185 resultados para Teacher-student relationship


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The principal aim of this study is to examine the relationship between the cultural background of students and their learning approaches in a tertiary accounting program. While prior research in this area has more generally focused on the investigation of the learning approaches of accounting students, there appears to have been little investigation into the learning approaches of students from different cultures who are studying together at the same institution. The paper presents the results of a study of 550 students enrolled in an undergraduate accounting program at a multi-campus Victorian university where learning approaches and cultural background variables were investigated together with other background variables such as gender and age.

The findings extend prior research on the impact cultural factors may have on the learning approaches of accounting students and also assists in clarifying the relationship between memorisation in the process of learning given the diverse ways that students from different cultures study accounting.


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The paper undertakes a comparative analysis of the gap in student expectations and perceptions on key service quality factors influencing the choice of Australia as a study destination by international postgraduate students of Asian origin and their relationship with student satisfaction. Based on the theoretical framework of expectancy-disconfirmation paradigm, the paper examines the differences in student perceptions of the level of service quality related to the key factors of choice among four groups of students from China, India, Indonesia and Thailand using structural equation modelling, ANOV A and MANOV A. It concludes with strategic implications for universities.


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While it is said that building positive relationships between students and teachers promotes both student emotional wellbeing and learning, the literature currently provides few clues on how to go about building such relations (and the priorities for action) which are grounded in the research. Interviews and a focus group were used to explore the perspectives of experienced teachers in promoting wellbeing among students facing adversity (i.e. prolonged difficulties and misfortune, such as poverty and issues associated with being a refugee). The results showed that teachers who nurtured relationships with students facing adversity meet considerable challenges. Priority challenges included grappling with unfamiliar student values; facing their own and other staff judgements; boundary issues; schools becoming refuges in communities under strain; and trying to still care when workplace changes appeared to work against positive teacher–student (TS) relationships. The paper concludes that such relationships are a site of tension, contradiction and intensity. Nevertheless, for these teachers, the specific challenges in relationships laid the foundations for meaningful student learning and mental health promotion.


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The last decade has seen a phenomenal growth in the use of the Web in university education, with various factors influencing the adoption of Web-based technology. The reduction of government funding in the higher education sector has forced universities to seek technological solutions to provide courses for a growing and increasingly diverse and distributed student population [13,14]. Another impetus has been a shift in focus from teacher-centred to learner-centred education, encouraging educators to provide courses which enable students to manage their own learning [6]. In this paper we discuss challenges associated with the design and provision of Web-based learning environments that are truly student-centred. We draw on interview and questionnaire data from an evaluation study to raise issues surrounding the provision of online environments that meet learners' needs. We discuss the challenges of catering for the needs of different learners and the challenges associated with helping students to make the transition into new online learning environments.


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Accelerated learning is an integrative method of learning, combining both sides of the brain to strengthen a student's relationship with self, teacher, subject matter and other students, and so assists students to achieve deep, rather than surface, learning. While the approach has been used to teach school pupils and trainees in the corporate world, its use in marketing education in universities is limited, and there are no reports of studies focusing on its use in postgraduate coursework degrees. Thus this paper examines how accelerated learning could be used in teaching marketing at universities at the MBA level. Some techniques are synthesised from the literature that are particularly appropriate for the students and constraints of an MBA program in a university. We conclude that accelerated learning techniques can be used and are effective in a MBA program. Essentially, accelerated learning incorporate many, already known ideas but it is a useful comprehensive framework.


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This book is focused on ten action research and evaluative case studies in environmental education carried out by teacher educators and teachers. The case studies range across five European countries: Austria, Hungary, Italy, Sweden and Switzerland. They are followed by cross-case comparisons which explore issues emerging from the documented reflective practice: aims of environmental education in the educational policy context of the countries, their relationship to the disciplines and the traditional knowledge transmission position, the role of action research approaches for innovation and reflection, and institutional conditions of collaboration in teacher education. This international case study project is research based in adopting professional development approaches that are informed by action research principles. It represents examples of innovation that challenge established practice in schools and teacher education institutions. It provides study material for all who attempt to describe, change and improve their own education practices and who want to adopt an action research approach to professional or program development.


