59 resultados para interactive learning


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This article discusses the design of social networking sites created through a PhD action research study. Social and participatory media was used as an active, flexible and motivating learning management system. The study investigated ways in which a social learning framework could be designed for students aged 13 to 16 and aimed to encourage student knowledge growth through peer-to-peer interaction while supporting both formal and informal learning. New literacies and multimodality were infused into the design. It was found that the practitioner-researcher’s cycles of planning, acting, observing and reflecting, action research, provided a mechanism for scaffolding the redesign of curriculum content and instruction. Social media in education can be dynamic, interactive and appreciated (SMEDIA) by the students.


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Blended learning models are widely-used, successful training vehicles for e-learning and workplace training, in corporate as well as higher education environments. Increasingly, Web 2.0 applications, imbedded within blended learning models, are being recognized for their utility in these settings. Concern for the sustainability and relevance of nonprofit organizations has sharpened the interest in building effective capacity-building models for the sector. Can Web 2.0 technologies enhance capacity-building models in the Third Sector? Because blended learning is a remarkably adaptable and fluid model, its potential for transforming capacity-building models in the nonprofit sector is thought to be significant. This paper introduces the concept of transformational approaches to capacity-building and asks if blended learning paradigms that incorporate interactive next-generation technologies might strike a responsive chord in the sector. The authors present research to date on blended learning and capacity-building to lay the foundation for the introduction of one blended learning model for training and education in the nonprofit sector. While the authors suggest that blended learning, as it is evolving, is the key to driving innovation in capacity-building models, they recognize that tailoring blended learning to the audience is critical in achieving success. It is suggested that for optimal results, capacity-building efforts should be built on holistic approaches to the integration of individual self-actualization goals with mechanisms for organizational and sector empowerment, using the technologies imbedded with blended learning. © 2011 Springer-Verlag.


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Experience to date in for-profit as well as in educational settings has demonstrated that blended learning models are effective training vehicles for online instruction and workplace training. Increasingly, technology is playing a critical role in how e-learning is being delivered. Concern for the sustainability and relevance of nonprofit organizations has heightened interest in building effective capacity-building models for the sector. Because blended learning is a remarkably adaptable and fluid model, its potential for transforming capacity-building models in the nonprofit sector can be significant. Are web-based technologies enhancing capacity-building models in the Third Sector? This chapter explores the use of blended learning models within different educational environments to provide the context for asking the question: can blended learning paradigms that incorporate interactive next-generation technologies be widely accepted and implemented in the Third Sector? To establish a baseline for future studies, researchers surveyed nonprofit practitioners in Western Pennsylvania, US and Victoria, Australia. Results from three surveys conducted in 2011 reflect an awareness of the value of web-based training and education for nonprofit practitioners, but do not provide evidence of widespread usage. © 2013 Nova Science Publishers, Inc. All rights reserved.


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Learning management systems (LMS) have been a popular tool for delivery of learning content as well as the management of learners and courses. In recent years, the ubiquity of mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets has seen the increased popularity of using them to consume eBooks. While the LMS is popular among administrators, accessing content on mobile devices appear to be the preference of our learners. Furthermore, there are reports on a number of shortcomings with learners using the LMS, e.g., the experience of using LMSes on mobile devices falling short and learners are less engaged interacting with the LMS than with their mobile devices, etc. In this paper, we investigate the idea of using eBooks as an alternative frontend for learners to interact with the LMS. A proof of concept eBook was developed for a data management course to showcase how content on the LMS can be deployed via the eBook interface while connecting our learners to the LMS for learning management. We find that this approach delivers a rich and immersive experience to our learners, as they would expect from their devices. The outcomes also gave us food for thought regarding how LMSes may evolve in the future.


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Abstract: The evolution of online teaching in higher education demands a change in the types of pedagogical philosophies and methods used in these courses. This chapter will discuss how a jigsaw model facilitated independent learning and enhanced student learning by working in teams. To accomplish this objective each student needed to communicate with a small group of other students on line and contribute equally for a common goal. A parallel aim was to overcome postgraduate students’ reluctance to utilise technology and communicate within the Cloud, in particular when student groups are big. The authors have found that postgraduate students often experience a sense of learning in isolation. An added benefit was the social dimension experienced within the activity. The chapter will reveal how a jigsaw style integrated learning tool was a successful collaborative learning experience in a classroom setting. The jigsaw activity was designed to enable students to share ‘artefacts’ and knowledge with a small group of students and the lecturer by using the E-Portfolio.  In conclusion, it will be argued that this creative and innovative participatory Cloud learning experience offered more students the opportunity to collaborate within a team in the Cloud. This E-portfolio learning activity introduced the electronic style of information sharing to postgraduate students and additionally the interactive and creative jigsaw learning activity assisted students to navigate the Cloud, use E-portfolio and engage in an environment in which they felt comfortable to communicate in.


