77 resultados para On-line communities


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There are many questions that need to be examined regarding the effect of urbanisation on bird communities. Surprisingly little research has focused on the urban environment, and its potential to contribute to the sustainability of biodiversity. During the Autumn of 2002 we conducted a study examining the effect of urbanisation on bird community structure and composition in the urban streetscape and park environment. In this study we compared the bird communities of urban woodland parks, streets dominated by established native trees, streets dominated by established exotic trees and new developments with limited established vegetation. Results from this study suggested that the composition of bird communities is highly variable and dependent on the type of site (ie: park or streetscape) and the type of vegetation present (native versus exotic). The most significant trend was the loss of native bird species in the transition from park to non-park habitats, and the loss of native bird species in exotic streetscapes when compared to native streetscapes. Introduced bird species showed an interesting relationship with more species being found in the new developments and the streetscapes with exotic vegetation. This relationship is further highlighted when the density of exotic species is examined. The proportion of the bird density attributed for by introduced birds differed significantly between the different habitat treatments. New developments and exotic streetscapes had significantly higher proportions of the bird density composed of introduced species when compared to parks and sites with native streetscapes. This talk will discuss the effect of urbanisation on avifaunal composition in Melbourne and suggest possible management recommendations.


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The Surf Coast Shire in regional Victoria contains some of the most spectacular coastline in Australia, running from Point Impossible in the east to just west of the resort town of Lorne. The Surf Coast Shire council is committed to ecologically sustainable tourism based on its coastal assets, including the important intertidal environments. The challenge for the Shire is to protect and enhance the biodiversity of its intertidal areas whilst allowing for their sustainable use as a critical component of the local economy. In order to do this the Council needed to identify the conservation values of intertidal areas within the shire and assess the impacts that current human use has on these values. The impacts of shellfish collecting on rocky shores were identified as an issue of particular concern. We have conducted a research project with the Shire to provide a scientific basis for management decisions. The principal aims of this project were to: (1) determine the patterns of human use of intertidal habitats; (2) measure the impacts of human usage on biological communities and species populations; and (3) to identify intertidal sites of regional conservation significance for the Surf Coast Shire. Surveys of human usage identified reef walking, looking in rock pools and fossicking as major uses of rocky shores within the Surf Coast. This poster reports the effects of this usage on gastropod populations of rocky shores within the Surf Coast Shire. A small proportion of visitors collected intertidal organisms. Shores were categorized as high or low use based on total numbers of people observed at each shore over the first year of the project. Mean size and catch per unit effort were compared for several gastropod species between high use and low use shores. The results presented here show that the populations of some gastropod species are of smaller mean size and less abundant on high use shores than on low use shores. There was also a noticeable difference in degree of effect detected between sandstone and mudstone shores. The implications of these results are briefly discussed in terms of management options available to the Shire.


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The move to provide increasingly flexible platforms for student learning and experience through provision of on-line lecture recordings, is often interpreted by students as meaning attendance at lectures is optional. The trend toward the use of such recordings is often met with resistance from some academic staff who cite anecdotal evidence that student attendance will reduce. This study aimed to explore students’ views of the use of on-line recorded lectures and to measure the impact of this technology on student attendance at lectures. A pre and post evaluation methodology was undertaken using a self-administered questionnaire that gathered both quantitative and qualitative data from students. Overall attendance was recorded at each lecture throughout the semester. Results indicated that attendance remained high throughout the semester and while only a minority of students used the recorded lectures, those who did found them to be helpful to their learning. Most students used the recordings to either supplement their learning or to make up a lecture that they had not been able to attend due to other circumstances. The study also provides evidence that contrary to popular belief, not all Generation Y students aspire to replace lectures with downloadable on-line versions. Many of the students in this study still valued the opportunity for interactive learning provided by face-to-face teaching. Finally, a model that outlines the attributes that contribute to quality teaching is used to describe how recording technology can contribute to positive student experiences and can enhance reflective teaching practices on the part of teachers.