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The paper explores the ways in which risk operates as a powerful discourse that shapes what health education teachers said about and what they did in their classroom practices. The paper draws on a qualitative study that seeks to explore the dominant and contesting discourses within health education.


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The author undertook a major national study of e-business for the Australian National Training Authority (ANTA) from November 1999 - February 2000, resulting in the report E-competent Australia: The Impact of E-commerce on the National Training Framework (ANTA, 2000; available at http;://www.anta.gov.au). This ANTA study and other research by the author show that e-business will eventually have a significant impact on the Australian economy, on industries, organisations, occupations and education and training organisations. From April-May 2000, the author is undertaking a major study for the Commonwealth Government (DETYA): a scoping study of e-commerce in the education and training sector (higher education, VET, schools) of Australia.

This paper starts where the ANTA study (Mitchell 2000a) and the DETYA study stop, by exploring the implications of e-business for online learning systems. E-business will eventually impact not only on the organisations providing online education but on their online learning systems.

The paper is based also on research by the author for a Doctorate in Education within the Faculty of Education at Deakin University that commenced in 1997 and is continuing. The research for this paper involved a review of national and international developments in ebusiness, relating them to online learning systems.

This paper traces the origins, definitions and drivers of both e-business and online learning systems in the 1990s, showing how e-business principles and strategies in the future will have a beneficial impact on online learning systems, even if online learning systems eventually lose their identities as separate from the rest of the organisation.

An e-business focus for online learning systems would start with an understanding of the customers' needs; would find a customer-centric solution, not a technology-centric solution; would empower the customer; would provide sufficient and multiple types of support for the customer; would provide quality and skilled input; and would provide cost effective, reliable and accessible technology.

This vision of an e-business approach to training varies greatly from the traditional business model for the delivery of training, particularly by VET Registered Training Organisations (RTOs). The traditional business model includes real estate prices dictating location of campuses; architecture dictating class sizes; industrial relations dictating the number and length of sessions and prescribing tight role descriptions; queues of students enrolling in February and July each year; and students seated in teacher-dominated classrooms. In contrast, an e-business basis for RTOs would involve the use of electronic communication to improve business performance, improve the use of existing resources, enhance existing services and increase market reach.

An e-business model for RTOs would include the following features: the development of new relationships with customers, using electronic communication to strengthen the relationship; the pursuit of new student markets; and the development of new relationships and alliances between providers. In this new arena of potential and threat, of disintermediation and reintermediation, there will be new roles for new intermediaries; and there will emerge new ways of supporting teaching and learning. Progressive education and training organisations will realize the potential offered by e-business and enjoy the fruits of reintermediation.


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This paper reports on a research project that explored how student teachers understand ethnic and classed difference as it relates to themselves and their students. Discourses of schooling can shape students ethnic and classed identities, frequently positioning non-mainstream students as 'other' and marginalizing them. Significant numbers of our teacher education students have limited experience of diverse educational settings, having mainly attended white middle-class schools as students and as student teachers. Working with diverse student populations productively depends on teachers recognising and valuing difference. The ways in which they engage with students whose ethnic and classed identities are different from their own is important in creating learning environments that build on and engage with diversity.

In a preliminary stage of the research we asked eight third-year teacher education students to explore their own ethnic and classed identities. The complexities of identity are foregrounded in both the assumptions we made in selecting particular students for the project and in the ways they did (not) think about themselves as having ethnic or classed identities.

In this paper we draw on these findings to interrogate how categories of identity are fluid, shifting and ongoing processes of negotiation: troubling and complex. We also consider the implications for teacher education.


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This paper draws on findings from three separate research projects to illustrate how teachers’ and student-teachers’ ethnic and social class identities shape theirrepresentations of professional self, their interactions with their students and the pedagogies they privilege in their classes. The paper raises a number of important implications for teacher education seeking to prepare teachers for culturally diverse contexts such as Australian classrooms. It concludes that a major challenge for teacher educators is to find ways of enabling their students to interrogate often taken-for-granted assumptions about their own ethnic and classed positionings.


