108 resultados para course with e-support for teaching


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Low dietary intakes of the n-3 long-chain PUFA (LCPUFA) EPA and DHA are thought to be associated with increased risk for a variety of adverse  outcomes, including some psychiatric disorders. Evidence from  observational and intervention studies for a role of n-3 LCPUFA in depression is mixed, with some support for a benefit of EPA and/or DHA in major depressive illness. The present study was a double-blind randomised controlled trial that evaluated the effects of EPA+DHA supplementation (1.5 g/d) on mood and cognitive function in mild to moderately depressed  individuals. Of 218 participants who entered the trial, 190 completed the planned 12 weeks intervention. Compliance, confirmed by plasma fatty acid concentrations, was good, but there was no evidence of a difference between supplemented and placebo groups in the primary outcome - namely, the depression subscale of the Depression Anxiety and Stress Scales at 12 weeks. Mean depression score was 8.4 for the EPA+DHA group and 9.6 for the placebo group, with an adjusted difference of - 1.0 (95 % CI - 2.8, 0.8; P = 0.27). Other measures of mood, mental health and cognitive function, including Beck Depression Inventory score and attentional bias toward threat words, were similarly little affected by the intervention. In conclusion, substantially increasing EPA+DHA intake for 3 months was found not to have beneficial or harmful effects on mood in mild to moderate depression. Adding the present result to a meta-analysis of previous relevant randomised controlled trial results confirmed an overall negligible benefit of n-3 LCPUFA supplementation for depressed mood.


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The 2004 Australian Football League and National Rugby League seasons started amidst claims made by women about players behaving inappropriately towards them. A raft of allegations surfaced in the media, prompting nationwide debate on the issue of sportsmen and violence. While sport sociologists have made important inroads toward understanding sexual misconduct by male athletes, much of this research appears to focus on the socio-cultural factors informing the perpetrators' actions. This study takes a different approach, analysing the perspectives of female Australian rules football fans to consider gendered narratives of sexual misconduct. Our findings demonstrate that discourses of individualism, along with a mix of socio-cultural and biological arguments, are used by women to reconcile players' misconduct with continuing support of their sport.


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Objective: Parent training programmes are a well-established treatment approach for children and adolescents with disruptive behaviour disorders. However, dropout from treatment is a common problem that confounds research on the efficacy of this approach, and wastes important mental health resources. This study sought to further our understanding of the reasons why parents drop out of parent training programmes.

Nine parents of children with disruptive behaviour disorders who had dropped out of a parent training programme were interviewed to investigate why they discontinued the programme.

Results: Parents who dropped out of treatment believed that their children were more difficult than other children with the same disorder and may have been better suited to a child-focused intervention. The parents themselves had very stressful lives, with the majority being single mothers with little support. Dropout parents also had difficulty with the group context and putting strategies into place. Practical concerns included parking, timing of session and the length and number of sessions.

Conclusions: The findings are discussed in terms of what modifications can be made to these programmes to increase retention.


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The doctrine of rights has become part of private law jurisprudence. In this article the application of the doctrine in two decisions dealing with surface support in mineral law is examined. It is argued that the decision of Kriegler J in Elektrisiteitsvoorsieningskommissie v Fourie, namely, that the right to surface support is an entitlement, is more correct than Anglo Operations Ltd v Sandhurst Estates (Pty) Ltd in which it was decided that the right to surface support is a competence. It is submitted that depending on the legal location of the entitlement in the relationship between owner and miner of land one may simply refer to either an owner's entitlement to surface support or a miner's entitlement to undertake opencast-cast mining.


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The changing nature of residential housing markets is due to a large number of influences, although some have a larger effect than others do on house values. Whilst it is extremely difficult to completely disaggregate all influencing factors, it is possible to highlight areas that have a strong relationship with property – one of these is residency of employment. This research investigates these links between residential housing markets as measured by the level of house prices and residency of employment as measured by industry sector employment. It focuses on Local Government Areas in the State of Victoria, Australia and examines change over a ten year period between 1991 and 2001 using census and house price information. It is supported by data sourced from the Australian Bureau of Statistics and the Victorian Government’s Valuer General’s Office. The analysis also considers changes in these employment sectors from Australia’s overall perspective, as well as comparison with changes in Victoria’s overall residency of employment trends. It is assisted by a spatial representation of three 'shift-share' components and property values with the support of a geographical information system (GIS).


