122 resultados para Antidepressant Medication


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Background / Purpose: To determine if clinically effective deep brain stimulation (DBS) of neurosurgical targets for treatment-resistant depression regulates transient mesoaccumbens dopamine release in control and antidepressant-resistant animals (rats).

Main conclusion: In control rats, DBS stimulation of either the nucleus accumbens or infralimbic cortex significantly attenuated transient mesoaccumbens dopamine efflux, with nucleus accumbens DBS inducing a greater attenuation than infralimbic DBS. High frequency DBS of both targets induced long-term depression of transient accumbens dopamine release, lasting > 2hr post DBS.

Conversely, in antidepressant-resistant rats, infralimbic DBS significantly potentiated transient mesoaccumbens dopamine efflux during stimulation, but failed to induce long-lasting changes in neurotransmission. This suggests that a key mechanism of DBS for treatment-resistant depression is the regulation of dysfunctional mesoaccumbens dopamine neurotransmission.


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Antidepressants are amongst the most commonly prescribed classes of drugs and their use continues to grow. The World Health Organisation estimates that depression effects approximately 121 million people worldwide, with 26 million people receiving some form of medical care for depression [1]. A large number of these people will be treated with antidepressants. Moreover, antidepressants are commonly administered to special populations, such as the elderly, children and women during reproductive life stages. Depression is also commonly associated with comorbid physical illnesses [2], being overweight [3], tobacco smoking [4], poor diet [5] and lack of physical activity [6]. Large numbers of people being treated, often with vulnerabilities, increases the likelihood of adverse drug reactions to antidepressant treatment.


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Aims and objectives
To explore the effects of introducing an electronic medication management system on reported medication errors.
Computerised medication management systems have been found to improve medication safety; however, introducing medication management system into healthcare environments can create unanticipated or new problems and opportunities for medication error.
Descriptive analysis of medication error reports.
This was a retrospective analysis of 359 incident reports drawn from the period of 1 May 2005–30 April 2006 across two hospital sites of a single not-for-profit private health service located in metropolitan Melbourne. Site A used a conventional pen and paper system for medication management, and Site B had introduced a computerised medication management system.
Most medication errors occurred at the nurse administration (71·5%) and prescribing (16·4%) stages of delivery. The most common medication error type reported at Site A was omission (33%), and at Site B was wrong documentation (24·2%). A higher proportion of errors at the prescribing phase, and less nurse administration errors, were detected at Site B where the medication management system was in use. The incidence of other, less frequent errors was similar across the two hospital sites.
This examination of medication error reports suggests there are differences in the types of medication errors that are reported in association with the introduction of electronic medication management system compared to pen and paper system systems. The findings provide a new insight into the effects of introducing an electronic medication management system on the types of medication errors reported.
Relevance to clinical practice
The findings provide a new insight into the types of medication errors that are reported during implementation of an electronic medication management system. Extra support for physicians prescribing practices should be considered.


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Studies have shown a correlation between bipolar disorder and diabetes mellitus. It is unclear if this correlation is a part of common pathophysiological pathways, or if medication for bipolar disorder has negative effects on blood sugar regulation.
The Norwegian prescription database was analyzed. Prescriptions for lithium, lamotrigine, carbamazepine and valproate were used as proxies for bipolar disorder. Prescriptions for insulin and oral anti-diabetic agents were used as proxies for diabetes mellitus. We explored the association between medication for bipolar disorder and diabetes medication by logistic regression
We found a strong association between concomitant use of medication to treat diabetes mellitus and mood stabilizers for the treatment of bipolar disorder. Females had a 30% higher risk compared to men of being treated for both disorders. Persons using oral anti-diabetic agents had higher odds of receiving valproate than either lithium or lamotrigine. Use of insulin as monotherapy seemed to have lower odds than oral anti-diabetic agents of co-prescription of mood stabilizers, compared to the general population.
This study showed a strong association between the use of mood stabilizers and anti-diabetic agents. The association was stronger among women than men.


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Background Phosphate binder medication adherence is required to maintain optimal phosphate levels and minimise bone disease in people with end stage kidney disease.

Objectives To examine the impact of a nurse-led education intervention on bone disorder markers, adherence to phosphate binder medication and medication knowledge.

Design Descriptive study with a paired pre–post intervention survey.

Participants Adults receiving haemodialysis.

Methods Twelve-week intervention where patients self-administered their phosphate binder medication at each dialysis treatment. Nurses provided individualised education. Patients completed a pre- and post-intervention survey designed to explore their knowledge of phosphate binders.

Results There were no statistically significant changes in clinical markers but a significant improvement in the proportion of patients who took their phosphate binder correctly, increasing from 44 to 72% (p = 0.016). There were moderate to large effect size changes for improved knowledge.

Conclusions A nurse-led intervention education programme can increase patients' phosphate binder adherence. However, this does not necessarily manifest into improved serum phosphate levels.


