264 resultados para diet satisfaction


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This paper develops a conceptual model of the relationship between different cultural values and how they influence consumer satisfaction in the tourism industry. It is hypothesized that cultural differences manifest themselves in different levels of importance being placed upon different aspects of service, and the differences between the levels of importance and the actual service received cause differences in the levels of satisfaction. These hypotheses are tested using 269 independent samples of levels of importance and 411 independent samples of satisfaction of tourists from four cultural groups (Australian, USA/Canadian, Japanese, Mandarin speakers) who visited Melbourne, Australia in the period May-September, 1996. The analysis develops dimensions of importance and satisfaction separately for each cultural grouping, and uses structural equation modeling (Amos 3.6) to develop the causal model measuring the way in which importance of service dimensions cause dimensions of satisfaction. Conclusions from the analysis show little evidence of a causal relationship between importance of service quality attributes and satisfaction. However, significant differences are found between cultures for different levels of satisfaction resulting indirectly from differences in the importance and actual levels of service received.


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Despite the importance of the sodium-restricted diet (SRD) to heart failure (HF) management, patient adherence is poor. Little is known about gender differences in adherence or factors that affect patients' ability to follow SRD recommendations. The purposes of this study were to determine whether there were gender differences in (1) adherence to the SRD; (2) knowledge about SRD and HF self-care; and (3) perceived barriers to following the SRD.
Methods and Results

Forty-one men and 27 women completed the Heart Failure Attitudes and Barriers questionnaire that measured HF self-care, knowledge, and perceived barriers to follow an SRD. Diet adherence was measured by 24-hour urinary sodium excretion (UNa). Women were more adherent to the SRD than men as reflected by 24-hour urine excretion (2713 versus 3859 mg UNa, P = .01). Women recognized signs of excess sodium intake such as fluid buildup (P = .001) and edema (P = .01) more often than men and had better understanding of appropriate actions to take related to following an SRD. There were no gender differences in perceived barriers to follow an SRD.

Although men and women perceived similar barriers, women were more adherent to the SRD and had greater knowledge about following an SRD. Further investigation of this phenomenon is warranted to determine if better adherence contributes to improved outcomes in women.


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Objective: To determine whether healthy males who consumed increased amounts of dietary stearic acid compared with increased dietary palmitic acid exhibited any changes in their platelet aggregability, platelet fatty acid profiles, platelet morphology, or haemostatic factors.

Design: A randomized cross-over dietary intervention.

Subjects and interventions: Thirteen free-living healthy males consumed two experimental diets for 4 weeks with a 7 week washout between the two dietary periods. The diets consisted of ~30% of energy as fat (66% of which was the treatment fat) providing ~6.6% of energy as stearic acid (diet S) or ~7.8% of energy as palmitic acid (diet P). On days 0 and 28 of each dietary period, blood samples were collected and anthropometric and physiological measurements were recorded.

Results: Stearic acid was increased significantly in platelet phospholipids on diet S (by 22%), while on diet P palmitic acid levels in platelet phospholipids also increased significantly (8%). Mean platelet volume, coagulation factor FVII activity and plasma lipid concentrations were significantly decreased on diet S, while platelet aggregation was significantly increased on diet P.

Conclusion: Results from this study indicate that stearic acid (19 g/day) in the diet has beneficial effects on thrombogenic and atherogenic risk factors in males. The food industry might wish to consider the enrichment of foods with stearic acid in place of palmitic acid and trans fatty acids.


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Focuses on the reversal of obesity- and diet-induced insulin resistance with salicylates or targeted disruption of IkB kinase beta (IKKbeta) Definition of insulin resistance; Recognition of the IKKbeta pathway as the target for insulin sensitization; Impact of the increase of IKKbeta activity on obese rodents.


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Leadership, professional and other transferable skills are embedded in the expected attributes of Australian research postgraduates at the successful completion of their degrees. This paper reports on the development of an evaluation process for a postgraduate transferable skills program at The University of Melbourne, Australia. Existing and emerging evaluation practices and processes are examined in light of the literature on what constitutes 'good' evaluation of the type of program under consideration. The development of the process to go beyond the commonly used participant satisfaction surveys and to improve evaluation practices is described in detail. The results of the evaluation to date are provided and discussed in terms of their usefulness in incorporating particular improvements to the program. The implications for the evaluation of other programs of this type are considered.


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The diet of a Southern Boobook Ninox novaeseelandiae in a Box-Ironbark woodland remnant in central Victoria was studied. An analysis of 42.5 pellets found invertebrates to represent 82% of the total prey items, but vertebrates, in the form of the House Mouse Mus domesticus, to represent 88% of the biomass. The proportion of spiders as prey items in the diet in this instance (43%) was significantly higher than in other studies on mainland Australia.


