80 resultados para Relational


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This thesis concerns the psychological contracts of employees. A psychological contract is an employee’s perception that: 1) an employer has certain obligations to them, and 2) in return, they have obligations as employees. A psychological contract is therefore a set of subjectively perceived reciprocal obligations. The psychological foundations of this construct are linked with cognitive schemas and social exchange theories. While the concept of psychological contracts was first proposed in the early 1960s, it has only been operationalised for empirical study in the last decade. The purpose of the thesis was to increase the understanding of the content and structure of employee psychological contracts and their links with career cognitions. The specific aims of the thesis were to: 1) examine the relational-transactional dimensions of psychological contracts, 2) develop a comprehensive set of workplace obligations for use with employees, 3) consider alternative dimensions of employee psychological contracts, 4) demonstrate reciprocity between obligations, and 5) determine whether psychological contracts directly affect career cognitions. The thesis contains four quantitative studies. Data were collected using self-report questionnaires that contained both established and new measures. Most participants were employees from a large insurance company, government vocational services or educational institutions. The analyses included canonical correlation, factor analysis, development of measurement models and structural analysis. The findings did not strongly support a distinction between relational and transactional obligations. Instead, a five-factor model of psychological contracts emerged from an expanded set of workplace obligations when it was used with two separate employee samples. This model demonstrated reciprocal relationships between the dimensions of employee and employer obligations. It was also found that alternative dimensions of the psychological contract have a direct influence on organisational commitment and career satisfaction. The thesis supports several general conclusions about the nature of employee psychological contracts, appropriate measures and future research. General workplace obligations that apply across different workplaces can be found, and these should continue to be refined. Such workplace obligations group in meaningful ways, and they can be usefully studied in terms of employer support and employee attitudes to work, rather than in terms of relational and transactional dimensions. Furthermore, this thesis shows that reciprocity in psychological contracts can be demonstrated by correlations between dimensions of employee and employer obligations. The measure used for studying reciprocity was new, and it requires further work. However, this measure is as reliable and valid as any currently available. Measurement is the single most urgent issue facing researchers. Finally, this thesis provides sufficient empirical evidence to support the claim that psychological contracts are an important variable for the understanding of careers.


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Customer-banker relational behavior is dynamic and fast-changing and better interpersonal relationships tend to be characterized by their quality. Banks in Bangladesh are functioning increasingly under the competitive pressures originating from the banking system from non-banking institutions as well as from the domestic and international capital markets. In order to expand banking business, as well as sustain it in the long run, it has now become essential for banks to focus on developing long-term relationships with their customers. One facet of the efficient management of banks is the matching of customers' needs and banking products. Banks, when creating new products, should take into consideration their customers' needs informed by market research programs. In this paper we examine whether banking products in Bangladesh address customers' needs.


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The aim of the research was to generate a cyclonic model for understanding the influences and processes of continuously improving management education in an environment rich in online learning technologies. The research questions were:
1. What is the nature of the cyclonic interactions observed in the transactions of a team of online management educators?
2. How might an understanding of cyclonic interactions
a. help refine action research, and
b. generate rich insight for online management education?
The methodology was an action research project. The research team worked in an online Master of Business Administration (MBA) to continuously develop teaching practice in one unit of the MBA. The methodology matched the objectives of the project, and the appropriate rigour associated with qualitative, interpretive research. The results showed that theories of systems and relational dynamics, adapted to hermeneutics and aligned with other learning theories, can be framed by the metaphor of a cyclone to conduct research into teaching practice and build upon the theory base in the field of online education.
Online management education is subject to reinterpretations. The cyclonic framework explains some of the changes. The project showed that a chaotic but organised cyclonic program development process in one particular MBA course was informative for and informed by the chaotic and cyclonic globalized business world. For the education of managers the cyclonic view was relevant. The approach was metaphorical and, therefore, opened new ways of seeing and speaking. Findings pertained to the nature of the cyclonic interactions, how an understanding of cyclonic interactions helped to refine action research, and how an understanding of cyclonic interactions helped generate rich insight for online management education.
It was found that it was the asymmetrical impetus of imperfection that created the examples of cyclonic learning spirals formed as double feedback loops for improved understanding. Online education in the action research required cyclical enhancement of connectedness by teachers, stronger emphasis on relational considerations in learning, and heightened expectations of collaboration by educators. It became possible to correlate earlier conceptions of action research with cyclonic categories and analyse the parallels with events in this action research project. Models were developed and presented to explain 3 cyclonic connections with hermeneutics, collaborative teaching, online resource
development, and the environment of online management.