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Background: After an acute cardiac event, adhering to recommendations for pharmacologic therapy is important in achieving optimal health outcomes. Considering the impressive evidence base for cardiovascular pharmacotherapy, strategies for promoting adherence are less well developed. Furthermore, accessing reliable, valid, and cost-effective mechanisms of monitoring adherence in the research and clinical settings is challenging. Aim: The aim of this article was to review published self-report measures assessing and monitoring medication adherence in cardiovascular disease and provide recommendations for research into medication adherence. Methods: The electronic databases CINAHL, Medline, and Science Direct were searched using the key search terms medication adherence and/or compliance, cardiovascular, self-report measures, and questionnaires. The World Wide Web was searched using the Google and Google Scholar search engines, and reference lists of retrieved documents were reviewed. The search strategy was verified by a health librarian. Instruments were included if they specifically addressed medication adherence as a discrete construct rather than a disease-specific or a generic health status measurement. Findings: Despite of the problems with medication adherence identified in the literature, only 7 instruments met the search criteria. There was limited use of instruments across studies and settings to enable comparison across populations and extensive psychometric evaluation. Conclusions: Medication adherence is a complex, multifaceted construct dependent on a range of physical, social, economic, and psychological considerations. In spite of the importance of adherence in ensuring optimal cardiovascular outcomes, conceptual underpinnings and methods of assessing medication adherence require further discussion and debate.


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The risk-benefit profile of antidepressant medications in bipolar disorder is controversial. When conclusive evidence is lacking, expert consensus can guide treatment decisions. The International Society for Bipolar Disorders (ISBD) convened a task force to seek consensus recommendations on the use of antidepressants in bipolar disorders.

An expert task force iteratively developed consensus through serial consensus-based revisions using the Delphi method. Initial survey items were based on systematic review of the literature. Subsequent surveys included new or reworded items and items that needed to be rerated. This process resulted in the final ISBD Task Force clinical recommendations on antidepressant use in bipolar disorder.

There is striking incongruity between the wide use of and the weak evidence base for the efficacy and safety of antidepressant drugs in bipolar disorder. Few well-designed, long-term trials of prophylactic benefits have been conducted, and there is insufficient evidence for treatment benefits with antidepressants combined with mood stabilizers. A major concern is the risk for mood switch to hypomania, mania, and mixed states. Integrating the evidence and the experience of the task force members, a consensus was reached on 12 statements on the use of antidepressants in bipolar disorder.

Because of limited data, the task force could not make broad statements endorsing antidepressant use but acknowledged that individual bipolar patients may benefit from antidepressants. Regarding safety, serotonin reuptake inhibitors and bupropion may have lower rates of manic switch than tricyclic and tetracyclic antidepressants and norepinephrine-serotonin reuptake inhibitors. The frequency and severity of antidepressant-associated mood elevations appear to be greater in bipolar I than bipolar II disorder. Hence, in bipolar I patients antidepressants should be prescribed only as an adjunct to mood-stabilizing medications.


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Purpose of review: This article reviews recent literature published over the period March 2012–August 2013 on antidepressant pharmacogenetics, with a focus on clinical translation and methodological challenges.

Recent findings: Recently, various polymorphisms associated with differential antidepressant efficacy, tolerability, and safety have emerged in association studies, but mixed findings, limited effect sizes, and poor control of confounders have prevented findings translating to practice. Although promising steps have been made, empirically robust clinically translatable pharmacogenetic tests are not yet established. The complex neurobiology of major depressive disorder (MDD) together with the evolving understanding of genetic processes present research challenges for clinical translation.

Summary: Early reports of clinical utility are published. The current evidence base for antidepressant pharmacogenetics is, however, not yet empirically robust enough to inform routine prescribing guidelines. Over the coming years, genetically guided versus unguided trials will help determine if antidepressant pharmacogenetics merits more widespread application.


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Medication calculation and administration are commonly performed nursing tasks. A consequence of this frequency is thepotential for a higher incidence of medication-related errors. One strategy to assess proficiency in medication calculation is an annual medication calculation competency quiz. Traditionally, these quizzes are done in paper form at an institutional level and require educators or managers to administer and mark the quiz manually by hand. This paper discusses the rationale, challenges and peer-review process associated with the development of an e-learning programme designed to assess proficiency in medication calculation and the quality use of renal medicines.


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Background : Patient participation in medication management during hospitalization is thought to reduce medication errors and, following discharge, improve adherence and therapeutic use of medications. There is, however, limited understanding of how patients participate in their medication management while hospitalized.Objective : To explore patient participation in the context of medication management during a hospital admission for a cardiac surgical intervention of patients with cardiovascular disease.Design : Single institution, case study design. The unit of analysis was a cardiothoracic ward of a major metropolitan, tertiary referral hospital in Melbourne, Australia. Multiple methods of data collection were used including pre-admission and pre-discharge patient interviews (n = 98), naturalistic observations (n = 48) and focus group interviews (n = 2).Results : All patients had changes made to their pre-operative cardiovascular medications as a consequence of surgery. More patients were able to list and state the purpose and side-effects of their cardiovascular medications at pre-admission than prior to discharge from hospital. There was very little evidence that nurses used opportunities such as medication administration times to engage patients in medication management during hospital admission.Discussion and Conclusions : Failure to engage patients in medication management and provide opportunities for patients to learn about changes to their medications has implications for the quality and safety of care patients receive in hospital and when managing their medications once discharged. To increase the opportunity for patients to participate in medication management, a fundamental shift in the way nurses currently provide care is required.