79 resultados para micellar electrokinetic chromatography


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An integrated system employing anion exchange for the extraction of DNA from biological samples prior to polymerase chain reaction DNA amplification has been developed, based on microfluidic methodology utilising electrokinetic pumping. In this system, the biological samples were added directly to chitosan-coated silica beads to facilitate DNA immobilisation. The purified, pre-concentrated DNA was then eluted using a combination of electro-osmotic flow enhanced with electrophoretic mobility, which enable DNA to be transported by both mechanisms into the DNA amplification chamber. Through optimisation of the DNA elution conditions, average DNA extraction efficiencies of 69.1% were achievable. Subsequent DNA amplification performed on the microfluidic system demonstrated not only the ability to use electrokinetic movement to integrate the two processes on a single device, but also that the quality and quantity of DNA eluted was suitable for downstream analysis. This work offers an attractive real-world to chip interface and a route to simpler Lab-on-a-Chip technology which eliminates the need for moving parts.


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The synthesis and chromatographic behavior of an analytical size mixed-mode bonded silica monolith was investigated. The monolith was functionalized by an in situ modification process of a bare silica rod with chloro(3-cyanopropyl)dimethyl silane and chlorodimethyl propyl phenyl silane solutions. These ligands were selected in order to combine both resonance and nonresonance π-type bonding within a single separation environment. Selectivity studies were undertaken using n-alkyl benzenes and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in aqueous methanol and acetonitrile mobile phases to assess the methylene and aromatic selectivities of the column. The results fit with the linear solvent strength theory suggesting excellent selectivity of the column was achieved. Comparison studies were performed on monolithic columns that were functionalized separately with cyano and phenyl ligands, suggesting highly conjugated molecules were able to successfully exploit both of the π-type selectivities afforded by the two different ligands on the mixed-mode column.


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Using a column packed with fully porous particles, four methods for controlling the flow rates at which gradient elution runs are conducted in very high pressure liquid chromatography (VHPLC) were tested to determine whether reproducible thermal conditions could be achieved, such that subsequent analyses would proceed at nearly the same initial temperature. In VHPLC high flow rates are achieved, producing fast analyses but requiring high inlet pressures. The combination of high flow rates and high inlet pressures generates local heat, leading to temperature changes in the column. Usually in this case a post-run time is input into the analytical method to allow the return of the column temperature to its initial state. An alternative strategy involves operating the column without a post-run equilibration period and maintaining constant temperature variations for subsequent analysis after conducting one or a few separations to bring the column to a reproducible starting temperature. A liquid chromatography instrument equipped with a pressure controller was used to perform constant pressure and constant flow rate VHPLC separations. Six replicate gradient separations of a nine component mixture consisting of acetophenone, propiophenone, butyrophenone, valerophenone, hexanophenone, heptanophenone, octanophenone, benzophenone, and acetanilide dissolved in water/acetonitrile (65:35, v/v) were performed under various experimental conditions: constant flow rate, two sets of constant pressure, and constant pressure operation with a programmed flow rate. The relative standard deviations of the response factors for all the analytes are lower than 5% across the methods. Programming the flow rate to maintain a fairly constant pressure instead of using instrument controlled constant pressure improves the reproducibility of the retention times by a factor of 5, when plotting the chromatograms in time.


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The performance of curtain flow chromatography column technology with MS detection was evaluated for the analysis of labile compounds. The curtain flow column design allows for separations that are faster and/or more sensitive than conventional columns, depending on how exactly the curtain flow column is configured. For example, when mass spectral detection is employed, the curtain flow column can yield separations that are 5-times faster than conventional columns when the curtain flow and the conventional columns have the same internal diameter. Or when the internal diameter of the conventional column is reduced in order to yield the same analytical through-put as the curtain flow column, the sensitivity on the curtain flow column can be as much as 66-fold higher than the conventional column. As a consequence of the higher analytical through-put less standardization is required in the analysis of labile compounds because less sample degradation is apparent. Consequently the sample integrity is preserved yielding data of a higher quality.