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This paper explores ‘spatial struggle’ in the formation of professional identities of overseas born teachers. The basis of this struggle arises from a limited number of subject positions available for them in pedagogical spaces of the Australian system of education. We argue that relations of power/professional knowledge in teacher workplaces as well as the binary strategy of ‘us’ and ‘them’ generate marginal locations for overseas born teachers within schools. This construction of marginality is informed not only by discourses of what counts as being a professional but also by the conception of workplace – spaces of the school, staffroom and classroom – as monocultural, pre-given and bounded entities (McGregor, 2003). By rethinking workplaces as relational, as spaces that are connected to other sociocultural places as well as spaces of semiotic flows, we can also rethink the professional becoming of overseas born teachers. This involves a critical understanding of their positionality, which can be conceptualised as a struggle for voice within “a cacophony of past and present voices, lived experiences and available practices” (Britzman, 1991, p.8). It is because of this polyphony of voices and multiplicity of experiences that the process of professional identity formation for ‘alien’ teachers should be seen as becoming in continual negotiation of power/knowledge relations within workplaces. Recognising this dynamic is important for re-constructing our pedagogical spaces and, in turn, for a more equitable workplace practices.


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This paper explores "spatial struggle" in the formation of professional identities of overseas-born teachers. The basis of this struggle arises from a limited number of subject positions available for them in pedagogical spaces of the Australian system of education. We argue that relations of power/professional knowledge in teacher workplaces as well as the binary strategy of "us" and "them" generate marginal locations for overseas-born teachers within schools. This construction of marginality is informed not only by discourses of what counts as being a professional but also by the conception of workplace as a monocultural, pre-given and bounded entity. By rethinking workplaces as relational, as locations that are connected to other socioculturally produced places through spaces of semiotic flows, we can also rethink the professional becoming of overseas-born teachers. This involves a critical understanding of their situationality, which can be conceptualised as a struggle for professional recognition, voice and place within the real and imagined communities of teachers.


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Knowing who to involve in treatment decisions when a patient is incapacitated has been the subject of discussion in bioethical, health law and clinical research. The major issues tend to revolve around the tension between exercising a degree of medical paternalism and respecting patient autonomy. Patients are encouraged to exert their autonomy even when they may not be capable of doing so, by means of surrogate consent or advanced directives. While liberal concepts of autonomy are exemplified in western bioethics and legal systems, clinically these decisions remain difficult, and input from medical professionals is sought, raising the issue of paternalism. A framework of bioethics, which places the patient in a relational context rather than a strictly autonomous one, may be a more helpful way of deliberating these difficult decisions


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Men and women are said to perceive justice differently, with women proposed to  be more concerned with relational issues and men focused more on material issues. In this study, the potential for differential effects of justice on performance by gender was analyzed across the four contemporary types of justice.  Respondents were 265 male and 113 female occupationally diverse employees in a single organization. The results show significant differences in how men and women respond to the four justice types with only one – informational justice – acting similarly by gender. The differential relationships between each of the justice types and the outcomes by gender highlight the utility of the four factor approach to measuring organizational justice. Women were more interested in maintaining social harmony than men. The results appear to strongly support the use of the justice judgment model over the group-value model as a means of explaining the gender differences. Implications for management include the importance of informational justice both generally and within the performance appraisal process.


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This international research showed that when senior leaders' values and behaviours were perceived as being congruent by project teams, there was enrichment of interpersonal relationships and a reinforcement of relational trust. Conversely, when leaders' values and behaviours were perceived as not congruent, they were considered to lack integrity and trustworthiness.


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Using theoretical, aesthetic and formal means specific to photographic processes, the relational exegesis and exhibition "Visual pleasures" attempts to disrupt visual structures and notions that have traditionally been used to objectify and idealize the body and, at the same time, open the field of vision to alternative and lived feminine pleasures.