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Prehension is a fundamental skill usually performed as part of a complex action sequence in everyday tasks. Using an information processing framework, these studies examined the effects of task complexity, defined by the number of component movement elements (MEs), on performance of prehension tasks. Of interest was how motor control and organisation might be influenced by age and/or motor competence. Three studies and two longitudinal case studies examined kinematic characteristics of prehension tasks involving one-, two- and three-MEs: reach and grasp (low-complexity); reach, grasp and object placement (moderate-complexity); and reach, grasp and double placement of object (high-complexity). A pilot study established the suitability of tasks and procedures for children aged 5-, 8- and 11-years and showed that responses to task complexity and object size manipulations were sensitive to developmental changes, with increasing age associated with faster movements. Study 2 explored complexity and age effects further for children aged 6- and 11-years and adults. Increasing age was associated with shorter and less variable movement times (MTs) and proportional deceleration phases (%DTs) across all MEs. Task complexity had no effect on simple reaction time (SRT), suggesting that there may be little preprogramming of movements beyond the first ME. In addition, MT was longer and more on-line corrections were evident for the high- compared to the moderate-complexity task for ME1. Task complexity had a greater influence on movements in ME2 and ME3 than ME1. Adults, but not children, showed task specific adaptations in ME2. Study 3 examined performance of children with different levels of motor competence aged between 5- and 10-years. Increasing age was associated with shorter SRTs, and MTs for ME1 only. A decrease in motor competence was associated with greater difficulty in planning and controlling movements as indicated by longer SRTs, higher %DTs and more on-line corrections, especially in ME2. Task complexity affected movements in all MEs, with a greater influence on ME1 compared to Study 2. Findings also indicated that performance in MEs following prehension may be especially sensitive to motor competence effects on movement characteristics. Case studies for two children at risk of Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD) revealed two different patterns of performance change over a 16-17 month period, highlighting the heterogeneous nature of DCD. Overall, findings highlighted age-related differences, and the role of motor competence, in the ability to adapt movements to task specific requirements. Results are useful in guiding movement education programmes for children with both age-appropriate and lower levels of motor competence.


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The objective of the work reported in this thesis was to design and implement an ecological effects environmental monitoring program which would: 1) Collect baseline biological information on sessile epibiotic fouling communities from an area adjacent to a petroleum refinery located on Corio Bay, Victoria, to allow comparison with results of future monitoring for the assessment of long term temporal water quality trends. 2) Detect and — if possible - estimate the magnitude of any influence on epibiotic fouling communities within the Corio Bay marine ecosystem attributable to operations at the Shell Petroleum Refinery. 3) Investigate the extent of thermal stratification and rate of dispersal of the petroleum refinery main cooling-water outfall plume (discharging up to 350,000 tonnes of warmed seawater per day), and its effect on epibiotic communities within the EPA-defined mixing zone. A major component of the work undertaken was the design and development of artificial-substrate biological sampling stations suitable for use under the conditions prevailing in Corio Bay, and the development of appropriate quantitative underwater photographic sampling techniques to fulfil the experimental criteria outlined above. Experimental and other constraints imposed on the design of the stations precluded the simple suspension of frames from jetties or pylons, a technique widely used in previous work of this type. Artificial substrate panels were deployed along three radial transects centred within and extending beyond the petroleum refinery main cooling-water mixing zone. Identical substrate panels were deployed at a number of control sites located throughout Corio Bay, each chosen for differences in their degree of exposure to such factors as water movement, depth, shipping traffic and/or comparable industrial activity. The rate of colonisation (space utilisation) and the development of epibiotic fouling communities on artificial substrate panels was monitored over two twelve-month sampling periods using quantitative underwater photographic sampling techniques. Sampling was conducted at 4-8 week intervals with the rate of panel colonisation and community structure determined via coverage measurements. Various species of marine algae, polychaete tubeworms, hydroids, barnacles, simple and colonial ascidians, sponges, bivalve molluscs and encrusting bryozoans were all detected growing on panels. Communities which established on panels within the cooling-water mixing-zone and those at control sites were compared using statistical procedures including agglomerative hierarchical cluster analysis. A photographic sample archive has been established to allow comparison with similar future studies.


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This paper reports on Information Technology (IT) secondary school educators in Victoria and their involvement in an online community of practice. It examined the social effects of the online mailing list technology on their participation and factors that influenced their collaboration with other colleagues. In mapping these elements, the motivations of educators and the effects on online communities of practice can be distilled and then used to build and sustain other architectures of participation. It was found that mailing list subscribers seem to trade a currency of support, thoughts, ideas and answers, which helped them in their day-to-day teaching. Online communities of practice provide a convenient way to keep up professional networks while continuing to stay abreast with subject specific knowledge and skills. The findings of this case study may be generalised to other educational mailing lists to guide designers and managers and inspire educators to join and ultimately benefit from these text based online environments.


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Sister City agreements have historically provided a goodwill platform for countries 10 undertake activities for the enhancement of peaceful and cooperative relations. They have also become instruments for cities 10 develop their own form of internationalization and to provide for specific activities of cullural,
educational or other similar cooperative exchanges between cities generally in different nations. Sisler City Relationships are broadly-based, officially approved, long-IeI'm partnership between two communities in two countries. Using on-line questionnaires distributed through the membership of Australian Sisler City Association (ASCA), this pilot study confirmed that the existing relationships are mainly focused on cultural exchange, education and council exchange. An overwhelming majority of the local governments, however, are ready for the
extension of the Sister City Relationship by developing business and economic related activities. in fact the pilot study confirms this research is timely and necessaty especially in developing policy guidelines and operation


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A good deal of investigation and development is underway in Australian universities into the possibilities for effective and efficient on-line and computer-based assessment. The current commercial ‘virtual learning environments’, which integrate various curriculum elements at subject level into a single software portal, usually offer various built-in options for student assessment. As well, many on-line assessment initiatives are being locally developed to suit specific curriculum needs.

