267 resultados para effectiveness of treatment


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Background: Overwhelming, sometimes fatal infections represent a lifelong risk after surgical removal of the spleen, or in patients who develop hyposplenism as a consequence of illnesses. This risk may be reduced by all or a combination of vaccination, antibiotic prophylaxis and education. We aimed to determine if a registry approach to delivering these interventions would be cost effective using our own experience and published data.
Method: The decision model compared a cohort of 1,000 people covered by a registry to a cohort of 1,000 people with no registry. The impact of the registry was assessed in terms of achieved rates of vaccination, chemoprophylaxis and education, consequent outcomes of overwhelming post-splenectomy infection (OPSI) and mortality (years of life lived). The cost-effectiveness of the registry compared with no registry was estimated in terms of additional cost per case of OPSI avoided and as additional cost per life year gained.
Results: In the first two years, the additional cost of the registry was $152,611 per case of OPSI avoided or $205,931 per life year gained. After this initial registration period the costeffectiveness improves over time, such that over the cohort lifetime a post-splenectomy register is associated with an additional cost of $105,159 per case of OPSI avoided or $16,113 per life year gained.
Conclusion: A registry-based approach is likely to prove cost effective in terms of mortality and rates of OPSI avoided.


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Dropout of treatment is one of the key issues in outcome in a child and adolescent mental health service. We report two studies focusing on the treatment process and the dropout rate of children with persistent conduct problems presenting to a community mental health service, using a prospective design. The first study included 32 children and used a randomised controlled treatment design comparing a CBT approach with conjoint family therapy and an eclectic approach. The overall dropout rate was 36%. Dropout occurred significantly less frequently in the CBT group. The dropout group was associated with mothers who were younger and less educated, a poorer rating by the clinicians at the last meeting, parental dissatisfaction with the treatment service and perception that the treatment was less organised and having less behavioural tasks. In the second study we used a naturalistic follow-up design. Forty-six children were included. The overall dropout rate was 48%. Again, the children who defaulted were rated by clinicians as less likely to have improved and dropout was also  significantly associated with parental perception of a less organised treatment. In both studies dropout usually occurred after assessment and at the early phase of treatment.


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 To assess from a societal perspective the incremental cost-effectiveness of a family-based GP-mediated intervention targeting overweight and moderately obese children. The intervention was modelled on the LEAP (live, eat and play) trial, a randomised controlled trial conducted by the Centre for Community Child Health, Melbourne, Australia in 2002–2003. This study was undertaken as part of the assessing cost-effectiveness (ACE) in obesity project which evaluated, using consistent methods, 13 interventions targeting unhealthy weight gain in children and adolescents.
A logic pathway was used to model the effects of the intervention compared to no intervention on body mass index (BMI) and health outcomes (disability-adjusted life years—DALYs). Disease costs and health benefits were tracked until the cohort of eligible children reached the age of 100 years or death. Simulation-modelling techniques were used to present a 95% uncertainty interval around the cost-effectiveness ratio. The intervention was also assessed against a series of filters (‘equity’, ‘strength of evidence’, ‘acceptability’, ‘feasibility’, sustainability’ and ‘side-effects’) to incorporate additional factors that impact on resource allocation decisions.
The intervention, as modelled, reached 9685 children aged 5–9 years with a BMI z-score of ≥3.0, and cost $AUD6.3M (or $AUD4.8M excluding time costs). It resulted in an incremental saving of 2300 BMI units which translated to 511 DALYs. The cost-offsets stemming from the intervention totalled $AUD3.6M, resulting in a net cost per DALY saved of $AUD4670 (dominated; $0.1M) (dominated means intervention costs more for less effect).
Compared to a ‘no intervention’ control group, the intervention was cost-effective under current assumptions, although the uncertainty intervals were wide. A key question related to the long-term sustainability of the small incremental weight loss reported, based on the 9-month follow-up results for LEAP.


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This study was designed to investigate the impact of staff education on the behaviour and quality of life of residents with dementia and on staff members' attitudes about working with people with dementia and level of burnout. Staff from three aged care facilities participated in the study (n = 52). These facilities were randomly assigned to one of two intervention groups or a control group. Staff assigned to the intervention groups received an eight-week behaviourally-based programme. Staff from one aged care facility also participated in a peer support group designed to reinforce educational material and facilitate positive changes among staff members. Behavioural symptoms displayed by residents (n = 76) in each of the facilities were also assessed. Assessments were conducted at pre-intervention, post-intervention, three- and six-month follow-up. The results of this study indicated that education or peer support was not associated with an improvement in resident behaviour or quality of life. Education or peer support also did not impact on staff members' level of burnout. There was, however, a change in staff members' attitudes about working with people with dementia. Possible explanations for these findings and implication for further research are considered.