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A “neighbour” separated by 6,000 km of Pacific, Mexico is by far New Zealand’s largest trading partner in Latin America and its 15th largest overall. With two-way trade worth NZ$584 million in 2002, many Mexicans grow up on New Zealand milk powder and baby formula. Not only is Mexico’s population of 100 million a huge potential economic partner in its own right, through its network of free trade agreements, Mexico has preferential access to 860 million consumers in 32 countries covering sixty percent of the world’s GDP.

Like New Zealand, Mexico is a “New World” country open to new ideas and innovation. Also like New Zealand, Mexico is known internationally for economic reforms that have created two outward-looking, world-trading, and competitive economies. During the last 50 years, the Mexican economy has shifted away from the once dominant sectors of agriculture and mining toward more industrial activities, especially in the major urban centres of Mexico City, Monterrey, Guadalajara, and other regional centres, where entrepreneurs are concentrated. With this shift, a new class of entrepreneurs arose with the support of the government.

One of those regional centres is the State of Sinaloa, with its capital city, Culiacán. Spearheaded by a visionary government and personified by the Secretary of Economic Development, Heriberto Felix Guerra. Secretary Felix is himself restaurant entrepreneur who owns a growing chain of “concept food” restaurants in the region.

It is no accident that when New Zealand Prime Minister Helen Clark visited Mexican President Vicente Fox Quesada on 15 November 2001, one of the topics of conversation was the fact that very day their two countries had been benchmarked as two of the world’s most entrepreneurial countries in the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor 2001 survey.

More germane, both countries have low-aspiration entrepreneurs who generate low levels of wealth and have low potential for growth. Both are dominated by micro-businesses that do not have high-value-added components and are not investment-ready and pre-qualified for risk capita.

This leads to the question, what can New Zealanders learn from the experience of Mexican entrepreneurship?


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Although the thermodynamic advantages of using solar energy to replace the bled off steam in the regeneration system of Rankine cycle coal fired power stations has been proven theoretically, the practical techno/economic feasibility of the concept has yet to be confirmed relative to real power station applications. To investigate this concept further, computer modelling software “THERMSOLV” was specifically developed for this project at Deakin University, together with the support of the Victorian power industry and Australian Research Council (ARC). This newly developed software simulates the steam cycle to assess the techno/economic merit of the solar aided concept for various power station structures, locations and local electricity market conditions. Two case studies, one in Victoria Australia and one in Yunnan Province, China, have been carried out with the software. Chapter one of this thesis defines the aims and scope of this study. Chapter two details the literature search in the related areas for this study. The thermodynamic concept of solar aid power generation technology has been described in chapter three. In addition, thermodynamic analysis i.e. exergy/availability has been described in this chapter. The “Thermosolv” software developed in this study is detailed in chapter four with its structure, functions and operation manual included. In chapter five the outcomes of two case studies using the “Thermosolv” software are presented, with discussions and conclusions about the study in chapters 6 and 7 respectfully. The relevant recommendations are then made in chapter eight.


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Issue addressed: The determinants of individual and community mental health and wellbeing are diverse and many lie outside the sphere of action of the health sector. Developing the confidence and skills of these other sectors to contribute to improved mental health has been identified as a priority at State and national levels that requires the development of specific workforce capacity-building strategies. Methods: VicHealth developed and implemented a two day short course to raise the capacity of organisations from a range of sectors to contribute to the mental health and wellbeing of communities. The model of this short course was constructed to reflect the diverse sectors targeted, which included health, local government, community arts, sport and recreation, justice, and education. Results: Evaluation of the two year pilot program, with more than 1,000 participants, has identified a high degree of satisfaction with the content and delivery model of the course, with clear changes in knowledge, skills and practice having been achieved. Cross-sector understanding and collaborations between participants increased as a result of the course. Conclusions: Continuing demand for the course demonstrates clearly that mental health and well-being is relevant to the core business of a broad range of community and professional organisations. The course has increased the confidence and capacity of these sector representatives to take action on mental health as well as increased cross-sector dialogue and partnerships. The recruitment of trainers from diverse sectors was successful in promoting a key component of the program, which was the message that mental health promotion should be the business of all sectors.


