a bake-hardening response (~60 MPa). The experimental results showed the formation of carbon Cottrell atmospheres around dislocations and the formation of carbon clusters/fine carbides in the bainitic ferrite during aging. It is proposed that this is associated with the high dislocation density of bainitic ferrite with formation of a complex dislocation substructure after pre-straining and its high average carbon content (~0.35 at. pct). The segregation of carbon and substitutional elements such as Mn and Mo to the retained austenite/bainitic ferrite interface during aging was observed by APT. This segregation is likely to be the preliminary stage for Mo-C particles’ formation. The aging after pre-straining also induced the decomposition of retained austenite with formation of ferrite and carbides.


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The present work examines the microstructure and texture evolution in a Ni-30wt.%Fe austenitic model alloy deformed in torsion at 1000 °C, with a particular emphasis on the orientation dependence of the substructure characteristics within the deformed original grains. Texture of these grains was principally consistent with that expected for simple shear and comprised the main A, B and C components. The deformation substructure within the main texture component grains was characterised by "organised" arrays of parallel microbands with systematically alternating misorientations, locally accompanied by micro-shear bands within the C grains. With increasing strain, the mean subgrain size gradually decreased and the mean misorientation angle concurrently increased towards the saturation. The stored deformation energy within the main texture component grains was principally consistent with the respective Taylor factor values. The microband boundaries corresponded to the expected single slip {111} plane for the A oriented grains while these boundaries for the C oriented grains represented a variety of planes even for a single grain.


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This paper examines the act of undertaking international air travel and analyses how it forces individuals to consider a range of ideas as a result of dislocation and attempts to re-align themselves within spatial, material and biological structures. In order to balance the shifts between spatial and material experiences, travellers employ imaginative and perceptive procedures, gaining knowledge through experience. At the intersection of participatory and spatial boundaries through the lens of multi-disciplinary literature, this paper explores how practices of individuals within international air travel provides alternative modes of thinking and navigating through personal, cultural and globalised public spaces.