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Objective: To determine whether nutrition interventions widen dietary inequalities across socioeconomic status groups.

Design: Systematic review of interventions that aim to promote healthy eating.

Data sources: CINAHL and MEDLINE were searched between 1990 and 2007.

Review methods: Studies were included if they were randomised controlled trials or concurrent controlled trials of interventions to promote healthy eating delivered at a group level to low socioeconomic status groups or studies where it was possible to disaggregate data by socioeconomic status.

Results: Six studies met the inclusion criteria. Four were set in educational setting (three elementary schools, one vocational training). The first found greater increases in fruit and vegetable consumption in children from high-income families after 1 year (mean difference 2.4 portions per day, p<0.0001) than in children in low-income families (mean difference 1.3 portions per day, p<0.0003). The second did not report effect sizes but reported the nutrition intervention to be less effective in disadvantaged areas (p<0.01). The third found that 24-h fruit juice and vegetable consumption increased more in children born outside the Netherlands ("non-native") after a nutrition intervention (beta coefficient = 1.30, p<0.01) than in "native" children (beta coefficient = 0.24, p<0.05). The vocational training study found that the group with better educated participants achieved 34% of dietary goals compared with the group who had more non-US born and non-English speakers, which achieved 60% of dietary goals. Two studies were conducted in primary care settings. The first found that, as a result of the intervention, the difference in consumption of added fat between the intervention and the control group was –8.9 g/day for blacks and –12.0 g/day for whites (p<0.05). In the second study, there was greater attrition among the ethnic minority participants than among the white participants (p<0.04).

Conclusions: Nutrition interventions have differential effects by socioeconomic status, although in this review we found only limited evidence that nutrition interventions widen dietary inequalities. Due to small numbers of included studies, the possibility that nutrition interventions widen inequalities cannot be excluded. This needs to be considered when formulating public health policy.


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OBJECTIVE--To estimate the cost-effectiveness of surgically induced weight loss relative to conventional therapy for the management of recently diagnosed type 2 diabetes in class VII obese patients.

RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS--This study builds on a within-trial cost-efficacy analysis. The analysis compares the lifetime costs and quality-adjusted life-years (QALYs) between the two intervention groups. Intervention costs were extrapolated based on observed resource utilization during the trial. The proportion of patients in each intervention group with remission of diabetes at 2 years was the same as that observed in the trial. Health care costs for patients with type 2 diabetes and outcome variables required to derive estimates of QALYs were sourced from published literature. A health care system perspective was adopted. Costs and outcomes were discounted annually at 3%. Costs are presented in 2006 Australian dollars (AUD) (currency exchange: 1 AUD = 0.74 USD).

RESULTS--The mean number of years in diabetes remission over a lifetime was 11.4 for surgical therapy patients and 2.1 for conventional therapy patients. Over the remainder of their lifetime, surgical and conventional therapy patients lived 15.7 and 14.5 discounted QALYs, respectively. The mean discounted lifetime costs were 98,900 AUD per surgical therapy patient and 101,400 AUD per conventional therapy patient. Relative to conventional therapy, surgically induced weight loss was associated with a mean health care saving of 2,400 AUD and 1.2 additional QALYs per patient.

Surgically induced weight loss is a dominant intervention (it both saves health care costs and generates health benefits) for managing recently diagnosed type 2 diabetes in class IBI obese patients in Australia.


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Background : To assess from a societal perspective the incremental cost-effectiveness of the Walking School Bus (WSB) program for Australian primary school children as an obesity prevention measure. The intervention was modelled as part of the ACE-Obesity study, which evaluated, using consistent methods, thirteen interventions targeting unhealthy weight gain in Australian children and adolescents.

Methods : A logic pathway was used to model the effects on body mass index [BMI] and disability-adjusted life years [DALYs] of the Victorian WSB program if applied throughout Australia. Cost offsets and DALY benefits were modelled until the eligible cohort reached 100 years of age or death. The reference year was 2001. Second stage filter criteria ('equity', 'strength of evidence', 'acceptability', feasibility', sustainability' and 'side-effects') were assessed to incorporate additional factors that impact on resource allocation decisions.