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An investigation of junior primary school children's use of computer-based music technology found that, with active support from teachers, young children were able to participate effectively in relatively complex musical processes, with particular regard to listening, performing and composing, thus extending the traditional scope of young children's music education.


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Internet-based interventions with therapist support have proven effective for treating a range of mental health conditions. This study examined whether frequency of therapist contact affected treatment outcomes. Fifty-seven people with panic disorder (including 32 with agoraphobia) were randomly allocated to an 8-week Internet-based cognitive behavioural treatment intervention (Panic Online) with either frequent (three e-mails per week) or infrequent (one e-mail per week) support from a psychologist. Posttreatment, intention-to-treat analyses revealed that both treatments were effective at improving panic disorder and agoraphobia severity ratings, panicrelated cognitions, negative affect, and psychological and physical quality of life domains, with no differences between conditions. High end-state functioning was achieved by 28.6% of the frequent and infrequent participants, respectively. Therapist alliance, treatment credibility, and satisfaction also did not differ between groups, despite significantly greater therapist time invested in the frequent contact condition. The results provide evidence that the effectiveness of Internet-based mental health interventions may be independent of the frequency of therapist support and may, therefore, be more cost-effective than previously reported.


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This study investigated the effectiveness of alcohol and other drug education by examining practice change in workers when they returned to their workplace, identifying barriers to and supports for that practice change. The influencing characteristics of the individual, their team environment and their organisation have also been identified.


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Hedge-mony was a site-specific visual performance involving the creation of a human maze involving 400+ performers including a large number of Deakin University students and alumni. The Red Cabbage Collective developed the work with the support of Next Wave for Festival 2006, the cultural festival of the Commonwealth Games. The Red Cabbage 'Hedges' were featured internationally in the Games advertising campaign 'See The Games We Play'.


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This paper evaluates six commonly available parts-of-speech tagging tools over corpora other than those upon which they were originally trained. In particular this investigation measures the performance of the selected tools over varying styles and genres of text without retraining, under the assumption that domain specific training data is not always available. An investigation is performed to determine whether improved results can be achieved by combining the set of tagging tools into ensembles that use voting schemes to determine the best tag for each word. It is found that while accuracy drops due to non-domain specific training, and tag-mapping between corpora, accuracy remains very high, with the support vector machine-based tagger, and the decision tree-based tagger performing best over different corpora. It is also found that an ensemble containing a support vector machine-based tagger, a probabilistic tagger, a decision-tree based tagger and a rule-based tagger produces the largest increase in accuracy and the largest reduction in error across different corpora, using the Precision-Recall voting scheme.


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his paper evaluates six commonly available parts-of-speech tagging tools over corpora other than those upon which they were originally trained. In particular this investigation measures the performance of the selected tools over varying styles and genres of text without retraining, under the assumption that domain specific training data is not always available. An investigation is performed to determine whether improved results can be achieved by combining the set of tagging tools into ensembles that use voting schemes to determine the best tag for each word. It is found that while accuracy drops due to non-domain specific training, and tag-mapping between corpora, accuracy remains very high, with the support vector machine-based tagger, and the decision tree-based tagger performing best over different corpora. It is also found that an ensemble containing a support vector machine-based tagger, a probabilistic tagger, a decision-tree based tagger and a rule-based tagger produces the largest increase in accuracy and the largest reduction in error across different corpora, using the Precision-Recall voting scheme.


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The range of rationales that underpin conceptions of flexible education, and the re-making over time of the official meaning of flexibility in national education policy, have led to the point where flexibility might be found, or be required, in nearly every aspect of Australian higher education. This paper seeks to identify those rationales and the development of public policy rhetoric that have framed the development of the meaning of flexible education over time in an Australian context. By considering the intersection of theoretical and policy perspectives on flexible education with the realities of teaching and learning practice in the discipline context of engineering, this paper proposes the essential importance of individual context and agency in the making of real meaning from, and creating practical boundaries around, the otherwise tenuous definitions of flexibility often offered by institutional policy.