Cost-effectiveness of surgically induced weight loss for the management of type 2 diabetes : modeled lifetime analysis

Autoria(s): Keating, Catherine L.; Dixon, John B.; Moodie, Marjory L.; Peeters, Anna; Bulfone, Liliana; Maglianno, Dianna J.; O'Brien, Paul E.



<b>OBJECTIVE--</b>To estimate the cost-effectiveness of surgically induced weight loss relative to conventional therapy for the management of recently diagnosed type 2 diabetes in class VII obese patients. <br /><br /><b>RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS--</b>This study builds on a within-trial cost-efficacy analysis. The analysis compares the lifetime costs and quality-adjusted life-years (QALYs) between the two intervention groups. Intervention costs were extrapolated based on observed resource utilization during the trial. The proportion of patients in each intervention group with remission of diabetes at 2 years was the same as that observed in the trial. Health care costs for patients with type 2 diabetes and outcome variables required to derive estimates of QALYs were sourced from published literature. A health care system perspective was adopted. Costs and outcomes were discounted annually at 3%. Costs are presented in 2006 Australian dollars (AUD) (currency exchange: 1 AUD = 0.74 USD). <br /><br /><b>RESULTS--</b>The mean number of years in diabetes remission over a lifetime was 11.4 for surgical therapy patients and 2.1 for conventional therapy patients. Over the remainder of their lifetime, surgical and conventional therapy patients lived 15.7 and 14.5 discounted QALYs, respectively. The mean discounted lifetime costs were 98,900 AUD per surgical therapy patient and 101,400 AUD per conventional therapy patient. Relative to conventional therapy, surgically induced weight loss was associated with a mean health care saving of 2,400 AUD and 1.2 additional QALYs per patient. <br /><b><br />CONCLUSIONS--</b>Surgically induced weight loss is a dominant intervention (it both saves health care costs and generates health benefits) for managing recently diagnosed type 2 diabetes in class IBI obese patients in Australia. <br />





American Diabetes Association



2009, American Diabetes Association


Journal Article