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This paper outlines the development project for the 'Productive on-line student support system', a student "self-help" system, at Deakin University. The aim of this project was to provide Deakin primary teacher education students with a web-based learning tool that allowed them to assess and diagnose their strengths and weaknesses in mathematics, and supports students in their mathematics learning, and in so doing produce mathematically competent graduates. This project was, like similar programs, a development of peer or cross-age tutoring common in primary and secondary schools. A grant under the Deakin University Strategic Teaching and Learning Grant Scheme enabled a staff team from the mathematics education group, to develop a sophisticated and well-designed system that catered for a wide range of student needs, provided useful feedback, and was engaging and easy to use. The under-pinning software for the system was WebCT, available to staff through the Deakin Studies On-line system, to which students are connected also. The 'Productive on-line student support system' enabled students to determine their own mathematical needs, and have these addressed whenever they wished, as often as they wished, and allowed self-monitoring of progress. An outline of the system and examples of the assessment materials will be presented.


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While the internship unit in a public relations degree is often viewed as the foremost area of experiential learning it can fail to deliver significant learning outcomes for student and teacher. This paper explores the use of other activity-based learning (ABL) methods as implemented in the Deakin University public relations undergraduate degree. The paper applies Donald Schon's concept of the reflective practitioner to learning undertaken in an internship unit and compares this application to two other units where ABL is used and the focus is on creating a client-professional relationship. For the purpose of this paper information was analysed using the 2006 on-campus cohort only. The cohort was further refined to include those students who successfully completed the degree of BA in public relations. Student internship evaluation forms and unit records were viewed to gain statistical information.


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An exploratory study using a questionnaire and focus group interviews was conducted amongst a small sample of first-year, first-semester, undergraduate design students from the Faculty of Art and Design at Monash University, Australia, to determine their readiness for off-campus, flexible, independent learning. The study explores common problems, similarities and differences among learners from South East Asia, other international students, and local Australian students. Findings of the study are presented under five key themes: dependence on the teacher and the classroom environment; flexible learning and working alone; structure; communication; and work patterns. The article details approaches to study of first-year undergraduates taking a creative unit such as design and concludes by discussing the possible cultural attributes that have an impact on the learning as well as related concerns and problems.


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Excursions are extremely important to the education of students in the geography curriculum. However, personal observations demonstrated a lack of readiness to conduct excursions in secondary schools. This apprehension of the teachers in this school to implement excursions in geography education was the basis for this study. The study addresses the importance of excursions in education and the roles and values that teachers place on excursions in years 7-10 geography curriculum. Quantitative research was conducted in the form of a questionnaire on a wide range of Study of Society and Environment (SOSE) teachers in secondary schools. The research population consisted of 60 teachers from both rural and urban schools across Victoria. The findings of this study showed that teachers conduct on average one to two excursions per class per year, teachers understand the importance of excursions in geography education and they find planning difficult, but work collaboratively with other teachers to overcome these issues. Other barriers include transportation, student behaviour and cost. With a firm grounding in the conceptual theories and state-level policies of geography education, the conduct of excursions was found to be both difficult and rewarding by teachers in Victoria.


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In the literacy classroom, students have few opportunities to use their literacy practices to contest narratives of race, class, gender and sexuality. Instead, extensive time is spent completing literacy activities associated with what “good” readers and writers do. Students’ literacy practices are often formulaic, repetitive, and serve classroom management strategies producing a mythic narrative of good literacy teaching. This paper introduces a queer literacy curriculum that poses pedagogy as a series of questions: What does being taught, what does knowledge do to students? How does knowledge become understood in the relationship between teacher/text and student? (Lusted, 1986) It emphasizes developing critical analyses of heterosexism, heteronormativity and normativity with the goal of helping students understand binary categories are not givens, rather social constructions we are often forced to perform (Butler, 1990) through available discourses. The paper highlights an interruption into the literacy curriculum where, through collective memory work, students investigated, analysed and contested the usually-not-noticed ways a small understanding of heterosexuality has come to structure their lives.