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This article reports on the evaluation of an interactive interviewer training system with a large, heterogeneous sample of investigative interviewers of children. The system, delivered predominantly through computer-assisted learning activities, focused on how to elicit important evidential details from child witnesses in a narrative format. Two studies are reported, each adopting a pre-versus posttraining design. Study 1 examined the effect of the training on trainees' (N = 92) performance, using mock interviews where an actor played the role of the child in a highly controlled manner. Study 2 examined the effect of the training on field interviews (N = 156) conducted prior to and after the training. Five measures were analyzed: (a) proportion of interviewer question types, (b) proportion of desirable interviewer behaviors, (c) adherence to the interview protocol, (d) interview length, and (e) the quality of evidential information sought. Overall, the findings provide clear support for the utility of the training system. Irrespective of the type of interview or measure, adherence to best-practice interviewing increased from pre- to posttraining, with some evidence supporting sustained performance 12 months after there had been no intervening training or supervision. The implication is that there is now an evidence-based alternative to the traditional classroom-based training system for investigative interviewers. Suggestions for future research are also discussed.


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It is well established that teacher-student interactive talk is critically important in supporting students to reason and learn in science. Teachers’ discursive moves in responding to student input are keys to developing and supporting a rich vein of interactive discussion. While initiation-response-evaluation (IRE) sequences have been shown to dominate science classroom discourse patterns worldwide, teacher ‘prompts’ are important for opening up opportunities for reasoning and higher level learning. This paper describes the analysis of video sequences for five expert elementary teachers across three countries to develop a coding scheme for these teachers’ ‘discursive moves’ to guide and respond to student inputs, that unpacks more completely the strategies they use to develop interactive discussion. The analysis showed varied patterns of knowledge transaction, with teacher discursive moves serving three broad purposes: to elicit and acknowledge student responses, to clarify and to extend student ideas. The patterns of talk were also related to the dialogic-authoritative distinction in analysis of talk, to show that this distinction is only clear for particular types of expert practice. While the particular moves teachers use vary across parts of lessons we argue that they are revealing of teachers’ particular beliefs and of systemic constraints, and that there exist patterns in the use of the discursive categories that capture how expert teachers build deeper level knowledge in classroom interactive talk. We describe ways in which the analysis can inform science teacher education and the professional learning of teachers of science.


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The Project Oriented Design Based Learning (PODBL) is a teaching and learning approach (TLA) that is based on engineering design activities undertaken during a project. PODBL encourages independent learning and a deep approach to student learning outcomes. The Centre for Advanced Design in Engineering Training (CADET) is a new engineering building with cutting edge technology facilities at Deakin University. It acts as a catalyst for a pedagogical change in the way that Engineering is delivered. This paper is focused on the role of the facilitator in a project/design based learning environment and it also looks in to appropriate staff development training for a project/design based learning environment.


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In this paper, we tackle the incompleteness of user rating history in the context of collaborative filtering for Top-N recommendations. Previous research ignore a fact that two rating patterns exist in the user × item rating matrix and influence each other. More importantly, their interactive influence characterizes the development of each other, which can consequently be exploited to improve the modelling of rating patterns, especially when the user × item rating matrix is highly incomplete due to the well-known data sparsity issue. This paper proposes a Rating Pattern Subspace to iteratively re-optimize the missing values in each user’s rating history by modelling both the global and the personal rating patterns simultaneously. The basic idea is to project the user × item rating matrix on a low-rank subspace to capture the global rating patterns. Then, the projection of each individual user on the subspace is further optimized according to his/her own rating history and the captured global rating patterns. Finally, the optimized user projections are used to improve the modelling of the global rating patterns. Based on this subspace, we propose a RapSVD-L algorithm for Top-N recommendations. In the experiments, the performance of the proposed method is compared with the state-of-the-art Top-N recommendation methods on two real datasets under various data sparsity levels. The experimental results show that RapSVD-L outperforms the compared algorithms not only on the all items recommendations but also on the long tail item recommendations in terms of accuracy.


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Active video games are an emerging genre of electronic games that provide engaging exercise experiences by combining physical exertion with interactive game play. As such they have attracted increased interest from health promotion professionals to reduce sedentary behavior, increase physical activity, and improve health outcomes such as body composition. However their potential for enhancing the educational experience has not been extensively explored. This paper provides a brief overview of active video game research to date and outlines opportunities for future research. Specifically, we highlight the need to develop a conceptual framework to better understand the determinants, mediators, moderators, and consequences of active video gaming and integrate learning and health outcomes. Wepropose that active video games can be a key part of a wider “digital” supportive environment where education and health researchers and professionals work with, rather than against, video game technologies to promote learning and health.