Results : The modelled intervention reached 7,840 children aged 5 to 7 years and cost $AUD22.8M ($16.6M;$30.9M). This resulted in an incremental saving of 30 DALYs (7:104) and a net cost per DALY saved of $AUD0.76M ($0.23M; $3.32M). The evidence base was judged as 'weak' as there are no data available documenting the increase in the number of children walking due to the intervention. The high costs of the current approach may limit sustainability.

Conclusions : Under current modelling assumptions, the WSB program is not an effective or cost-effective measure to reduce childhood obesity. The attribution of some costs to non-obesity objectives (reduced traffic congestion and air pollution etc.) is justified to emphasise the other possible benefits. The program's cost-effectiveness would be improved by more comprehensive implementation within current infrastructure arrangements. The importance of active transport to school suggests that improvements in WSB or its variants need to be developed and fully evaluated.


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This review paper seeks to explore some of the reasons why rehabilitation programs for male perpetrators of domestic violence appear to be less effective in reducing recidivism than programs for other offender groups. It is argued that while the model of systems response to domestic violence has predominated at the inter-agency level, further consideration might be given to way in which men’s intervention groups are both designed and delivered. It is concluded that the program logic of men’s domestic violence programs is rarely articulated leading to low levels of program integrity, and that one way to further improve program effectiveness is to incorporate some of the approaches evident in more general violence prevention programs and from what is know about good practice in general about offender rehabilitation.


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Affective factors are likely to play a major role in determining the extent to which offenders are able to engage with, and benefit from, treatment. In this article, it is argued that the relationship between affect and treatment engagement may be understood in three ways: the access the client has to emotional states, the ability to express such states, and the willingness of the client to do this in the therapeutic session. It is suggested that affective determinants of treatment readiness can be understood with reference tomodels of emotional regulation and that attention to these affective factors in the early stages of treatment is likely to promote engagement, reduce attrition, and consequently improve treatment outcomes for violent offenders.


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Objective: To determine whether interventions tailored specifically to  particular immigrant groups from developing to developed countries  decrease the risk of obesity and obesity-related diseases.

Design: Databases searched were MEDLINE (1966–September 2008), CINAHL (1982–September 2008) and PsychINFO (1960–September 2008), as well as Sociological Abstracts, PsychARTICLES, Science Direct, Web of Knowledge and Google Scholar. Studies were included if they were randomised control trials, ‘quasi-randomised’ trials or controlled before-and-after studies. Due to the heterogeneity of study characteristics only a narrative synthesis was undertaken, describing the target population, type and reported impact of the intervention and the effect size.

Results: Thirteen studies met the inclusion criteria. Ten out of thirteen (77 %) studies focused on diabetes, seven (70 %) of which showed significant improvement in addressing diabetes-related behaviours and glycaemic control. The effect on diabetes was greater in culturally tailored and facilitated interventions that encompassed multiple strategies. Six out of the thirteen studies (46 %) incorporated anthropometric data, physical activity and healthy eating as ways to minimise weight gain and diabetes-related outcomes. Of the six interventions that included anthropometric data, only two (33 %) reported improvement in BMI Z-scores, total skinfold thickness or proportion of body fat. Only one in three (33 %) of the studies that included cardiovascular risk factors reported improvement in diastolic blood pressure after adjusting for baseline characteristics. All studies, except four, were of poor quality (small sample size, poor internal consistency of scale, not controlling for baseline characteristics).

Conclusions: Due to the small number of studies included in the present review, the findings that culturally tailored and facilitated interventions produce better outcomes than generalised interventions, and that intervention content is more important than the duration or venue, require further investigation.


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Mothers of hospitalised preterm infants were randomised into an intervention or control condition. Intervention mothers received a modified Mother–Infant Transaction Program over seven sessions prior to infant discharge and two sessions over the next 3 months. Infant temperament, mother–infant interaction and parenting stress were assessed at 3 and 6 months and infant development was measured by parental report at 24 months. Intervention compared with control dyads showed enhanced mother–infant interactions, infants were temperamentally more “approaching” and “easier”, had fewer regulatory problems (colic, sleep, excessive crying), and had more developed communication skills, while mothers were less stressed by their infant at 3 months. These early gains in the development of preterm infants and in the relationship with and adjustment of their mothers, may explain the process by which intervention infants in the original study showed increasing cognitive advantages to 9 years of age [Rauh, V. A., Nurcombe, B., Achenbach, T., & Howell, C. (1990). The mother–infant transaction program. Clinical Perinatology, 17, 31–45].