89 resultados para Clusters and regional development


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An austenitic Ni-30%Fe model alloy was employed to investigate the texture and substructure development within the deformed matrix and dynamically recrystallized (DRX) grains during hot torsion deformation. Both the deformed matrix and DRX grains predominantly displayed the crystallographic texture components expected for simple shear deformation. The characteristics of the deformed matrix texture evolution during deformation largely resulted from the preferred consumption of high Taylor factor components by new recrystallized grains. Likewise, the comparatively weaker crystallographic texture of DRX grains became increasingly dominated by low Taylor factor components as a result of their easier nucleation and lower consumption rate during DRX. There was a significant difference in the substructure formation mechanism between the deformed matrix and DRX grains for a given texture component. The deformed matrix substructure was largely characterized by “organized”, banded subgrain arrangements with alternating misorientations, while the substructure of DRX grains was more “random” in character and displayed complex, more equiaxed subgrain/cell arrangements characterized by a local accumulation of misorientations. Substructure characteristics of individual orientation components were principally consistent with the corresponding Taylor factor values.


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Using three separate but interrelated studies with adult unemployed vocational learners, the research quantitatively and qualitatively investigated the effects of a pre-training intervention labelled Lifetime Goal-setting and Goal-getting. The research found learner dispositional development and statistically significant moves towards maturation empowering jobseeking learners to face the challenges of obtaining employment.


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In this study, AHI1 and NDRG2 gene function in the insulin signalling pathways regulating skeletal muscle homeostasis was investigated. Findings implicate AHI1 in the regulation of insulin-stimulated glucose transport and the development of insulin resistance, whilst associating NDRG2 with the regulation of myoblast proliferation and differentiation; possible via interactions with PICK1 and arfaptin2.


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Based on official micro-level poverty studies for agricultural and rural development in the smallholder sector of Sri Lanka. The Poverty Pyramid was found to be a powerful tool for poverty analysis and the design of poverty alleviation strategies that are targeted at sustained poverty alleviation. Identification of the correct target groups by factors that prevent them from being more productive in their income generation activities is crucial to the formulation of rural development programs that benefit poor people first and most.


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The primary objective of this research is to provide a framework for industrial and economic development with respect to Brunei Darussalam. The study is both novel and unique as it is potentially the most comprehensive holistic study performed to date with respect to industrial and economic development in Brunei.


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This study examines the relationship among organisational performance, advanced manufacturing technologies and workforce development activities. A model of this relationship is proposed with the workplace needs acting as a mediator between technology and workforce development activities. This survey examined the technology and developmental practices of manufacturing companies in Hong Kong.


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Applying a grounded-theory approach to analyzing the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) data, we attempt to explain why New Zealand exhibits only a moderate level of economic development despite its high level of entrepreneurship. By statistically analyzing why 34 other countries in the 2005 GEM dataset exhibit small deviations from the classical quadratic curvilinear relationship between entrepreneurship and economic development, we develop a better understanding of the entrepreneurial framework conditions underlying New Zealand’s large deviation from this trend line. Based on our findings from the GEM data we make policy recommendations that could aid in moving New Zealand (and other countries) closer toward the trend line and thus promote economic development.


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The development of cardiac control in association with terrestrial respiration patterns was examined throughout the period of maternal dependence in Australian fur seal pups. Resting eupnoic heart rate and respiration rate were significantly correlated (r2 = 0.49) and both decreased with age (P < 0.05 in both cases). From an early age (1 month), pups displayed terrestrial apnoeas (18.1 ± 0.5 s) accompanied by substantial bradycardia (127 beats min-1, a 13% decrease from eupnoic HR). Terrestrial apnoea duration increased significantly with age reaching a mean of 41 s just prior to weaning, slightly lower than the mean dive duration (52 s) previously recorded for pups of the same age. Correspondingly, mean apnoic heart rate decreased with age to 74 beats min-1 just prior to weaning, representing a 25% decrease on eupnoic heart rate. Importantly, concomitant with the decrease in mean apnoic heart rate with age, an increase in the control
of bradycardia was evident with the variability in instantaneous apnoic heart decreasing such that older pups were able to maintain a low steady heart rate for the duration of the apnoea. The changes seen in these parameters are similar to those reported during postnatal development in elephant seals (Mirounga spp.) and harbour seals (Phoca vitulina), and are considered indicative of the development of cardiac control. These findings suggest a common strategy for the development of bradycardia control in both otariid and phocid seals.


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We assert that companies can make more money and research institutions can improve their performance if inexpensive clusters and enterprise grids are exploited. In this paper, we have demonstrated that our claim is valid by showing the study of how programming environments, tools and middleware could be used for the execution of parallel and sequential applications, multiple parallel applications executing simultaneously on a non-dedicated cluster, and parallel applications on an enterprise grid and that the execution performance was improved. For this purpose an execution environment, and parallel and sequential benchmark applications selected for, and used in, the experiments were characterised.


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INTRODUCTION: Alcohol is the most commonly used drug within Australia. Recently, there have been indications that there is a greater incidence of high-risk drinking within rural populations as compared with their urban counterparts. High-risk drinking is associated with numerous conditions, such as diabetes, heart attack and cancer, as well as acute harms such as assault, suicide and road accidents. The objective of this article is to review the current research and relevant data pertaining to alcohol use and alcohol-related harms within rural Australia. METHODS: This paper is a systematic review of 16 databases, including PubMed, PsycINFO and Google Scholar. RESULTS: Overall, 18 studies describing alcohol consumption or alcohol-related harms were found. Approximately half of these studies were large-scale national population surveys, which were therefore limited in their representativeness of specific regional and rural towns. Most studies examining alcohol consumption used self-report data collection, meaning that interpretation of results needs to be tentative. There is a consistent pattern of higher rates of alcohol consumption and consequent harm within regional and rural Australia than in urban areas. CONCLUSIONS: There is emerging research examining alcohol consumption and alcohol-related harms within regional and rural Australia. All studies show that these populations experience disproportionate harm because of alcohol consumption. The causes and mechanism for this have not been investigated, and a program of research is required to understand how and why rural populations experience disproportionate levels of alcohol-related harm and ultimately, what interventions will be most effective in reducing alcohol-related harms.