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BACKGROUND: High-fidelity simulation pedagogy is of increasing importance in health professional education; however, face-to-face simulation programs are resource intensive and impractical to implement across large numbers of students. OBJECTIVES: To investigate undergraduate nursing students' theoretical and applied learning in response to the e-simulation program-FIRST2ACT WEBTM, and explore predictors of virtual clinical performance. DESIGN AND SETTING: Multi-center trial of FIRST2ACT WEBTM accessible to students in five Australian universities and colleges, across 8 campuses. PARTICIPANTS: A population of 489 final-year nursing students in programs of study leading to license to practice. METHODS: Participants proceeded through three phases: (i) pre-simulation-briefing and assessment of clinical knowledge and experience; (ii) e-simulation-three interactive e-simulation clinical scenarios which included video recordings of patients with deteriorating conditions, interactive clinical tasks, pop up responses to tasks, and timed performance; and (iii) post-simulation feedback and evaluation. Descriptive statistics were followed by bivariate analysis to detect any associations, which were further tested using standard regression analysis. RESULTS: Of 409 students who commenced the program (83% response rate), 367 undergraduate nursing students completed the web-based program in its entirety, yielding a completion rate of 89.7%; 38.1% of students achieved passing clinical performance across three scenarios, and the proportion achieving passing clinical knowledge increased from 78.15% pre-simulation to 91.6% post-simulation. Knowledge was the main independent predictor of clinical performance in responding to a virtual deteriorating patient R(2)=0.090, F(7, 352)=4.962, p<0.001. DISCUSSION: The use of web-based technology allows simulation activities to be accessible to a large number of participants and completion rates indicate that 'Net Generation' nursing students were highly engaged with this mode of learning. CONCLUSION: The web-based e-simulation program FIRST2ACTTM effectively enhanced knowledge, virtual clinical performance, and self-assessed knowledge, skills, confidence, and competence in final-year nursing students.


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Educational institutions recognised that the distance education mode is a preferred way to combine study with life, family and work commitments for distance learners. Distance education has played an important role in the provision of educational equity for distance learners who live in remote Australian communities. Engaging students and academic staff will always enhance student-learning outcomes to ensure a positive experience in distance education. It can be effectively achieved through collaborative learning. In distance education, academic staff and students face a number of challenges such as lack of student motivation, high student attrition rates, and a sense of isolation from a university community. Collaborative learning experience will enhance learner-staff and learner-learner interactions in distance learning, which can be achieved through developing a learning process. The learning process for distance learners involves student-learning strategy, Staff interactive sessions, peer-to-peer support, e-assessment, and self-realization of graduate learning outcomes. This distance learning process is confined for Deakin University learning environment, however the expectations is that the distance learning will be more mainstream in future of learning and teaching in Australian institutions. The focus of this research is to analyse and share collaborative learning experience of distance learners (off-campus) students in project management unit. It helps to analyse the barriers in distance education and finding ways to initiate collaborative programs in future. It also helps to fulfil the distance learners’ expectations on program delivery.


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Interpretations of “literacy” and approaches to literacy pedagogy and assessment are under renewal as meaning-making and learning are increasingly situated in digitized environments. While the implications of these shifts are in part technological, they are also relational, as students are increasingly positioned as interactive with participatory roles in self-knowledge and increased responsibility for their learning. However, while shifts are occurring in understandings of literacy and approaches to literacy pedagogy, the same cannot be said for the way in which assessments of digital literacies are undertaken. There is a lack of valid, reliable, and practical assessments of new literacies to inform and help students to become better prepared for study, work, and citizenship in digital environments. This article maps five characteristics of effective formative assessment in print-based classrooms with seven affordancesin digital learning and assessment to suggest an analytical framework for examining teacher and student assessment in digital environments. Drawing on data from a research project in which a team of teachers introduced a one-to-one computing program and worked to renew their literacy assessment practices, this article discusses how each of the seven affordances are enacted in the assessment practices in a years five and six primary school classroom. The findings from this research project show that educational technologies have the potential to enable new approaches to teaching, learning, and assessment that better align with the needs of twenty-first century literacy learners. The findings alsosupport approaches to formative assessment that value print and multimodality and engage students in more flexible and differentiated ways. They can enable teachers and students to be re-positioned as designers, knowledge producers, and collaborative learners. The seven affordances provide a framework that holds rich possibilities for teacher learning and planning as prompts to support reflection on formative assessment practices, critique habitual practices, and considernew opportunities.


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Using live streaming with blended learning helps engage off- and on campus students in real time and enhances the off-campus experience by incorporating synchronous activities in addition to the usual asynchronous interactions. Research into the effective use of blended learning frameworks offers opportunities to create course experiences that are personal, relevant, and engaging. Challenges include integrating appropriate technology and managing it effectively throughout the course. Results from practical experiments will likely guide future learning and teaching endeavors using technology for inclusive, interactive, and collaborative learning for on- and off-campus students.