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The Australian fur seal Arctocephalus pusillus doriferus is a temperate latitude species with a breeding distribution restricted to Bass Strait, Australia. Recent studies of the foraging behaviour of female Australian fur seals indicated that they feed demersally in the shallow continental shelf waters, a behaviour that is in contrast to the epipelagic foraging of females of most other arctocephaline (Southern Hemisphere fur seals) species and akin to that observed in sea lions. These studies, however, were conducted at one colony (Kanowna Island) located in central northern Bass Strait, and it was suggested that the observed foraging behaviour may have been due to the distance of this colony from the continental shelf edge (180 km), making it inefficient to forage beyond it. Here, the diet of lactating Australian fur seals was compared between 2 colonies to test if differing proximity to the continental shelf edge resulted in differences in foraging behaviour. The 2 breeding colonies studied, Kanowna Island and The Skerries, were 180 and 25 km from the nearest shelf edge, respectively. We analysed a total of 917 scat samples collected at the 2 colonies between 1997 and 2001. From faecal analysis, 45 primarily demersal on-shelf species of fishes and cephalopods were identified. Only 4 species had a frequency of occurrence greater than 10%: redbait Emmelichthys nitidus, jack mackerel Trachurus sp., red rock cod Pseudophycis bachus, and Gould’s squid Nototodarus gouldi. No seasonal, annual or spatial differences were found between the 2 colonies, indicating that proximity to the shelf edge does not influence diet.


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The diets of four highly-abundant, dominant fish species within the Surrey River, a small intermittently open estuary in south-east Australia, were examined from specimens collected between July 2004 and June 2005. These four, similar-sized species (Atherinosoma microstoma, Galaxias maculatus, Philypnodon grandiceps and Pseudogobius olorum) have limited ability to spatially segregate along the length of the estuary owing to its small size relative to other estuarine habitats. All four species fed on a variety of prey items including crustaceans, insects and detritus. Despite this parity, the four species were demonstrated to occupy differing dietary niches that were concluded to be responsible for reducing interspecific feeding competition. Seasonal variations in the diets were observed for A. microstoma and Philypnodon grandiceps, with these species also exhibiting contrasting diel feeding behaviours. The closure of the estuary mouth led to the flooding of its margins, resulting in an increase in the size of the estuary and providing alternative food resources for the fish to exploit. It appears the inundation of the flood-zone facilitated further significant divergence in the diets of the fish and is likely to be of high ecological value to the estuary.


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Preventing the development of obesity in children is an international health priority. To assess the effectiveness of interventions designed to prevent obesity, promote healthy eating and/or physical activity and/or to reduce sedentary behaviours in 0–5-year-old children, a systematic review of the literature was performed. Literature searches were limited to articles published between January 1995 and June 2006, printed in English and sampling children aged 0–5-years. Searches excluded literature concerned with breastfeeding, eating disorders, and interventions which were school-based or concerned with obesity treatment. Two reviewers independently extracted data and assessed study strengths and weaknesses. Nine included studies were grouped based on the settings in which they were delivered. Most studies involved multi-approach interventions, were conducted in the USA and varied in study designs and quality. All showed some level of effectiveness on at least one obesity-behaviour in young children. These studies support, at a range of levels, the premise that parents are receptive to and capable of some behavioural changes that may promote healthy weight in their young children. The small quantity of research heralds the need, particularly given the potential for early intervention to have long-lasting impacts on individual and population health, to build in a substantial way upon this evidence base.


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This study used interviews and qualitative analyses to investigate the nature of the messages that preschool children receive from mothers and teachers about their bodies, general appearance, exercise and eating practices. Participants were 10 female teachers and 53 mothers. The behaviours of the 53 children (24 boys, 29 girls) were also observed to determine the nature of their eating and exercise behaviours. The results demonstrated that both mothers and teachers expressed concerns about their own bodies. Mothers also communicated messages to their daughters about losing weight and messages to their sons about increasing their muscles. Both girls and boys were concerned about their appearance, particularly their clothes and hair. Girls also demonstrated some concerns about losing weight, and boys with increasing muscles. Implications of these results are discussed in terms of designing education programs for mothers, teachers and children to prevent the development of body image concerns and disordered eating among children. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and Eating Disorders Association.


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Introduction. Research in the past 20 years has demonstrated that erectile dysfunction (ED) is an area of concern for men and their partners.

Aim. The current study was designed to evaluate the impact of the perceived severity of ED on treatment-seeking behavior and satisfaction with treatment among men with ED.

Main Outcome Measures.
Participants completed a questionnaire to assess the above variables, as well as the duration of ED.

Methods. Participants were 410 men with ED who were primarily recruited over the Internet via men's health websites.

Results. The results demonstrated that men with more severe ED compared with men with milder ED were more likely to have discussed their ED with their partner and doctor, have sought assistance for their ED problem, but they were also less satisfied with the effectiveness of phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors, and said they were less likely to use them in the future. Men with more severe ED were also less likely to want ED medication to last for 24 hours.

Conclusions. Implications of these findings for the treatment of men with different levels of ED are discussed.