There are many reasons why on-line assessment is being adopted by Australian universities. Many academics are seeking to diversify assessment tasks, broaden the range of skills assessed and provide students with more timely and informative feedback on their progress. Others are wishing to meet student expectations for more flexible delivery and to generate efficiencies in assessment that can ease academic staff workloads. All staff involved in such initiatives are discovering they face a large number of technical and educational decisions.

The move to on-line and computer based assessment is a natural outcome of the increasing use of information and communication technologies to enhance learning. As more students seek flexibility in their courses, it seems inevitable there will be growing expectations for flexible assessment as well.

At the same time, in a climate of increasing academic workloads, the adoption of on-line assessment may help to manage large volumes of marking and assessment-related administration efficiently. The automation of routine on-line tasks, in particular, may have the potential in the long-term to provide time/cost-efficient student assessment, though the present evidence suggests that some on-line assessment, at least in the early stages, can add significantly both to staff workload and to overall expenses.


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Objective To assess the effect of food taxes and subsidies on diet, body weight and health through a systematic review of the literature.

Methods We searched the English-language published and grey literature for empirical and modelling studies on the effects of monetary subsidies or taxes levied on specific food products on consumption habits, body weight and chronic conditions. Empirical studies were dealing with an actual tax, while modelling studies predicted outcomes based on a hypothetical tax or subsidy.

Findings Twenty-four studies met the inclusion criteria: 13 were from the peer-reviewed literature and 11 were published on line. There were 8 empirical and 16 modelling studies. Nine studies assessed the impact of taxes on food consumption only, 5 on consumption and body weight, 4 on consumption and disease and 6 on body weight only. In general, taxes and subsidies influenced consumption in the desired direction, with larger taxes being associated with more significant changes in consumption, body weight and disease incidence. However, studies that focused on a single target food or nutrient may have overestimated the impact of taxes by failing to take into account shifts in consumption to other foods. The quality of the evidence was generally low. Almost all studies were conducted in high-income countries.

Conclusion Food taxes and subsidies have the potential to contribute to healthy consumption patterns at the population level. However, current evidence is generally of low quality and the empirical evaluation of existing taxes is a research priority, along with research into the effectiveness and differential impact of food taxes in developing countries.


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Active travel (walking or cycling for transport) is an important contributor to adolescents overall physical activity (PA). This study examines associations between personal, social and environmental variables and active travel to and from school using data from a large observational study to examine active travel in 2961 year 6 and 8 students (48.7% male), aged 10–14 years (M = 11.4, SD = 0.8 yrs) from 231 schools. Participants completed an on-line survey and all reported living within 2 km of school. Data collected included mode of travel to and from school, self-reported health, and PA variables. Social environmental variables included having playgrounds, parks or gyms close by, feeling safe to walk alone, barriers to walking in the neighbourhood (e.g. traffic, no footpaths), peer and family support for PA, existence of sports teams/scout groups, community disorder and perceived neighbourhood safety. Results showed that while more girls (44.3%) than boys (37.4%) walked to school, lower proportions rode bikes (8.3% vs 22.4%) and hence fewer were active travellers overall. Logistic regression models, adjusted for age, location and socio-economic status were conducted for active travel to/from school, separately for boys and girls. Predictors for boys and girls being ‘active travellers’ to/from school included recreational facilities close to home, higher perceived safety of the neighbourhood and higher community disorder. For boys, social support from friends, scout groups available and higher enjoyment of physical activity was also important. These findings suggest areas for future research and may be used to guide strategies to increase active travel to and from school.


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The high sensitivity that can be attained using a bienzymatic system and mediated by the redox polymer [Os(bpy)2ClPyCH2NHpoly(allylamine)] (Os-PAA), has been verified by on-line interfacing of a rotating bioreactor and continuous-flow/stopped-flow/continuous-flow processing. When the hydrogen peroxide formed by LOx layer reaches the inner layer, the electronic flow between the immobilized peroxidase and the electrode surface produces a current, proportional to lactate concentration. The determination of lactate was possible with a limit of detection of 5 nmol l−1 in the processing of as many as 30 samples per hour. This arrangement allows working in undiluted milk samples with a good stability and reproducibility. Horseradish peroxidase [EC] and Os-PAA were covalently immobilized on the glassy carbon electrode surface (upper cell body), lactate oxidase [EC 1.1.3.x] was immobilized on a disk that can be rotated.