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It has previously been shown that irradiation with UV light increases the vitamin D content of certain mushroom species, but the effect on other nutrients is unknown, and is difficult to assess due to the complexity of the sample matrix. Here, an offline reversed phase × reversed phase two-dimensional liquid chromatography methodology was developed and applied to Agaricus bisporus mushrooms in order to demonstrate the potential of the technique and assess the effect of UV irradiation on the mushroom’s metabolic profile. The method allowed the detection of 158 peaks in a single analytical run. A total of 51 compounds including sugars, amino acids, organic and fatty acids and phenolic compounds were identified using certified reference standards. After irradiation of the mushrooms with UV for 30 s the number of peaks detected decreased from 158 to 150; 47 compounds increased in concentration while 72 substances decreased. This is the first time that two-dimensional liquid chromatography has been carried out for the metabolomic analysis of mushrooms. The data provide an overview of the gain/loss of nutritional value of the mushrooms following UV irradiation and demonstrate that the increased peak capacity and separation space of two-dimensional liquid chromatography has great potential in metabolomics.


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In-silico optimised two-dimensional high performance liquid chromatographic (2D-HPLC) separations of a model methamphetamine seizure sample are described, where an excellent match between simulated and real separations was observed. Targeted separation of model compounds was completed with significantly reduced method development time. This separation was completed in the heart-cutting mode of 2D-HPLC where C18 columns were used in both dimensions taking advantage of the selectivity difference of methanol and acetonitrile as the mobile phases. This method development protocol is most significant when optimising the separation of chemically similar chemical compounds as it eliminates potentially hours of trial and error injections to identify the optimised experimental conditions. After only four screening injections the gradient profile for both 2D-HPLC dimensions could be optimised via simulations, ensuring the baseline resolution of diastereomers (ephedrine and pseudoephedrine) in 9.7 min. Depending on which diastereomer is present the potential synthetic pathway can be categorized.


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The selection of two high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) columns with vastly different retention mechanisms is vital for performing effective two-dimensional (2D-) HPLC. This paper reports on a systematic method to select a pair of HPLC columns that provide the most different separations for a given sample. This was completed with the aid of a HPLC simulator that predicted retention profiles on the basis of real experimental data, which is difficult when the contents of sample matrices are largely-or completely-unknown. Peaks from the same compounds must first be matched between chromatograms to compare the retention profiles and optimised 2D-HPLC column selection. In this work, two methods of matching peaks between chromatograms were explored and an optimal pair of chromatography columns was selected for 2D-HPLC. First, a series of 17 antioxidants were selected as an analogue for a coffee extract. The predicted orthogonality of the standards was 39%, according to the fractional surface coverage 'bins' method, which was close to the actual space utilisation of the standard mixture, 44%. Moreover, the orthogonality for the 2D-HPLC of coffee matched the predicted value of 38%. The second method employed a complex sample matrix of urine to optimise the column selections. Seven peaks were confidently matched between chromatograms by comparing relative peak areas of two detection strategies: UV absorbance and potassium permanganate chemiluminescence. It was found that the optimal combinations had an orthogonality of 35% while the actual value was closer to 30%.


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Widely known for its recreational use, the cannabis plant also has the potential to act as an antibacterial agent in the medicinal field. The analysis of cannabis plants/products in both pharmacological and forensic studies often requires the separation of compounds of interest and/or accurate identification of the whole cannabinoid profile. In order to provide a complete separation and detection of cannabinoids, a new two-dimensional liquid chromatography method has been developed using acidic potassium permanganate chemiluminescence detection, which has been shown to be selective for cannabinoids. This was carried out using a Luna 100 Å CN column and a Poroshell 120 EC-C18 column in the first and second dimensions, respectively. The method has utilized a large amount of the available separation space with a spreading angle of 48.4° and a correlation of 0.66 allowing the determination of more than 120 constituents and mass spectral identification of ten cannabinoids in a single analytical run. The method has the potential to improve research involved in the characterization of sensitive, complex matrices.


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This paper explores the analytical figures of merit of two-dimensional high-performance liquid chromatography for the separation of antioxidant standards. The cumulative two-dimensional high-performance liquid chromatography peak area was calculated for 11 antioxidants by two different methods--the areas reported by the control software and by fitting the data with a Gaussian model; these methods were evaluated for precision and sensitivity. Both methods demonstrated excellent precision in regards to retention time in the second dimension (%RSD below 1.16%) and cumulative second dimension peak area (%RSD below 3.73% from the instrument software and 5.87% for the Gaussian method). Combining areas reported by the high-performance liquid chromatographic control software displayed superior limits of detection, in the order of 1 × 10(-6) M, almost an order of magnitude lower than the Gaussian method for some analytes. The introduction of the countergradient eliminated the strong solvent mismatch between dimensions, leading to a much improved peak shape and better detection limits for quantification.