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This research identified critical success factors and a staged model of knowledge transfer in the provision of after-sales information technology support to enterprise customers when Web-based Self-service systems are used. The research highlights the need for a relational, stakeholder-oriented approach that considers stakeholder interactions, knowledge flows, needs and capabilities.


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This thesis examined the relationships between men's body image, different media influences, sexual orientation, and sexual risk taking. In comparison to heterosexuals, gay men were significantly less satisfied with their bodies. Media influences predicted men's body image, and gay men demonstrated greater internalisation of media messages compared to heterosexual men. Based on four case studies the portfolio demonstrates that motivational interviewing might be a useful approach to manage ambivalence and resistance to clients presenting with an anxiety disorder or a parent-child relational issue.


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This paper builds on previous research by the author and describes the development and validation of a new measure of the psychological contract of safety. The psychological contract of safety is defined as the beliefs of individuals about reciprocal safety obligations inferred from implicit and explicit promises.

A psychological contract is established when an individual believes that perceived employer and employee safety obligations are contingent on each other. A pilot test of the measure is first undertaken with participants from three different occupations: nurses, construction workers, and meat processing workers (N = 99). Item analysis is used to refine the measure and provide initial validation of the scale. A larger validation study is then conducted with a participant sample of health care workers (N = 424) to further refine the measure and to determine the psychometric properties of the scale.

Item and correlational analyses produced the final employer and employee obligations scales, consisting of 21 and 17 items, respectively. Factor analyses identified two underlying dimensions in each scale comparable to that previously established in the organizational literature. These transactional and relational-type obligations provided construct validity of the scale. Internal consistency ratings using Cronbach's alpha found the components of the psychological contract of safety measure to be reliable.

Impact on Industry
The refined and validated psychological contract of safety measure will allow investigation of the positive and negative outcomes associated with fulfilment and breach of the psychological contract of safety in future research.


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This practice-based research involved two blogs created within different contexts: one in the small Western Australian town of Kellerberrin, the other in the Sydney suburb of Petersham. Blogging was developed as an artform: to deepen social connection within small geographical areas; to reveal new knowledge about these specific localities; and to extend and critique traditions of socially-engaged and "relational" art practice.


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The aim of this research was to investigate strategies deployed by successful construction design-related firms towards achieving high levels of firm competitiveness in international markets. A reflexive capability model, developed through a critical analysis of related internationalisation literature, is composed of three key areas; internationalisation process, market knowledge and design management. Firm reflexive capability is explored through the management of social, cultural and intellectual capital. The concept of reflexivity is borrowed from sociology. Reflexivity is reinterpreted as the ‘firm’s’ ability to be aware, responsive and adaptable to self, market and project needs assessment. A cross case analysis explored the barriers and success factors through three constructs; internationalisation process, design management and market knowledge of three firms. This paper demonstrates that international firm competitiveness is dependent upon the strategic inter-relational management of social, cultural and intellectual capital for maximum advantage of the utilisation and leverage of one form of capital to gain another. This leads to the development of increasing reflexive capability to support internationalisation. An outcome of this research is the identification of the central relation between a level of reflexive capability within the firm and the firm’s level of success in international markets. This research is part of an ongoing program of research on international collaborative practice. A Reflexive Capability Matrix was developed from the findings of one research project and then validated through a second research project (only the capability matrix is presented in this paper though). The reflexive capability approach is appropriate to all firms but what is speculated upon is that the reflexive capability is particularly intrinsic to small to medium sized construction design firms who work globally. A reflexive capability is a characteristic of successful and innovative firms internationalising and working within global models of practice.


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In a forensic investigation, computer profiling is used to capture evidence and to examine events surrounding a crime. A rapid increase in the last few years in the volume of data needing examination has led to an urgent need for automation of profiling. In this paper, we present an efficient, automated event profiling approach to a forensic investigation for a computer system and its activity over a fixed time period. While research in this area has adopted a number of methods, we extend and adapt work of Marrington et al. based on a simple relational model. Our work differs from theirs in a number of ways: our object set (files, applications etc.) can be enlarged or diminished repeatedly during the analysis; the transitive relation between objects is used sparingly in our work as it tends to increase the set of objects requiring investigative attention; our objective is to reduce the volume of data to be analyzed rather than extending it. We present a substantial case study to illuminate the theory presented here. The case study also illustrates how a simple visual representation of the analysis could be used to assist a forensic team.