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Discontinuation or “dropout” from contact lens (CL) wear continues to afflict the CL industry. This study was conducted to determine whether the advent of new CL materials and designs has impacted the dropout rate and the reasons for discontinuation. Current and lapsed CL wearers residing in Canada were recruited using Facebook to take part in an on line survey investigating CL wearing experiences during 2008 to 2010 and to establish the percentage of participants who temporarily and permanently discontinued CL wear during the period surveyed. Four thousand two hundred seven eligible surveys were received (64% female; median age 27 years). Forty percent had lapsed from lens wear for at least 4 months; however, 62% of the lapsed wearers (LWs) resumed wear. There were no differences between LWs and nonlapsed wearers (NLWs) with respect to gender; however, LWs were older, started lens wear when older, and had not worn lenses for as long as NLWs (all P<0.001). More NLWs than LWs wore silicone hydrogel CLs (49% vs. 38%, P<0.001) and more LWs than NLWs wore daily disposable lenses and hydrogel CLs (24% vs. 19% and 22% vs. 18%, respectively, P≤0.001). Primary reasons for discontinuation were discomfort (24%), dryness (20%), red eyes (7%), and expense (7%). Compliance with lens replacement was no different between LWs and NLWs (48% vs. 45%). About 23% of those surveyed had discontinued CL wear permanently. The primary reasons for dropping out continue to be discomfort and dryness. Dropout rates were lower in silicone hydrogel wearers.


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BACKGROUND: What study participants think about the nature of a study has been hypothesised to affect subsequent behaviour and to potentially bias study findings. In this trial we examine the impact of awareness of study design and allocation on participant drinking behaviour. METHODS/DESIGN: A three-arm parallel group randomised controlled trial design will be used. All recruitment, screening, randomisation, and follow-up will be conducted on-line among university students. Participants who indicate a hazardous level of alcohol consumption will be randomly assigned to one of three groups. Group A will be informed their drinking will be assessed at baseline and again in one month (as in a cohort study design). Group B will be told the study is an intervention trial and they are in the control group. Group C will be told the study is an intervention trial and they are in the intervention group. All will receive exactly the same brief educational material to read. After one month, alcohol intake for the past 4 weeks will be assessed. DISCUSSION: The experimental manipulations address subtle and previously unexplored ways in which participant behaviour may be unwittingly influenced by standard practice in trials. Given the necessity of relying on self-reported outcome, it will not be possible to distinguish true behaviour change from reporting artefact. This does not matter in the present study, as any effects of awareness of study design or allocation involve bias that is not well understood. There has been little research on awareness effects, and our outcomes will provide an indication of the possible value of further studies of this type and inform hypothesis generation. TRIAL REGISTRATION: Australia and New Zealand Clinical Trials Register (ANZCTR): ACTRN12610000846022.


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Abstract: The evolution of online teaching in higher education demands a change in the types of pedagogical philosophies and methods used in these courses. This chapter will discuss how a jigsaw model facilitated independent learning and enhanced student learning by working in teams. To accomplish this objective each student needed to communicate with a small group of other students on line and contribute equally for a common goal. A parallel aim was to overcome postgraduate students’ reluctance to utilise technology and communicate within the Cloud, in particular when student groups are big. The authors have found that postgraduate students often experience a sense of learning in isolation. An added benefit was the social dimension experienced within the activity. The chapter will reveal how a jigsaw style integrated learning tool was a successful collaborative learning experience in a classroom setting. The jigsaw activity was designed to enable students to share ‘artefacts’ and knowledge with a small group of students and the lecturer by using the E-Portfolio.  In conclusion, it will be argued that this creative and innovative participatory Cloud learning experience offered more students the opportunity to collaborate within a team in the Cloud. This E-portfolio learning activity introduced the electronic style of information sharing to postgraduate students and additionally the interactive and creative jigsaw learning activity assisted students to navigate the Cloud, use E-portfolio and engage in an environment in which they felt comfortable to communicate in.


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People are increasingly using social media, especially online communities, to discuss mental health issues and seek supports. Understanding topics, interaction, sentiment and clustering structures of these communities informs important aspects of mental health. It can potentially add knowledge to the underlying cognitive dynamics, mood swings patterns, shared interests, and interaction. There has been growing research interest in analyzing online mental health communities; however sentiment analysis of these communities has been largely under-explored. This study presents an analysis of online Live Journal communities with and without mental health-related conditions including depression and autism. Latent topics for mood tags, affective words, and generic words in the content of the posts made in these communities were learned using nonparametric topic modelling. These representations were then input into a nonparametric clustering to discover meta-groups among the communities. The best performance results can be achieved on clustering communities with latent mood-based representation for such communities. The study also found significant differences in usage latent topics for mood tags and affective features between online communities with and without affective disorders. The findings reveal useful insights into hyper-group detection of online mental health-related communities.