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 Human, animal and plant samples contain a considerable number of chemical substances critical for supporting their existence. This thesis presents improved techniques to find and analyse these components to help us understand more about their roles in the complex jigsaw of life.


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 While data processing methods in metabolomic studies often work with 'n' number of dimensions, analytical techniques, with the notable exception of NMR, have mostly stuck only to one. Peak overlap continues to be a problem and there is an ever-present demand to maximize the number of metabolites that can be separated and identified in a single run. One method that might help to overcome these issues is multidimensional liquid chromatography, which uses two columns of different phases. A sequential collection of aliquots is made from the first column and reinjected onto a second, and the resulting data are then plotted in 2D or 3D space. The total peak capacity of such a system is the combined peak capacities of each column. The 'offline' version of this technique, using a fraction collector, was introduced over 30 years ago but with recent advances in instrumentation and software, particularly the 'online' approach using automated switching valves, has led to increasing interest in the technique. Both offline and online methods can be carried out as a comprehensive procedure, or via 'heart-cutting', in which only specific peaks are analysed in the second dimension. Past applications include proteomics, natural product chemistry, forensic science and pharmaceutical analysis. These successes are likely to be built on in the future as new column chemistries and bio-informatic approaches are developed. In this review an overview of the theory of twodimensional liquid chromatography is presented, its potential in the field of metabolomics is assessed and predictions for future research directions are made.


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Highly polar metabolites, such as sugars and most amino acids are not retained by conventional RP LC columns. Without sufficient retention low concentration compounds are not detected due ion suppression and structural isomers are not resolved. In contrast, hydrophilic interaction chromatography (HILIC) and aqueous normal phase chromatography (ANP) retain compounds based on their hydrophilicity and therefore provides a means of separating highly polar compounds. Here, an ANP method based on the diamond hydride stationary phase is presented for profiling biological small molecules by LC. A rapid separation system based upon a fast gradient that delivers reproducible chromatography is presented. Approximately 1000 compounds were reproducibly detected in human urine samples and clear differences between these samples were identified. This chromatography was also applied to xylem fluid from soyabean (Glycine max) plants to which 400 compounds were detected. This method greatly increases the metabolite coverage over RP-only metabolite profiling in biological samples. We show that both forms of chromatography are necessary for untargeted comprehensive metabolite profiling and that the diamond hydride stationary phase provides a good option for polar metabolite analysis.


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The formation of rare flower like micelles in poly(styrene)-block-poly(4-vinyl pyridine)/poly(acrylic acid) (PS-b-P4VP/PAA) diblock copolymer/homopolymer complexes is reported. The self-assembly as well as the morphological changes in the complexes were induced by the addition of a high molecular weight PAA/ethanol solution into the PS-b-P4VP solution in dimethyl formamide followed by dialyses. The composition-dependent micelles were varying in size and shape with increase in PAA concentration in solution. The complex aggregates in solution were characterized by dynamic light scattering (DLS) whereas morphologies in the solid complexes were observed using transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Flower like micelles are formed in complexes at 20 wt% PAA concentration followed by 'spikey' micellar assemblies at 40 wt% PAA. The size of the micelles was found to be increased upon the addition of PAA into the block copolymer solution. Infrared studies revealed the intermolecular hydrogen bonding interactions between the complementary binding sites on PAA and the P4VP block of the block copolymer. Finally, a model was proposed to explain the self-assembly and morphological transitions in these complexes based on the experimental results obtained.


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The selection of two orthogonal columns for two-dimensional high performance liquid chromatography (LC×LC) separation of natural product extracts can be a labour intensive and time consuming process and in many cases is an entirely trial-and-error approach. This paper introduces a blind optimisation method for column selection of a black box of constituent components. A data processing pipeline, created in the open source application OpenMS®, was developed to map the components within the mixture of equal mass across a library of HPLC columns; LC×LC separation space utilisation was compared by measuring the fractional surface coverage, fcoverage. It was found that for a test mixture from an opium poppy (Papaver somniferum) extract, the combination of diphenyl and C18 stationary phases provided a predicted fcoverage of 0.48 and was matched with an actual usage of 0.43. OpenMS®, in conjunction with algorithms designed in house, have allowed for a significantly quicker selection of two orthogonal columns, which have been optimised for a LC×LC separation of crude extractions of plant material.